Part 4

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He paced the length of his room giving occasional glances towards his Di who was sitting on his bed crying her heart out.He released a resigned sigh.

"Di, will you please for heaven's sake stop crying? It is getting on my nerves."

Anjali looked up at him with her bloodshot eyes.Arnav's heart softened seeing her this broken.If it was up to him he would give her everything but in this matter he was helpless.He can't see her like this but he can't break this marriage either.

"Di, try to understand..Whatever you are saying isn't possible.After what you have told me, if Anant wanted to be with you then he wouldn't have agreed to marry Khu..Khushi.." Even the name of Khushi with someone else pricked him.

"Chote, there is still a chance.If you make Khushi agree to say NO to this marriage then Anant will come back to me.I will apologize to him everyday and i am sure he will forgive me one day.Please Chote stop this marriage."

Arnav looked at her in disbelief.

" you even know what you are saying?"

"I know Chote.Don't you want to be with Khushi? Stopping this marriage will benefit you as well."

"Di i want to be with her but not by forcing her.She wants to marry Anant not me.I can't force her this time.I have hurt her so much, not..not anymore di...I can't do this one more time.."

"Not even for me?"

" you are making it difficult for me" he cried out in sheer helplessness.

"Answer me Chote..Can't you do this for me? I swear this will go in favor of all.Anant loves me and even Khushi loves you.They both are just hurt and aren't thinking rationally and have taken this hasty decision.If their marriage stopped, me and you, we both will get time to pacify them.Think about it Chote.Your Arush and Khushi both will be with you for lifetime if you succeeded in pacifying Khushi.You won't have to travel back and forth in between Lucknow and Delhi to meet Arush.They both will be yours for always...for forever"

Anjali's words made his heart flutter.He went into deep thinking.The way Anjali had put it all made his heart hope and the picture her words presented was too good to be ignored.He, Khushi and Arush under one roof living happily.The thought itself was so magical and heartwarming that he felt his eyes prick with unshed tears.

"Arush! Arush! Be careful baccha.Don't run this fast.You will fall down and hurt yourself" Khushi shouted running behind a 6 year old Arush but the junior ASR continued his pace and bumped into Arnav who has entered the garden smiling at his wife and daughter.

"Dekhiye na ArnavJI..Apka beta hamari koi baat nahi sunta bilkul apki tarah(See Arnavji...Your son don't listen to anything i say, just like you...)" she whined pouting like a child.Arnav chuckled.She herself is still a child..he mused lovingly.

Leaning down to his son's level, Arnav winked at Arush who like a smart child understood his father's naughty plan and winked back.

"Really sweetheart? Hum apki koi baat nahi sunte?(I don't listen to any of your orders?)" Arnav asked naughtily.Arush bit back a smile at his mother's expressions.

"Haww!" Khushi gasped mortified at his' use of endearment before their son."How many times do i have to tell you that don't call me that' before Arush" she whispered coming close to him.

"Haww? What haww? Maine kya bulaya tumhe? Aap' hi to bulaya..Issme galat kya hai?(What did i call you? I just called you Aap'...What is wrong in that?)" he said innocently.

"Hum Aap' ki baat nahi kar rahe..Hum..hum..(I...I wasn't talking about 'Aap'..I..I..)" Khushi turned red amusing Arnav...Only the use of sweetheart' could make her go all red.

"Hum...Hum..Kya Khushi?(I...I..What Khushi?)" he teased her.Arush knew what was to come seeing how his father was looking at his mother and he didn't want to witness IT' again.It will spoil his small, little, innocent brain as his adorable mother called it SO he slipped out of the scene silently.


"K..K..Kuch... nahi?(N..n...nothing?)" he imitated her closing the distance between them...

Khushi gulped "Haan..Hamara k saa..mne..(Yesss..I" she stuttered seeing him coming closer and closer...


"CHOTE!!!" His Di's voice even in reality broke his beautiful day dream and swallowing he left turning deaf ears to his di calls...


He roamed around in city thinking of his dream and his Di's words..

Think about it Chote.Your Arush and Khushi both will be with you for lifetime if you succeeded in pacifying Khushi.

Dekhiye na ArnavJI..Apka beta hamari koi baat nahi sunta bilkul apki tarah(Look Arnavji, your son doesn't listen to to anything.)

They both will be yours for always...for forever...

He felt nostalgic and an anguished cry escaped his lips.He felt he was on cross road..There were two ways and it doesn't matter which path he took as hurt and pain were inevitable in either case.

If he accepts Di's pleads and stops this marriage by forcing Khushi(because he knew Khushi won't agree otherwise) then he would be hurting Khushi like always which will cut him into shreds eventually...

If he didn't accept Di's words and went to prepare Khushi's marriage with Anant.Even that will choke him to a silent painful death from within..and also his Di will be unhappy..

But can he again force the woman he love for his own benefit? For his Di?

The answer and the decision was difficult...hell difficult and he knew the coming days will going to be toughest for him because he will have to make a decision and that too very soon...very very soon..


"Khushi, remember your promise? A day out with me?" Arnav called Khushi at night.

There was silence for some minutes on the other side as Arnav waited impatiently.

"Yes..I remember!" she replied after a minute.

"So? Can i take you out with me tomorrow?" he asked desperately not hiding his eagerness.


"Han Kal..Why? Are you busy? I mean any other plan" he didn't realize he was gritting his teeth while asking that.

"Uh..Han. Tomorrow me and Anant are going out for the shopping" she said shredding his heart into million pieces...How can she be so cruel? She knows it will cut him, pain him..

He closed his eyes to gather his broken demeanor "O...Okay.You yourself tell me on which day you will be free.We will plan it for that day" he asked putting a stone on his heart, his vision blurred with tears.

"The day after tomorrow" she said and cut the call in an instant.Arnav continued to look at his phone for a few minutes before he broke down burying his face into the pillows.

Khushi didn't know why she lied to Arnav about the shopping thing.She knew it'll hurt him the most but she did it deliberately to tear him apart and only if she knew how much successful she was in her plan because there in his room the great Arnav Singh Raizada was crying and cursing his fate and himself for bringing this day into his life when he will have to make an appointment to meet her...His Khushi..


"Khush? Why are you crying? Please tell me?" Anant asked pulling her in a comforting hug patting her back.

"I did it deliberately Anantji..." she sobbed out.

"What did you do?" he asked confused.

"I lied to him that i am going with you on shopping today.I don't know why i did that.I don't know why i wanted to hurt him.It just happened on a reflex when he asked me about my promise to spend a day with him.I am feeling so guilty very guilty.I am not like this..I was not like this..I never hurt anyone unintentionally.The thing that i hurt someone deliberately is killing me..It is killing me more because it's Arnavji." She clutched him tightly.

Anant didn't know what to say but he can't see his best friend this broken..

"SO what?" he said startling her...She broke the hug and looked at him disbelief.

"He has done so much more and in all this, what you did was just a small or say a minute revenge..."

"Anantji what.."

"I am not saying that you did right Khushi but it isn't something that you should be this guilty..Okay?"

"But i lied.."

"Okay that is the problem na? That you lied huh..We will go on a shopping today so it won't remain a lie anymore..What say?" he asked smiling reassuringly to which after some time she nodded smiling relieved that her lie won't be a lie anymore...

"Remember this Khush..Whatever happens we both are in this together.From next week our wedding preparations are going to start and there will come many moments when you will feel pity on him and even i know Anjali's condition may put me on edge to console her but we will have to be strong if we want to move on..We can't let ourselves be broken for the second time because of them, Right?" he said to her softly and kissed her forehead..

Khushi nodded understanding his words...She has to be strong.

"And one more thing Khush.."

Khushi looked at him confused as he took her hands in his..

"No matter what..I am always there for you.As your best friend and in future as your husband..I won't back off from my responsibilities ever.Never ever hesitate to share anything with me, okay?"

Khushi nodded feeling elated after sharing it with him.


He was excited, nervous, apprehensive as well as a bit sad today.He was feeling like a teenager who was going out on a first date with his crush.But here it was his Ex-Wife who also happened to be his child's mother.This thing was different and even he knew it.How was he going to stop his feelings in this whole day when she would be with him and how was he going to let her go after this day for another man was pricking him from time to time.

But he didn't want to think all the sad things and make this day miserable because this day was all he has and to make it memorable for himself and her, he has made full proof arrangements and all of it was considering her likes and dislikes in his mind...

"Chote, what have you thought about.."

"Di please...Not a word more about anything today.Whatever you have to say, i will listen it tomorrow..Not now...not today" saying this he left the house kissing her forehead leaving a disheartened Anjali behind.

She was looking breathtakingly gorgeous in her green Anarkali suit.She has left her hairs open just the way he liked them.He just hoped she was thinking about him when she left them open.Because he could do nothing but hope and hope till her marriage that she would change her mind but he also knew its going to be impossible considering her stubborn nature because in this manner she was like him...She would hang herself to prove him wrong and to give him punishment and as helplessness as he was, he could do nothing about it.

"Chalein?(Shall we go?)" she asked startling him and breaking his change of thoughts...

"Hmm" he replied but before starting the car, he turned to her "Khushi.."

She was fidgeting with her duppata and he felt a sudden urge to hold her hands in his which he very mercilessly ignored swallowing and clenching his hands around steering wheel to prevent himself from reaching out to her...

"How is arush?"

"He is fine.He is with Buaji."

When she looked up at him, he fell in love with her all over again.He suppressed a scream which was brewing inside him at the situation..He looked away as his whole form shivered with the intensity of his own feelings towards her...

"I just want you to enjoy this day today...I just have a day...Only one day!" he looked out of window so that she couldn't see his misty eyes "Please don't mention anything about the past because i don't want to feel pain when i remember this day...I want to feel happiness and joy whenever i remember it that i spent alteast a day with the woman i love if not a lifetime.." heaviness in his voice could easily be felt.

He felt her hands on his biceps and blinking back the tears he looked at her.Her own eyes were teary.

"Hmm.So what is it feeling like to go out on a date with Khushi Kumari Gupta huh Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada?" she was trying to lighten up the tense atmosphere and he was thankful to her for that.

"I am ecstatic Ms.Gupta.Shall we?" he asked composing himself to which she nodded.

They roamed around in Delhi eating from food stalls; chanas, golgappes, dahi barey and what not.He took her to her all favorite places surprising her by participating in everything with the same enthusiasm as her.His heart swelled with joy seeing her enjoying his company and whatever he planned for her.Today unlike before he talked and she listened.They had their lunch in a dhaba and Arnav himself ordered all of her favorite dishes again startling her.

"I owe you alot Khushi and today i will try to give you as much as i can which i always wanted to.." he said seeing her surprised eyes..

She said nothing but just looked away.If he wasn't wrong he has seen a rim of tears forming behind her eyelids..

The rest of the day passed in a blur.He took her to his Maa's garden telling her about his childhood stories.Laughing along with her when he told her funny stories about his childhood and how much naughty a child he was..

"Seriously Arnavji? You did all this..I mean like you cut Anjaliji's ponytail?"She asked chortling.

"Yeah! And you know Maa scolded me so much for that.I even got a penalty from Maa but i was too special child for her that she couldn't let me suffer any punishment...She was very precious to me as well.." his eyes teared up and Khushi placed a hand over his.They both were sitting on a bench.It was night time now...

"I know how much parents mean to a child.They meant the same for me..My Amma Babuji left me but it wasn't in my hand to stop it..But it is in my hands to keep them alive with their happy memories which i spent with them..That let me go on..."

"But how can one live when the memories associated with your parents couldn't let you breath or live a life peacefully? That you become a very arrogant, heartless beast exactly opposite to what you actually were..How can one live when the changes you went through because of your past led you to lose a very important person without whom you can't even live without..But you realized too late when that person is no more yours and is soon going to be someone's else."

Khushi knew on which pretext he was saying this.Her heart clenched and for the second time she felt sad for doing this to him.First was when she lied to him about shopping with Anant.

"What happened to your parents?" she couldn't help but ask as she knew something bad happened in his past but she never had the courage to ask him when they were married.

He stilled, she could sense it the way his posture hardened.

"If you don't want..."

"My mother committed suicide..After an hour my father followed suit."

She gasped.

Ignoring her startled gasp he continued "My father was having an affair with his secretary.Maa got to know on Di's wedding day.I was 14 then.Di's wedding was fixed with Dad's close friend's son.We suddenly heard a gunshot as soon as barat arrived.After that everything happened so fast that we didn't know what to do...We rushed to Maa's room and saw her dead covered with blood..Me and di were crying sitting by her dead body when we heard another gunshot.Dad...died saying a sorry' to us.." he was shaking with tremors.His eyes were red with unshed tears.His hands and jaws were clenched.

He stood up and walked away from her trying to gather himself..It wasn't easy to live that nightmare like reality again but he didn't want to hide it from her anymore.If she wanted to leave him she should know why he never listened to her and why he didn't trust her.She needs this closure.

"After that Di's marriage broke.Our Chacha threw us out from our own home.Sheesh Mahal, that was our home where I spent 14 years of my life."

"Sheesh Mahal..." her eyes widened.The place where they first met.

"We were homeless in just two hours.Nani took us with her as she was there for di's wedding..That's how we moved to delhi...Nani's financial condition wasn't good.Mamaji was struggling with his job and Akash was studying at that time just like me...Di went into denial..Her treatment was expensive.Above all her polio was worsening..I saw helpless how she was crumpling before me..She was the only family i had left so to bring her back i started working along with studies to buy her medicines..."

"Some days i worked even the whole night.College in the morning and two jobs in the evening.I wasn't much qualified so i worked as mechanic in a shop and as a waiter in a restaurant...With time i managed to bring di back to her usual self.We both were each other's strength.Years passed like this till i got a scholarship to study in abroad..I graduated from Harvard..I came back to Delhi and with the help and support from Nani, mami and mamaji i started a small business of garments from a storeroom.I worked day and night and eventually after a few rejections, i got my first tender and that was just the start of my success.The rest they say is a history..AR is now a well known fashion house in India.."

He turned to Khushi and was surprised to see proud teary smile and respect in her eyes for himself.He didn't tell this to her to gain sympathy and she wasn't sympathizing with him...she was proud of what he has achieved in life even facing the worst phase..For the first time in his life Arnav too felt proud and happy with his achievements..

"I bought Sheesh Mahal back the same day I met you..That was the only good thing that happened there" His eyes shone with his love for her..She looked away.Now she could somewhat understand his behavior that day..He must had been shaken being there in his childhood home and again living the memories of past must have made him vulnerable..

She stilled at what he said next...

"I didn't want to lose her when i got to know shyam cheated her...Mai nahi chahta tha di bhi mujhe Maa ki tarah chod k jayen...Wo shyam se ussi tarah payar karti thi jaise Maa, Dad se(I didn't have it in me to lose her like i lost Maa..She loved Shyam the same way my mother loved my father)..Khushi I know i didn't has the right to punish you in all this..even if i thought you were at fault, it wasn't so high of me to make you suffer..But mai majboor tha..Mai Maa ki tarah di ko..(But i was helpless..Like maa, i didn't want di to..)" he stopped abruptly as he could hear Khushi's silent sobs and her body shaking.

"There is one more thing which i haven't told you yet.." she looked up at him with her swollen eyes and he clenched his hands.

"That night of Payal and Akash's wedding, i came to tell you Why it mattered to me whenever you smile, whenever you cried, whenever you ignored me, whenever you gave importance to any other man except me...' I came to tell you I have fallen in love with you' and I came there to propose you' and this.." he put out a ring from his pocket and her eyes widened..

"Please No.." she whispered "Don't .. don't make it more.."

"Please Khushi...Let me get it all out.Pehle hi apni feelings chupane ki galti ki itni bari saza bhugat raha hu(Already i am suffering a big punishment because of hiding my feelings)...I know it can't change your decision but i also know that if you want to move on, you need this closure from my side of why i did what i did...Don't ever feel that you weren't worth of love because it wasn't you...It was me who didn't deserve purest form of love...That's why i lost you..."

He got down on his knee before her and took her hands in his..."This ring i had bought that day to propose you and belongs to you..Please will you accept it..? I am not asking you to wear it but just keep it with you..It'll give me peace that i gave you what is yours..." he pleaded with teary eyes as Khushi was sobbing without a break..

"Do you think after all this i will be able to move on? Kyun btaya apne ye sab humein...Ye sab mujhe closure nahi de raha...mujhe aur confuse kar raha hai..Dard de raha hai Arnav(Why did you tell me all this? All this isn't giving me a closure..It's making me more confused..It's giving me pain Arnav)" his eyes widened when she called him without ji' in his name...

"Kya...kya bulaya tumne mujhe abhi?(What did you call me?) Come again.." he frantically asked..

She realized it and she too was shocked "I don't remember.." she looked away.

"Please one last time.."

Some more tears rolled down her cheeks as she whispered.


Crying and laughing at the same time he placed the ring on her palm..

"Thank you.." he whispered.

"I can't take this..."


"This should be your wife's.."

"Which is you.."

"I was.."

"Only you will be..for me..always.."

"I am getting married to Anant.."

"I know"

"So I can't keep this..It may hurt him.."

"I am not taking it back...Keep it or throw it..Choice is yours.."

"Don't be stubborn..One day or the other you'll marry..This belongs to her.."

"No other woman can take your place.."

"This is so not done...You are acting foolish.."

"Let it be..Mairi Zindagi mai tumhare ilawa aur koi ladki nahi aa sakti and I mean it..Agar tum mairi nahi ho sakti toh iska matlab ye nahi k mai kisi aur ka ho jaun ga..Aisa kabhi nahi hoga...Na mai hone dunga..That's it(No other woman can enter my life except you and i mean it..If you can't be mine, it doesn't mean i become someone's else..Neither this can happen ever nor will i let it..That's it!)!" he declared standing up with his back to her..

"You are making it difficult for me..." she pleaded.

"Khushi you are getting married..Just think about your life and let me suffer my punishment"

"Your punishment is upto.."

"...the day you'll marry huh? NO! It'll be my life long punishment..Tumhare baad mairi zindagi pehle jaisi nahi rahi gi..Itne saalo se jiss umeed pe mai jee raha tha wo khatam ho jaye gi aur uss k baad mairi life sirf aur sirf aik living hell hogi aur kuch nahi...I will be living just for the sake of living..(After you, my life won't be the same again..The hope of getting you back in my life will be no more and after that my life will only be a living hell and nothing else...)"

"Arnav listen don't be this hard on yourself.."

"I am not being hard on myself...Mai hamesha se aisa hi hun...Maine jisko bhi chaha..aik na aik din wo mujhse cheen liya gaya..Aur ab muje iss baat ki aadat ho gayi hai..Iss bar toh galti mairi khud ki hai..I pushed you away...(I am like this only since forever...My loved ones one by one have been snatched away from me..And now i am used to it..This time fault is only mine..I pushed you away...)"


A smile bloomed on his lips whilst the tears remained pooled at the corner of his eyes.."Yes Arush..Thank you for giving him birth Khushi..Uss ki wajah se shayad aage ki zindagi utni mushkil na ho(Maybe because of him,the remaining life won't be that difficult)...And sorry for everything one last time..."

Khushi smiled with difficulty..

"Erm lets have dinner then i will drop you home huh?" he quickly said not wanting her to again start talking about his marriage..

To his relief she nodded.They had dinner in a cozy restaurant in silence whilst glancing at eachother when the other wasn't watching..

"Thank you for this beautiful day Khushi.." This was it.The day which he got to spend with her had ended and he could do nothing but watch the last few minutes too pass like they were his enemy laughing at his expense..

Standing against his car, she looked up at him and swallowed seeing his eyes which held silent pleads, love, guilt and desperation for her to understand his pain..To stop him from going through this heartwrenching penance..

She nodded "Dhanywad Arnavji..(Thank you Arnavji)" Seeing the silent plea in his eyes she sighed "Hamara matlab Arnav..(I meant Arnav)" He smiled "Thank you..I will never forget this day.."

"Me neither.." he whispered..

She was about to open the door of his SUV when he stopped her..She looked at him in confusion.

"Can you.." he cleared his throat "Can you hug me one last time please?" the way he asked that, made her heart bleed.Her eyes brimmed with tears

"I know you don't like me much but .." he was taken aback when she threw her arms around his neck..

He hugged her back burying his face into the side of her neck..His arms tightened around her as he tried to held to her for his dear life..Two tears rolled down his cheek and fell on her neck.He knew it would be difficult..The final good bye..Letting her go...And now he got to know how much it was cutting him...After tonight she will be someone's else because the time which he asked from her was over...One day was over...And so was his life's happiness..

All of a sudden he remembered Lavanya..

"ASR! I know tumhe ye sab pasand nahi but kya tum aik bar...aik aakhri baar mujhe hug kar sakte ho?"(ASR! I know you don't like all this but can you hug me one last time?)

"Tum mairi respect toh karte ho ASR par mujhse pyaar nahi karte.."(You respect me ASR but you don't love me..)

That day he felt only sadness for Lavanya but what she must have actually felt at that time he didn't know.He can feel it now..How much difficult it must be for her, he could decipher it..How much crushing and choking Lavanya must have felt parting from him because he was feeling the same right at this moment hugging Khushi..

"Tumhari life mai agar kabhi pyaar aa jaye toh hold on to it ASR"(If you get love in your life at any stage of life then hold on to it ASR!)

His hold on Khushi tightened.Oh how he wished he had listened what lavanya advised him.He felt like he was getting punishment for hurting Lavanya and Khushi, the two women who loved him dearly without asking anything back from him and today he could feel how much he had hurt them.He decided to say a genuine sorry to Lavanya, he owe that to her, it was long overdue now that he realised his folly..He now knows what heartbreak Lavanya must have went through and he had learnt it the hard way...

He didn't realise he was hiccuping while sobbing against her neck.He could hear Khushi trying to pull back from the hug but he didn't had the courage to let go...He could hear her vague attempts to stop him from crying but he had buried this for years from now...The dam has finally burst out from him and it wasn't in his control to stop it from flowing..

..Mat karo ye sab...Koi bhi saza de do Khushi..Koi bhi...Magar Khud k..ko door mat karo mujhse...It's already choking me...Its already suffocating me...(Don't do this...Give me whatever punishment you want Khushi..whatever..anything...But don't distance yourself from me like this..)The words got stuck in his throat and he couldn't say them aloud..


10 days before marriage

On Nani's insistance the marriage was held in Shantivan and Guptas were invited to stay in RM until Khushi's wedding because Raizadas wanted to atleast give Khushi the wedding of her dreams..Arnav was looking into every arrangement with a stone on his heart because only he knew how much pain he was going through.Everyone gave him sympathying glances every now and then while his Di was on constant sullen mood and he knew she was going through the same pain as him..

Anant Singh Rajput..

He never felt envied to any other man in his entire life except him..Two most important women in his life gave priority to this man.What he wouldn't do to be in his place? To be the one to marry Khushi..

"ASR!!" he turned around shocked at her voice.She never called him that but what made her to call him with his formal name?

He turned around and the earth beneath him shifted seeing Anant running behind Khushi.Khushi was teasing him and they both looked so much comfortable with eachother.The amount of comfort which he could see between them was never between him and Khushi ever..Another reason to envy that Anant..

"Arrghh Khushi i hate it when you call me that.Stop it!" Anant chided in annoyance.

"ASR! ASR! ASR!" Khushi shouted showing him her tongue ran upstairs with Anant following behind to teach her a lesson..

Tears formed in his eyes partly due to jealousy and partly due to anger which was continuously brewing up within him seeing the duo together.What a coincident...the person whom Khushi was marrying too had the same initials in his name as his..'A.S.R.' will never be the same for him ever again.He hated this ASR' tag now..He would remember this scene whenever anyone will call him ASR' and he knew he will die piece by piece everytime remembering it..

Too occupied in nursing his wounds, he failed to realise another person was standing behind him with teary eyes and this scene has pained her the same as him.


7 day before

"No Khush! Green is your colour.This green sari will look fabulous on you" Khushi was showing him her sarees and they were in the living room of the Shantivan.Raizadas were busy with preparations and even Guptas and they mostly were out on shopping or something or the other arrangements..So for now they were alone with only the workers decorating the mansion..

Anant felt her go stiff besides him.He looked at her who was in deep thought with a frown on her face..

'Green doesn't look that bad on you..'

Tears formed in her eyes.

"Hmm some memory related with the colour eh?" Anant smiled.

Khushi looked at him shocked and then sighed.Its difficult to hide anything from her best friend..

She nodded wiping her tears..

"Good or bad one?"

"Good one.It was jiji's sangeet and i wore green saari and he..he danced with me and let me win even though he could have won letting me face the humiliation as my partner Sarita couldn't come.." she was lost in the memories..

"Ahan so that Khadoos can even do such a sweet thing huh? Interesting"

Khushi chuckled. "Yes he can but the moments are rare."

All of a sudden Anant got down on his knees before her..

"Can i have the pleasure of dancing with my best friend huh Khush?"

"Sure why not" Khushi giggled.No matter what, she never felt uncomfortable with him."But Anantji, yahan?(Here?)" she asked seeing the workers who were busy on one or another corner of the room..

"Yes, why not? They know i am your fiance, so no problem huh, right?"

"Okay ASR!" Groaning at her, he got up and played a soft music on the music player.Taking her hand he came to the centre of the living room.

Putting a hand aroud her waist, he pulled her a bit closer...Khushi put a hand on his shoulder..the other one rested in his hand.

They both danced slowly in sync with the music..

"Khush are you okay?" Anant asked spinning her around before taking her back in his arms.

Khushi smiled "So this dance, all this was to make me feel better? Huh"

Anant laughed "Ofcourse! Because i can't see you sad.You are a very special friend of mine."

"I know" Khushi replied back feeling honoured to have a friend like him..

They both danced slowly with the music while chatting not letting the other feel uncomfortable..

But the two pairs of eyes were burning with jealousy and helplessness.

Arnav and Anjali stood at the threshold of the living room with tears in their eyes.


6 day prior

"Dada..." Arush called annoyed seeing his father totally lost in some other world.He wasn't paying attention to him and that was what his son didn't like.His son was possessive like him in this matter.He demanded full attention whenever he was around.

"Dada.." shrieked Arush shocking Arnav.

"Huh?" Arnav looked at Arush and smiled seeing his cute little nose red with anger.He was pissed off and Arnav's eyes turned amused seeing Arush pouting just like his mother..Khushi..


The smile slipped off his face in an instant and the ache bounced back doubling his pain.

Arush has now crawled onto his lap and was looking at him keenly circling his little arms around his father's neck."Dada..Sad?" asked arush innocently.Probably the child saw the tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

Consoling his aching heart, he breathed out and looked at Arush engulfing him in the cocoon of his arms.He kissed the tip of his nose before saying "No baby, Your dada isn't sad...He is happy to have you in his life.He loves you..Don't ever leave me.You will be with me forever, right? You won't give my place to anyone else, haina? You won't replace me, right?"

Arush too small to understand the meaning behind his father's words just looked at him frowning and then smiled cheekily, gave him a noisy kiss and giggled saying "Arush lub dada.." and that was enough to give some peace to the wounded soul of his father.He crushed his son in his arms and closed his eyes..

"I wished she too loved me...I wish she could love me as well...I wish she could fall in love with me again" he croaked.


5 days before

"Arnav.." Khushi called him startling him and everyone else present in the living room..Hope brimmed in Nani, Anjali and Mami's eyes.

"Erm yes?" he asked inwardly happy with the fact that she called him with his name without the ji'...It gave solace to his aching being..

"You promised to help in the wedding preparations, right?"

He nodded not understanding what she meant..Only if she knew what he was going through arranging all the things..

"So its also your responsibility to arrange my wedding dress." Arnav paled but she continued "If it isn't a problem then i want to wear AR's bridal dress." Arnav was about to say something when she interrupted "Don't worry, Anant will pay for it.Afterall its for his bride"

Arnav's face lost all its colour.Everyone saw how coldly Khushi asked him and left.Arnav stood there staring at the space where she was standing few seconds before.It took all of his self control not to fall on his knees right there.His whole being was cutting from insides.Giving empty ears to his family's calls he turned on his heels and ran out hurriedly before he broke down there and then.


4 days prior


Anant was surprised hearing a familiar voice.From the last few days while he was living here in RM, he has noted each and everything about this man whom his best friend Khush loved once and she still did..He knew..

"Oh hello Arnav..What is it? You look look horrible.What's the matter?" Seeing his face hardening, Anant knew he had asked a stupid question.Everyone knows what was the matter with him.

"I am sorry.." Not being the one throwing taunts he apologized to the wounded man before him.

"You have my everything.." Arnav whispered.

"Huh excuse me?"


"And what is your 'everything' huh" asked Anant calmly despite Arnav's shout.

"Khushi and Arush..and..and even Di loves you.." he cried out in agony, with sheer rage.

"Yeah sure they does..I am going to marry Khush so technically Arush is going to be my son too..and.."

Arnav in rage grapped his collar "He is my son..I am his father..NOT you.Understood?" he said through gritted teeth.

"Easy Raizada! Easy!" Again calmly Anant freed himself from his clutches.

Arnav closed his eyes to control himself from lashing out at him and beating him up.

"What will you take to step out of this relation..this marriage?" ASR asked.Arnav has contemplated for hours and came to a conclusion.What if Anant himself backs off? If he can, why not avail this last opportunity which his brain presented?

"What can you offer me?" Anant asked without emotions and Arnav's eyes gleamed.

"Anything..Everything" he replied, his eyes shining with hope "I will give you a blank cheque..Fill whatever amount you want to in it.."

"Hmm interesting..Add your precious treasure into it as well.."

"Huh..what? AR?"

"Your di.." Anant replied smirking."..Let her be my mistress for as long as i want...Give her to me and I will back off from this marriage..What say?" Anant knew what he was doing and saying would do to the Raizada and he was right..

Arnav's eyes blazed with anger "What the f**k!!! HOW DARE YOU THINK LIKE THAT ABOUT MY DI HUH??"

"SO what? Why not? Jo insaan apni biwi aur bache ka sauda kar sakta hai for just a blank f**king cheque then why not add your beloved sister into it as well..I will give you my precious most relations and you give me yours eh? Tell me Raizada, What is the price of your Ex-wife and son huh? One crore, two crore, one billion, two billions, trillons...zillions? Bas? Just a ton of notes? That's much they are important to you huh?(The person who can make a deal of his wife and son)" Anant gave a sarcastic laugh.

Arnav stood speechless while Anant walked and stood two feet before him."Khush theek hi kehti thi tumhare bare mai(Khush always said right about you)..You don't have a heart.You just understand business and let me advice you one thing today Raizada, you better just design your clothers and handle your accounts..You aren't meant for relations and I mean it!"

"Anantji...are you in there? Can i come in?" khushi's voice from outside the door startled them.Anant told Khushi to go as he will join her later.He didn't want her to see Arnav in this state.He was looking distraught.Khushi left.

"Go Raizada! Just don't manipulate things anymore because in the end only happiness is going to win..This time i will make sure of that.Whatever Khush has decided.I am with her, i will always be with her!"


Wedding day

There in the mandap she was sitting wearing the dark red bridal dress with Anant.Her face was covered with pallu which wasn't letting him see her.He was finding it hard to breath..In the few minutes she will be someone's else and he will be left static where she would leave him.

"Time for the Jaimala.."

His heart thudded painfully as they exchanged garlands...He wanted to see her face before she became someone else but her big ghoongat wasn't letting him have his wish.

His eyes teared up as they were asked to get up for the pheras..

As the last phera finished his entire body was shaking with tremors until then..He was choking for breaths..He took slow, deliberate steps backwards as he heard pandit asking Anant to fill her maang..

Thats it..He turned on his heels and ran out towards the backyard..not being able to see anymore..

That was it..She wasn't his anymore...

His hope shattered so did his heart.

One after the other tears rolled down his cheeks...

History has repeated itself again...He has lost yet another reason to live...First his Maa and now his Khushi...

He felt a scream built up inside him..Not being able to control himself he opened his mouth to shriek but only a hoarse cry left him till his body shook with sobs, his knees buckled up and he fell on the grass...

His heart was about to stop when,

"Arnav, what are you doing here?" his head jerked up at the voice.

What was she doing there? Maybe here to say bye one last time.Atleast he will be able to see her in her bridal avatar and he was sure she would have been looking gorgeous, no..not just gorgeous but she must be looking breathtakingly beautiful...Swallowing he wiped his tears and stood up.He would have to control himself until her bidaai ,after that he would cry as much as he wanted for his loss...loss of his precious love..

He turned around and then his eyes clouded with confusion..

She wasn't in any bridal dress.She was in a chiffon red saree with pink borders and she was looking ethereal.

Ignoring his red eyes and shivering form, she came forward and took his elbow and started dragging him towards the front of the mansion.

"Aap bhi na Arnav! Marriage is happening inside RM and here you are strolling in the garden.." she reprimanded him as if she didn't know why he was here.She was behaving as if everything was normal and nothing was wrong..She was behaving like his wife..


Anger took over him and he shook her hand off his elbow..

"What are you doing here then? Go inside..You are the bride so you should be there in the mandap..And why...why have you changed? Didn't you like the bridal dress designed by AR?" he asked sarcastically "..the dress which your so called fiance purchased for you" he clenched his jaw..So called fiance and now your husband..his mind added with vengeance and his heart bled at his own words..

She smiled fueling his anger further..

He couldn't bear it..His patience snapped...His endurance level peaked at her non-chalance..

Jerking her forward in his arms, he yelled out "DO.NOT.SMILE!! WHAT ARE YOU SMILING AT? You are enjoying it, right? You are enjoying seeing me this broken, haina? Fine! smile..laugh because you won KHUSHI..You won...I didn't know it would be this painful...I DIDN'T HAD ANY IDEA WHEN I AGREED FOR THIS PUNISHMENT THAT IT'LL KILL ME LIKE THIS...Tum jeeti, mai haara...Ye dard jo maine inn dus(10) dino mai saha hai wo uss dard se kahin zyada tha jo maine tumhare bina un do saalo mai saha...Go! GO! Enjoy your victory! Enjoy now! Mrs.An..(You won, I lost...This hurt..this pain which i went through in these 10 days was so much more than what i endured in those 2 years without you...)"

"Mrs.soon to be Arnav Singh Raizada..." she spoke confidently and he was left dumbstruck.

Suddenly it occured him.She must be taunting him..

Tightening his hold on her arms, he pulled her more closer..."Khushi don't play with me more Khushi..I am already shattered..Please go..go from here..." he said releasing her from his hold.He turned his back to her.

"Arnav" she called and he closed his eyes "I will go inside only when you'll come with me.Otherwise here is very much cool refreshing fresh air unlike inside, i am enjoying it.."

How can she be this normal when he was dying here?

"Get lost from here Mrs.Khushi A.."

"Arnav" she again cut him from completing it "Its too bad, don't you want to see your sister wedding?"

Di..Di's wedding? He turned to her with confusion..

Without saying anything she took his elbow again and this time he didn't protest and when he reached inside the hall where marriage mandap was setup, he was left gobsmacked.

"Now Di, your Chote is here..Anantji apply sindoor now."Khushi chirped encircling her arms around Arnav's elbow as he stood speechless.In the mandap, in the red bridal dress which he designed for Anant's bride was worn by his Di and the long pallu which was covering her face was pushed upto her head and she was smiling teary eyed at all this time when he was dying considering the bride to be Khushi, it wasn't her...It wasn't Khushi..It was his Di who exchanged garlands and took pheras with Anant...And...and...Khushi..

His heart soared with happiness and relief as his eyes fell on her hand which was gripping his' tightly.Everything else faded around him.He let out a cry of relief and uncaring of anything or anyone else and all of the guests around him, he hugged her close to himself tightly...very possessively..

"Thank you..thank you so much for not punishing me for lifetime...Thank you so much for giving me a second chance...I love you...I love you Khushi.." He was laughing and crying at the same time burying his face into her neck...

He was given a second chance..Why and how? These questions can wait.For he has his whole life to ask her because she was now his...for forever...for eternity..For "Hamesha".


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