Part 3A

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Khushi Kumari Gupta, has faced many hardships in life.Losing her parents at such a tender age of 8 then suddenly trying to get used to the surroundings without her parents' presence and guidance was no easy task owing to her young age but she passed that stage due to the love and care of her massi Garima Gupta, her husband Shashi Gupta and her cousin sister Payal Gupta who became her Amma, babuji and jiji in such a short span of time because they considered her, their own even though everyone of her own father's relatives refused to take her saying that she was a bad omen to their family as due to her misfortune they lost their son and daughter-in-law.But by the grace of her Devi maiyya, her massi came to her rescue.Ever since she had lived for them, smiled for them and had never shown any sign that could make them feel that she was missing her own parents or she don't consider them her own.Because they have become just like her own parents But the pain and sadness of losing her biological parents was still there in some corner of her heart which try as might she could never get rid of because she has started living with it as a part of her own.Then as the years passed by she become so accustomed to this family that she could do anything for them because they had taken her in their shadow when she had no one of her own and that's why that night of her jiji's marriage she went to Sheesh Mahal.

How much she wished she hadn't been that selfless to go there for her jiji's sake because that was where it all started.But the cruel destiny has landed her straight into the arms of devil who has then done anything and everything in his power to make her suffer..Why? Because she didn't has that much money which he has, because he considered her worthless, because he considered her a gold digger, because he couldn't control his emotions before a middle class chit of a girl.Then came THAT night when all hell broke loose when he married her forcefully.He snatched her very same parents who took her in when she had no one.He snatched her happiness, broken her dreams of marriage just because he thought that she had cheated his sister.He tortured her days and nights with his hurtful words, threw her disgusting looks and above all was totally oblivious to the advancings of that lecher Shyam towards her and INSTEAD of protecting her THAT night in store room, thought exactly opposite and again punished her in the worst possible way.By forcing himself on her.By brutally snatching her femininity.After that night, she saw guilt in his eyes the next morning when he realized he was her first.He was so remorseful that he couldn't even meet her eyes the following days.He stopped taunting her and even stopped manhandling her or talking to her.Then came the day when he cried in her lap saying sorry over and over again asking her to forgive him because he wanted to give this marriage a chance.

She was a fool to give him that chance.She thought maybe he would change now, believe her.After his apology, the next two months were better when he cared for her and showed his remorse whenever he could.He even patched her up with her parents again.In those days she was so happy that she ALMOST forgave him for that horrendous act that night but in her heart.She never told him that.But her biggest mistake was when she confessed her love for him.

"I don't know what future we hold Arnavji..If ever our relationship would be that stable or not but i want you to know, I LOVE YOU Arnavji..I really do and i would do anything to make this work and I expect the same from you.."

But destiny had other plans, THAT creep heard her confession and made a full proof plan to snatch her very reason of life and happiness..The same day she came to know about her pregnancy, even though it reminded her of THAT night but she still was happy because she could still see a ray of hope for their future.

When she reached home with her pregnancy reports, all were seated in the living room and by the looks of it they looked shocked and disgusted.Anjali Di came to her and slapped her hard on her cheeks.Accused her of cheating her brother and blamed her for carrying Shyam's child.Khushi's devastated eyes met Shyam's who had a victorious smirk on his face.But it was the expression's on Arnav's face that undid it all and she knew she had lost this battle, lost the only chance she had given to him, to herself and to them.She was pushed away brutally by Anjali but she wanted to atleast try to make him understand, maybe he would understand but he didn't.He had his eyes red filled with tears and shouted at her to get the hell out of his sight.He accused her of adultery and turned around shaking with anger.That night was the worst night of her life when she begged and pleaded him to believe her.

"Arnavji listen to me...I am not like what you're thinking and you know that...I am your Khushi, I love you so much...I haven't cheated you with anyone..Please believe me.Please Arnavji. I love only you.Just you."

But he had listened to none.

"OUT.OF.MY.HOUSE.RIGHT.NOW...!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you are carrying his child..!" he bellowed to a sobbing Khushi and dragged her out from the corridor and than she was pushed out of the door and the door was banged on her face.

She remembered how much devastated she was after being thrown out of his house.Only her DM knows how she reached Gupta house.Her Amma, babuji and Buaji were so much scared to see her state.She wasn't even hearing, listening or saying anything.They called the doctor and had her checked which revealed her pregnancy to them.They were happy as well as worried for her.Finally when her Amma asked buaji to call Arnav then she reacted by sobbing so loudly and heartrendingly that their hearts ached to see her like that.In midst of sobbing she narrated her family everything.The days that followed, she felt nothing but hollowness inside her.She cried for him, for his care but it never came.She just ate and slept because she needed that strength for her baby.The things started taking a bad shape when the neighbors started pointed their fingers at her, taunting her, badmouthing about her whenever they could get a chance to.She ignored them initially but later their taunts became so painful that they hurt like hell.She blamed him for everything and cursed him as much as she wanted to.That's when her parents decided that they should move back to Lucknow because in this condition this much stress wasn't good for her.So she went to Lucknow with them.Started her life afresh as much as she could because she wanted this baby to live her life otherwise she would have been dead by now due to the humiliation she had received by her in-laws and husband.

Her life took a drastic turn when he Arush was born.That was the first time she smiled genuinely after months of pain.She had hugged her bundle of joy to herself and had promised to herself that she would never ever let the shadows of past come between her child's happiness.

She lived, laughed, smiled and lead a content life with her child until that day when he came back to apologize because he had found out the truth.She had imagined days and nights in the early days of her pregnancy that he would come and say sorry but he never did but now when he did, she least cared but seeing the vulnerable side of him made her allow him to meet Arush BUT she had decided she would never ever come in front of him ever again for she didn't wanted her heart to melt seeing his tears or remorse.Once bitten twice shy.That's what she followed.

So whenever he came to meet Arush in the last two and half years, she made sure to never come infront of him, even when he changed his timings in initial days, she was fully prepared because by now she had known him well of what he could do.But after sometime, he stopped looking for her whenever he came to meet Arush and she didn't know why..?

But she never knew that he had taken this as his punishment until that day when she met Anjali in the temple.She was enraged when she heard that but she didn't show it to Anjali and avoided the topic when she asked her of when she would forgive Arnav.She did cast a few glances at the entrance in the pretense of finding him there thinking that maybe it was some of his plan but he wasn't there and by the looks of it she knew that Anjali had caught her staring in wistfulness.

Coming back to Lucknow she had decided she would show him what actual punishment can be if he really wanted one.She made a few calls and asked her buaji and Amma, babuji that she wanted to go to Delhi to stay in Laxmi Nagar.They were surprised but seeing she was adamant they reluctantly agreed.

Coming back to Delhi, she made sure that the Raizadas were informed of her presence here.When Anjali invited her with Arush at RM, she refused but promised that she would send Arush with Buaji.Because she had some other plans.

So she has sent Arush and buaji first and then came after an hour in the house.She felt nostalgic after coming into the same house which gave her nothing but pain.She saw living room was silent as she has expected because everyone were at Laxmi Nagar except Buaji, Arush,Anjali and Arnav..

She felt her eyes prick when her gaze traveled to large size photo frame containing a picture of her was hung just infront of the entrance of living room.It was a picture of her in red saree from the calendar shoot, now years ago.

"Maa.." arush squealed seeing his mother.He was sitting on a couch playing with some toys.Smiling at him, she blinked back the tears.Carrying the excited Arush in her arms, she ascended the stairs towards his room.But her feet halted in her track at what she heard standing outside his room.

"Di please tell me..Please di..Did you talk to her? Did she say something to you? What did she say? How was she? Was she OK? Where did you meet her? Did..did she miss me as much as I...miss her?...Why would she miss me...Ofcourse she must be fine...Di kahan dekhan apne usse? Aap lucknow gayi thi kya? Aur..(Did where did you see her? Did you go to Lucknow? And..)"

"Chote! Chote calm down.Yes, i did meet her last week..not in lucknow.Here in delhi..She was here for some work for a day..I met her at the temple..She..Honestly, she was looking fine physically but..."


"..But her eyes were sad.When I asked her will she ever forgive you..she just changed the topic..I could see the longing in her eyes as if she expected you to be with me at the mandir as she knew you accompanied me to the templemost of the time..But co-incidentally, you had to go to your meeting that morning.."

"Shit!! I should have accompanied you..Maybe by chance i could atleast see her..Maira promise bhi na toot'ta aur mai usse dekh b leta(I would've met her without breaking my promise).Atleast i could have lived for few more years.I just have last memory of her when she was sleeping hugging Arush and.."

"Don't lose hope Chote...Just give her some more time..She will forgive you.."

"Will she ever?"

"She will...She will Chote."

Placing Arush outside his room, she gestured him to walk inside.When she heard Arnav carrying Arush, she turned around on her heels and left downstairs.She was feeling extremely angry.How dare he inflict such punishment on him? How dare he take up something and declare it as his redemption for what he did.If he think that it would melt her than he had another thing coming.She would make him see what actual sufferings meant.

She heard someone's footsteps running down the stairs and turned around.Her anger doubled over seeing him before her.


He stopped short at the center of the living room staring ahead with expression akin to shock as well as disbelief.He couldn't believe what he was seeing before him.He just couldn't comprehend whether he was dreaming or was it real because there a few feet away from him SHE was standing with an a furious rage on her face.She was shivering with anger and her eyes were red due to the impact of it.He stood there imprinting her every feature in his mind.If this was dream or figment of his imagination then he never wanted to wake up from it if she was going to be there before him to stare at because he can stand here his whole life, look at her and will never get tired of.Of that he was sure.More sure than he ever was in his life.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOURSELF MR.ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA???" her voice boomed around in the otherwise silent living room.

That broke his trance and he realized he wasn't dreaming neither imagining.She was standing there before him in person.

"Khushi, are really here?" he asked still doubtful, wanting her to confirm it.His eyes teared up seeing her after two whole years.

"I see Mr.Raizada, you are doing a very great job in earning everyone's sympathy.." she said sarcastically ignoring his earlier question.

"What are you talking about?" he choked as tears were lodged in his throat hearing her lips calling him 'Mr.Raizada' after so many days..Oh! How he missed her anger...

"I am saying what you're hearing.This game of punishment and all huh?"

He swallowed thickly because he was finding it difficult to breath with the turbulent of emotions going within him at seeing her.He couldn't utter a single word even if he wanted to..he just couldn't..

"What are you staring at? ANSWER ME!!!" she bellowed not being able to control her rage at his silence.

"I.." he cleared his throat "I..just wanted to punish myself for everything I did to you..I didn't know any other way.."

"Why so?"

"Because I love you.." he gasped as a rush of emotions thrilled him "I knew being away from you will be the hardest and most painful thing for me.It will hurt me and in return atleast i could redeem myself for treating you like dirt and hurting you beyond repair.." his eyes were full of unshed tears by now.

"Who gave you the right to punish yourself?.."


"Let me speak Mr.Raizada! You made MY life miserable, You made ME suffer, You snatched MY happiness, You turned MY life into hell, You accused ME and have thrown ME out of your house so tell me Mr.ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA, WHO THE HELL GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO PUNISH YOURSELF?? Its should be MY right to PUNISH you because it was ME who suffered at the end of it all and let me clear it MR.RAIZADA, I have already decided what should be your punishment because being away from me don't count as any punishment in my eyes because you had arush with you.He could lessen your pain but i want you to suffer for the rest of your life.So here is my decision.."

"I want a divorce"

Arnav staggered a step back as if her words have physically pushed him.His breathing stopped and his face went pale.

Raizadas and Guptas who were watching this silently by now gasped at what she declared next.Anjali who was standing at the top of the stairs covered her mouth with her palm in shock.

"I want to marry Anant after getting divorce from you and your punishment is that you will arrange everything for MY marriage!"


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