Chapter 5

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When Namjoon and I make it back home, it's with the both of us completely drained of any strength we had this morning, Yoongi an endless source of energy that strangely surpasses even mine when he's in a good mood.

It doesn't help that we went shopping in the morning, but the cat certainly took everything that was left, and then some more. It was a lot of fun, though I also felt very sad when it was time to leave again.

I tried to not let it show on my face once in the car with Namjoon, but I think he could see it anyway. He'd held my hand softly without saying anything, his own way of comforting me as distance grew between Yoongi and I for the second time since we met.

We remove our shoes in sync before moving to the living room where Namjoon drops on the couch before rolling to his side with a groan, eyes closing for a few seconds before he pats the space in front of him to invite me over, just like he always did when I was still only a dog in his mind.

"Let me go shift in the room first, Namjoon, I don't want my clothes all over the floor" I inform him before turning around to head to his bedroom, but he makes a noise and pats the space before his stomach again.

"Come, sweetie, it's fine, I don't mind".

I blink at him in surprise, and then I'm running over to the couch before jumping on him in one swift leap, which causes a chocked humph! to leave him as I make myself comfortable between his arms, head nestled in his neck where it's warm and smells good.

"Goodness... you're going to break me one day if you keep doing that" he utters softly as he wraps his upper arm over my waist and down my back to pull me closer, and I giggle lightly before closing my eyes with a content smile, this feels even better than when I'm in my dog form.

"You'll be fine, you're strong enough to handle it" I chirp quietly, the warmth of my breath against his skin enough to give him goosebumps, he shivers a little before resting his chin over my head, right between the base of my ears.

"Mhm. I guess you're right, I am strong" he echoes, his tiredness already taking him into a restful daze that he more than needs after the long day we had, and it makes me overly happy to be within his embrace as he rests soundly like this, I could stay here forever.

I slowly nose at his throat as he begins to snore quietly, my scent lathered onto his skin thickly, and since I am drowning in his and Yoongi's scents, there is a bit of the cat's that also transfers onto him, and wow...

That smells really good.

It's as if our three scents were always meant to be made as one and it makes me crave for more of it.

I've finally found out what my favourite scent in the world is, but it can only be if the three are merged together... that's not an easy scent. I seem to have a very complicated taste.

My head knows that it's a helpless case, but my heart can't help but long for an impossible scenario anyway. Namjoon isn't a big fan of cats, I could guess that much from how he looked at Yoongi, but what if he accepted to adopt him too?

Then the three of us could live here and do everything together.

We could cuddle and scent each other, and I would be able to carry my favourite scent everywhere I go with me! I'm sure other hybrids wouldn't dare to bother me if I had both on me at all time.

Yes, I would love having Namjoon and Yoongi with me when I wake up every morning, but that's greedy coming from me, right?

I already have Namjoon, so I don't need more. He's such a kind person, he is warm and loving, all of that without ever asking for anything in exchange, not to mention that he even comforted me when finding out that I was a hybrid after he was tricked by Jin.

I want to be that kind of person to him too, I want to take care of him and comfort him when he's afraid, I want to love him until the end of times. While I love Yoongi a whole lot, I also love Namjoon a whole lot.

Having this human as my owner is the luckiest thing that could ever happen to me and I'm very grateful for him, I am. I only wish that my kitty could have the same luck too.

I want Yoongi to be happy when he gets adopted too, especially if it takes him far away from me.

Closing my eyes to put an end to my sad thoughts, I let Namjoon's snores lull me into sleep, my nose tucked against his throat where the scent is strongest, where Yoongi's addition wraps everything together so naturally.

It's a warm embrace of coffee, vanilla and peppermint, and my dreams fill with the three of us playing and laughing, just like we did today.


When I wake up, it's with the deep instinctive knowledge that dinner is right around the corner.

Seeing as Namjoon is still snoring in the same position he fell asleep in, I decide to take it upon myself to make us something to eat and gently manage to slip out of his tight hold to reach the kitchen.

I search around to find what I could possibly make with what's available while also keeping my goal in mind. The meal needs to be healthy and nourishing, which his big body and brain need in big quantities, so I can't take the easy way out and make something too simple.

As I grab things here and there, my mind flashes with bits and pieces of the dream I had during my nap, of Yoongi and I cooking together for Namjoon while he smiles, of us cuddling in front of a movie without any awkwardness settling in their bones - I say theirs because I would be totally fine, obviously.

Longing flares within me as I begin to remember everything my heart fantasized before I try to tone it down by shaking my head. It's going to be hard to push these thoughts aside from now on.

I can't be greedy, I already have my human whom I love very much, so why should I have Yoongi too? Still... it would be great if we could invite him and Jin over one day... maybe I could ask Namjoon later?

I already have ideas of what I could cook if they come, I want to show Yoongi the house and my pretty clothes, or the forest surrounding the lawn, how big and spacious it is, and maybe we could run outside while Jin and Namjoon talk.

I want to spend a lot of time with him while it's still possible, because what if he gets adopted soon? What if we lose sight of each other when that happens?

It makes a whimper lose itself in my throat, tail sinking lower as I droop in front of the opened fridge. I don't want to lose Yoongi, even if I can't have him and Namjoon at the same time.

I want to make more memories with him, many more. These last two years with him by my side have been everything to me, so it feels very weird to not have him with me anymore.

Waking up with his presence nearby... I miss that.

Seeing him today woke up all those feelings in me again, and I don't know what to do. I feel bad for feeling this way, but I can't stop. Would Namjoon be mad at me if he knew? Would he call me a bad pup?

The thought alone hurts me deeply, I don't want him to dislike me.

The fridge suddenly beeps in warning from being opened for too long and a sleepy groan coming from the living room has me looking to find Namjoon slowly waking up, a frown on his face and his lips into a pout as he pats the space in front of him to try and find me.

My unease quickly fades away at the sight, longing tucking back into a secret box for later, and I chuckle at the sight that he makes, a big man looking for cuddles.

I grab the last items I need for this meal from the fridge, then close the door when it beeps again, the sound annoying to my sensitive ears.

"Why are you in the kitchen?" I hear him ask after a moment of silence as I begin to organize the ingredients, his voice low and raspy. It makes butterflies flap their little wings in my stomach, my tail perking up as it begins to sway happily.

He must have a secret power if his attention cheers me up so easily. I already feel better.

"I'm making dinner since it's getting late, Namjoon" I answer as his eyes open slowly, unfocused gaze falling on my form before he blinks the sleep away, how long did he nap for? It feels like it barely lasted a few minutes, yet lasted for way too long at the same time.

"What time is it?" he asks with his deep sleepy voice as he sits up with another grunt past his lips, and I hum before answering again, "It's almost six, I woke up not too long ago myself".

He makes an acknowledging noise before standing up to join me in the kitchen, and he observes for a moment from over my shoulder before going to the sink to wash his hands. "What can I do to help you?".

I frown at his question, ready to kick him out since my first desire out of making dinner tonight is to do it for him, but seeing the hopeful glint in his eyes keeps me from getting the words out.

Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt to do this together. I think.

"You can cut these into thin slices... you do know how to use a knife, right? Without getting hurt?".

He huffs indignantly as he rolls up his sleeves before moving to the drawers where the knives are. "I am very good at using knives, I'll have you know. I haven't gotten hurt with one in ages, I'm not a child anymore-".

He looks so confident as he says those words, eyes on me instead of looking at what he's doing, that it takes us both aback when he accidentally slides his hand against a sharp edge from inside the drawer, his gasp the only thing I need to hear to know that my worry was founded after all.

I pull on his wrist to bring his hand closer to my face so I can have a look at where he got cut, and the small line that I find across his knuckles makes me clench my teeth when it starts turning red as blood begins to pour out in slow waves.

My tail hits the low cabinets in annoyed snaps while I look up at the giant man with an anger that makes him shrink in on himself, all pitiful as he purses his lips like a child. If he had dog ears, they would be all droopy in his shame.

"Come with me" I grumble before leaving the kitchen for the bathroom where I search for bandages, he's got to have them somewhere, right? I can't believe he got cut with a knife while saying that it's a thing of the past.

How can I trust anything he says then? The next thing I'll know, he'll be sent to a hospital with some kind of dangerous wounds that will break my heart in thousands of little pieces.

How am I meant to protect him? How can I prevent more? And where are the bandages?

Namjoon enters behind me by dragging his feet, like he knows that he's going to get scolded soon, and I see him open a cabinet from above my head before taking a white medicine box out.

He settles it on the counter with a sheepish pout, and I ignore him in favour of opening it to find bandages and other cleaning products of all sizes inside.

"We need to disinfect the wound first" I utter under my breath as I grab the bottle of antiseptic and a cotton pad to soak it up, fingers trembling slightly from how affected I am.

I know it's just a little cut, he'll be fine, but it still bothers me.

How am I supposed to let him do anything if he always messes things up? Him getting hurt is not something I like to see, and teaching him how to cook seems even more dangerous than I first thought.

"You're not going to let me help anymore, are you?" he asks softly when I gently grab his hand to wipe the blood with a deep frown, and he doesn't even hiss when I start dabbing at the wound with the cotton pad, as careful as I can while also cleaning his skin properly.

I can't help but fuss with worry even though the wound is barely visible, this tiny little cut feels like the biggest failure of my life at the moment, because my owner is not supposed to get hurt because of me, never.

I should've said no earlier, I should've sent him out of the kitchen like I first wanted.

"You got hurt while saying that you'd be fine" I tell him, and he nods his head.

"Yeah, I did".

"You always look confident when you speak, but then you do things wrong and risk getting hurt all the time in your own home" I continue as I grab one of the bandages to stick over his knuckles, his eyes only on my face, on the concern that creases into my skin.

"I seem to do that a lot, you're right".

I huff as I make sure the bandage sticks properly to his skin, but I don't let go of his hand even when I'm done. Why is someone so big, so clumsy? How do I protect this human when he's so unpredictable?

"I don't like it when you hurt yourself" I admit with a small voice, chin quivering a little before I bend down to kiss his pale skin, an act that has Namjoon's heart fluttering and jumping in his chest, though it also breaks in sadness.

He's both enamored and saddened by what he's seeing. He didn't want to worry me so much, but he likes that I'm worried. What a wicked man he is.

He carefully releases his hand from my hold so he can pull me in for a hug instead, and I melt within his warmth with tears clinging onto my lashes. What a sweet pup he's got, so sweet and soft.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, I should've been more attentive to what I was doing earlier".

I nod as I cling onto him tighter. "You should, I'm going to worry all the time otherwise and it's bad for my heart. Jin says that my heart is fragile, so you need to take better care of it" I state with a firm but wavering voice.

Namjoon smiles, endeared, then makes a soft noise. "I will do my best to keep your heart safe from now on, no more worrying for anything. I'll be the most careful man in the world so I won't get hurt anymore".

"I don't like fake promises" I quickly retort, and he chuckles deeply, the vibrations coursing through my body as the sound makes my ears twitch pleasantly.

"I promise to do my best then. Is that better?".

"Yeah... it's better".

"Good. Now let's go back to the kitchen, and you can teach me what you feel comfortable leaving in my clumsy hands, how's that?".

I purse my lips for a moment before nodding my head. Yeah, as long as there are no sharp objects included, he should be fine, right? Even if it's just boiling water? He won't get burned? Or spill it on himself?

What if he trips when carrying it to the sink? Oh, so many things I must think about now.

"You can rinse the potatoes" I finally decide after reflection, and a disappointed sigh greets my decision before he straightens up with resolve, eyes gazing down at me after he pulls back from the hug to see my face.

"Alright, fair enough, I did that to myself. The potatoes will be the cleanest you've ever seen in your entire life, then. Come, sweet pup, let's make this meal before it gets too late".

I'm not fast enough to resist the giggle that leaves me at that, and he smiles proudly before leading the way with me closely behind his large and muscled back.

It's impressive to me, how built he is despite spending most of his days behind a desk. Does he work out in the middle of the night, when I'm sleeping?

It's strange that I wouldn't hear anything, or maybe he wakes up extra early to get some exercises done? I do wake up alone rather often, now that I think about it.

Once in the kitchen, we get started with our tasks, and this time, no one gets hurt again, thankfully. I make him rinse the vegetables, and I put the spatula in his hand myself after fetching it from the drawer in his stead, just to make sure.

He resists the urge to roll his eyes a few times, I can feel it, but he says nothing and I appreciate that. When I'm feeling like this, it doesn't take much to get me fussing again and I don't want to make it to tears.

Not after the wonderful day we had. I bite on my lips as my mind brings me back to Yoongi. To the sweet and warm cat who smells a lot like love to me.



"Could we invite Jin and Yoongi over for dinner one day?".

Namjoon stops what he's doing at the sink and dries his hands with a towel before glancing at me, and he makes a small noise before getting started on drying the veggies with another clean towel.

His body language alone lets me know that he's not very comfortable with that idea, and I push back on the pain that swarms me from the inside to instead show him a smile that against my knowledge exposes my feelings to him like they're a lighthouse in the middle of the night.

"Never mind, it was just a silly thought. Pretend like I never asked" I whisper the end with an audible lump in my throat, a sound that has Namjoon's heart falling, hands turning into fists as his jealousy rages with his conscience.

He wishes he could be able to say yes easily knowing how much I like the cat, but he can't help but feel like he'll lose me if he allows him over. Once will become twice, then thrice, and before he knows it, I'll be out of reach.

He remembers Seokjin's words, what he said about hybrids always loving their owners, but how many hybrids already love another hybrid before getting adopted? How many are allowed to deepen their bond after being brought away from the shelter?

He feels selfish, ridiculously possessive, and while he doesn't hate Yoongi, he still sees him as a threat. In any other circumstances, maybe he would like him and they'd be great friends, but he can't see that happening at the moment.

"Let me think about it, sweetie, okay? It's... not easy for me to allow others inside my home, but I'll consider it for you. Give me just a few days to think it over" he requests with a soft voice after a moment of silence, and I look over my shoulder to find him already staring at me, eyes pleading for me to accept that answer for now.

And while not what I would've wanted to hear... that he's willing to try for me means a lot. Even if he ends up saying no, at least I'll know that he really, sincerely considered it for my sake.

"That's fine. Thank you, Namjoon".

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