Chose your friends wisely

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Adrienette (Mostly Marichat & MariBlanc)

Lukagami (Luka x Kagami)

Kix (Kim x Alix

(There will be a spider-man homecoming reference in the next chapter)

"You can count on me, Chat Noir." Marinette smiled, gently taking the familiar black box from her partners hand.

Opening it up with a smile. She shielded her eyes as a white light appeared before her and there she saw Mello. The mouse kwami giving the girl a small knowing smile, since she already knew she was ladybug.

"It is very nice to see you once again, Marinette ." The tiny mouse squeaked, and Marinette gave Chat a glance who was watching the tiny mouse as well. "Hopefully we'll get to do this more often."

"Same here," Marinette smiled, as she took the familiar looking necklace out from the box and wrapped it around her neck. "Mello, get squeaky!"

Instantly Marinette was surrounded by a bright pink light...And she was instantly transformed into her alter ego, Multi-Mouse.

"I can't believe I actually get to wear this thing again," Marinette smiled, as she picked at her mouse costume. "Thanks you for this chance, Chat Noir, I'll try not to fail you."

Chat Noir just gave her a reassuring smile. Before gently resting a gloved hand onto her shoulder. Making Marinette look into his kind, cat-like orbs.

"You'll do just fine, if you could handle Kwami-Buster all by yourself," Chat Noir grinned, actually thinking that Marinette could have been Ladybug but had been proven wrong, "Then I don't see why a little training 101 lesson is bad."

Multi-Mouse raised a brow. A little confused at first before a smirk crept its way to her face.

"Training lesson you say? " She smirked already forming a devious plan into her head. And Chat Noir grinned nodding. "Well why don't you explain the ropes to me, kitty cat."

Chat Noir bowed politely and winked at her before he began to explain what to do and how to use the miraculous. While he was distracted as he played with his tail obviously trying to flirt with her.

Multi-Mouse used the jump-rope that was attached to her hip. And wrapped around on a lamppost a little far from her balcony and just like with her yo-yo she tugged a little on the rope and was instantly taken to the lamppost while Chat Noir was oblivious to what was happening.

It wasn't until when Multi-Mouse managed to prop herself on the school roof. Was when the familiar sound of a irritated & Not at all amused shriek split the air.

"Mutli-Mouse!" Chat Noir exclaimed, and Multi-Mouse glanced behind her and grinned and saw Chat Noir leaving her balcony and quickly bounding towards her at un-human pace.

"Come and get me, Kitty Kitty ," Multi-Mouse giggled, before using her rope to take her to another location just as Chat Noir landed beside her. "That is if you can keep up."

Chat Noir huffed but smirked, already liking Multi-Mouses challenge.

"Oh, I can keep up," Chat Noir chuckled darkly, as he quickly followed after the mouse like tail that trailed behind his classmate. "How about a little game of cat and mouse?"

He heard Multi-Mouse chuckle back before the familiar sound of her rope hitting something made his cat like ears twitch.

When she didn't answer back he took that as her final answer as his cat ears gave him the ability to have enhanced cat like hearing. Just like his his cat eyes gave him the ability to see at night.

Which meant...Multi-Mouse was going to lose their little game of cat and mouse. Because mice couldn't see at night and stalk their prey like cats could.

So bounding quietly on the next rooftop. Chat Noir used his night vision and enhanced hearing. And his ear twitched and his head snapped up when he heard the rope and a pair of feet land on the rooftop just across from him.

Just his luck. There stood Multi-Mouse looking around to see if he was hiding anywhere close by. And Chat couldn't help but grin as she turned around so her back was too him. And slowly and sneakily using his cat like instincts.

Chat Noir pounced.

A surprised shriek which sounded more like a startled squeak filled the air. As Chat Noir pinned Multi-Mouse to the rooftop ground below. And they spun around until Chat Noir was on top of Multi-Mouse.

Propping himself over her. He gave her his signature Chat Noir grin. And Multi-Mouse just giggled, and gently booped his nose.

"Well, that was fun," Mutli-Mouse grinned, holding out a hand to help Chat to his feet as he dusted himself off.

"Your telling me," Chat coughed, trying not to laugh. "You didn't tell me you knew the ropes so well. Did ladybug teach you?"

Multi-Mouse froze and shook her head.

"No, I just kinda found out things on my own," Multi-Mouse replied, whipping the dust off her own uniform. "Ladybug was too busy trying to hide her secret identity. She lost her kwami just like you did."

Chat Noir frowned in confusion. "But I thought ladybug gave you-"

Multi-Mouse chuckled. "Nope, an old man approached me and gave me a box after I saved him from getting hit by a car."

Chat Noir instantly grinned already knowing at what old man she was talking about....Master Fu.

Chat Noir suddenly coughed getting, Multi-Mouse's attention.

"So, um, now that I know you know your way around things," He began, scratching the back of his neck. "Want to go back to your balcony and talk?"

Multi-Mouse grinned and nodded. Grabbing her jump rope once more and giving the cat a teasing smirk.

"You only want to go back for some hot chocolate and pasties," She hummed, leaning in towards Chat Noirs face. "Right, kitty cat?"

Chat Noir flushed Furiously. That Multi-Mouse could compare it to her ladybug suit. And couldn't help but chuckle at her partners flushed state. Before she gripped her rope and pulled herself along.

"Race you there, Kitty!" She exclaimed with a chuckle. Leaving Chat Noir in the dust as she raced her way home.

It took Chat Noir at least a minute or so. To snap out from his dazed state, not knowing how to react, since this was actually the very first time he had ever seen Marinette in the flesh flirt back with someone and leave them breathless...As in someone he meant himself.

Oh, he could only imagine how hard it was gonna be facing her tomorrow as Adrien during class, without getting distracted by their night activities like tonight.

But snapping out of his trance like state he quickly followed after Multi-Mouse and lost their race by a half a minute as he had noticed a beautiful cart of flowers left on the sidewalk, with no vender, until day light arrived.

And couldn't help but grab a beautiful, sky blue rose. That matched her eyes, if only he had money he would have paid but in his Chat Noir suit, Adrien couldn't get to his wallet.

So with a giant leap he made it just in time at Marinettes. To hear her utter.

"Mello, un-squeak." He watched as her Multi-Mouse Transformation faded instantly to replace it with his classmate, Marinette who smirked indeed when she saw him as did Mello.

"Sorry I'm late, little lady," Chat Noir smirked, and Marinette and Mello shared a look. Before Chat coughed nervously and took the rose from behind hi back and held it out towards Marinette. "Um...for you , it matched your eyes and well I just-"

"It's beautiful, Kitty," Marinette said in awe, gently taking the blue rose from his hand. As Mello smiled at the cats romantic gesture. "I'll put this in a vase and get the macaroons. Why don't you and Mello make the hot chocolate?"

Chat quirked a brow in confusion as he stared at the boiler right in front of him. Having no idea how to use one.

Mello sighed and crossed her little arms. "I'll show him how to, Marinette, why don't you get the pastries ready?"

Marinette gave the mouse kwami a gentle smile. Before opening her skylight and leaving Mello and Chat Noir alone in the dark.

"You know your only going to hurt her right?" Mello questioned, as she began heating up the hit chocolate and Chat Noir raised a confused brow and tried to speak but Mello beat him to it. "Don't think I don't know who you are, Adrien?"

The way the little mouse kwami said his name. Made Chat Noir flinch. It was as if the kwami was accusing him of playing with Marinettes feelings...

In in all honesty he was...But he wasn't meaning too. As long as if she never found out the truth about him being Adrien & Chat Noir. No one would get hurt.

"I know," Chat Noir breathed deeply, giving the mouse kwami a look. "But I'm promising you I'm not playing with her feelings. I would never want to hurt her, not like, Adrien did-"

"So, basically you want to start over as your alter ego?" Mello asked, her hardened face softening at the poor boys look of defeat. "Why not as, Adrien?"

Chat Noir sighed once again, and scratched the back of his neck.

"I already blew it as Adrien," He confessed. "I hurt her too many times to ask for a second chance, but maybe I was thinking with Kagami's help I can move on to Marinette."

And Chat hearing himself say it come from his own mouth and not Marinettes...killed him

Mello gave the giant feline a kind smile. Just as the sound of the balcony skylight opened to reveal Marinette with one hand holding a tray of Macaroons while the other held the door open.

Chat Noir instantly helped her, grabbing the trey of macaroons and placing them on the little table where Mello had boiled the hot chocolate where two metal tin cups were placed ready to be used.

"Thanks, Kitty," Marinette smiled fondly, as Chat Noir helped himself to one macaroon. "So, how was the hot chocolate making?"

Chat Noir completely forgot about making the hit chocolate and how to when Mello the life saver she was helped him.

"It was a blast, Marinette," Mello exclaimed with a small squeal. "He did get a little burnt on his paw though. Poor little kitten."

Marinette frowned at that. And gently grabbed Chat Noirs hands or in this case paw. And gently placed a kiss to make it better.

"Better?" She asked, while Chat Noir blushed furiously. His tail unknown to him curling around Marinettes waist, and pulling her towards his chest. "Um...Chat."

"Yeah?" The cat boy asked, concerned at the raised brow on her face.

"Is your tail trying to tell us something?" Marinette asked and Chat Noir frowned.

Until he noticed his belt leather cat like tail had wrapped completely in a protective like fashion around Marinettes body. And was holding the girl close to his chest.

The leather cat boy flushed furiously. And quickly got out from her hold, his leather belt tail, lashing angrily behind him as if it didn't want to be out of Marinettes hold.

Marinette only giggled. But didn't think of the awkward moment no less. As she grabbed the pot of hot chocolate and poured an equal amount of the drink into both cups.

Before she handed one to, Chat Noir. While Mello went inside her skylight, probably to reunite with Tikki.

"So, how was your day? Purrincess?" Chat asked , taking a seat close beside her so their shoulders were touching.

Marinette blushed furiously at remembering the chat noir themed colors for her ice cream she had gotten and sighed. And took a sip of her hot chocolate.


The next few hours Marinette and Chat talked and laughed over silly stuff in their personal lives. Marinette had fallen asleep her head resting comfortably on Chats shoulder.

Chat couldn't help it smile softly. As he took in her face. Had she always been this beautiful?

Of she has! You idiot! You just haven't noticed it till know because of, Ladybug!

Chat could hear his mind scream back at him. She was never just a friend. Adrien swore to himself if Ladybug had never existed. Then, then he would have instantly went for Marinette.

But...He just had to screw it all up as Adrien. But with Kagami's help tomorrow during fencing. He might just be able to woo Marinette as, Chat Noir.

Suddenly a soft snore interrupted him from his thoughts and he looked down to see Marinette had feel sideways and her head now rested on his lap.

"She sure is tired," Mello said floating beside Chat who gently took the sleeping girl into his arms. "Must be from your twos adventure."

Chat chuckled softly with a nod. Before opening up her skylight with one hand. While holding her with the another, cradling her to his chest. Before he softly jumped and landed on her bed.

Mello soon followed after them waiting to be put back in the miraculous box. She watched as Chat Noir gently placed Marinette down on her bed and tucked her underneath her covers. Before he gingerly reached for the necklace around her neck.

And took it off. Which made Mello get sucked back into the miraculous as he put it the necklace back into the box. Before he turned off Marinettes lamp and gave her a kiss to her forehead.

"See you tomorrow, Purrincess." He whispered, a slight purr in his voice, before pulling away and climbing out of her room through the skylight.

And heading back towards his home. Getting ready to hopefully get some advice from, Kagami. On how to woo, Marinette.

He just hopes it goes completely planned. He just had to wait till tomorrow.

.........The Next Day..........

"Ugh! I'm gonna be so late!" Marinette exclaimed as she raced for her classroom door. Which was already closed, which signaled that she was late.

Without hesitation she burst through the door. And there she was greeted by Mrs. Bustier who just told her to not make any excuses and to get to her seat.

Marinette turned to do just that. But frowned when she saw, Lila, sitting in her seat beside Alya who were smiling at something.

"Um..." Marinette began, but shut it when Alya her own friend leveled her with a small glare. Along with a cheekily smiling Lila.

"You have something to say? Marinette?" Lila asked, sweetly, but Marinette just growled clenched her fists and turned to look up the stairs where she could see Alix, Kim and Max giving her looks of equal concern.

"...Nevermind," Marinette sighed, before she marched her way up the stairs and sitting alone on the farthest s at from everyone else.

Alix, Kim and Max all send equally icy cold glares towards, Lila and Alya,

Alya and Lila Even Nino joined in and sent them icy cold glared back. That's when the sound of the door being slammed open once again....

This time, Adrien, had barged in almost tripping on his own two feet. As he rushed inside. Mrs. Bustier just sighed and looked between Adrien and Marinette and muttered 'Teenagers' under her breath.

"Please take a seat, Adrien." Mrs. Bustier sighed, turning her attention back towards the board.

The blonde model smiled politely. And turned to offer Marinette one, when his bright smile instantly turned into a frown when he noticed that Marinette wasn't sitting behind him or beside Alya...

Lila was in her seat.

Adrien opened his mouth and looked towards Alya to ask where Marinette is...When he looked up and saw his princess sitting alone and sadly at the farthest desk in the classroom.

And catching the furious looks from Alix, Kim and Max were sending Lila. That's when Adrien finally realized something. Lila...had stolen Marinettes desk and her best friend.

So sending both Alya and Lila an angry scowl. He didn't say anything and walked up the stairs and sat beside Marinette who gave him a sweet smile back.

"Mind if I sit here?" He asked, and Marinette shook her head.

"Not at all." She replied.

And Adrien placed his bag down and scooted so he was closer to her. Alix and Kim sent them smiles, while Lila just gave them glares.

Suddenly the sound of something hitting somebody made the class freeze. Adrien almost laughed as he saw Alix crumble up a piece of paper given to her by Kim. And throw it at Lila, which hit the liar on the back of her head.

Even Chloé giggled. If Marinette was honest with herself. She and Chloé started to become some what friends, after Sabrina had abandoned Chloé believing in Lila's lies.

And Chloé had actually stepped up for Marinette one time. When Lila was bullying her. So Marinette knew that Chloé still had a big chance of redemption to be Queen Bee...And to be honest she's actually more nicer as Queen Bee.

Marinette then continued to watch as Lila grabbed the piece of paper and glared at Alix and Kim who stuck their tongues out. And Lila just scowled before shoving the paper underneath her desk.

Alix and Kim fist bumped. Max grinned, and Adrien and Marinette just giggled softly slightly amused by Alix's and Kim's famous antics.

Thats when the bell rang which signaled their next class. Grabbing their stuff, everyone made it out of the classroom.

Marinette was on her way down the classroom stairs, when a foot purposely tripped her. Marinette found herself falling until a pair of strong arms saved her.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Rossi?" A infuriated Alix Kubdel glared.

The teacher, and most of the kids had left which only left. Alix, Kim, Adrien, Max, Lila, Alya, Nino and Rose.

Lilas eyes started to water.

"H-How could I what? Alix?" She gasped, holding a hand to her chest. "Marinette was the one who didn't pay attention to where she was going. How is that my fault?@

After helping Marinette to her feet. Alix let her go her face beating red. Her eyes filled with anger, fists clenched.

"Why you little-" Alix growled, before instantly trying to grab for the little fox. But two strong arms held her back. "Let me go you meat head!"

Kim grunted as he tightly held the squirming girl in his arms. "Alix, calm down, I know she deserves it-".

"You bet she does!" Alix yelled back, as she finally calmed down. "What did Marinette ever do to you, Rossi?"

Suddenly Alya stepped up and stood in front of Lila and gently placed a comforting hand onto the liars shoulder. Before glaring at Alix, Kim, Max and Marinette and Adrien.

"Oh, I can tell you what Marinette did to Lila!" Alya growled, and Marinette flinched a her tone, and instantly protective arms slid around her body. She turned to see Adrien giving her a look of reassurance.

"And what did Marinette do?" Adrien asked, raising a brow as if mocking her. "Tell us all, in detail."

Alya opened her mouth...But found herself closing it again. As she couldn't seem to find an answer.

"You can't even make up a lie," Kim laughed as did Alix. "How pathetic, just leave Marinette alone."

Alya scowled, pulling Lila among and Nino and Rose followed along. Before the classroom slammed shut, leaving, Alix, Kim, Marinette, Max and Adrien.

Suddenly Marinette curled up in herself and started to cry. She had really lost her best friend to the dreadful liar and Nino and the girls except for Alix.

Sobs exited from her mouth. And Adrien gently pulled Marinette to his side before leading her out of the classroom. Alix, Kim and Max following with equal looks of worry etched onto their faces.

"Marinette-" Alix began, but was silenced as her friend sobbed again into Adriens neck. As they made their way to the fencing locker room.

Adrien sat Marinette down on one of the fencing benches and comfortingly rubbed her back as she continued to sob.

"Marin-" Alix tried to say but Kim gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Alix looked at him and frowned when she saw him shake his head.

"Leave her be, Alix," Kim said softly, the boy swore if Lila had been a boy he would beat his face in. "Let Adrien calm her."

Alix looked hesitant but with a nod from Adrien, who still held Marinette to his chest. She sighed and with a nod followed Kim and Max our of the locker room leaving Adrien and Marinette alone.

Once they were gone. Adrien looked to the crying girl in his chest and continued to hold her protectively to his chest.

"I've lost her, Adrien," Marinette sobbed, and the boy sighed sadly resting his cheek on her head. "I lost, Alya, I lost Nino I lost most of most of my friends, all because of Lila."

Adrien continued to sigh deeply his hold tightening as she continued on.

-"I guess she was really true to her threat when we met." Marinette mumbled hoping Adrien didn't hear, but the way he stiffened and pulled away to look in her eyes with a serious expression.

"What threat?" Adrien growled. And Marinette stiffened at the anger in his voice. "What exactly did she say, Marinette?"

Marinette sighed and sniffed and ended up telling Adrien every single detail. About Lila confronting Marinette in the bathroom and then her almost getting akumitized because of her.

If Marinette thought she had seen Adrien angry before. Apparently she didn't see how angry the blonde could get, as his face was practically beating red. His green eyes blazing with anger.

"I'll kill her, before she hurts you again, Mari I promise." Adrien growled, before pulling Marinette into another hug this time even tighter.

Unknown to either of them someone had been listening to every single thing they were saying and growled as well. Tears of anger and disgust at Lila for she has done to her best friend, making their way down her face, hands clenched.

"Not before I get to her first, Agreste." The familiar sound of Kagami's voice growled.

Suddenly a butterfly symbol outlined Kagami's face and she could hear Hawkmoths voice echoing in her head. Telling her that she can avenge Marinettes honor and bring people that were evil to justice.

With a evil smirk. Kagami let the darkness consume her body. "The punisher is at your service, Hawkmoth."

Kagami's appearance was quickly replaced with a red and white wolf like mask. Red and white wolf ears. And a red and white wolf suit. Holding a giant sword behind her back.

"Lila Rossi will be mine." The punisher grinned, before running off to find her target and end her before she hurt her best friend even more.

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