Untitled Part 4

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Big Spider Man (Homecoming) reference

"Why didn't you say anything?" Adrien growled, anger seeping into his voice as Marinette finally stopped sobbing only sniffing. "If I would have known sooner I would have-"

"Done nothing," Marinette interrupted quickly, looking into his conflicted gaze. "She's got everyone we know under her thumb, even the principal."

Adrien sighed exasperated, running a hand through his blonde locks when the sounds of screams coming from the school made him and Marinette pull apart.

"Where Is Lila Rossi?!" A familiar voice yelled angrily, both Marinette and Adrien gave each other a look before running off to see what was going on.

When they arrived there they saw a wolf-Like akuma with red and white markings and designs, holding a sword behind her back. It wasn't until they turned around was when Marinette gasped softly.

"Kagami?" She asked, and the wolf-like akuma sent her a small smile, before approaching slowly.

Adrien was hesitant to leave since he knew he needed to transform into, Chat Noir. But he knew Kagami wouldn't hurt Marinette. Besides she was after Lila.

Which meant that Kagami must have heard everything Marinette said about Lila hurting her and threatening her.

And got akumitized over that reason.

And if Adrien was honest with himself. He would hav loved to be akumitized instead of Kagami to teach Lila a lesson, but that would just put Marinette and Ladybug in danger.

Especially if he ever..ever gets akumitized in his, Chat Noir, could lead to nothing but destruction.

But at least he knew that if he stayed calm enough. He would never ever have to be akumitized.

So with hesitant Adrien ran off to transform leaving Marinette with Kagami who had been akumitized.

"Its the punisher now," Kagami replied, still sending the girl a smile. "And don't worry, Marinette, I'll make that little liar pay for what she has done to you. No one messes with family, and don't worry I'll be back to take you to safety."

Marinette couldn't help but feel touched at Kagami's words. She really did care about Marientte. And even considered her family. She just wasn't raised around in society like Adrien. And didn't know how to show emotion at all.

Marinette could only watch as 'The Punisher' began to walk away to continue her search for Lila.

For a split moment. Marinette actually wanted Kagami to find and punish Lila...But that wasn't the way she was. No she was ladybug & Multi-Mouse.

And she couldn't let an innocent (Well not so innocent) civilian harmed. Even if the akumitized person is thinking they're doing the right thing.

So with a deep breath. Marinette looked around for a place to transform, anywhere from the public eye. And instantly sighed in relief as she saw the bathroom just only ten feet away.

Just as she was to run off to transform. A flawed hand landed on her shoulder making her jump.

Turning around she saw, Chat Noir, glaring at where the akuma had just been.

"Did you see where the akuma went?" Chat Noir asked, with a tilt of his head. "And what on earth are doing here? Shouldn't you be fleeing along with the other students?"

Marinette sighed. Why? When she was about to transform did the alley cat have to interrupt it?!

Marinette answered briefly. "The punisher, she went after this girl who bullies me daily and I was here to help keep the akuma distracted, and she is coming back to take me away."

Chat Noir frowned, before gently pulling marinette to his chest and using his baton as leverage to guide them to the top of the building.

"Stay here, Princess," Chat replied softly, pressing a quick kiss to her temple, making Marinette's cheeks flush pink. "I can't afford to lose you, little mouse."

Once again Marinettes cheeks flushed as Chat Noir leaped away to find 'The Punisher' who was after Lila. Even though Marinette knew Lila had what was coming to her....

She couldn't let Kagami hurt her...She would regret it...And it would be all her fault. So opening up here purse and letting Tikki our she gave the small Kwami a smile.

"Just day the words." Tikki smiled.

"Tikki! Spots On!" Marinette exclaimed, and instantly she was surrounded by a pink light and was transformed into her alter ego...Ladybug.

Quickly she raced into the scene just in time to see the punisher already trying to take, Chat Noirs Miraculous.

"Bad Kitty's must be punished!" The Punisher screamed out, before using her sword to aim at him. But missed by a long shot. "Get back here you overgrown feline!"

"Make me, wolf girl!" Chat Noir bit back, just as Ladybug swung herself in between them.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug yelled out. And instantly a tight rope was placed in her hands. "What am I supposed to do with this."

Chat Noir just shrugged. Ladybug sighed in frustration and tried to find Kagami's akuma object.

Her blue eyes were instantly met with the friendship bracelet she had given to her. And turned to look at her partner and smiled.

"Chat! The akuma! It's in her bracelet!" She exclaimed, pointing to the object and Chat Nodded fully understanding the situation.

"Got it, M'Lady." Chat grinned avoiding The Punishers attacks which caused a distraction and the perfect opening for Ladybug to get the akumitized object, using the rope she held The punisher down and reached for the object.

"No!" The Punisher screamed angrily, that she had been defeated, as Ladybug grabbed the black charm bracelet.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma," Ladybug said, breaking the bracelet. "Time to de-evilize!" Her yo-yo caught the akuma and purified it. "Got ya! Bye little butterfly."

After the purified akuma flew away. Ladybug smiled and threw the jump rope into the air.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug exclaimed, and everything was completely restored to its original state.

Ladybug and Chat Noir watched as 'The Punisher' became Kagami again. Who was now looking everywhere confused at to what had just happened.

"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir exclaimed, fist bumping each other.

Before Ladybug bent down to pick up Kagami's friendship bracelet and walked over to the saddened girl.

"I believe this is yours?" Ladybug smiled, while Chat Noir smiled watching the two. Before he suddenly remembered something important.

Just as he was about to leave. Ladybug must have caught his look of worry as she had grabbed his tail.

"Don't worry, Chat Noir," Ladybug smiled softly. "I took Marinette home. And you and I need to have a chat about something you did behind my back yesterday."

Chat Noir gulped and nodded, before giving a bow to both Ladybug and Kagami before running off to who knows where. Before Ladybug turned to face Kagami once again.

"I'm guessing you don't want me to be a miraculous holder anymore," Kagami said softly, dread in her voice. "After all I've been akumitized almost-"

"What happened today wasn't your fault," Ladybug replied sternly. "You must really care for this friend of yours to protect her, Marinette, wasn't it?"

Kagami nodded. "Yes, I would do anything for her. She was my first only friend."

Ladybugs heart crushed at the reality of her best friends life and gave the girl a firm hug. Kagami was shocked but gave one back.

Pulling away, Ladybug, gave Kagami another light smile. "And for trying to stand up against a bully and helping others," Ladybug started. "You will be offered a second chance to be, Ryuko, either me or Chat Noir will fall for you."

Kagami smiles happily at knowing she was going to become the 'dragon miraculous' holder again and see Longg.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity, Ladybug," Kagami smiles. "I promise I won't disappoint you."

Ladybug smiled back. "I know you won't-"

Suddenly the familiar sound of her earrings beeping made ladybug freeze and send Kagami a warm smile but also apologetic.

"I would offer you a ride home but-"

"Your time is almost up," Kagami nodded with a smile as she got to her feet. "I understand, and I hope to work with you soon, Ladybug."

Ladybug nodded back. "You too, Kagami," With a wave of her hand and swinging her yo-yo Ladybug was off. "Bug Out!"

...........(Marinettes House)............

Swinging her way to her balcony. Ladybug landed and silently crept her way towards her skylight. Using her gloves hands to open it up with a small creak.

Glancing down she saw that her trapdoor was open and sighed. Her mom or father must have forgotten to close it again. So using her yo-yo she managed to get it wrapped firmly around the door handle of the trapdoor and silently closed it. Hoping not to draw attention to her parents.

With a sigh of relief, Ladybug closed her skylight and then used her yo-yo to swing herself down to the bottom floor of her room, completely missing his loft bed.

"Tikki, Spots Off." Ladybug said, and instantly pink magic swirled around her frame. And Marinette Dupain-Cheng stood in ladybugs place.

Tikki flew out of her masters earrings. And gave her chosen a gentle smile and was granted with one right back until...


Marinette and Tikki jumped and yelped in sync. Whipping around Marinette was posed to attack when her eyes widened the size of dinner plates as she looked to what had made the loud thump.

Sitting on her desk chair, holding to what had been a box of her parents famous macaroons, which were now on the floor broken into pieces, was a very stunned & shocked looking, Alix Kubdel.

"Ugh, this isn't what it looks like!" Marinette tried to instantly say, as Tikki quickly hid herself behind Marinettes hair.

But Alix just stood to her feet in a flash, her blue eyes wide her jaw going slack. The broken macaroons already forgotten on the ground below.

"Is everything alright up there?!" The sound of her mother made Marinettes eyes bulge.

"Yes! Everything's alright, mom!" Marinette replied back before staring back at Alix, who was still just staring at her frozen like before.

"Your her. ." Alix finally managed to speak, her jaw still slack. "Your really, Ladybug."

Marinette instantly tried to play if off and laughed half heartedly. "What? No I'm not, what you just-"

"Marinette!" Alix cut her off. Crossing her arms, and Marinette froze her heart plummeted to her stomach. "Why are you trying so hard to hide the truth? This is amazing! Now we can finally get it into Alyas head that ladybug or well you isn't-"

"And this is why I couldn't let anyone find out, Alix!" Marinette exclaimed. Alix froze. And Tikki took this moment as her chance to meet her chosen's friend and future miraculous holder.

"Marinette is right, Alix, you finding out was on accident but if anyone else does it could lead to nothing but disaster."

Alix nodded fully understanding the situation and gave the freaked out Marinette a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Marinette, just between you and me," Alix watched as she let of a breath or relief before she turned her attention to Tikki. "Hey, you kind of look like that flying creature my future self had."

Tikki smiled and floated in front of Alix. "We are kwami's, and soon you will be getting one of your own very soon, which reminds me," turning her attention to Marinette she replied. "I think we need to tell, Master Fu, that Alix found out your identity."

Marinette sighed and nodded in agreement. And knelt to the floor to feed the kwami a broken piece of the macaroon.

"Yeah, I'm probably going to have my miraculous taken from me." Marinette replied in defeat.

"Not quite," Tikki replied, earning a raised brow from Marinette while Alix just stood there fully not understanding what was going on. "You see Marinette, Alix is a future miraculous holder and you know her identity and she knows yours in the future. So if she is clearly still, Bunnyx in the future that means you two can know your identities."

Marinette sighed in relief before looking at Alix and nodding towards her bedroom door.

"Can you lock that please?" Marinette asked, as she fed Tikki a macaroon. The Kwami eagerly took the whole thing in one gulp. "And question, what were you doing in my room?"

While Alix for her part grabbed the hatch lock on her best friends door and slid it into the lock. Before turning to give Marinette and Tikki a look.

"I came here to check up on you," Alix replied stiffly, as she approached the two. "I wanted to make sure you were alright. After what happened with school and Alya-"

"Don't Even say her name." Tikki growled, surprising Marinette and Alix.

Alix smirked while Marinette was surprised at her kwamis outburst. Never knowing Tikki to lose her temper especially on Alya. And wasn't she the one who said give Alya some time to see through Lilas Lies? Well she guessed now that even kwamis have their limits.

"Ready to go?" Marinette asked, looking at Alix who looked mildly confused.

"Go? Go Where?"Alix frowned, but nodded her head confirming her answer, trusting Marinette.

Marinette smiled. "The person who gave me the miraculous in the first place to make me become, Ladybug," She replied, wrapping an arm around Alix who looped hers through hers. "The guardian of the miraculous."

"Then let's do it, mini-"

"Call me mini bug, I'll kill you," Marinette growled, and Alix laughed. "Tikki spots on!"

Instantly Ladybug holding Alix close to her side climbed out her skylight and swung them over to Master Fu's hideout.

Ladybug just hoped her miraculous wouldn't be taken. No matter of how sure Tikki wasn't worried about Alix finding out.

....Master Fu's......

"Here we are," Marinette said softly, releasing her hold on Alix, as Tikki floated before them and flying eagerly though Master Fu's room door. "Master Fu's hideout."

Alix frowned and glanced around the small place. "This place? What a dump." She replied, earning a disapproving look from Marinette.

Just as a familiar deep voice echoed from out the door. "Won't you come in, Marinette and please bring your friend as well."

Hesitantly Marinette opened the door and grabbed Alix's hand and they both walked into the room. The door closing behind them as Tikki shut it before flying back beside Marinette.

"So I believe we have some things to discuss correct?" Master Fu asked, as his kind gaze turned to Alix.

"Yes Master," Marinette replied softly a crack in her voice. Before she started to reach up for her earrings. "You told me the consequences of someone knowing my identity and I would-"

"I only said, Chat Noir," Master Fu replied, placing his gently hands onto Marinettes to stop her from taking off her earrings. "But it appears this girl is a future ally to your team in the future, and she must be very important, to know your identity as well as Chat Noirs."

"Are you saying that me and Chat Noir, could possibly or know our identities in the future?" Marinette asked, and Master Fu nodded.

"It is possible," He replied, before turning his attention to Alix once again. Who was already feeling left out of the conversation. "Young lady, what is your name?"

"Alix...Alix Kubdel sir." Alix replied, and Master Fu stood from his place in the carpet and went over to the phonograph presses a few keys and it opened to reveal the miracle box.

As he walked over with it. And with a smile to test if Alix was truly worthy for a miraculous in the future. The old man 'purposely' dropped the miracle box with a pained groan.

Marinette was about to move but Alix beat her too it grabbing the miracle box and helping Master Fu to his feet.

She was indeed worthy...The Ladybug of the future had chosen well.

"Thank you very much young lady." Master Fu smiled sincerely. While Alix places the box back down on the carpet on in front of Master Fu, who took his right full place behind it.

"No problem sir." Alix smiled and Marinette and Tikki gave her one back. As Master Fu opened the miracle box to show all of the miraculous.

"So, you are the keeper of the rabbit miraculous in the future am I correct?" Master Fu asked, raising a brow and grabbing the watch miraculous.

Alix nodded. "Yes sir, a future version of me came back in time to help ladybug and chat noir."

Master Fu hummed. And looked over the watch carefully before looking back at, Alix Kubdel.

"Well it seems how you've stayed by Marinettes side, while her other friends did not." Master Fu began with a smile closing the miracle box, the rabbit miraculous still in his hand. "As well as promising to keep Marinettes secret."

Alix and Marinette glanced at one another having no idea where this was going..

"Alix Kubdel, I here by grant you the miraculous of the rabbit," Master Fu smiled, holding it out for her. "You will use it for the greater good. And unlike the others, you will have yours permanently from here on out."

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