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December. Last month of the year. The month of December is quite exciting yet emotional. Exciting because it is the last month of the year, not to mention the day of Christmas and 31st December obviously. Howbeit the month of December is vaguely emotional too as the folks remember what they did in the entire year, what they gained and what they lost. The folks of the city were no different than the rest of the earth's populace as they too were impatiently waiting to bid this year goodbye. Churches were being decorated with lights and flowers as the day of Christmas was not too far. People from all across the world were quite eager and exuberant to celebrate the birth of Lord Jesus. Adults were happy as they will have a get together with their relatives and friends. Contrary to the boring adults, children were way very exhilarated to eat the Christmas cake. Relatives are annoying, according to kids and teenagers (That's true). However the peeps residing inside the Ahlawat Mansion including the owner, had zilch to do with this world. Christmas, New year's Eve, the residents of the Ahlawat mansion just don't give a damn. Their is only one God (Devil) they worship and he was none other than the Great Mafia Lord.

Inside the Ahlawat mansion, the Great Mafia King sat on his throne with his gang members standing in front of him and his gullible hunchback cousin standing beside him beaming like an imbecile, which he was. Howbeit something bizzare was taking place inside the mansion. A priest was sitting in the middle of the hall. It was quite peculiar for a holy man to be inside the Mansion of a beast.
"Brother see I bought this new Sherwani for your wedding. " hunchback said as he showed his Sherwani to his Elder brother. The mention of his wedding made Samrat blush.
"It's really nice Arjun. " Samrat said with a smile. The gang members in attendance inside the hall, gazed at the Mafia King in utter shock. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Did the Mafia Lord just said Arjun??? They couldn't recollect as when was the last time when he took his name. Forget the gang members the house servants were startled.
"Boss are you OK. " Chirag said agape. Samrat scrunched up his eyebrows, perplexed.
"Of course I am. Why are you asking.? " Samrat queried. Prior to Chirag could reply, a pesky sound of sobbing was heard. He looked at the source of the voice only to find Hunchback sobbing like a 3 year old.
"Why are you crying.?? " Samrat asked puzzled. Hunchback gazed at him with teary eyes.
"You don't love me brother. " he said crying like a kid. Samrat glanced at him, vexed. Hunchback sobs were unbearable.
"Are you crazy.?? " Samrat glared at him.
"No I am not. Don't you know you called me by my name. That means you don't love me anymore. I am no longer hunchback for you. You broke my heart brother. " hunchback said as he kept on crying like Shinzo from Ninja Hattori. Samrat smacked his hand on his forehead.
"Hunchback seriously. You are really annoying sometimes. " Samrat said folding his arms.
"I am annoying......Brother did you just say I am annoying......Oh my god.....Chirag did you hear it. OK brother, so now I am annoying. " he said as he sat on the chair. Samrat sighed in relief. But the relief was short lived as the Hunchback began to wail again scaring the Mafia King in the process.
"You don't love me anymore. I am not going to live in this house. No one loves me. " Hunchback said as he kept on wailing like a baby. Samrat chuckled. His brother was a cartoon. Hunchback began to walk in the other direction.
"The door is in this direction not that, shithead. " Samrat told him, endeavouring to not laugh.
"I am going to the washroom. See I told you, you don't love me. You are trying to throw me out of the house. " hunchback sobbed as he began walking towards the washroom muttering strange words under his breath.
"Idiot. " Samrat chortled.

"Can you describe the thief. " inspector asked nandini. She gazed at him innocently.
"Nanu don't get scared, tell everything. " Naksh said cupping her face. She nodded.
"He came to my room and held me from the back. I couldn't see his face because it was dark. He was saying something like I am his, I don't remember exactly. " she told the officer.
"Hmm and what has been stolen from the house. " inspector asked folding his arms.
"25,000 cash and Martha's diamond pendant. " Naksh informed him. Inspector sighed.
"Don't worry we will catch the thief soon. " Inspector said. Naksh nodded.
"Please sign here. " The constable said as he kept the FIR report in front of him. Naksh signed his statement and began to egress out of the police station. After they left, the constable came near the inspector's table.
"Sir I was on the duty last night, I saw someone entering their house." the constable said in a hushed tone. Inspector gazed at him puzzled.
"Why didn't you tell when they were here. " inspector asked.
"Sir because I saw him.......Samrat Singh Ahlawat. I saw him entering inside. " constable said softly. Inspector gaped at him, startled.
"What!!!!!!! You saw Mr Ahlawat. But why did he stole from their house. I think we should inform Mr Ahlawat that someone has filed an FIR against him. " inspector said as he got up from his chair and hastily dashed outside.

Inside the Ahlawat mansion, a priest was seen engrossed in something. Mafia King was sitting on his throne and was gazing at the priest.
"Pandit jii, how long will it take you tell our Boss' future. " Chirag asked vexed. Priest glanced at him.
"Have patience my child. " the priest said as he resumed doing his work. Meantime an old man dressed up as a priest entered inside. He was very old, his upper body was bent, his face had puckers and he was walking with the help of a cane.
"Guru jii what are you doing here. " the priest said as he rushed towards him.
"I was looking for you in the temple, and than someone told me that you are here. So I came here. " the old man said as he began coughing. Samrat rose up from his chair, furiously.
"Ae Pandit, I have not opened an ashram here. Tell this oldie to get out of my house right now. " Samrat yelled furiously. The old man glanced up at him. With the help of his cane, he began to take steps ahead, his eyes still on the Mafia King.
"Samrat Giriraj Pratap Singh Ahlawat. " the old man said looking at him. Samrat raised his eyebrow.
"Yes that's my name. " Samrat said folding his arms. The old man shook his head and smiled.
"Maharana Prithviraj Singh Ahlawat. " the old man said as he stared at him. Samrat stood there, startled. Apart from his family, nobody knew the name of his great grandfather.
"From where did you heard this name. " Samrat asked shocked.

"I know a story, want to hear. I will tell you. So there was a little boy who was really curious, who wanted to know everything. Who wanted to know why his parents wouldn't allow him to go inside that locked room. Why they wouldn't let him read that book in the library. So one day, he quietly sneaked inside that locked room from the window. He looked around to find a huge corridor which leads to a huge old fashioned room and as the curious child he was, he entered inside. He looked around to find a huge portrait of a King. A really handsome and a powerful king. The kid looked around to find rusted chains attached on the foot of the bed. The boy didn't understood what it was, so he resolved to leave the room. However the image of the King was printed on his mind and heart. He took him as his idol. The boy didn't tell anyone about it. After exploring the room, he now wanted to open that big chunky book kept inside the locked cupboard in the library. And one day he managed to get his hands on that book. He opened that book and kept on turning the pages, until he saw a familiar picture. The image he saw in that room, he read about the person and was shocked. The boy didn't tell anyone but one day someone came to know about it. The boy was scolded and was strictly ordered to not leave his room. But the boy was notorious, he just didn't knew how to stay still. He began to sneak out of his room and play where no one could see him. But one day, during playing he heard something. And after hearing that he killed two people. He wanted to safeguard the secret he heard during that day, and because of that he killed 7 people more. Now Samrat do you want to know who that boy is. " the old man said as he chuckled. Samrat couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Guru jii who was that boy. We also want to know. " Hunchback said. The old man looked up at the Mafia King.
"Samrat will tell you, who is that boy. " The old man said. Samrat gazed at him.
"That boy is me. " Samrat revealed. Everyone gazed at him, shocked.
"What!!!!!!!" Chirag yelled, shocked.
"How did you know. " samrat whispered. The old man chuckled.
"Your eyes told me, Samrat. " The old man revealed.
"What else do you know. " Samrat asked.
"Everything. I know everything. I even know about the portrait you saw that day. You saw Prithviraj Ahlawat's portrait that day. " The old man said.
"Hey hey wait a minute!!!. That means the two people you killed were our grandparents, but why.?? Just because they said that you resemble out great grandfather you killed them. " hunchback asked.
"No my child. Someone asked him to kill them. " the old man said. Hunchback scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.
"Who. " the hunchback queried.
"You won't believe me. " Samrat said as he looked away.
"I believe you Samrat. My child that day samrat saw someone who wasn't a human but a spirit. The spirit of his great grandfather, Prithviraj. He ordered him to kill both of them because they were planning to crown someone else as the King of Jasialmer. " The old man said.
"I am glad that someone believed me. " Samrat said looking down.
"Reality doesn't change with our belief. It is true you saw him that day. " the old man said.
"This is all so exciting yet confusing. Elder brother why didn't you tell me anything about it. And Guru jii can you please look into my eyes and tell me, when will I be the Mafia King." hunchback asked grinning madly. Samrat smacked his hand on his forehead. Guru jii looked at him for a minute.
"No you can never become a Mafia King. And yes you are going to be a father soon. You will be a father to two boys and a girl. " guru jii said with a smile. Hunchback stomped his foot on the ground. The old man looked at the Mafia King again but this time his eyebrows furrowed.
"You are in love. " the old man said and samrat blushed. The gang members laughed.
"Don't worry my child, she is in your destiny. You will get her but you will have to try hard for that. " guru jii said. Samrat nodded with a smile, showing his dimples.
"Guru jii I think we should leave now. " The priest said and the old man nodded. Shortly after they left, inspector came rushing inside with the constable behind him.
"Mr Ahlawat..... " the inspector said endeavouring to catch his breath. Samrat looked at them perplexed.
"Bhuvan what's the matter. " he asked as he sat on his throne.
"Mr Ahlawat someone has filed an FIR against you. " inspector said. Samrat clenched his fist, enraged.
"How dare he. Tell me who is it. " Samrat said furiously.
"Umm Naksh Vashisht and Nandini Vashisht. " the inspector said. Samrat smiled hearing the name of his baby girl.
"Hmm so my dear nandini has filed an FIR against me. Please tell me what wrong have I done to my princess. " samrat said with a smile.
"Mr Ahlawat the case is of a robbery. They have said that someone has stole 25,000 cash and a diamond pendant from their house and my constable said that he saw you entering inside the house. " the inspector said softly. Samrat raised his brow. He no doubt had went inside the house but to meet his love not to steal. Besides he was a Mafia King, he earns billions why would he steal a mere 25,000 and that too from his baby's house.
"Brother what is this. You have started stealing. No tell me, have I taught you this. Shame on you. We are gangsters not thiefs. You have ashamed me. " hunchback said shaking his head in disbelief. Samrat glared at him.
"Are you nuts, hunchback. Why would I steal. I did went there, but to meet nanu not to steal. I seriously don't know who has robbed my baby's house. Chirag do one thing, find out who is the thief and bring him straight to me. I swear I will kill him. " Mafia King ordered, chirag nodded.

Nandini sat inside her room, watching TV. She was changing the channels when she heard the doorbell ringing. She got up from the bed and strolled towards the door. She opened the door only to find a badly beaten man standing in front of her. She screamed.
"Nanu what happened. " naksh yelled as he dashed towards her. She pointed her finger at the man.
"Who are you. " naksh asked. The man stayed quiet. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and pulled out some cash and a diamond pendant. He pointed it towards her.
"Here is your 25,000 cash and a diamond pendant. And yes this apple which I ate from your house. " he said as he kept everything in Naksh's hands.
"I swear I will never touch even my own money from now on. " the man said as he kept his hand on his waist and began to walk away with difficulty.
"Was he the thief. " nandini asked naksh.
"I think so. " Naksh said as they both began to laugh madly.

Nandini sat with her brother in the dining room. They were peacefully having dinner when the annoying sound of doorbell reached their ears.
"I will see. " Martha said as she strolled towards the door. After few seconds they heard Martha yelling at someone. They looked back to see 8-10 man holding trays which were covered with Rajasthani cloths.
"Stop right now. " Martha yelled as she came rushing inside.
"Martha what is all this. " Naksh asked agape. Nandini clutched her brother's arm tightly as these people were freaking her out.
"I don't know them naksh." Martha said anxiously. In the midst of all the chaos the land-line phone ranged. Nandini picked up the phone.
"Hello. " she said softly. No one answered.
"Hello, are you listening. " she asked again. Still no one replied.
"Hello, who is this. " she asked softly.
"Your crazy lover. " the person replied. These words were ample to scare her.
"" she asked terrified. A chuckle was heard.
"Oh my baby girl, what should I do with you. You are just too adorable. My baby I had told you already, I am your crazy lover." the man replied on the phone. Tears made their way to her cheeks. She couldn't control anymore as she began to cry.
"Baby why are crying." the man asked anxiously. She cried harder.
"Brother. " she managed to say it between her tears. Naksh left the anonymous people and rushed towards his sister.
"What happened nanu.??? Why are you crying. " naksh asked anxiously cupping her face.
"Phone......" she said as she kept on sobbing. Naksh took the phone from her hands and kept the phone on the speaker.
"Who is this. " Naksh asked seriously.
"Oh it's you. I wanted to talk to my princess but no you had to come between us. " the man said irritation clear in his voice.
"I am asking who are you. " naksh asked furiously.
"Relax brother-in-law, no need to get hyper. First of all tell me, have my man reached your house." the man asked.
"So you have send these man. " Naksh asked enraged. The man chuckled.
"Of course, I have send them. " the man confirmed. Nandini hugged her brother tightly as she was just so scared.
"Mind telling me why did you send them. " naksh asked with his fist clenched.
"Naksh didn't you see what they are carrying. Just look what they have in their hands. " the man said. Naksh glanced in front of him to see the men carrying trays covered with cloths. Naksh walked towards them and removed the cloth from the first tray to reveal a beautiful lehenga. He slowly removed the other cloths from the trays as well. He found sweets, jewellery, fruits, clothes in each tray. Nandini couldn't understand what is all this.
"What the hell is this. " naksh yelled on the phone.
"This is called 'Shagun' brother-in-law.  " the man said.
"Why are you doing this. " naksh asked as he tried to console a crying nandini.
"Isn't it obvious naksh. I have send 'Shagun' that means I want to marry your sister. " the man said.
"But I don't want to marry you. " nandini said in between her sobs.
"My baby please try to understand. You are mine. You have to marry me and I promise I will keep you happy. " the man said, his voice held desperation.
"Stay away from my sister, you psycho. And take all this things away. My sister is not going to be your wife, not now nor ever. " naksh said furiously. Heavy breathing was heard.
"Today I have sent 'Shagun' but very soon I will come to marry her and I swear if anyone tries to stop me than I will kill him. And nanu my baby, I am coming really soon to marry you. Love you. Bye. " the man said as he disconnected the call, leaving the siblings utterly terrified.

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