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January, the first month of the year. This year howbeit the month of January is extra cold. Even though there are certain days when the 'Surya Dev' blesses us with it's presence but still it is a freezing cold month. Besides the unexpected showers of rain only resulted in dropping the temperature even further. However the peeps aren't grumbling as they knew that after the month of February, they will be actually praying for the cold weather as the summer's scorching heat is just unbearable. The month of January escorts with it quite a few festivals. Makar Sankranti, Basant Panchami to name a few. Howbeit the folks more often than not wish for the month of January to end really soon. Or to say precisely the people exuberantly wait for the February to begin. The reasons are two: Second is the Valentine's Day while the first still remains the 'Mahashivratri'. Lord Shiva is the 'Lord of the Lords' after all. The streets of the metropolis were thronged with the folks of the city. The crowd was doubled than the rest of the days chiefly because of the Wednesday market. Women love sale more than they love their husbands (a fact). The city appeared normal as ever. Besides the people had also started believing that the Mafia King is alright as he had killed two civilians last Sunday.

The mighty Mafia Lord marched inside the Mall with his plonker hunchback cousin and his bouncers.
"Brother remember when was the last time we watched a film. " hunchback queried as he cackled. The Mafia King smiled.
"Of course I do remember, it was 'Hum apke hai kaun' in 1994." he replied with a smile.
"You should be thanking me brother, it's because of me you had watched the film today. " hunchback said grinning. Samrat rolled his eyes.
"Boss the film was really amazing, I think such types of films should be made regularly. " chirag said. Samrat nodded.
"From now on 'Tanhaji' is my idol. " Hunchback declared.
"OK but what about 'Shivaji'. " Samrat asked folding his arms.
" 'Shivba' is our god, brother. It's because of him the Hindus are alive." hunchback said. Samrat smiled.
"Brother do you know that our great grandfather had met Shivaji. " hunchback asked. Samrat chuckled.
"Of course I know hunchback. Prithviraj Ahlawat met Shivaji during his visit to Maharashtra." samrat said smiling. In the meantime hunchback looked in the front and he was shocked with what he saw.
"Brother, brother......see 'Bhabhi'. " hunchback yelled jumping up and down. Samrat looked in front to see his little princess standing in front of him.

Dressed up in a golden coloured dress, she looked just like an angel. He tilted his head and kept gazing at her with his admiration filled eyes. But his eyes went to the left side and he saw her brother standing there. He frowned.

He seriously hated him.
"Brother I swear your baby's brother is like a black pepper in the 'Biryani'." hunchback said frowning.
"He is like a leech, always sticking around my baby. Fool. " Samrat said with gritted teeth.
"Boss I think we should leave. You know it's never a good idea to meet your girlfriend in front of her brother. " chirag said. Samrat glared at him.
"I don't fear this beaver kind of man. " samrat said.
"Brother we need to reach the mansion soon. Our cousin Manish has came and you know what kind of a man he is. " hunchback said. Samrat nodded. He looked at his baby for one last time and marched outside the mall.

Nandini sat with her brother in the car. They both had watched the film 'Tanhaji- the unsung warrior' today. Nandini had already fell in love with the film.
"Brother Shivaji looked so handsome." she said merrily. Naksh chuckled.
"Do you know Shivaji in reality was also very handsome. " he told her. She looked at him startled.
"Really brother. " she asked again.
"Of course, perhaps that's why he had 8 wives. " he said with a smile. She looked at him agape.
"What Shivaji had 8 wives. " she asked again. He nodded with a smile.
"But why did he marry so many women. " she queried.
"It was quite common for the Kings to marry more than one woman. " he replied. She made an 'o' with her mouth.
"Brother do you know any other king who had so many wives. " she asked placing her palm on her cheek.
"Umm there are many. But umm......yes Prithviraj Ahlawat, the King of Jaisalmer. He had 13 wives. " he told her. Nandini was really curious to know about him. Just by his name he appeared dangerous to her.
"Brother I want to know more about him. " she said like a kid. Naksh chuckled.
"I will tell you about him, once we reach home. " he said. She smiled. They reached home 15 minutes later. Nandini opened the door of the car and came out. Naksh parked the car after that. They both entered inside the house. Martha greeted them.
"Brother now tell me about him. " she asked him as she took a seat on the couch.
"Ok fine then listen. " naksh said as he removed his coat and sat near her. Martha too sat in front of them to hear what the siblings were conversing about.
"Prithviraj Ahlawat was the King of Jaisalmer. One of the most fearless, powerful and valorous King. He was a capable King, who had the might to protect his kingdom. He first married when he was 16 years old and then second time when he was 18. He had 12 wives till he reached 39 years of age. " naksh told her. She scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion.
"But you said he had 13 wives. " she asked innocently. Naksh sighed. He never wanted to tell her about his 13th wife but then he thought it is just a story. What harm has ever come after narrating someone's life history.
"One day a Sindhi came inside the court of Prithviraj but the Sindhi did a mistake. He brought his 18 year old daughter Nandini with her. " naksh said. Nandini giggled after hearing her name.
"Nandini was an exceptionally beautiful girl. The moment she stepped inside the court, all eyes were on her. Just on her. But there was a pair of evil eyes staring right at her. And those eyes were of prithviraj ahlawat. He was smitten by her beauty. The Sindhi though had came to request to set up a business in his kingdom. Prithviraj agreed as he wanted nandini to stay in his kingdom. For a few days he didn't do anything. He would just deliberately take a tour of his kingdom everyday, just to see her. By now his infatuation had already changed into an obsession and he wanted to make nandini his anyhow. But the problem arised when he got the news that the Sindhi is marrying off his daughter to someone else. He was furious as hell when he heard this. He didn't think twice as he sat on his horse and rode towards the house of the Sindhi. He forcefully grabbed nandini, throwed her on his shoulder and marched towards his horse. Her father tried to stop him but Prithviraj slitted his throat. He forcefully married her and made her his queen. But prithviraj's other wives had problem with his new marriage. They asked him to leave her as they couldn't see nandini sobbing and begging for freedom. Besides the way he kept her in his bedroom was seriously unbearable for the queens. So he came up with a decision. He killed all his wives. And nandini was fettered in his cage for forever. Nandini bore him 5 kids. Two girls and three boys. His eldest son succeeded him. And when he was about to die, he killed his wife before dying. " naksh told her. She hugged her brother tightly as she was just so scared. Besides the similarity of her name with his wife was frightening her even more.
"Don't get scared nanu. He is dead. " naksh said patting her head softly. Yet in his heart, he too had a fear. He feared if his sister would also have the same fate as her's.

Inside the Ahlawat mansion, two man stood near the bar. They were mixing something in the drink. One boy was Kabir while the other was the cousin of the Mafia King, Manish.

"Hurry up Uncle, or else he will come. " Kabir said. Manish quickly mixed the white powder in the whisky.
"Don't worry my son. Today that Samrat will surely reach to hell. And then I will become the King of Jaisalmer and you can easily marry nandini. " Manish said as he shaked the glass of whisky.
"I can do anything to marry nandini. She is just mine. " Kabir said fixing his glasses. Manish rolled his eyes. In the meantime they heard the sound of footsteps, kabir hid behind the pillar. Few seconds later, Samrat came inside.
"" Manish said stammering a bit. He always gets nervous around him.
"Hello Manish. " Samrat said folding his arms.
"Brother this is for you. I had brought this whisky specially from France. " he said as he proffered him the glass of whisky. Samrat took it.
"Thank you. You sit here, I will be back in a minute. " he said as he brought the glass near his lips and walked outside. Kabir came out happily.
"He will die........He will die......" kabir said as they both danced like lunatics.
"Uncle have you purchased the poison of good quality. Because I don't want him to live. " Kabir queried.
"Of course my nephew. It's more poisonous than a snake venom. Don't worry my son, he will die. " Manish said as he chortled.
" 'Shiva' never dies by poison. " a familiar voice appeared from the back. They both turned back to find the Mafia King standing there looking mad as ever.
"I just have one question. How dare you. " Samrat said as he sat on the chair. They both gulped.
"Brother.......sorry.........I......I......did it for him......he is my wife's nephew. She would have killed me if I hadn't helped me. " Manish said as he clutched Samrat's leg tightly.
" She is mine. Just mine. " kabir stammered fixing his glasses. These words were ample to provoke the Mafia King. He stood up and grappled his collar.
"What did you just say. Huh. " Samrat said with gritted teeth as he choked his neck. Kabir coughed.
" " Kabir said with difficulty. Samrat hurled him on the ground and punched him. He kicked him and he screeched in pain.
"Nandini is mine. Just mine. " Samrat declared as he resumed beating the life out of him. He stopped when kabir fainted.
"Chirag. " he yelled. Chirag came rushing inside.
"Take this boy to the torture room. Don't give him food or water. I want to see starving. And Manish, you tried to kill me so from now on you will be a servant in my mansion. Chirag take him away too. " Samrat said as he dashed outside the bar.

Samrat sat in the hall dressed up in a Sherwani. A priest was sitting in the middle.
"For what I give you salary, huh. You just can't even do one thing properly. Get out of here. " he yelled at one servant.
"Brother relax. No need to get hyper. " hunchback said as he played with the Chirag's dog.
"You are asking me to relax. Hunchback these fools have not decorated my Jaisalmer palace till now. I am going to marry in the palace, don't you know that. " Samrat yelled as he pointed his gun at the servants.
"Brother don't worry. The palace will be embellished really soon. And then we all will say 'Begin the wedding'. " Hunchback said as he chortled. Prior to Mafia King could respond, priest interrupted.
"Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu....." he was interrupted by hunchback.
"Pandit Jii relax, let the bride come. " hunchback said. Samrat rolled his eyes.
"Chirag where is that bloody designer, I told him to come today to show me how he had made my baby's dresses. Where the hell is he??? I swear I will kill him. " Samrat said angrily. Prior to chirag could respond, the designer came inside.
"Hello my lovelies, how are ya. " the designer said as he came inside wearing some really stupid clothes, which people nowadays tag as cool.
"Where the hell were you. Have you seen the time. " Samrat yelled. The designer smiled shyly.
"Oh come on don't miss me too much my darling. I was stuck in traffic. " he said as he blew a kiss to Samrat. Samrat looked at him agape.
"What kind of an antique item have you brought here chirag. " Samrat asked in disbelief. The designer rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. So here are the lehengas which you asked me to design. Just look at them, if you have any problem then tell me now. I won't change it afterwards. " he said combing his hairs. Samrat rolled his eyes. He looked at the lehengas. They really were very beautiful. He desperately wanted to see Nandini wearing these.
"Satisfied. " the designer asked as he looked at himself in the small mirror, his lips in a pout.
"Yes they are pretty good. So tell me your price. " samrat asked folding his arms.
"So Sorry my beast but I am not to be sold. No one can afford me after all. " the designer said fixing his hairs.
"I was asking about the price of the lehengas, dickhead. Besides I am not your type. " Samrat said with gritted teeth. The designer stomped his foot.
"7 Lakhs. " he told them. Samrat took out his cheque book and filled the amount on the cheque. He signed it and tored the cheque and handed it to him.
"Don't hesitate to call me again. Bye. " the designer said as he went away swaying his hips. Chirag and hunchback guffawed.
"He should be kept in a museum. " Samrat said chuckling.

Nandini sat in her room, watching TV. Her land-line phone ranged abruptly. She strolled towards the phone and picked up the receiver.
"Hello. " she said on the phone.
"The film was amazing. Wasn't it, baby girl. " the familiar husky voice said. She shivered in fright.
"Why have you called me. " she asked with fear.
"That wasn't the answer of my question. " he said.
"Brother. " she yelled for her brother with tears. Her brother came rushing towards her. He took the receiver from her hands.
"Don't you have any shame. What wrong we have done to you. Why are troubling us. " Naksh yelled angrily.
"I seriously hate to talk to you. Why can't you just let her talk to me. " the voice said disappointed.
"Listen it's enough OK. Stop troubling us. " Naksh said. The man chuckled.
"Brother in law, I am not troubling you. I love your sister. I just want to talk to her. That's it. I don't think so that I am troubling you. " the man said.
"My sister doesn't wants to talk to you. Do you get that. Find someone else for yourself. " naksh said as he wiped the tears from nandini's eyes. Nandini hugged him tightly, crying on his chest.
"She will have to talk to me. Whether she likes it or not. She is mine. Just mine. " the man declared, pissed off.
"No she isn't. " Naksh said.
"Please leave me. Please. " nandini requested with tears.
"Please don't cry my baby. I love you. I just want you to become mine. Stop crying my baby doll. " the man said softly. She cried harder.
"Baby I am coming to take you with me. Just wait for me. I will take you with me. We will get married and then we will live happily ever after. Love you baby. Take care. Bye. " the man said as he disconnected the call. Nandini didn't knew what to say or what to do. She just kept crying in his brothers arms.
"Martha call Dhanush and ask him to send 4-5 bouncers to our house. I swear I will kill this bastard. " Naksh yelled angrily while nandini cried badly in his arms.

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