13| The beginning

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The beginning

"The silence of loving someone, but never telling them"                                                    - Storydj

• Micah •

She leant down, kissing me hard, before she bit down on my lip, making me hiss against her
She pulled away, looking at me triumphantly
I sat up, switching our positions and pinning her below me
She smirked

"You're weak" she said
"I'm stronger than you" I challenged
"No, you're not. I don't feel the bond as deeply as you... pup" she said, making my grip loosen at her words
She didn't?

"I can still hurt you" she went on, leaning her head up
She's wrong
I tightened my grip, using my other hand to pin her head back down by her throat
"Liar" I whispered against her lips

"I'm not" she denied, chest heaving
"Are" I smiled
"You want me as much as I want you" I said

I looked down her body, letting my hand fall too from her neck
I drifted my hand along her inner thigh, as she shut her legs tightly

"Micah" she warned
"Hm?" I hummed
She slowly relaxed, waiting for me to go further
"Say it" I said in her ear, kissing her neck

"Say it Raven" I said again, feeling her softly without applying any pressure
She let out a breath
"Micah" she mumbled
"Raven" I matched

"Just..." she said simply
"Just what?" I asked
"Touch me" she said reluctantly

And I smiled against her neck
Before pulling away, standing up
"Micah..." she said, raising herself to lean on her elbows

"I told you. You want me" I said smugly, reaching for my clothes
She paused for a moment, huffing as she then stood too
She silently put her clothes back on
But I could see it in her mood

She was pissed.

"Raven" I said
"Raven?" I said again
And then she began to walk off towards the cabin

"Raven" I called after her
She didn't stop, she didn't listen
She merely stormed her way to the house and shut the door before I got there

I sighed, following her into our room
Where she stood angry
"You can not do that to me" she said
"I just proved a point" I said

"And what's your point? That I want you? That I want you more than you want me?" She asked, crossing her arms

"Is it?" She asked, nearing me
"Because I see the way you look at me Micah, it's not hard to notice" she went on, I took a step back nervously
"What way?" I asked

"Like I'm prey to you" she said
She was. Yet she always then made me doubt that
Because she could devour me in seconds
It made the challenge to dominate her all the more enticing

It made Levi want to come out when she acted like this
When she spoke to me like that.

"Raven" I said
"Like you just want to take me and bend me over the bed" she chuckled
I felt myself losing control
I felt myself wanting her.

"Stop" Levi said
Her eyes widened slightly, staring into mine.
"The wolf..." she mumbled
"Levi" he corrected sternly, stepping forward
She then took a step back, seemingly lost looking at my changed eyes

"Why are you out? Is that all it takes to bring you out?" She laughed
"Is it what you want?" Levi asked
"What?" She asked

"Bending you over the bed. Is it what you want?" He asked
"I... no" she muttered nervously
"Why not?"

"Why not? Why am I not good enough?" We asked
I hated him for asking it. But it was a question that burned through my mind constantly
That I wasn't good enough for her and I didn't know why

"It's not... you're not..." her face fell, she deflated
And I saw it
I saw the regret in her eyes
Because she didn't think that.
But Levi wasn't convinced

"I'm sorry" she said instead, sitting down on the bed
We sat too.

"Because I... this is new to me. I don't... I don't do... relationships. And I certainly haven't had to handle a wolf before... I'm just... I'm out of my depth" she said

Out of her depth?
I'm out of mine. Mated to a demon.
"But this is a relationship?" He asked
Desperation was clear in my head, I wondered if it was as clear to her

"I don't know" she mumbled, looking down
"Does Micah see it as one?" She asked
"Both of us do" he said
"Both of you?" She laughed
"What do you feel for me? You're a wolf" she scoffed

"And I will kill for you. Die for you. You are my mate. You are the most important thing to us" Levi explained
"That's how you see me? So easily? You would die for me?" She asked surprised

We nodded
Before Levi let me back into control
"I already have" I said, making her head dip once again
"And I'll die all over again to keep you by my side Raven. You need to understand that. You need to see... that I want you. I need you. You are the other half of me. I am the other half of you. Let me be that half, let me make you happy" I pleaded

"I've never been happy" she admitted quietly
I took her face in my hands, kissing her gently
"If you let me in. You'll never be sad" I promised

"You mean that?" She asked halfheartedly
"You're mine Raven. Mine to take care of and mine to please. Mine to make happy. Mine to love" I explained
Making her eyes dart up to mine
Before she leant in, kissing me hard.

As her hands grasped hold of my shoulders for support as she climbed into my lap, never breaking our lips apart
I pulled her close, groaning as she pushed me down, kissing along my neck

"Raven" I groaned, tangling my hand within her dark hair
She kissed my skin until I felt a sharp euphoric spark within me
Her lips working over what would be my mark

"Micah?" She said unsurely, looking at me for answers
I sat up, kissing her neck back
I needed her to feel it
To see how it affected me

And when I found that right spot
That sweet part of her throat that made her moan
I knew she felt it
I knew she'd crave it
Like a fucking drug

"What is that?" She asked breathlessly, pulling back
"Your mark" I said
"My... why does it feel like that?" She asked

"It connects us, once we're marked, we'll be able to hear each other, communicate" I explained
"When... when do we do that?" She asked curiously
"When we want to. When you want to" I told her

"When I want to?" She asked
"Yeah, I'd mark you in a heartbeat" I said
She looked at me with something I couldn't figure out

Until she leant in, kissing me slowly and everything clicked in my head
She does want me
She just doesn't know how to admit it to herself
To me.

She doesn't know how to navigate this.
I held her close

Raven was my own personal heaven
An irony I'll admit considering she was practically the princess of hell.
But she's mine nonetheless

"I want to do it" she said
"What?" I asked
"Mark each other, show me how to do it" she said
"Raven, we... you're barely in touch with your wolf, it... it isn't that simple" I tried
As much as I desperately did want her to mark me

For me to mark her
And show everyone she was taken.

"I feel... stuck Micah. We accepted each other. I've accepted having you in my life. We... we need to move forward somehow" she explained, refusing to meet my eyes
"Do you love me?" I asked

"What?" She asked surprised
There is the answer
"We're mates. And I need you, I want you. I fucking crave you Raven. But you don't love me. Not yet, you won't even admit that you like me" I chuckled

"I..." she didn't say anything, before looking down

"I do..." she mumbled
"What?" I asked
"I... I do. Like you" she said lowly, making me smile like a lovesick idiot.

"Don't do that" she then said
"Don't" she said again when my smile didn't drop
"Micah" she whined, pushing me back
"Say it again" I dared

"No" she denied, crossing her arms, still sat above me
"No?" I said
"No, look we... I need to connect with this... wolf. If this is going to work, I... I need to understand it and I really don't" she explained

"I'll help you, come on" I said, standing up, holding her to me as she tried to get down
"Micah" she warned when I wouldn't let her go, walking out of the house and back to the forest

"Micah, put me down. Let me go" she said
"Never" I said
"Never?" She echoed
I stopped walking, setting her in front of me, hands on her hips
Sending dangerous thoughts into my head

"I will never let you go Raven" I said honestly
"Now... let me show you why" I said, stepping back as my bones began to crack

She watched me. Watched and wondered as I undressed and turned
Letting Levi out. Standing before her as my wolf

The only way to teach her how to be a wolf. Was to show her one.

• Lucian •

I wondered over and over how I was going to sort this situation when they all got back.
I couldn't very well split Raven and this pup up, she would only get more angry. And possibly savage

And my dear Narissa
She would most likely burn half the castle down in a rage
She was a temperamental woman. But my woman nonetheless

I glanced at her empty throne.
Before a guard strode in
"Y- your majesty" he bowed
"What do you want?" I asked, moving to look his way

Before a fist was abruptly thrown into my face, knocking me to the floor

I wiped my face, looking up at the culprit. Curious who would dare to hit me
In my own fucking castle.
In my own fucking kingdom!

I looked up. Seeing... Sin?
He was stood tall, glowing and looking... odd
"Today... you die" he muttered
He clearly wasn't in control.

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