14| Daisy chain

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Daisy chain

"But in a solitary life, there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours, as stars once a year brush the earth. Such a constellation was he to me"
- Madeline Miller, Circe

• Raven •

"Okay... you're a wolf. Now what?" I asked, crossing my arms
He tilted his big head at me, waiting...
"What? You want me to..."
He nodded

I sighed
What if it didn't work?
"Fine" I said, pulling my shirt off
His head dipped, looking at the ground as I undressed

And when I tried my hardest. It actually worked
And I managed to shift again.

It hurt like hell
Causing Micah's head to lift at my groans of pain.

And there we stood
Wolf to wolf
Big brown wolf to a very small black one
He still towered over me

Before he turned around, ready to start running
He looked back at me, and I caught up, running along side of him.

• Narissa •

"Lucian?" I called out
Where is he? He wasn't connecting to me
He wasn't... answering my calls.
"Lucian" I shouted out to no answer

• Lucian •

The fucking mutt got me on the floor faster than I thought
He had a strong demon inside of him. And he was being driven by it. It was clear to see
The horns, the wings, they weren't... normal
They were glowing.

He was glowing
And his little Blossom stood by the side, watching it horror
I grinned at her, feeling the blood drip down my face and my wife trying to call me in my mind

"Your mate... was dead the moment my Narissa breathed her last breath" I goaded him.
I didn't care if I died. I had nothing to lose anymore
Just a wife to avenge.

"Blossom had nothing to do with it. No one
did. Get that through your thick head before
I kick it in" Sin warned
"Either way. Poor bitch should die. Having a mate
like you. A pup so disgustingly disappointing my
Narissa didn't even want you" I taunted

Come on. Do it. Show me what you're made of pup.
"Don't call her that" he snapped

"So you're okay being called the worthless piece of
shit you are.... but one word about the precious
white wolf whore and you're upse-"
He clawed my throat
And the feeling that shot through my body was something I could never put into words

And by the time he was clawing at the rest of my body... I was already gone
I was already nothing more than a dead demon king watching my body being destroyed
I looked around, no fates...
No purgatory.

I guess I'm stuck here immediately
"Your king is dead" Sin announced
I turned away, I didn't want to see him disregard my body. Or my title.
People here were loyal. They won't accept this idiot as their king.

I left the room. Left the castle... intent on finding Narissa. Now that I'm dead there isn't much else to do.

• Raven •

When we finally came to a stop, I was exhausted
I wasn't used to... running like that.
Micah shifted back, smiling at me as he got dressed
I shifted back too, hesitantly pulling my clothes on as we had our backs to each other

He seemed... nervous every time I was in my underwear
And I never understood it
Until he stood over me before, shirtless and dripping wet from the lake

And I got a glimpse of the effect I had on him.
And I... I liked it
I like that I have that effect on him
I like that he wants me.

"Micah" I said, turning around
He hummed, stood in his underwear too as he picked his shorts up.

"Take them off" I said
"What?" He asked confused, looking up at me, his eyes finding me in my underwear
His eyes finding my bra first. Like they always do.

He rose back to his full height, shorts forgotten on the ground
"Take them off" I said again
"Why?" He asked absentmindedly, eyes roaming over my body

I stepped closer
"I want to know what I'm dealing with. You've seen me" I pointed out
He saw... all of me when he...

"Go on" I urged
"Raven I..." he faltered, nervously
"Just show me. I promise I won't touch you... unless you want me to" I teased, stepping closer again
"We're out in the open" he said, looking around
"I won't tell if you don't" I whispered, close to his face as I closed the distance

"Raven" he swallowed harshly
I smiled
"It's okay... I get it" I relented
I don't know why I was even teasing him. I... I shouldn't be getting too close to him
And yet every part of my body screamed at me to do so.

It was my head telling me to hold back
To keep my guard up
To keep him at bay.

But my heart...
"Raven I-"
I cut him off, kissing him softly, he kissed me back immediately, his hands finding my naked waist and holding me close.

I pulled away slowly, both of us staring at each other for a moment
"We should get dressed" he said quietly, his words seeming to lack conviction
I nodded

"Yeah" I agreed.

We walked through the woods quietly. Contently
It had been a nice day. Surprisingly

"Raven!" I looked left, through the trees, the voice shocking me
"Lucian?" I questioned as he appeared
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Apart from trying to find you and your mother... I'm dead" he threw his hands out

"Dead? How?" I asked confused
"That brother of yours. He seems to have whatever it is that you have. He nearly blew an entire room apart. And he killed me" he explained
"Shit" Micah muttered shocked

Lucian looked at him
"This the pup?" He asked
Making me... angry?
"This is Micah" I said

"Micah, this is my mum's husband" I introduced
"The leader of hell?" Micah asked
"The very one" Lucian said disinterested
"So? Where's your mother?" He asked

"I don't know, I haven't seen her since yesterday" I said
He groaned
"I'm going to find her, when I do, we are all going back home, got it?" He called as he began to walk away

I didn't answer, I just watched him storm away.
Sin was in hell?
He killed Lucian.
What the fuck is going on?
"We need to get back home" I said

"Then we need to figure a way out. Surely we can sacrifice something else?" He thought aloud.
"I don't know. We should get some sleep, it's late, we... we can ask at the gate tomorrow" I suggested
He nodded as we began to walk to the cabin.

"Your step dad. He seems... intense" Micah said out of nowhere
"He's an idiot" I dismissed
"Sounds like he cares" Micah shrugged

I scoffed
"My mother is the only thing that thing will ever care about. All he ever did for me was put me on a throne with a big fancy crown and try and make me into someone I'm not" I grumbled
"I bet you looked good in a crown" Micah tried to say lightheartedly

I looked down
"No... I preferred being outside. Or in my room. With my music... my animals, my plants" I said
I liked the living. The creating
Not the dead and the souls.

Not my mother being so overbearing and demanding of me

"The crown was just so... constricting. It made me a princess. It made me his daughter. It made me a lot of things that I never was" I explained

We approached the cabin, and Micah began to slow his pace
"You go ahead, I'm just going to get some air" he urged
"Oh... alright" I said, unsure what his game was

I entered the house, slowly closing the door and trying to see what he was doing.
But he just stood outside, so I focused on making a plan.

Micah didn't come back in for ages
And when he did, he had a shy smile on his face and something behind this back.
I was in my underwear again, under the blanket as I waited for whatever it was he was hiding

He stood awkwardly for a moment, out of breath.

Before he slowly revealed what it was
It was a... a daisy chain?
A circle of daises.
"I made you this" he said, holding it out
I just stared at it. At him

And he slowly raised his arms high, placing it on my head.

"I know you said wearing a crown made you feel so trapped. So I thought...." He trailed off
Before panicking
"I'd make you one you deserve... u-unless you hate it" he rambled

"Micah" I stopped him
"It's really nice, thank you" I said sincerely, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror and the daisies that sat upon my hair
He was out there all of this time trying to make a crown for me?

"Really?" He asked
I looked at him, grasping his face gently and kissing him.
Before I doubted myself and pulled away slightly
"Raven?" He questioned, I hadn't opened my eyes, inches away from each other as I struggled for the words

That physically didn't want to come out
Because they made me sound... weak.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked
"What?" He asked confused
"I'm not the perfect mate Micah, I'm really... really fucked up" I said honestly

He pulled my head up gently, making me look at him
"You really have no idea what you do to me, do you?" He asked curiously.

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