16| Idiot

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"There is no audience to perform for, there is no approval, no admiration to attain. There is no role worth playing, there is no one to convince. Let it go"

• Micah •

The wagon stopped. And Raven jolted awake, away from my shoulder where she had been content
Where I had been content having her
She looked out of the window, before cursing
"We're here" she said, making no move to get out

"So shouldn't we go?" I asked, squeezing her hand lightly
She looked down, clearly unaware we were still holding hands
She nodded slowly, not saying anything

"Raven?" I questioned
Her head perked up. Before she abruptly got out of the wagon
And I followed her
I'll follow her anywhere.

• Raven •

It looks the same, as the day I left
As every day I grew up here
It was all... the same
And yet a completely different world to the one I'm living in now

With Micah by my side
With him... looking at me like that
Like he's complete just for having me with him.

"Good luck Koráki" Mona said calmly from the wagon
"Let's hope our paths cross again" Ravana smiled

I walked towards the gates.
Looking up at them, keeping everything out
I walked through them, through the town
Barefoot and... nothing like the way the people usually saw me

They saw me dressed up. Presented
The princess of hell. With jewels and a crown
A dress if my mother forced me into one

And none of it was... me
And now. As I walked through the town, a ghost... no one looked at me
No one snarled at me or bowed to me
No one worshipped me or threw insults at me

The peoples opinion on royalty was divided
But mine was always the same... they're cowards
Lucian tried to rule in fear. A concept that does not work among demons
Demons need to respect you.

And only half of this kingdom respected him. Some feared him.
Most feared my mom. But none respected her

"Raven?" Micah said again
"Hm?" I hummed, looking to him
"You stopped" he said
Did I?
I looked around, everyone was just... getting on with their day

Knowing Sin had killed their king
That me and my mom were dead. The entire royal family wiped out and they're... functioning as normal
It's so strange
"Sorry" I mumbled, heading for the castle

Asteria should be able to see us
She can... help us

"This is... amazing" Micah said mindlessly, as I dragged him through the corridors
"Yeah, it's needlessly extravagant" I muttered
"Where are we going?" He asked
"To find Asteria" I said

"Who's that?" He asked
I sighed. I forget he's never been here
And yet it's also at the forefront of my mind that he's never been here
And it scares me
For him.

I stopped, facing him
"Not a lot of people here are going to like you" I said bluntly
He scoffed
"So?" He asked
"So I'm just warning you, you're going to face a lot of... disgust from people" I warned

He stepped closer, kissing my forehead.
I looked up
"You're the only one I care about liking me" he said
And there's those godforsaken flutters in my chest again.

"Come on" I said.

I tried to hall first, then Lucian's office, then the gardens. And I eventually found her... sitting by a fountain
"Asteria" I said, stopping
She looked at me. Then over Micah, eyes roaming my ma-
My mate.

"Asteria" I said harder
"You brought the dog back" she commented
"Don't call him that" I said simply
She smirked

"And you brought him back trained huh? You're in love with the boy" she chuckled
"No" I said, feeling Micah's eyes burning into my head
"I'm surprised you made it back without your mother killing him" she said

"You can't kill what's already dead" Micah said
She scoffed
"Narissa would find a way boy. But it seems you have found your way home" she commented, focusing back on me

"Is Sin here? Will he be able to see me?" I asked
"Ah so you've seen Lucian now too?" She asked back
I nodded
"Nasty fate for a poor king. Humiliated and annihilated by the wolf demon" she laughed

"Such an embarrassing way to die" she went on
"Is he here?" I demanded
"No, he left. Took that little weak mate of his back up top" she said, looking up
"He's not taking the throne?" I asked
"He's... thinking it over" she said instead

That means no
"I need to see him" I said again
"Well, when he conjures the power to see the dead, or you find a way to live again. I'll be sure to set the meeting up" she said, standing
"Asteria. I need to talk to him, you need to find a way" I said

We can't live in limbo in hell.
My mom will get back soon, so will Lucian
And then I'll live in a constant state of fighting with her
Over Micah
Over Lucian
Over every thing

Just like before. Whilst she tells me nothing I ever do is going to be good enough for her
She sighed
"I'll try alright? I'll speak to the witches, see what they can do. But I won't make you any promises. And you shouldn't fill yourself with hope. You never did that. This wolf has really changed you. You're all... soppy now" she commented

I let go of Micah's hand. Somewhat... embarrassed of her words
I was known here for being strong
For being stubborn and never letting anyone dictate me
Other than my mother.

"I need to see the mixed monster anyway. He needs to take the throne now he's killed your father" she said
"He's not my father" I snapped
"I know, but still... he killed my son so, I'm not exactly tearing up at the thought of him dead" she smirked

She always hated Lucian. She just tolerated him to keep her title and status in this place
"Do you think Sin will take it?" I asked
"I can't see Blossom wanting to be a queen down here, she was bricking it enough being a queen to our kind" Micah said

A truth. One I knew
But hearing him say it. And reminding me he was close friends with Blossom, tipped rationality out of my head
Because the thought made me jealous

And knowing how sweet and kind and... beautiful Blossom is, it made me jealous and... insecure.

"In the meantime, settle in, no one's taken your room yet" Asteria said, wandering away from us

I sighed, rubbing the tension from my forehead
"Let's go then" I said
"Where?" He asked

"To my room" I said.

• Micah •

Her room...
She led me down more corridors
All brimming with guards who couldn't see us
People who could? They must be dead too
This was so... out of everything I ever knew
And then she abruptly stopped and opened a door

Immediately walking in
Whilst I stood in the doorway. In awe
Of her room...
Everything that makes her who she is.

It was... very black
Yet the light sifting through the windows made it bright and... beautiful
A violin sat neatly by her bed
Her bed...

Soft and tidy.
She had books everywhere
And a... a snake she was picking up?
"Hello baby" she said to it, fussing over it
She has a snake? Oh god

I dared to step in, looking around further
Dark curtains
Huge windows.
A piano

Her bed was big. Far too big for one person
And I looked at her, placing her snake back in its box before she looked around the room herself
It must be strange for her to be back in her own comfort after so long

"The maids have been in here" she commented
"They've moved things" she mumbled
"Raven" I said
"They shouldn't have mov-"
"Raven" I interrupted her

She looked at me
"Breathe" I suggested
She did so, holding my eyes

"My mother will come back" she said out of nowhere
She's worried. Scared?
"And when she does, we'll talk to her" I said
She shook her head slowly
"You really don't know my mother Micah" she said

And she was right
But the way she said my name smoothed and worry from my mind
I neared her, kissing her forehead softly
"And she doesn't know me" I pointed out

She half smiled, seemingly impressed and amused at my delusional courage.
"Your room is nice" I said
"Thank you" she said
"I didn't know you play" I said

"Mom pushed me into it. I like the violin but... she says it's never right" she said
"I bet you play beautifully" I said instead
"Not everything I do is perfect Micah. You're blinded by this bond" she said, sitting on her bed
"No, I'm blinded by you" I said

"And you're wrong. You are perfect, anyone who doesn't find you so, is stupid" I said, sitting beside her
Her sheets are soft.

"My mom is stupid?" She cocked her brow
"Yes, very very stupid" I dared, leaning closer to her
"Maybe you're the idiot for liking me" she teased, not pulling away from me
"Your idiot" I commented, kissing her

She hesitated, before her hands took my face and she kissed me back
And nothing ever felt more right
Than kissing this perfect girl on her bed.

"Micah" she moaned against my mouth, pulling me closer

• Sin •

Blossom won her trial, I knew she would
"Have you thought about my proposition?" I heard a voice
Asteria's voice
I sighed
"Son, who is that?" Dad asked curiously.

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