Chapter 17

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{Just a fun bonding chapter. Ran way longer than i ever intended}

"Again!" Gajeel called out from across the training ground. There were many spectators, watching the two dragons train. "Iron Dragon Pillar!" Avery shouted, launching her fist forward. The skin turned to a brilliant silver, brighter than her fathers own iron, and her arm lengthened. She tried to concentrate, but just feet from Gajeel she let out a gasp and it retracted so quickly that it knocked her off her feet. Avery huffed in exasperation, they had been practicing all day and she still couldn't get it. She glared up at the sky until a tall black figure stood above her, "Ready for a break squirt?" Gajeel asked with a soft smirk. Avery pouted but grabbed his offered hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet. She dusted the dirt from her legs and shorts before following Gajeel to the small crowd. "Your doing great Avery," Mirajane said with a smile as she strolled through the open back doors of the guild. Those who hadn't gone outside had simply watched from the cool of the guild. She offered them cool drinks, which they gladly accepted. "I still can't get it right."Avery said glumly. Mira smiled softly, "Hey, its your first day! Before today, you had trouble just changing your skin right?" Lucy asked from the ground, to which Avery nodded. "It just takes practice." Levy added with a smile. Avery smiled a little and nodded again. She liked Levy, and she was excited when the young woman had been the first to come out and watched their practice.

"Just watch shrimp, today this, and tomorrow she's gonna have me on my ass. Gihi!" Gajeel said with a bright grin, causing the others to laugh as well. Avery blushed slightly. Suddenly she smirked, and everyone but Gajeel saw it. With a quick turn, she had knocked his legs out from under him, and easily caught the glass he had dropped before it could spill on him. "Or I could just do it today!" This was met with roaring laughter from inside the guild and out. Avery quickly handed the glasses to Mirajane before taking off at a dead run across the field. Gajeel lept to his feet and gave chase, prompting more laughter. "Who knew Gajeel was such a big softy!" Lucy said between breathless laughs. Levy grinned as she watched the pair. At some point happy had gone out a latched onto the girls back, and was now carrying her above her father. "It's like he's a totally different person," she said fondly and Lucy grinned. "And now he's got another girl vying for his attention." she said wickedly. Levy blushed. "Lucy!" This prompted the blond to cackle.

By now, the trio had returned, and Levy was sure she missed something, because Gajeel was pulling leafs from his pony tail. "What's so funny Lucy?" Avery asked, tilting her head slightly. Lucy grinned, "Oh just Levy here." Levy was scarlet in the face and Avery quirked an eyebrow. Before she could ask what she meant, Bisca approached with little Asuka. "Hey guys!" She said with a grin. There were several greetings in return. "Hey Levy, mind if I bring Asuka to movie night?" Bisca asked. Levy nodded with a grin, "Of course!" Avery still had her head tilted with a confused look. "Movie night?" Lucy nodded. "Once a month the girls get together at the dorms for a sleep over movie night, and we usually go to someone else's room each time. Tonight is Levys turn!"

Avery perked up and spun to her dad, who was trying to hide a grin, already knowing what she was going to ask. "Can I go dad?!" She asked excitedly. "Hmm I dunno," He pretended to ponder, fist under his chin. Avery gripped onto his waist and leaned against him with a suprising amount of strength, but he didn't budge. "Please!" The women watched the adorable exchange with small smiles. It had been a week since their newest member had been added, and they had quickly become accustomed to Gajeels change into the father he was meant to be. Gajeel chuckled and ruffled her hair, "Just ask the shrimp." She immediately released him and spun to look at Levy, blue eyes wide and pleading. Levy thought about being upset that she automatically knew it was her by the nickname, but the disarming puppy eyes chased it away.

"Of course you ca- Oof!" Her sentence was cut off by the teen barreling into her with a squeel of joy. Both girls were sprawled on the grass, laughter filling the air. Once everything was settled, Gajeel took Avery home to pack a bag before walking her to Fairy Hills. At the gate, Gajeel knelt down so he was eye to eye with his daughter. "You sure you'll be alright hatchling?" He asked, hand on her hair. Avery grinned brightly and nodded, "Of course I will!" She said brightly. Gajeel smiled softly and nodded before standing. All week she had had nightmares and was finding it difficult to sleep without either her father or Pantherlily. Gajeel was hoping a night with the girls would be exactly what she needed.

Avery hugged him hard around the middle, causing him to smile and ruffle her hair before nudging her for the door. Avery grinned and skipped for the door, Gajeel waiting till she was inside before leaving. Just inside, Avery nearly ran into Kinana, who was sweeping the lobby floor. "Oh! Hello Avery! Joining us for movie night?" The young girl nodded, "I'm so excited!" Kinana giggled and set her broom aside. "Why don't i give you the grand tour?" Again, Avery nodded and the two headed upstairs. She showed her all the rooms, Wendys, Erzas, Lakis, Juvias, Evergreens and her own. Kinanas room smelt faintly like a barn, and she explained the it previously belonged to Bisca. Avery was a little put off by Laki and Evergreens rooms, and knew she wouldn't be going to either any time soon. Juvias room was a but odd, what with Grays face everywhere, but it was still better than the other two.

Her favorite room was Levys.

Avery stared wide eyed at all of the books, even as the group inside greated them. "Hey guys! We're just waiting on Mira and Lisanna!" Lucy called from her spot on a pile of books. Levy smiled as she watched the young girl gently trace book spines with her finger, trying to sound out titles. All week she had helped Avery learn to read and write, allowing her to borrow any book she wished. "Cry of the Icemark." Levy said, startling the girl who was trying to sound out the title.

"Is it good?" Avery asked as she looked back at Levy. The bluenette grinned, "One of my favorites. It's a little difficult but with some patience, I'm sure you could read it." She said, plucking the book from its spot on the shelf and offering it to Avery. Her blue eyes wide, she gently took the book, "Your gonna let me borrow it? But you said it was one of your favorites!" Levy grinned, "It is, and that's why I want to share it." A hand landed on each of their shoulders and they looked back to see a smiling Mirajane. "But reading will be for another day. It's movie time!" Avery and Levy grinned before hurrying over to the group of girls that sat in their pajamas. Avery set the book in her bag as she pulled her own out and quickly got changed.

Being this rounds host, Levy had chosen to do a Harry Potter marathon, and was busy setting up the lacrima when Avery sat. Erza was on her right and the spot to her left was open for the bluenette. To pass the time, Mira decided to breach her favorite subject. "So Lucy," she began, smiling sweetly at the blonde. Lucy froze, spoon of ice cream halting mid air. "Yes?" She questioned warily, replacing the spoon. "Have you made any progress with Natsu?" Laki nearly choked on her drink as Lucy turned red enough to put Erzas hair to shame. Avery looked at her with wide eyes, "You have a crush on Natsu?" She asked innocently, only causing Lucy to go redder, if possible. She gaped for a moment, words failing her and her mind grinding to a halt. Levy snickered as she sat in between the blushing mage and Avery.

Lucy suddenly snapped back to life as she grinned slyly at the bluenette. "What about you Levy? Made any progress with-" Her words were cut off as the tiny mage lunged at her, slapping a hand over her mouth. There was a small wrestling match in which Avery watched on curiously, until Lisanna leaned close and whispered into her ear. "You have a crush on my dad?!" She squeeled, halting the two mages. Levy turned a brilliant shade of red as she tried to hide herself. When she peeked over at the teen, she was surprisingly close, nearly in Levys face causing her to squeek. "I-I well... Uh you see..." her voice was pitched high as she stuttered.

Avery was only silent, her eyes seeming to bore into Levy as she studied her. Levy was starting to feel uncomfortable when the girl suddenly broke into a brilliant grin. "He talks about you all the time! It's a safe bet to say, be feels the same!" She said happily. Her dad had been teaching her all week the dragons traditions and mating briefly came up. He always seemed to fit the tiny mage somewhere in his teachings, and Avery was certain they were meant to be together.

Mira suddenly squeezed the girl, "Your so adorable!" She fawned, making her gihi which elicited an all around squeel from the women. Once they had all calmed down they turned to the movie and got comfortable. Asuka was asleep half way through the first movie, and Wendy the second. By the forth movie, the only ones awake were Erza and Levy, with Avery snoozing peacefully between them.

Levy had started to nod off as Harry entered the maze in the third trial when a sound drew her attention. She looked down to see Avery tossing slightly, a small whimper escaping her. Her eyes were screwed tight and she curled in more on herself, as if trying to protect herself. Erza saw and gently rubbed her back, but she still seemed to be uneasy. "Gajeel told me she still has nightmares." Erza said quietly to the worried bluenette. Levy watched with worry as Avery continued to whimper in her sleep, occasionally a soft cry would escape her lips. Not knowing what else to do, she gently began stroking the girls hair and she almost immediately silenced. Levy continued this until Avery turned in her sleep, and clung to Levy like a lifeline. She smiled softly as she continued to stroke her hair and began to drift off again. Just before sleep claimed her, she heard a soft whispered word, nearly too quiet to hear. "Mommy..."

{Super long, I'm sorry. Taking suggestions}

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