PART - 10

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Shaurya was cutting fruits in the kitchen while Siya was sitting on the slab beside and instructing him and he like a good friend is following all her instructions.

"Alle... cut small small pieces uncle...", Siya instructed

"Okay okay... sorry", Shaurya said making it two... "Is this fine ?", Shaurya asked...

"Aul chota(Aur chota/even smaller)", she said and he cut it again...

"This should be fine", Shaurya asked slicing the apple piece again...Siya slapped her forehead...

"Isse bhi chota ? (even smaller than this ?)", Shaurya asked getting surprised...

"Yes... This small", Siya said showing her fingers...

"Siya bache... Apple isn't diced to such small pieces, have it like this, I'll help you eat...", Shaurya said but Siya shook her head...

"No... Mumma cuts it into small small pieces... Mumma scolded Licha aunty badly because she tlied(tried) to feed me like this", Siya said showing the apple slice in Shaurya's hand...

"Okay... Okay, I'll make it smaller...", Shaurya said dicing the slice, and finally, Siya was satisfied looking at the size... Shaurya sighed in relief but it was momentary...

"Eww... This is vely haad (very hard)", Siya kept a 'yuk' face as soon as she put it in her mouth... She is looking here and there to spit it, Shaurya smiled at such a well-mannered child at such an age... he forwarded his hand asking her to spit it as he couldn't find a cover or a tissue... She shook her head... Her mumma told its very bad manners...

"It's okay bache... I'll throw it and wash my hands...", Shaurya insisted and she did it as she couldn't tolerate the hardness and raw taste of the apple... Akansha gives her boiled apples always to help her with chewing and with digestion.

Shaurya came back after washing his hands...

"Mumma gives choft(soft) apple", Siya said

"Huh ?", Shaurya kept a confused face...

"Choft Choft...", Siya acted and then Shuarya realized she meant 'soft'. God! understanding a 4-year old's vocab is sometimes very difficult, he realized.

"How come she gives a soft apple ?", he asked her... 'Did she mean rotten ?", Shaurya said it for fun, it was just a thought that arose in his head but he suddenly blurted it out, and he realized it only when he felt the little girl's glares...

"My mumma doesn't give me lotten(rotten), You ale(are) bad... Don't talk about my mumma like that... Siya doesn't like it, she will get angly(angry)", Siya said angrily...

"It was supposed to be a joke Siya bacha... Why would I say anything bad about your mumma, I know she is a wonderful woman... I'm sorry...", Shaurya said and Siya nodded forgiving him for this time, but she was still angry, she couldn't hear anything against her 'mamabear'. She is very protective of her. "Sorry Siya bache... Forgive me this one time, don't be angry with your friend, please...", Shaurya said holding his ears and this time Siya giggled seeing him holding his ears... He smiled at her and mentally noted not to slip his tongue ever... He cursed his fate, he always stayed mindful of what he utters, it was one time he let his guard down and it messed up his friendship with his little girl...

"Okay, so, how do I make this soft, any idea ?", Shaurya asked her, she blew a raspberry with her cute lips telling him that she had no idea, he chuckled at her gesture... Thankfully, Mrs. Sudha walked inside the kitchen at the very same time...

"Ah! Thank God you are here Mrs. Sudha... Please tell me how this apple becomes soft...", started Shaurya and explained the whole issue... Mrs. Sudha laughed at Shaurya's words...

"You have to boil it Shaurya, simple... Let me do it", Mrs. Sudha gestured...

"Boiling an apple ?", Shaurya asked looking weirdly...

"Why are you reacting like this ? Considering your culinary skills, I thought you knew it...", Mrs. Sudha exclaimed, he was a great cook, he tried different cuisines whenever he got free time, and mastered every bit of it.

"I never heard of boiling an apple though", he replied

"The kids her age couldn't digest the apple as it is, it's hard to chew and also to digest, so many mothers would boil the apple, cooking apple breaks the fiber and makes it easy to digest for kids avoiding any kind of stomach ache", Mrs. Sudha explained while making the needed and Shaurya keenly observed how she is doing it for future reference... He shook his head mocking his fate, he was thinking of learning as if he would have a family in the future... He lost the chance when he lost his wife... The chances of having a family are very slim... The only hope is for him to find his Akansha, beg for her forgiveness, and bring her back into his life which at that point seemed far from reality not knowing that the future he is seeing in his head is sitting in front of him making faces over the apple slices cut by him.

Mrs. Sudha gave the finely diced & cooked apple to Siya and she had it happily, Shaurya smiled in contentment...

"Thank you, Mrs. Sudha...", Shaurya said

"Yes... Thank you Aunty...", Siya said giving Mrs. Sudha one of her wide smiles, Mrs. Sudha's eyes suddenly widened at the stark similarity between the kid and Shaurya... but she shook her thoughts away as soon as they appeared.

"It's nothing... No need to thank me, in fact, I should thank you Siya Beti... Because of you, your friend stepped into the kitchen after a long time... Otherwise, he got so busy that he forgot his favorite hobby completely...", Mrs. Sudha said

"What ?", Siya asked keeping a confused face, she didn't understand Mrs. Sudha's taunt...

"Siya bacha... The thing is, I like cooking a lot, but because I am busy in office work...", he started...

"Boling(boring) meetings ?", Siya interrupted him... Shaurya chuckled at her words, she remembered what he said that day...

"Yes, because of the boring meetings, I couldn't cook much, so Mrs. Sudha is upset", Shaurya said

"Oh! it's okay... when you get time, then cook Aunty's favolate(favorite) food, she won't be upsettt, collect (correct) aunty ?", Siya asked just like her mumma...

"Correct Siya beti", Mrs. Sudha said smirking at Shaurya...

"Mrs. Sudha... Aap bhi na(you are just too much), using my little friend against me huh...", Shaurya said and the elder woman laughed at it...

After Siya finished her fruits, they both went back to the office and played for sometime, in the evening, Richa came to pick up Siya, Shaurya specially warned his security personnel not to allow Richa inside, even though she came to pick up Siya, he was well aware of the fact that she wouldn't leave her spy nature, and he wouldn't want to risk anything, since it's evening, he didn't have to worry about the heat. He asked Shweta to take Siya till the gate and hand her over to Richa safely...

"Bye Siya bache... Will meet you soon...", he said and Siya nodded, kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly...

"Bye uncle...", Siya said and went with Shweta... Shaurya didn't want to let the little girl go, no matter how much time he spent with her, he wanted more, he couldn't get it within himself to let her go... He felt a strange connection with her... With Siya, a little piece of his heart which he thought he lost along with his wife, returned to him. He prayed to god to let him have at least this little girl in his life.

Richa picked Siya up and they both practiced on what to tell Akansha on their way. They reached their place and Richa immediately informed Shaurya of their arrival on text as his secretary asked her to. They both sighed in relief when Akansha wasn't home till then...

"Okay... Little girl, tell me, what did you do all this time ?", Richa asked Siya, after settling down changing to their pajamas...

"It's seclet(secret), I won't tell you", she said and Richa put on a 'Haww' look... "Hehehe... I will tell you, I'm joking befole(before), hehe", Siya giggled looking at Richa's face...

"You little mouse...", Richa said tickling her... Siya just started narrating what they did the whole day when Akansha made her way inside. Siya jumped into her arms, Akansha quickly detached herself from her daughter citing she hadn't freshened up... Richa asked her to go and freshen up while she made something delicious for dinner, Akansha was very tired and couldn't deny the tasty food her friend cooks...


Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Akansha is happy that her life is going smooth without any interactions or involvement of Shaurya, she is glad Siya stopped asking her to let her meet Shaurya, Akansha thanked god that her daughter completely forgot about Shaurya or so she thought.

Richa helped Siya in her meetings with her friend Shaurya... Though the meetings were very occasional, still Shaurya and his little friend made sure to enjoy their time to the fullest in the very few times they met in those months.

Akansha is also happy, that her creepy neighbor Shekhar didn't bother her at all, in fact, she got to know that these days he didn't trouble his wife or his daughter... His wife told her when they met her in the vegetable market a few weeks ago.

"How are you Kavita ji?", Akansha asked her...

"I'm fine Akansha...", the lady answered with a genuine smile...

"good to see you smile like this after a long time Kavita ji, how is Sneha ?", Akansha asked

"She is good too", the lady Kavita answered...

"Did she save my number in her phone or not ?", Akansha asked her...

"Yeah, she did... she respects you a lot for thinking so much about her, and I do too, but you don't need to worry anymore, he is behaving nice with us these days...", the lady said

"These days ? That means you do agree that he used to abuse you at one point in time huh ?", Akansha asked and all she got was silence in reply... "I don't understand how can you live with a monster who tortures you and your daughter... Anyway, take care and protect your daughter... Let me know if you ever need any help", Akansha said and after getting a nod, she left from there...

She sighed before getting back to her work, that was packing lunch for herself and her daughter, she just hoped that Shekhar wouldn't hurt his wife or his daughter in any manner or she would break his bones, she swore... Honestly, she didn't understand how can Kavita live with such a man who abused her verbally, physically, and sexually too, and that ba**t**d didn't even spare his daughter, she observed how he was giving dirty looks to his daughter that day. Akansha is disgusted by all this... If it were her, she wouldn't have stayed in a marriage even for a second if her husband physically or verbally abused her, Shaurya sure hated her, but he never misbehaved with her or abused her... Well, what he did was much worse and she couldn't forgive him for it ever, maybe the physical pain would have disappeared but the heartache he gave wouldn't leave her ever.

But he was a gentleman and that nature of his was what made her fall in love with him. She hated herself for wounding her self-respect and tolerating his hatred and distant behavior all those months, all for a glimpse of his love but she never found it. She loved him too much and just couldn't get herself to leave him, but soon enough he gave her enough reasons to leave and she did. His harsh behavior had hurt her heart, not her dignity, if it did, she would have walked out of that marriage much before than she did. Her numerous complaints and hatred couldn't deny the fact that he was a wonderful man who knew how to respect women.

"Mumma... my lunch box...", Siya said walking into the kitchen with her bag, bringing her mother out of her reverie...

"Here...", Akansha said placing her tiffin box in her bag, and both the mother-daughter left for their school.


"Will you be here or not ? It's so late Richa and you aren't home till now...", Akansha asked in the phone...

"Ansha... sorry, I forgot to inform you, we were just informed of this journey, We're going outstation to cover a story, will be back in 2 weeks... Take care", Richa said and hung up...

"What? This crazy woman didn't even think of texting me... Why am I still friends with her ?", Akansha cursed herself before starting to lock all the doors and windows when she saw something unusual going on in their neighbour's house... She didn't find Kavita anywhere, she saw Sneha closing the windows and the curtains, but there's some fear on her face which Akansha found suspicious... Was it there or is she assuming too much ?

She called Kavita but none picked up the call... Akansha tried to peak into their house but couldn't see anything as all the doors and windows were locked and the curtains were pulled over all the windows which was unusual as Kavita made sure to leave curtains ajar for their safety...

She wanted to check but she couldn't risk her daughter who is sleeping peacefully... She can't leave her toddler alone... She immediately called Richa's father...

"Uncle... Please reach my home with aunty, it's urgent... You'll find my home keys in Richa's bedroom, Please stay with Siya until I return", Akansha said quickly...

"We're starting right away beta... but what's the issue ?", He asked

"I don't know uncle, but I find something very unusual with that Shekhar... I'm going to check on Sneha and Kavita... I'm locking my house, Please stay with Siya, do not come out and please keep Siya safe", Akansha said...

"Beta... wait for us, we can check together...", he said

"I can't uncle... I strongly feel she is in danger... Please reach my place soon and take care of Siya", Akansha said and hung up... She locked her home and walked to her neighbor's place with pepper spray and a knife, she called her brother on her way but his phone was unreachable...

"Damn Akash... Pick up... pick up...", she mentally prayed but his phone was not reachable... She reached her neighbor's house and knocked on it... But no one opened it, no voice is heard, it's as if no one was there in the house and the defeaning silence was more terrifying, Now she started banging the door...

"Sneha... Kavita ji... open the door someone...", Akansha yelled for them...

"Open the door and bring her in...", Her father whispered to his daughter who was terrified... Shekhar looked at his unconscious wife and smirked, killing two birds with a stone... He thought.

He intentionally behaved nicely in front of his wife and daughter not causing any chaos in the past few months, and when he got the chance, he decided to utilize it, he sent his wife to a relative's function and Kavita didn't trust her husband, but went as she knows her daughter would be at her friend's place tonight as they planned group studies, but the cunning father brought her from her friend's place and he also confiscated her phone so that she wouldn't be able to inform her mother, but luckily her friend who knew how terrified Sneha is of her father, immediately called Kavita. Kavita rushed home and Shekhar who planned everything got so upset, he started se*ually harassing his daughter in front of Kavita, she tried to stop him and save her daughter, but that rascal inhumanely banged her head with a cricket bat and started forcing his daughter blackmailing her.

In all this, the only thing he didn't expect was his neighbor... He started all this only after he saw the lights off in Akansha's place, he thought she is asleep but Akansha was waiting for Richa.

Sneha opened the door and asked Akansha to come inside...

"No, I won't, instead you come out... and where is mumma ? Is everything fine ?", Akansha asked and Sneha burst out crying... Akansha pulled her into a hug...

"Damn it", Shekhar cursed and pulled his daughter inside and slapped her hard, Akansha couldn't tolerate him anymore, she sprayed the pepper spray in his eyes and pulled Sneha towards her...

"Ah!... Why are you here ?", Shekhar said battling with the burning sensation in his eyes but a plan cooking in his head... He kept searching for the cricket bat to smash Akansha's head and he finally found it... Akansha is shocked to see Kavita laying on the floor in a pool of blood... She quickly dialed the police but Shekhar was quick to snatch the phone and thrust it on to the floor. He tried to attack her with the bat but his daughter hit him with the decorative jar she found on the table...

He was tackling his daughter when Akansha took hold of the cricket bat and thrashed him with it on his body making sure she didn't hit his head, she didn't want to kill anyone...

Shekhar saw the cricket bat in her hand and quickly dialed the police already cooking a story in his head...

"Inspector saab... save me... this woman... she banged my wife's head and now trying to kill me...", he spoke into the phone shocking Akansha...

"Ah...", he screamed and quickly hung up creating enough drama to make himself believable... He knew the inspector will be on his side and do anything to protect him, he had evidence of him accepting bribe from him, if the SI didn't save Shekhar, he would lose his job so he had to... But what they didn't expect is Akansha's reach...

"If you say a single word in this woman's favor, I would leak your mother's tapes and yours as well", Shekhar threatened, Akansha's eyes widened in shock...

"You ba***rd... How could you do this to your wife and daughter...", Akansha couldn't believe any man could stoop to this level...

"Think about yourself now... You'll rot in jail but What will happen to your 4-year-old? Should I adopt her as well ? Trust me, I'll treat her same as I treat my own daughter...", the filthy man spoke...

"How dare you... I would kill you even before you could think of my daughter...", Akansha said thrashing his feet and stomach with the bat...

"Sneha... go and tie something on your mother's head... We should stop the bleeding immediately", Akansha said handling the bas***rd making sure he wouldn't get up... He got back on his feet, pulled Akansha's hair harshly, and slapped her hard...

Sneha took the bat and thrashed her father on his head this time, but due to less force, the hit wasn't very impactful but enough to make him stumble on his feet and loosen his grip on Akansha's hair... She hit him again making the grip loose...

The police reached the place, sent Kavita in the ambulance, and was about to send Shekhar too but Akansha started narrating what happened, though the SI tried to prove her theory fake, Shekhar was accused of assault, both physical & sexual assault, so he had to take action, he sent constables with him and detained Akansha, taking her into custody...

"Don't be scared, I won't put your mother's and your dignity at stake...", Akansha whispered...

"Sir... please let's take the kid with us, she won't be safe anywhere else... please", Akansha said

"Shut up... Don't preach us...", the SI shouted...

"You and I both know the truth, if you don't bring Sneha with us, I'll make sure this story and your hand in it would reach the women and child right organizations", Akansha threatened...

The SI decided to bring Sneha with them after his subordinates too suggested him the same but mentally promised himself to destroy Akansha's life.


"Sh*t... Today's day is so bad, First, that human trafficking and s*x racket bust and now this, even before I handled that headache, this Shekhar planned all this... Couldn't he choose another day for this... and above all of it, that bl**dy woman dared to threaten me with the name of women and child right organization huh... I'll destroy her...", the SI said on their way to the police station, while Akansha and Sneha were in another vehicle behind... Akansha is terrified of the happenings, she is afraid for her daughter... Tears of helplessness flew out from her eyes... She saw the promise to destroy her in that SI's eyes, she just hoped her brother would be able to save her this time...

"Sir... the women we took in this afternoon, they still are in our station right ?", the constable started

"Yes, so ?", the SI asked getting pissed with his subordinate, what did he want to say ?

"Saab... the STv people are offering the highest bid, paanch laakh ek chehre ke (5 lac per face)", the constable said and the SI smirked...

The faces of the women arrested aren't supposed to be shown but the media channels are obsessed with exclusive clips, so they illegally pay the police to click their pictures.

"You mean we have 16 girls in the police station, now we will have 17...", the SI said smirking

"Yes, We'll receive 5 lacs extra saab and you'll also be saved from making another story to save Shekhar and cover it with fake pieces of evidence, and after this, no woman and child rights organizations would like to hear her", the constable said widening his smirk...


"Sir... The 65 girls that went missing 5 years ago, 16 of them were found, since you are personally looking into this case, I wanted to inform you", the DGP said, in a call with Shaurya...

"What ? That's a great news Mr. Pathak... Detail me about it, where were they found, where are they now ?", Shaurya asked

"Sir... They were trafficked, our officers busted a s*x racket this afternoon, and we found 31 girls there, 15 were regular offenders from years, they were already sent to the department for further investigation, but we realized these 16 girls' identities matched with the missing reports that were filed 5 years ago... they were currently held in Rajesh Nagar police station... Tomorrow morning, the police will produce them in front of the media, 15 people were already revealed this afternoon", the DGP(Director General of Police) detailed Shaurya... Hearing in what condition they were found upset Shaurya... He felt extremely bad for them...

"They shouldn't be revealed in front of the media Mr. Pathak...", Shaurya said sternly...

"Sir... Their faces won't be revealed, I'll personally take care of it", the DGP said

"I repeat, They won't be revealed in front of the media Mr. Pathak, they didn't jump into this voluntarily, it was because of your incompetence that they went missing, so now, the least you could do is help them return to their normal lives...", Shaurya ordered sternly...

"Sir... but...", Mr. Pathak fumbled, Shaurya sure is very calm but in serious issues like this, he knew how to stand his ground and make some tough decisions and make his subordinates shiver in fear.

"I want you at the Rajesh Nagar police station in the next 2 hours DGP Pathak", Shaurya ordered and hung up..

Shaurya called for his principal secretary and detailed him the whole issue.

"Any important meetings in the next 3 hours Mr. Sharma ?", Shaurya asked

"Sir... I don't think it would be appropriate for you to go there...", Mr. Sharma said, he knew what was going on in Shaurya's head...

"Mr. Sharma, I want direct answer to my direct question", Shaurya asked, rubbing his forehead, he was already pissed with the DGP.

"No sir, your meetings could be shifted", Mr. Sharma said understanding Shaurya's state.

"Then ask Shweta to shift them, we are going to Rajesh Nagar police station, but don't inform anyone, it should be a surprise visit, I know how the police department works, but this time, I won't let them play with those innocent lives, it's my duty as a chief minister to make their future life easy and respectable...", Shaurya said and Mr. Sharma reluctantly nodded

"Sir, Do you want me to inform DC Dixit ? You know he is personally involved in this case and he deserves to know", Mr. Sharma asked

"Akash... Our mission is about to fail... I don't know how the media got to know about those villages, they were planning to head there... You need to stop them and divert them at any cost, they can't discover anything before we reach our goal,--------- or else our years of efforts will go in vain", Shaurya said handing a file and pen drive to Akash...

"I would take care of it sir, I'll leave there right away", Akash said

"Make sure you are untraceable... you are officially on leave in this duration, make up a good and reasonable excuse", Shaurya said and Akash nodded and left there

"No Mr. Sharma, let it be", Shaurya said and left to the police station after his security head gave clearance to the respective path and made the necessary arrangements...


As soon as they entered, Akansha and Sneha were separated, a lady constable harshly pushed Akansha towards a bunch of girls...

"Bolne ka bada shauk hai na tujhe, ab saab tujhe bolne ke kya, muh dikhane layak nahi chodenge (You really like to talk a lot, don't you? Now Sir will make sure you won't even be able to show your face, let alone speak)", the lady spat the words and left from there...

Akansha's fear doubled looking at the girls and their appearances... Some are wearing very revealing clothes and Akansha couldn't understand anything...

"You are also arrested for pro**itution ?", one girl asked

"What ? Pro**itution ?", Akansha heartbeat raised, her eyes welled up...

"N...No... No... No... This can't happen... I... I... belong to a very respectful family... I'm a teacher... No... No this isn't happening", Akansha panic-whispered...

"You think we are doing this willingly ? We are from a respectable family too, sorry, we were... My parents were doctors, her father was a software engineer, we were forcefully trafficked and are made to do this", the girl narrated shocking Akansha...

"What ?", Akansha asked wiping her tears... "How did this happen ?", she asked

They explained how they got trafficked and sold to different brothels after they bid on them... Akansha's heart broke listening to their story... Some of them shared their stories while some of them sat silently not interested in talking...

"What happened to you ?", one girl asked...

Akansha told them everything leaving the part about her daughter... She wouldn't risk mentioning her daughter to anyone but rest all she did, in these few hours, they developed a bond of trust... the compassion they showed towards her provided her with strength, hearing their story, she felt if they could fight, she could fight as well...

"This ba***rd... Ankit (SI) is very dangerous... I'm sure he might be planning something big", a girl said

"Yes, I think he would involve her with us and defame her, I feel so, by hearing that lady constable's words", another girl said

"What ? How can you be so sure ? N...Nothing would happen of that sort", Akansha said trying to be confident

"We never got caught by police before, but we know all the police officers in this city, especially corrupted a**h*les like this Ankit...", the same girl said... "And from the story you said, he would try to avoid all the interrogations regarding that case to save your neighbor, so he would push you into this case clearing all evidence from that case, if you are completely eliminated from that case, there is no case...", she said

"But, how could he do that ? he can't prove that they found me with you", Akansha asked, though she was displaying strength, she was terrified from inside and the girls could see it...

"This Ankit had many allies in our world, he would create all the evidence in a blink, and he would get a man who would say he was the client with whom you...", The girl started but Akansha closed her eyes and tears left her eyes...

"Sh... Don't talk like that to her...", the other girl reprimanded her friend for being so blunt about it...

"Sorry for being so harsh, but that's how it is, if a man says that you were with him when the police raided, it's a piece of big evidence... and the police personnel who raided the hotel are all his men... You are trapped badly...", the girl said...

"I need to find a way... Please help me... I can't let this happen to me", Akansha pleaded...

"I have a phone... Call anyone if you know someone powerful", another girl said handing the phone secretly to Akansha...

Akansha tried calling Akash but his phone was unreachable...

"God! I would kill him once I see him... he is dead", Akansha muttered in anger...

"Sir.... Sir.... the DGP is heading here...", the constable ran to the S.I Ankit...

"What ?", Ankit stood shocked

"Yes sir, just received information from the nearby traffic police, the Director General of Police Mr. Pathak is on his way, he will reach in 5 minutes", the constable said and Ankit's eyes widened in fear... God, how would he do what he planned now, and what if Akansha opened her mouth?

"God is on your side, the DGP is heading here... Make sure you were heard", a girl suggested.

"Leave about her, think about us, why would the highest ranking police officer in the state visit such a small police station like Rajesh Nagar, it's obviously for us, I guess they would reveal us to the media now itself instead of tomorrow morning", other girl feared...

"No No, my parents would die with humiliation... it's better they live thinking I'm dead", a girl cried, Akansha consoled them though her situation is similar...

"Is this face reveal even legal ?", Akansha questioned

"These police people are very clever, they can find loopholes in anything", another girl said

The DGP arrived and soon the commissioner of that area too arrived knowing the DGP's arrival, he saluted to the DGP so did all the officers present there...

"I'll come directly to the point, I have received clear instructions from the chief minister, there won't be any reveal to the media about these 16 girls... there won't be any mention of them, We'll help them restart their lives if they want to, but after a proper investigation, but everything would be done under the covers, no news of them could be revealed to the media", the DGP said leaving everyone shocked...

Though the girls and Akansha are in the lock-up, they still could hear them since the police station is a small one.

"CM saab bhagwan hai(CM is a god)", the girls whispered to themselves... Akansha for the first time in a longtime felt a positive feeling about him, him, the chief minister, not him, the husband or ex-husband.

"Sir... How could that even be possible... It's not so easy and you know that's not how we work...", the commissioner said, the SI looked at the commissioner signing him to say some more, and the commissioner nodded as he too had a share in whatever the media houses are offering and he didn't want to let the money go.

"I don't need you to teach me how things work, if you want to make things work according to us, then find a loophole yourself without going against the CM's direct orders", the DGP said

"Found it sir", the SI Ankit said politely...

"CM sir's orders are that we can't reveal but the details can always be leaked... We can't do that, but someone can...", Ankit said, the commissioner nodded looking at the DGP with anticipation silently praying for him to agree

Ankit purposely proposed it that if the details were leaked, it would be easier to fit Akansha's name and details in it tarnishing her name and destroying her life forever...

"Why do I find only cheap people like these under you ?", the DGP questioned the commissioner angrily...

"Sir, you also know, we don't have any other option, we can't take the headache of these 16 girls on our head, even if we hide this for the girls' benefit, after a few years, someone will find this and then question the department and also malign our name saying we purposely hid these details and benefitted from this deal, things like this already took place many times, We're just trying to minimize the damage to the department sir", the commissioner gave a perfect explanation and the DGP nodded slowly... But a phone call disrupted all their plans...

"Sir... The CM's convoy is on the way, he will be there anytime", the DGP received the info...

"What ? Why wasn't I informed of this before ?", DGP questioned but before he could hear the answer, he hung up as for now, it's important to prepare for the CM's arrival rather than pushing for answers of why he wasn't informed.

Honestly, when he spoke to the Chief Minister some time ago, hearing his seriousness he expected him to closely monitor the situation and keep questioning them about the progress but Shaurya surprised them by directly visiting the station...

"These animals wouldn't think of us, money and reputation matter to them more, Despite the CM's orders, they are doing it", one of them said

"Arre that CM is also involved in it, Do you really think he would be unaware of of what these people would do ? He was just trying to act to protect his name by ordering the DGP not to reveal our details", another one said and many of them agreed

"All are same, power & money is everything to them...", they agreed collectively


"Sir... the DGP reached, I'll go and inform them about your arrival", the security head said as soon as they reached the premises...

"Not needed... Let's go in...", Shaurya said...

"CM's Convoy is here... Sir... C...Chief Minister's convoy is here...", The guard said into the walkie-talkie... There was commotion everywhere hearing it and Akansha got to know the reason for the noise, she was paralyzed hearing it.

Before the commissioner, DGP, or anyone else could act or do anything, Shaurya entered the police station with his principal secretary, Additional secretaries, and his legal advisors, immediate staff, and Z category security.

The whole station went silent, everyone saluted him... They didn't expect a Chief Minister to arrive at a small police station at that time of the night for just 16 girls, well that's how they thought, because the CMs before didn't even care to give a press statement or even discuss the matter when 2000 girls went missing in a span of 3 weeks.

"I know what's going on here... So don't even try hiding it...", Shaurya said in his no-nonsense tone. His voice boomed in the whole station which went silent with his aura screaming power and authority...

Akansha shivered hearing his tone directly, after 5 long years... She even forgot to take breath... The fear of her getting spotted is multiplying. The girls were too anxious to hear what the Chief Minister has to say that they didn't notice Akansha's condition...

"Sir... We...", DGP started but Shaurya shook his head...

"Bring the documents related to the case...", Shaurya asked... Ankit stood paralyzed to his spot, he can't show the book to him, he didn't add Akansha's details in it yet...

"Sir... We still have to do a lot of entries...", the commissioner answered instead...

"Fine... My legal team would be here along with my Additional Secretary to see through the process... These 16 girls are found, but where they are found is not for the public's knowledge... They deserve a new life and they would get it", Shaurya said sternly...

"Sir, but hiding such an important news from the public is...", the DGP started

"You are right Mr. Pathak, let's start the revelations with your department's failures, what's say ?", Shaurya asked glaring at the old man... It's a matter of 16 girls and their dignity, and this man is still busy in playing dirty games to save his department's reputation? Shaurya got furious... He couldn't leave the innocent girls in these animal's protection he thought.

"Bring everyone here... I'll personally talk to them", Shaurya commanded... His statement made all the girls happy, glad, and what not... A new hope rose in their heart... The S.I understood that now he couldn't plan anything but it terrified Akansha.

The constable opened the lock and the girls rushed out, Akansha stood there paralyzed...

"You too... move...", the constable said...

"M...Me ? Why me ? I don't belong to tha...that", Akansha finished her sentence with difficulty... She in no way can face Shaurya... No, she can't...

"You belong to this case only, Saab has already decided, girl this is better for you, you would get relieved, there would be no case on you", the constable told and started pulling Akansha... When they reached the hall where the CM is there, she left her hand, Akansha stood behind all the girls, properly covering herself...

"I want to hear what happened to you... and no need to get afraid, I would make sure you restart your life ag...", he started with a pleasant smile but suddenly his smile faltered... The hair... the forehead... it looked same as his wife... No... NO.... It's not her... All these years, he prayed to see her, meet her by miracle, but now he prayed it's not her, but God has some other plans...

The girl standing in front of Akansha leaned her head to the side to hear what her friend was saying, and that's when Shaurya spotted Akansha... The ground beneath him was snatched... NO... NOT IN A F**KING HELL...

"A....A..", Shaurya fumbled... his breathing quickened, he tried to compose himself but it became so difficult.... Mr. Sharma is astonished to see the ever-calm and composing Shaurya under so much stress... "Akansha...", Shaurya called in a whisper, but since the whole station is silent, she heard him, everyone heard him, she closed her eyes to compose herself, before raising her head and looking at his face, into his eyes, the eyes she was so used to look into, the eyes that used to display her world... But, now ? those eyes meant nothing to her, or so she thought.

Precap -

"Are...Are you a part o...of them ?", Shaurya asked, there was a pain in his tone, but she refused to answer him...

"MR. SHARMA...", Shaurya shouted, for the first time in his entire life...

Akansha raised her head to see him, and by looking at her face, he understood she didn't want anyone to come in between them so he showed his palm to Mr. Sharma stopping him from approaching them...

"Are you a part of them, tell me what happened... Akansha... I would be ruined... Don't do this... Answer me... Please", he begged

He was about to ask Mr. Sharma to get all the details of this case and everything, and that forced her to answer...

Akash rushing to the police station.... Shaurya getting to know Akash knew where Akansha is, all these years, but he didn't share it with him.

Akansha and her conditions...

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