PART - 11

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Shaurya was sitting on the teak wood chair in the confined police station with all the others standing around him. As soon as his eyes fell on his wife who left him about 5 years ago, his heartbeat quickened pacing at a dangerous speed. 

"A....A..", Shaurya fumbled... his breathing quickened, he tried to compose himself but it became so difficult.... Mr. Sharma is astonished to see the ever-calm and composing Shaurya under so much stress... "Akansha...", Shaurya called in a whisper, but since the whole station was silent, she heard him, everyone heard him, she closed her eyes to compose herself, before raising her head and looking at his face, into his eyes, the eyes she was so used to look into, the eyes that used to display her world... But, now ? those eyes meant nothing to her, or so she thought.

Shaurya stood up, and everyone around him looked surprised at how he kept staring at Akansha with many emotions running down his face. Everyone around them was looking curiously as if wondering how did the Chief Minister know her while the DGP, Mr. Sharma, and Shaurya's immediate staff were astonished at how they are witnessing their Chief Minister losing his composture for the first time. But, Ankit was the most scared one among all of them present there, if the CM managed to know the truth, he would be destroyed... He can't even undo what he has done in the past few minutes. He closed his eyes remembering how he added Akansha's name in the handwritten report in the DD(Daily Diary) Entries. 

Shaurya started walking towards Akansha but Mr. Sharma's tone stopped him. 

"Sir...", Mr. Sharma called, as if trying to bring back Shaurya's composure... And hearing Mr. Sharma's cautious tone, Shaurya looked at the women and their condition, he closed his eyes gaining back his senses, first he needs to take care of the things as a chief minister, he had to fulfill his duty, then he could tackle his emotions. All the time, his heart was squeezing with immeasurable pain by even imagining about his wife's pain all these years if she was actually a part of all this, but still, his heart didn't accept what was visible in front of his eyes. He prayed for it not to be true. 

"Mr. Sharma, arrange shawls for the ladies", Shaurya said, his tone soft yet firm... Mr. Sharma immediately nodded and acted on his boss's command. The women looked at him in awe at his gentlemanly behavior, they wanted to get a picture with him to cherish and be grateful but there was this one woman who was once his woman, was not at all impressed by his action, in contrary she wanted to run far away from him... far far away where she couldn't even spot his memories.

Shaurya walked towards Akansha and signed her to walk to a side... Though she wasn't looking at him at all, she understood what he wanted but she couldn't take a single step, her breath stuck in her throat, she felt as if her whole body is paralyzed. She never thought she would meet him again, that too in such kind of a situation, Shaurya is more or less in the same situation but her heart was beating wildly due to terror and hatred while his was in anticipation, worry, pain, and love. 

He observed her closely, she gained some weight, her complexion got lighter, but she was the same nonetheless except for her eyes which held pain and hope when she was married to him, now held nothingness, they were ice cold and he was scared at the lack of emotions in her eyes. He noticed her crumbled cotton kurti and leggings, his eyebrows creased at the scarf on her head which was covering her face, especially her temples. He couldn't see her whole hair but he could feel its length shortened a bit. Her front hair strands are sticking to her face due to the humid temperatures in that confined space. His palms itched to place her tendrils in their right place, he knew they were causing irritation to her, it always irritated her if her hair wasn't in place, he didn't understand why she wasn't pushing them back, not knowing she was covering her slap marks given by that ba**t**d Shekhar. What if Shaurya got furious seeing the slap mark ? She highly doubted it but she didn't want to take any chance so she covered it. Shaurya cursed himself for losing himself in staring at his wife instead of tackling the issue at hand. 

"Akansha... Come with me... Please", he said softly, She could hear the gasps around them, and she lifted her eyes to shoot him a glare but the ocean of emotions she saw in his eyes shocked her, they were filled with moisture, it's as if he was hardly holding himself from taking her in his arms tightly... She mentally huffed in annoyance at her thoughts, him and affection, like the hell he would show, and now the girl who used to crave his affection and love was long dead, the woman in front of him only hated his existence and didn't want anything to do with him. 

She didn't want to create a scene, so she walked with him to a side, they were still within hearing range of everyone if they increased their tone even a single decibel more their normal tone, considering the packed space there, but if they spoke in a low voice, they would be inaudible. 

"A...Akansha...", Shaurya called... He couldn't even pronounce her name without worry and pain... his heart was aching terribly and with her so close to him, he was failing badly in hiding his distress... She kept looking aside avoiding his eyes... "look at me...", he pleaded but she kept looking aside, it's as if one look at him and she would break into pieces, she promised herself not to get affected by this man ever if their paths cross again in future but now, she hated herself for failing very badly... It's clear his presence was affecting her badly... Her heart was beating wildly... 

He sighed deeply, he understood she wouldn't answer him or look at him, so he chose to ask that one question which filled his head with dread from the time he saw her again. 

"Are...Are you a part o...of them ?", he asked her, his face gave away the fear and anticipation of the answer to his question, but luckily his back was facing everyone, so they couldn't see his face, and the one who could, isn't interested in looking at him. His tone was filled with pain, for a second, she wanted to look at him to see if it was real, but again, he could easily deceive her with his extraordinary acting skills... She mocked her head, but her heart knew Shaurya loved her for real, though he claimed it was an act, but she didn't want to let that stupid feeling or any positive statement about him enter her heart. She refused to answer him and Shaurya lost his patience, he needed the answer to his question immediately. 

"MR.SHARMA...", Shaurya yelled shocking everyone, the man who was known for his calmness and composture was yelling? They knew Shaurya never shouts, this was the first time he did... Mr. Sharma walked towards them quickly... Akansha took a deep breathe and looked at his face, into his eyes, and Shaurya understood her, she didn't want to involve anyone in between them so he showed his palm stopping Mr. Sharma from approaching them. Shaurya turned to Mr. Sharma and gave a side nod, and Mr. Sharma understood his boss wanted him to stay away for now but stay attentive to act on his orders quickly. Mr. Sharma nodded obediently at Shaurya and walked away. 

"Are you a part of them, tell me what happened... Akansha... I would be ruined... Don't do this... Answer me... Please", he begged her... He would be ruined knowing what all she had gone through... he would be ruined to imagine her sufferings all these years if what he thought was the truth... All these years, he thought she was living at least a peaceful life away from him if not a happy life, because he knew he ruined her for any happiness and he hated himself for it, hate is a small word for what he felt towards himself, but at least he thought she was safe but now all his assumptions came crashing down... 

'Huh... Ruined ? Of course, the CM's ex-wife was arrested for pro**itution... Of course, he would be ruined', thought Akansha...  

'Even if she was forced into pro**itution, I will try fixing her all my life, I will beg for her forgiveness and if she ever decides to give me a chance, I would marry her again and keep her as my queen, f**k politics, I would disappear taking her away from all the pains, she deserves the world', thought Shaurya, but he hoped it wasn't the case, he hoped she was safe all these years and leading a peaceful life. 

"Akansha... I'm asking you for one last time... answer me... or else I will have to force out the answers", he said sternly and she raised her head to glare at him... How dare he say that ? She would slap him across if he dared to force the answers out of her, and with what right is he asking her all these things ? She wanted to question him but her body wasn't in support of even wasting a single word on the man in front of her eyes... Looking at her sharp glare, Shaurya corrected his sentence... "I mean I will have to force out the answers from the police", he said, this time his tone wasn't stern but soft and polite. She didn't open her mouth, he left a deep sigh and started looking sideways to call Mr.Sharma but he heard his wife then making his head turn to her with a jerk.

"I will answer you, but you have to agree to my conditions first", she said and Shaurya's heart ached at her cold tone, with no emotions in her voice, but still, something is better than nothing, hearing her after 5 years soothed his bruised heart and soul. 

"What are those ?", he asked softly

"No one should know about the past relationship we shared, Don't try to help me out of this, I'll find my own way", she spoke in the same tone...

"Why do you think I will agree to this after seeing you in such a vulnerable position ?", Shaurya asked trying hard to keep his calm... He would take her home unscathed, no matter what, and about his relationship, he wasn't ashamed of accepting her as his wife, or ex-wife. If he decides to hide it, it would be because she wasn't ready to be acknowledged as his... not because of any other reason but her next words broke something in him...

"Because it's beneficial for you, any acquaintance with me would only ruin your reputation, career and maybe yourself too, so do yourself a favor and leave from here...", she said... 

'I was ruined the day you left me', he wanted to say but didn't, he kept looking at her hoping she would understand his unsaid words.

'I am sure you wanted to do the same but I don't understand why are you standing in front of me and acting as if my pain matters to you' Akansha wanted to ask him but she didn't want to waste her energy or words on that man, but her one look made him understand what she was thinking... Hurt flashed in his eyes realizing her unsaid words...

"You think so low of me ?", he asked... and what did she mean by 'any acquaintance with me would ruin your career', was she actually a part of them ? Even the part scared him... No, No, God can't be so cruel, fate already gave her more than enough pain in the name of him and her parents, not this. He begged it to be a lie...

She gave him a 'I-don't-have-time-to-think-about-you' look and he got it immediately... 

"Fine, I understand it's a waste of time trying to talk to you, hear me carefully, I'm not accepting any of your conditions, and I would take you from here unscathed, with or without your permission", he said firmly.

"You won't get the truth from them", Akansha said, it was her final weapon... Shaurya looked at her with wide eyes, what was she saying ? Then he looked at the girls, now covered in shawls, his sharp eyes quickly scanned the room and they were 16 already, he frowned at the mismatch. They presented 17 girls in front of him, while the DGP clearly told him that there were only 16 girls... Shaurya understood that there was some mystery and he expected Akansha to reveal it if he agreed to her conditions, time was running out and he had to get her out of this.

"Fine... I accept your terms... Now tell me", Shaurya said desperate for the truth, Akansha looked into his eyes and shook her head in a 'No'. He left a deep sigh and leaned on the wall beside him in relief, a tear escaped his left eye which he wiped immediately. If it was someone else they would have thought she was shaking her head in 'No' refusing to tell him but he understood that the 'No' was an answer to his question 'Are you a part of them ?'. 

She looked at him in surprise looking at his reaction but the surprise was only for a second before her stone-cold look took its place, she wouldn't fall prey to all this again, it was not just her stupid heart that was at risk this time, her daughter, her life and happiness was at stake and she wouldn't let this man ruin it. 

The disbelief on her face had broken his heart but he understood it was the result of his deeds. The nonchalant look on her face like it's not a big deal to see him after 5 long years was breaking his heart. But, he handled his emotions as it was time to handle the mess at hand first. 

Shaurya walked out to settle the issue and Akansha followed him, she stood beside the girls, they looked at her with surprise... 

"Do you know CM saab (sir) personally ?", one of them asked... Akansha nodded, they were not stupid to believe if she said 'No', so she accepted the truth. 

"How ?", another one asked

"Just an acquaintance", she dismissed, she didn't want to talk about him at all, and her disinterest was clear in her tone, though it wasn't loud to the girls, Shaurya who knew her in and out halted his steps hearing her dismissal... He so wanted to give her a 'look' at her 'just an acquaintance' statement but he resisted his urge because he knew, it was his own mistakes or sins like he would call them, that led to her this behavior. 

"Really ? How come ? I mean he is a chief minister...", the first girl trailed

"No, It's years before, he wasn't a chief minister then... met him once or twice", Akansha cleared as it was necessary to do it, otherwise these speculations have the power to destroy her life. 

Shaurya fisted his palm to handle his emotions. He stormed towards the DGP, his anger mounting with every passing second. 

"Get me the DD entries...", Shaurya asked him, the DGP looked at the S.I, Ankit started sweating buckets... DGP signaled him to get it, Ankit nodded and walked towards the table to fetch the record diary. "I don't have a whole day", Shaurya snapped making everyone shiver, mainly because he was never the person to snap. 

Ankit speed-walked towards Shaurya with the register, Shaurya opened it and saw the details of the case, and his eyes went to his wife's name scribbled at the end. His narrowed eyes soon reddened with fury. 

"Commissioner responsible for this station ?", Shaurya asked looking at the DGP...

"Sir...", the commissioner came forward and saluted to Shaurya. 

"Explain this...", Shaurya said throwing the register at the commissioner which he caught... He was never the one to disrespect anyone, especially the public servants but the vile people in front of him didn't deserve it, he felt. The commissioner kept looking at the register to find the fault in it and this irritated Shaurya to the core... "I was told there are 16 girls found... but here are 17 names", Shaurya explained, the DGP's eyes widened, so did the commissioner's... Now Shaurya wouldn't leave them... 

Commissioner glared at S.I warning him to handle the mess... Ankit came forward without knowing he was dancing in front of a hungry lion. 

"Sir, I am so sorry, It was me who informed to higher officials that 16 girls were found, I reported wrong, the updated count was 17...", Ankit said looking at Akansha who gave him a disgusting glare. 

Ankit heard her 'Acquaintance' sentence, so, he thought Shaurya wouldn't go far for this girl, and he thought to try his luck. 

"Oh! These were humans, not rice grains that you counted wrong, Why did such a mistake happen ?", Shaurya asked sternly, trying to know how far he would go to hide his lie.

"My sincere apologies sir, but we found the last girl later, and she wasn't a regular... She was hiding with her client so we couldn't find them earlier... She...", Ankit said and Shaurya closed his eyes to hear such words for his wife... 

"Come here...", Shaurya deadpanned interrupting Ankit... He walked forward without knowing what's gonna happen to him... Shaurya slapped him hard shocking the whole station, especially his immediate staff who never witnessed this side of him. 

"THE TRUTH... NOW", he yelled, startling everyone including Akansha, because even she hadn't witnessed his temper ever... She never knew it existed.

"S....Sir... she is lying... that's not the truth...", Ankit tried to save himself but he was only fueling Shaurya's anger.

Suddenly Shaurya's eyes fell on small palms he could see on the side wall, beside the table... He saw a teenage girl peeking from there, everyone's eyes fell on her, the DGP asked the lady constable to bring her... 

"What is a teenage girl doing at the police station at this time ?", Shaurya questioned, the commissioner cursed his fate and Ankit, the CM visited very rarely and all this had to happen at this time, he thought. 

"She...She...", Ankit fumbled... Shaurya showed his palm to him stopping his words and looked at the girl who looked very scared... His eyes went a little soft...

"No need to get scared, tell me, whatever is your problem, I will try to solve it", Shaurya said softly...

"Akansha aunty is innocent, free her... please... she only helped me", the teenage girl Sneha said... 

"Okay... I will, now sit there... have some water...", Shaurya said, looking at his staff, who immediately offered Sneha some water...

"You have 5 minutes, out with the truth or you know the consequences...", Shaurya said...

Akansha was hell scared, what if Ankit told everything in his fear, including about her daughter ? He always loved to play on the fact that she was a single mother and she needed to be careful. She cursed her brother for disappearing at this time but as if god had heard her prayers, Akash Dixit stormed inside the police station but his eyes widened looking at his sister there. 

The situation at the villages is under control, so he started to the capital city and switched on his phone on his way. And he found so many missed calls from unknown numbers... He first called his subordinate and most trusted officer who gave him the news about the case he was looking into, the case regarding 65 missing girls 5 years ago. 16 of them were found and held in Rajesh Nagar Police station, so he immediately drove there, but what he didn't expect was seeing his sister there. 

He looked at Sneha and then at his sister, he guessed what might have happened. He tried to hide the fact that he already knew his sister's whereabouts but Shaurya already doubted seeing his reaction to seeing his sister after 5 years, it's as if he was shocked by her presence in the police station at this time, but not because of seeing her after a long time. Akash greeted Shaurya respectfully and looked at S.I Ankit.

"Divisional Commissioner Akash Dixit, I'm in charge of this case, so you need to give me each and every detail of the case, now out with it", Akash said, Shaurya handed him the DD entries, his eyes got furious looking at his sister's name there. 

"Sir... there are 17 girls we have found out of the girls that went missing 5 years...", Ankit started...

"So you matched all these girls' data with the 65 girls that went missing 5 years ago ?", Akash asked

"Yes sir", Ankit answered

"So, every detail matched with the missing complaints their family members filed for them ?", Akash asked sternly and ankit nodded hesitantly.

"You mean to say, Akansha's details match with the missing complaints filed by the family for 65 girls huh ?", Shaurya asked this time... He knew no missing complaint was lodged for his wife either by him or his brother-in-law or his family as they knew Akansha willingly left for good and doesn't want to be found, but Shaurya didn't stop his search, he searched for his wife discretely as searching for her openly could put her in danger. 

"Y...Yes sir", Ankit fumbled, Shaurya again slapped him hard shocking even Akash. 

"No one has filed a complaint for her... Because she wasn't missing in the first place", Shaurya said, the chief minister personally defending her raised eyebrows, How did he know if any complaints were filed or not and if she was missing or not ? Thought everyone... And Akash had to control the damage...

"Because she is my sister, Akansha Dixit and I know where she is, all these years", Akash said, this time it was Shaurya's turn to get shocked and upset with his brother-in-law but he controlled his fury for the time being. Akash knew his sister's whereabouts all these years ? Though he was upset that Akash didn't bother telling him, despite his pleading about her every time that is twice a month at least. But He felt relaxed and relieved at it. If Akash was aware of her whereabouts, she was doing fine physically, he knew with the kind of scars he had given her, it was not possible to stay fine mentally. He closed his eyes in regret. She wouldn't have suffered for basic necessities at least, thought Shaurya, only if he knew. 

From the time she went missing, apart from worrying about her whereabouts or the agony of staying away from her or the weight of his regrets, her comfort concerned him, how would she be making ends meet ? What if she was struggling for basic necessities? He knew his Akansha was a strong and independent woman, and she could easily handle her expenses if she could take care of her whole family for years, but he knew she would do everything in her power to stay hidden from him, so she wouldn't use her full potential, and he was so right, she purposely hid her qualification and took a job of a primary school teacher which pays just enough to pay her and her daughter's expenses. 

Akash's statement shocked Ankit, and now he knew he had no escape from hell. 

"I know what you are trying to do...", Akash said holding Ankit's collar... 

The DGP, commissioner and Shaurya's Principal, and Additional secretaries were baffled looking at a very respectable IAS officer like Akash behaving like that. But, they soon understood that Ankit's deeds were such, and the commissioner wiped his sweat even thinking about what Ankit might have done this time. Seeing Akansha's reach, he understood that Akash wouldn't leave the matter so easily and by the look of it, even Shaurya wouldn't leave the matter so easily, as everyone knew he couldn't tolerate any misdeeds, especially against women, and that woman being Akash Dixit's sister adds a lot of weight to the issue as everyone in the government knew Akash was a close aid to the Chief Minister. 

Akansha rushed to Akash and held his hand making him leave Ankit's collar. 

"My case will take time Akash... Solve their issue first... it's fine", Akansha said looking at her brother, signaling him by blinking her eyes. 

Akash understood his sister doesn't want Shaurya to know the matter, she was silently asking him to do anything to hide this whole thing from Shaurya and make him not to probe into this, as Ankit knew about her daughter's existence, if at all he spilled the beans, it wouldn't take a minute to find the truth for Shaurya and even the thought caused shivers to Akansha. 

"You go and sit there beside Sneha...", Akash directed his sister and she nodded walking to the chairs, all this time she could feel Shaurya's gaze and she cursed him in her head multiple times for making it obvious for people, but when she looked at him, she noticed he was observing her from his peripheral vision trying to be discrete and she sighed in relief, at least he was displaying common sense. She didn't want anyone to even doubt at their past relationship. 

Shaurya was initially supposed to leave after checking the basic details and ensuring the girls will be set free, his team would be staying back to handle the procedure but now he decided to stay, even though he couldn't look at his wife or talk to her, he wanted to stay in the same room as her and feel her presence near him. He also decided to solve her matter and only then leave from there, and since he knew she was staying in the same city, he would get all the details about her through this case, thought Shaurya but he still didn't know what his ex-brother-in-law and ex-wife had in their mind to keep him away from all this. 

"Like I was saying before, every one of you and your life is equally important to me, I'm here to listen to your problems and help you in whichever way possible. If you want to restart your life, the government would fund you to start your own business or to pursue your education... last but not least, I owe you all an apology for not being able to protect you from this fate", Shaurya spoke looking at the girls, his soft tone filled with empathy, his simplicity and firmness awed them... He was not in power at that time, he could easily blame the then Chief Minister and government or the opposition party and spread some more hatred but he chose to talk in a very dignified manner and took responsibility by apologizing to them. 

"Thank you saab... For everything you are doing, we would be forever grateful to you, that you came here for us and are standing with us right now... If not for you, we know what was going to happen with us", a lady said giving a side eye to Ankit and the commissioner. 

"The department is here to serve you, not to scare you, I'm sure every police officer is aware of it. I appreciate the kind of services they offer to the public by working 24*7, but at the same time, their negligence towards public or doing unlawful things is highly unacceptable. I will make sure you get justice", Shaurya said softly, while the department got the underlying warning in his words. The girls thanked him with folded hands and tearful eyes but he shook his head with a simple smile saying it's his duty. They couldn't control their emotions seeing the things that were unfolding in front of them, they didn't imagine a chief minister coming to their rescue even in their dreams, and it overwhelmed them and more than anything, the news that now they are free from that hell made them take a breath in relief. 

Shaurya talked to the officers and demanded the necessary records to be submitted to him immediately, the procedures should be fast-tracked and after a clear investigation, all the records about the girls involved in the s*x work should be sealed and submitted to the CM office. Shaurya couldn't completely wipe off the records as it would get difficult for various reasons. Several years ago, a politician, in order to hide his dirty deeds, used his power and wiped off all the records of 35 s*x workers, and due to this, 1012 cases were shut down due to lack of evidence, many criminals visit s*x workers and the info they provide was very helpful but due to the wiped off records, the police couldn't further in their investigation, Shaurya wouldn't want to repeat that mistake but he would sure protect the girls' identities. 

"Start the procedures... Get me the files recording all these details", Shaurya said showing the case details in the records. The whole station was on their toes working on his orders.

"So, Do you guys have an idea on what you are gonna do in the future ?", he asked looking at the girls softly, his tone was entirely different when he was talking to the police and demanding for the necessary documents. 

The girls looked surprised at Shaurya's question, they thought he would order for their release and leave from there but he was there talking to them as if he was a father asking his children about their future plans. Some of them teared up at his gesture but hid it well. 

"I always wanted to have my own beauty parlour saab... I was working in one before I was kidna...", the lady Anita started but choked remembering how she was brutally dragged into a car when she was going home after finishing her shift at the parlor 5 years ago... 

"Kidnapped...", Shaurya completed, his eyes showing fury on whoever did this to her. 

"DGP Pathak... Alert your sources... Search for the people involved in this... In the investigations, every word the ladies say should be written and reported to me directly, and the procedure should be recorded and done within the rules", Shaurya ordered the DGP, he knew how the department is a very good player in finding loopholes to get their desired results... 

"Yes sir, I'll personally report this to you...", the DGP said... 

Akansha was not at all looking at Shaurya but she heard his words, Was he really such a good leader ? Good Chief Minister ? In these 5 years, she heard people praising him, going crazy for him but she never paid any heed to their words or tried to know why they love him so much, what did he do for the people, as her hatred for him didn't allow her to hear a single word related to him. Her hate for Shaurya, the ex-husband stopped her from knowing Shaurya, the chief minister. But, she didn't regret anything, she was happy staying away from his news, and she would prefer it that way, though her heart didn't agree to the 'happy' part, it did agree to the preference to stay away from Shaurya Singh Shekhawat, as it didn't has the power to survive if it's broken again. 

Shaurya's eyes shifted to Akansha from time to time, with every passing second, it was getting difficult for him not to see her, he planned to do so much if he comes across her but now, he was in such a position that his limbs are tied and he couldn't do a thing about it. 

"So... What do you want to do ?", he asked the girl beside the lady Anita... 

"I want to continue my studies sir, I wanted to become a child psychologist...", the seemingly young girl among all the girls said and Shaurya's eyes instantly moved to his wife for a second before they settled back on the young girl. 

"Pursue your education then... Nothing can stop you... the government would fund your education, if it was going beyond the set limit, I would personally fund your education...", Shaurya said surprising his staff, he wouldn't normally prefer saying that he would personally help someone, that doesn't mean he wouldn't do charity, he just did it in private. He wanted to establish his government and party's image as a people-welfare-committed one, not develop his individual image. He believed in walking, taking along his party/ministers with him, not ahead of them, and that's what makes him a popular leader in his party despite his contradicting ideologies and his strong measures to crack down on corruption. 

The girl expressed her profound gratitude. Shaurya shook his head, he remembered his wife's struggling days to pay her fees but couldn't compromise on her dream of becoming a child psychologist. Now, they were in such a situation where he doesn't even know if she achieved her dream or not ? Hearing Child Psycology, he remembered Akansha's troubles, so he instantly offered to help the young girl. 

Shaurya continued his discussion with the girls in his casual tone simultaneously verifying all the procedures and documents related to the case along with Akash and his immediate staff. And once they finished the overall examination, everyone thought he would leave at least now.

"Now coming to the name you wrongly added...", Shaurya started... Akansha's heart started beating wildly, What if Ankit decides to confess everything with no way left for him, what if he spilled out about she being a single mother ? No... No... 

Akash observed his sister's state, if he didn't act soon, she would suffer from a panic attack and seeing her in that situation, his brother-in-law wouldn't be able to control his emotions and it would become messier. 

"Sir... Thank you so much for everything you have done, but I don't want you to waste anymore time, I know your attention is needed at more important things... I will handle the issue here", Akash said politely... Shaurya was about to counter him but looking the pleading look on his face, Shaurya didn't want to prolong the discussion. 

"I need to discuss something with you... come with me", Shaurya told looking at Akash, and walked outside the station. Akash followed him assuring his sister with his eyes. 


"What's all this Akash and why do you want me to leave so desperately", Shaurya asked as soon as they came to a deserted place. 

"for obvious reasons sir, you are a chief minister and solving every individuals police case is not your job, people will start suspecting if you stayed anymore", Akash said with due respect. 

"Akansha is not any random individual Akash, she is my wife...", Shaurya whisper-yelled

"You and I both know the situation of your marriage sir... Please don't increase difficulties for my sister, I won't be able to handle it if she leaves me again... and this time I don't know how many years will I take to find her and in what condition I would have to see her in", Akash was about to say 'them' but quickly corrected 'her' before the word could leave his mouth, damn! he knew Shaurya, he was a very smart man, and a very keen observer, one small mistake and he would know about Siya...

"What do you mean ? Akansha didn't inform you about her whereabouts ?", Shaurya asked, his heart beating wildly... Was she suffering alone all these years ? His question was answered by her brother the next second...

"No she didn't, I was searching for her madly just like you until a couple of years ago, when I found her in a... horrible state...", Akash finished...

"What state ?", Shaurya asked, his heart started aching physically now... 

"I can't tell you", Akash said

"Then I'm not leaving", Shaurya said, he knew Akash would do anything to make him leave the place...

"Please sir... try to understand, I can't tell you", Akash said... his sister would kill him if he uttered a single word to Shaurya...

"Fine then...", Shaurya said and turned to leave when Akash said whatever came to his mind, but he regretted it instantly...

"I'll bring Di to meet you, I know you wanted to apologize to her... So, I'll convince her... but in return, you need to leave from here and promise to not probe into this matter", Akash asked, Shaurya turned to him with narrowed eyes...

"Do you take me as a fool Akash ? If I stayed here for 10 more minutes, I will have each and every detail in my hand... and that includes your sister's residential address too... Don't you think I could go and meet her myself ?", Shaurya asked

"You would be able to meet her if she stayed there anymore, but the moment her details would be revealed in front of you, she will leave again... and she might reach out to me by herself after a few years but what about you ? You might take tens of years to find her this time or who knows, maybe you could never find her ? After all, Fate is too cruel to give second chances", Akash said and he knew Shaurya wouldn't want to take even 0.000001% chance, he was too scared to lose Akansha and Akash used the same emotion, he didn't feel bad because he was doing this for his sister and niece. He knew how much his sister loved Shaurya, if she chose to stay away from him and even keep his daughter away from him, then she might have been broken too badly... And now she deserved only peace and he would do anything to provide his 'di' with that. 

"I need to meet Akansha, not once but thrice... and I won't probe into this matter but I want you to tell me what all happened after all this is sorted", Shaurya bargained... 

"thrice ? Di doesn't even want to see your face", Akash blurted out but soon composed himself as he realized he might be his sister's husband, but at the end of the day he is a chief minister of the state and  his boss, he needs to be respected... "I'm sorry Sir, but it would be challenging for me to get her to agree for once and thrice is not an option...", Akash tried but Shaurya was not budging... 

"Twice ?", Akash asked but Shaurya shook his head, he knew his wife is too stubborn and he would need at least 300 meetings to convince her, but if he asked for 300, his brother-in-law would have thrashed him, forgetting that he was the chief minister, he shut his sarcastic brain and looked at Akash for his response. Akash on not having any option nodded his head. 

Precap - Akash frees Akansha and the DGP suspends Ankit and orders for police investigation on him, the commissioner orders for Shekhar's arrest. Shaurya sees the slap marks on Akansha's face... 

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