PART - 12

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As soon as Shaurya got a nod from Akash, he walked back inside the police station and ordered the police personnel, his immediate staff, and Akash to take care of the 16 girls and make sure the investigation took place in a rightful manner. He also ordered the officials to take care of Sneha and investigate the case properly. After getting a satisfactory response from them, he left with his security personnel and Mr. Sharma, he didn't fail to look at his wife one last time before walking away, his heart was squeezing with every step he took away from her, he didn't want to leave her and go, but he had to.

"Akash... I need the case details of your sister, each and every detail", Shaurya ordered... "Strict action would be taken on everyone who act against public interests", Shaurya cleared his stance once more before walking away.

Shaurya's statement caused shivers among the department staff including the DGP.

"What the hell is going on in your station Agarwal  ?", DGP Pathak yelled at the commissioner who in turn glared at Ankit.

"Di... Tell me, what happened  ?", Akash asked Akansha...

Akash thanked his stars as Shaurya's principal secretary Mr. Sharma left along with Shaurya, if he had been there, it would have gotten challenging to hide things from Shaurya as irrespective of whether Shaurya asked or not, Mr. Sharma made it a point to let him know every minute detail.

Akansha detailed everything to Akash excluding mentioning her daughter, and about the dirty videos Shekhar blackmailed his daughter and wife with. She didn't trust the department with that sensitive information so she kept it to herself. It's a matter of Kavita and Sneha's dignity so she refrained from talking about it.

Sneha told everything that happened before Akansha arrived including how her father tried to take advantage of her and how S.I. Ankit was supporting him all these days. Akansha too added her points.

"He slapped you  ?", Akash asked slowly removing the veil that's covering her temples till now. Akash's blood boiled looking at the finger marks on her cheek... "That ba**a*d", Akash cursed before turning to Ankit... "All this happened because of you... Shame on people like you... You will pay for this...", Akash said, he so wanted to beat him to pulp but his position and the respect it held stopped him from behaving like an animal. "Bring that Shekhar here and yes, register this teenage girl's complaint on that bas***d...", Akash said and made sure everything took place according to law, he tried to not involve his sister as much as possible as he didn't want her to roam around courts or get exposed to public.

The girls were sent to government quarters with security while Shaurya's staff detailed him of the issue on call and left for their places, it took an hour more for Akansha's issue to be resolved, and the DGP suspended Ankit and ordered a probe into the matter, the commissioner promised to look into the matter directly.


"I need a favour Suraj", Shaurya asked his head security officer and a very capable and efficient NSG commando

"Sure sir...", he responded.

Shaurya asked him to take him to the Rajesh Nagar junction without the CM convoy. Suraj apologized but he had to deny his request, but Shaurya negotiated with him and after a while, Suraj obliged after making his arrangements at the same time keeping low about the CM's visit as per his orders.

Shaurya and a few of his NSG commandos were waiting on the secluded road. Shaurya knew Akash and Akansha would be passing through the same road so they stayed there waiting for them. Shaurya completely trusted his security personnel to keep his secrets, even his bureaucrats could backstab him when the government changed but his security personnel wouldn't, he was sure of it.


Akash and Akansha finished the formalities and Akansha settled in Akash's car and they started their journey to Akansha's place.

"Now will you open your mouth and tell me what deal you made with him that he left the place immediately ?", Akansha asked

"I'll tell you but after we reach home, I am driving now and I can't fully defend myself if you attempt to kill me", Akash said, seriousness clear in his tone

"Akash... Out with it... I am already very pissed", Akansha asked sternly

"So am I di... So am I... How dare that ba**a*d slap you... I so wanted to cut his arms, bl**dy rascal", Akash fumed...

"Come to the point Akash, what did you tell him ?", Akansha asked, her patience wearing thin.

"Di... I... Had no choice, I had to do anything and everything to send him away from there so...", Akash trailed defending his act even before he told her what he did as he is hell scared of his sister. Akansha waited for him to say and finally he did. "You'll have to meet him thrice and listen to him...", Akash said, he can't even close his eyes to cope with the fear as he was driving, he knew his sister would kill him... 

Akansha took half a minute to process her brother's statement, she couldn't believe her brother who knew how much she despised even talking about Shaurya, did this. 

"How dare you ?", Akansha's tone was cold, too cold...

"Di...", Akash struggled to explain himself, he was sh*t scared of his sister's anger right from childhood, and he still is... 

"I.Won't.Meet.Him", Akansha said, stressing on each word...

"Di... He would find out about Siya soon, it's better to...", Akash started but she shook her head...

"I already announced my decision Akash", Akansha said strictly...

"Di, please hear me for this once, Please meet him and end this for once and all, so that he won't probe into this matter anymore, that way he won't know about Siya, and you wouldn't have to shift anywhere far from here", Akash said

"You think he would let me live in peace after these 3 meetings or he would stick to his word after this ?", Akansha asked sarcastically...

"Di, he gave me his word", Akash argued

"I don't trust that man... and I don't want to meet him, I'm sure he wanted to make my life more miserable now... or if the change I saw in his eyes was real, then he wants my forgiveness so that he could live his life in peace which I'm not gonna give him, I want him to suffer his whole life with this guilt, pain, and regret, I want him to face hell like I did", Akansha said, with tears of anguish flowing from her eyes... Akash didn't stop her, he on the contrary felt happy as this was the first time he saw his sister curse Shaurya, letting her frustration and anger on him out... Akash is now sure if just a meeting with Shaurya could bring her bottled-up emotions out, these three meetings with him would let her pain and anguish out, and with her pain, her coldness, and the burden of emotions she has been weighing all these years would also disappear, hoped Akash. 

"Di... If you didn't meet him, he would come after you, he would search for you and if I'm not wrong, he would have already taken measures to prevent you from leaving again... It's better to cooperate and get this over... Please di... if he broke his word, I would help you leave to a faraway place with Siya... Please just listen to me this once, you know he is not the one to break his word... That's the point I made this deal with him in the first place", Akash convinced him... 

Akansha was about to scream at her brother for forcing her when she saw a black XUV in front of them, by the look of it, they understood it was a government vehicle, the CM's vehicle to be precise. Akash pressed on the brakes... Akansha's eyes widened when Shaurya got down from it. 

"And you trust this man to keep his word huh ?", Akansha taunted her brother giving him a stink eye. She knew Shaurya wouldn't break the word he gave ever, but that's with every other person except for her, with her, he did nothing but break his promises, all the promises he gave her. She would never trust him, she determined. 

"You stay in, I'll go and talk to him", Akash said unfastening his seat belt and getting out of his car but Shaurya walked towards them and straight away went towards Akansha's side shocking his security staff and Akash...

"Sir...", Akash called but before that, Shaurya reached and opened Akansha's side door... 

"Please get down... I need to talk to you...", Shaurya said controlling his emotions, he just wanted to hug her to his chest but controlled himself, he knew his wife and her temper very well, even if he dared to touch her, chief minister or not, she would blast his cheek. 

Akansha took deep breaths to control her fury as well as other emotions, having him so close to her, and opening her car door did something to her stupid heart which fell in love with him years ago, but no, this time, she wouldn't give into that stupid organ. 

Shaurya observed her eyes, which were closed, he knew she was trying to bring her temper in check, he allowed those few seconds to stare at her, his heart screamed at him to take a look at her, he might not get a chance at it again. Even that thought squeezed his heart. His eyes darted to her cheeks from her thick eyelashes and that's when he spotted the slap marks on her left cheek. The handprint on her cheek caused extreme fury inside him. 

"Who did this ?", he asked, his tone going ice cold, causing chills to everyone, including her. 

She opened her eyes and they widened realizing what he saw, she cursed herself for her fate. She quickly got down and walked towards her brother and Shaurya followed her. 

"Akansha, I asked you something, who did this ?", Shaurya spoke in increased decibels. 

"None of your business...", she gave an equally fierce response, she heard shocked gasps and that's when she realized her harsh tone... "Sir", she added quickly

"Akash... Who did this to her ?", Shaurya spoke to Akash...

"Um... Sir... it's Shekhar, Sneha's father... I'll tell you the whole matter as promised but please sir... lea...", Akash was about to request Shaurya to leave as per their deal but Shaurya shocked the siblings with his next statement. 

"Our deal was about 3 meetings Akash, consider this as the first one...", Shaurya said and Akash gave a small smile, his belief in his brother-in-law...oops ex-brother-in-law won... "I would never go back on my word, again", Shaurya spoke stressing on 'again' looking at Akansha who was avoiding his gaze, his eyes roamed her face, and looking at the slap marks daggered his heart. 

"Suraj...", he called for his Chief Security Officer who instantly walked over to him... 

"Get this Shekhar... Whoever he is... I want to have a personal chat with him", Everyone could hear the coldness in Shaurya's tone... Suraj and Akash who knew what that 'personal chat' included got cautious...

"Sir...", Akash started... 

"Give the details to Suraj", Shaurya ordered Akash... Suraj didn't understand what made his boss's very rarely seen side come out... 

"Yes sir...", Akash couldn't deny his boss that too when he passed strict orders like that. Suraj walked to a side, Akash gave a look to his sister before he walked away. Akansha shook her head but Akash had no option, he had to give details about Shekhar. 

"Why are you doing this ?", Akansha asked Shaurya... Why is he behaving as if all this mattered to him...

"What kind of a question is that ? You think I would leave the person who did this to you ?", Shaurya asked back... 

"The woman you played with had a heart, she was an emotional person, she didn't exist now, so stop with all this please", Akansha said in her cold tone, Shaurya heart ached at the harshness in her tone, more than her tone, her lack of emotions broke his heart, she said those words not to taunt him, she actually meant them. She didn't trust him even a bit... he lost her trust and that doubled his hatred for him. 

"I wasn't playing with your emotions Akansha... I couldn't tolerate anyone hurting you, the fact that a ba**a*d slapped you is agitating me... I know you don't trust me, but please listen to me once...", Shaurya pleaded... His men were out of hearing range but they did get the softness in Shaurya's face for the lady there. They joined the dots, how their CM met Akash twice a month at least, they thought this woman was the link between the two, they aren't entirely wrong though. 

"3 meetings you said, I agreed and you promised Akash, you wouldn't try to dig in anything,  then what's all this ?", Akansha questioned about his probe on Shekhar

"That man hit you... I want to make him pay...", Shaurya said with conviction...

"Who are you to do that ?", Akansha asked sharply... Shaurya took a step back at the hatred in her eyes for him... his eyes welled up but he controlled his emotions... The hatred in her eyes reflected her pain, the same pain he witnessed in her eyes that night when she learned about his betrayal...

"Shuarya... What's all this ? Tell me this is a lie, a prank", she asked, her heart beating wildly... 

"It's true... I don't love you... on the contrary, I hate you with my guts...", Shaurya said, hate blazing in his eyes, or was it anger he named hatred ?

"Shaurya... Please don't prank on this, it's a serious matter...", Akansha pleaded holding his palm, to feel his touch, the touch that warmed up her heart always but that day, it felt cold, too cold, he jerked her hand and took a step back. 

"You destroyed my sister and now it's your turn... and I'm your destruction... I don't love you... I played with your emotions just like you did with my sister's...", he said, her heart physically ached, she didn't even mind asking about what all he was saying, who was his sister, or anything for that matter... 

The betrayal was too much for her to take in... The man she thought would love her till eternity is claiming his hate for her... She imagined her whole life with him, she has seen her future with him, she even discussed their kids' names with him and here she is standing facing his hate. She who never trusted anyone so easily fell for his act, why ? Why ? Her heart was breaking at the questions that are rising in her head but she had answers to none, still, her heart believed in his love, she knew he loved her, and all his care and concern couldn't be a lie... no one could pretend to that extent, moreover she wasn't a fool to believe any fake emotions, her heart still took his side. She stumbled on her feet, every time his arms which would hold her were not there today, and just like her steps, her trust in him too stumbled bit by bit. She couldn't take it anymore, so she left from there picking up her broken pieces. 

"Stop all this, You said retribution was your right and you got it, now let me live my life", she asked hoping he would agree... He suffered her enough, what more does he want ? Wasn't he satisfied with all the pain she had gone through ? he wanted to suffer her more ? No, she wouldn't let him do that anymore, she would never let him step on her self-respect again... 

"and a chance to justify was your right which I didn't give you, today I'm standing here for the same chance, I don't have anything to justify myself but please let me apologize...", Shaurya pleaded... 

"Let me go", Akansha said coldly...

"One chance is all I ask, Akansha", Shaurya begged now kneeling in front of her, ignoring the fact that he is a Chief Minister of the state. His security personnel widened their eyes at the sight. Akash and Suraj who were deeply involved in their discussion looked at the sight. Akash couldn't help but hit his forehead at his ex-brother-in-law. As if his eyes aren't enough to justify his emotions for her, he started displaying his love and regret with his actions too. 

"You are 5 years too late CM sir", Akansha said with a cold face before walking towards her brother's car and sitting in the passenger seat. At that moment she wished she knew how to drive, she would have driven away from that place, from that man but she was scared to learn to drive. 

Shaurya got up on his feet and kept staring at his wife who looked at the road with empty eyes. Akash quickly walked to Shaurya. 

"Sir... I have detailed Suraj about Shekhar, I'll report you the whole incident tomorrow, the first thing in the morning", Akash said and Shaurya barely nodded. 

"Suraj... Let's wait till tomorrow", Shaurya said looking at his wife, ex-wife maybe, his statement made her look at him. He saw a tint of surprise in her eyes, as if mocking him that finally he was keeping his word. As if she didn't trust him to keep his word. 

Akash greeted Shaurya professionally and took his leave driving away. 

"You are right... My rue is killing me every second", he whispered to himself with extreme tightness in his chest. 

"Sir... Mr. Dixit is purposely avoiding a lot of details as if he didn't want us to reach Shekhar... I think...", Suraj started but stopped when he saw Shaurya shake his head. 

"Like I said, let's wait till tomorrow, I want to know the whole incident before doing anything", Shaurya said and Suraj obliged. "And whatever happened here today...", Shaurya trailed and Suraj understood his unsaid words, and so did his team. 

"We'll take this to our grave", Suraj said with conviction. Shaurya nodded and got inside the car, since the time was very odd and the road was secluded, Shaurya could have pulled off such a stunt. His heart paced at an unacceptable speed thinking about the upcoming 2 meetings. And what would he do after those 2 meetings ? Thankfully, he didn't promise Akash that he would stay away from her after that. He just promised he wouldn't dig the truth. 

Shaurya arranged for a cream to soothe her pain and also to reduce the bruise as recommended by a top dermatologist and sent it to Akash through his men. Akash intentionally directed Shaurya's men to a place away from Akansha's home to deliver the ointment and medicines. Akash dropped Akansha at her place and left to collect them. 


Akansha entered her place, Richa's parents rushed to her, Akansha assured them that she was fine and requested them to leave her alone. They understood her emotions and left her alone, it's almost 5 in the morning, so, they left for their place as they realized Akansha needed some alone time. 

Akansha locked the door after they left and as soon as her heart realized she was alone, it broke into a million pieces shaking her soul... She slid down onto the floor and broke down into heavy sobs. She thought it wouldn't affect her to see him after 5 years, she thought she was past him and the pain he caused her, but she met the harsher reality today, that man affected her the same if not more... She hated herself for feeling the ache, the pain, she hated that piece of her heart that terribly missed him, the piece that wanted to jump into his arms, the piece that craved his touch, the piece that badly wanted to believe the care, love, and longing she saw in his eyes was real. Her cries were so loud that they reached her daughter's ears who was sleeping in the bedroom. 

"Mama bear...", Siya got up from the bed and walked towards the sound of her mother's sobs... "Mumma...", Siya called, Akansha quickly wiped her tears, rushed to her daughter, and picked her in her arms. 

"Why did you wake up baby ? Mumma is here...", Akansha asked... Since the living room and bedroom were dimly lit, Siya couldn't see her mother's red eyes, otherwise, the little girl would have gotten so worried, she always hated her mother's tears, and she is very protective of her mother. 

"Mumma... I saw a bad dleam(dream)", Siya said...

"What is it bache ?", Akansha asked settling her daughter on the bed and covering her with her unicorn duvet... 

"I saw you ale clying(are crying) loudly, you ale hut(are hurt) mumma", Siya said and Akansha's eyes teared up at her daughter's love. Her pain broke her daughter's sleep.

"No Siya bear, mumma is here only... and I'm not hurt, I am perfectly alright... now sleep", Akansha assured ruffling her daughter's hair, and slowly the little girl slipped into slumber, Akansha controlled her emotions as her daughter was a light sleeper like her father, and just like that she was remembered of Shaurya again. Tears flew from her eyes but she took enough care to not make any sound.

Why should her life turn like this ? Why can't her daughter have her father's love and affection ? She knew he loved kids but what's the guarantee that he wouldn't hurt Siya since she is her blood. He broke her in the worst possible way and she would have lost Siya because of him not once but many times. How could she forget all that ? No, she would never let him know about Siya. She would leave the place far away from him before he finds out about her daughter. Yes, she is only her daughter, not his. Siya can never be his. Akansha determined. 

Akash came home and called his sister to open the door instead of ringing the bell as he knew his niece was a very light sleeper and would immediately wake up to the sound. Akansha let her brother in and the siblings sat silently in the hall. 

"Di... Say something", Akash asked after 15 minutes of unbearable silence, he noticed his sister's red eyes but he didn't know what to say about it. "Please don't worry di, I'm here with you now, I will not let him near you and Siyu... I'll take you far away from here if needed, you just don't worry... Please trust me, I wasn't there to help you last time, but I wouldn't let anything happen to you now...", Akash pleaded. He needed to assure his sister. He can't see her like this, she is his strong di, a woman who made him what he is today. 

"Akash... I wanted to leave from here with Siya", Akansha declared...

"Di...", Akash is stunned...

"Please Akash, help me...", She pleaded, she couldn't let Shaurya discover about Siya, she needed to leave before that. Akash's heart broke hearing his sister plead him...

"You don't have to request me Di, you just have to say it... I'll arrange for it, but think again... He wouldn't stop his search for you, instead, he would intensify it, and I don't want you to run away with Siya every time... What would be her future without stability? and why should you run away when it's not your fault ? Please think about it again...", Akash told his sister... 

"I can't process anything Akash... I...I don't know...", Akansha fumbled with tears slipping her eyes... Akash got up and settled beside his sister taking her in his arms, she protested, she hated leaning on anyone, she resisted but her brother was adamant, he held her tightly, and after a couple of minutes, she gave in and took the comfort her brother offered. She needed it badly, the little life she built around in the past 5 years stumbled with just a meeting with him, she didn't want to imagine what would happen to her life if she met him two more times ? She wanted to leave immediately but her brother's words were true, why was she running away disturbing the stable life she built for her daughter over the years ? And what's the guarantee he wouldn't find her again ? Till when will she keep running away from him ?

"Di... Relax... Just don't think anything now... You need rest, a lot has happened in the past few hours, just sleep... I'm here... I'll always be there for you di...", Akash said kissing her forehead and she didn't protest, neither did she glare at him, and he understood her situation and mental pain she was going through. Akash took her to the bedroom, and asked her to lay beside Siya, Akansha nodded, got changed in the washroom, and then settled beside her daughter, Akash covered both mother-daughter with the duvet... Akansha hugged Siya to her chest, and peppered kisses on her face, Siya recognized her mother and snuggled into her whispering 'mumma' and the little girl's whispers put Akansha to sleep. 

Akash ruffled their hair, kissed their foreheads, and slowly walked to the hallway, to be back with the medicine cover. He applied the ointment Shaurya sent on Akansha's cheek and other small injuries here and there. Akash so wanted to kill Shekhar and Ankit with bare hands for conspiring against his sister. He is also very sure that Shaurya won't leave Shekhar now. 

Akash let a deep sigh remembering how he had to detail Shaurya about the whole 'incident' and about Shekhar as well. God, that's a huge task, he needs to make sure he doesn't reveal about Siya at any cost. Akash took all the measures to keep Siya out of the picture, but how much a man may try to prevent certain things, he gets unsuccessful in front of fate. 

Precap - Akash submits the report to Shaurya. Their second meeting. Shaurya meets Siya and takes her suggestion to impress Akansha. 

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