PART - 13

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Akash woke up, he slept sitting on the floor leaning his back to the bed, his one palm still on his sister's hair, he gently ruffled her hair and slowly got up, picking up his laptop and case papers. He was afraid of leaving his sister alone that night with her history of anxiety attacks and nightmares during her pregnancy, in the initial months of her separation with Shaurya, he wasn't there for his sister but when he got to know about it later, his heart wrenched at the amount of pain his sister went through all ALONE, then he promised he wouldn't eave her alone again to face it, and with the kind of unexpected encounter she had with Shaurya the previous night, he was afraid to leave her even for a minute, so he worked there the previous night to keep an eye on his sleeping sister, and eventually fell asleep while working. 

He quickly wrapped up his work after finishing the final pieces of his report and walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, he wanted to feed his sister well before he left as he knew she wouldn't eat anything once she steps into that zone. 


Akansha woke up to her daughter's calls...

"Mama bear... late... kool(school)", the little siya said tapping her mother's cheeks...

"Siya... We're not going to school today baby, let mama sleep for some time please ?", Akansha asked, her head was throbbing like hell and she wondered she had sleep without any nightmares, though her sleep was restless, she was grateful for the no anxiety attack.

"Okay...", Siya who is still sleepy snuggled into her mother's arms but Akash entered the room just then...

"But you have to get up and have a tasty breakfast mamu prepared Siyu... First let's freshen up, Okay ?", Akash asked and Siya nodded with a small yawn... 

"Mamu... Can we play in the showel(shower)...Pwease...", Siya asked

"Of course... anything my Siyu wants...", he responded...

"Akash...", Akansha started but his brother knew his sister was cautioning him as too much playing in water isn't good for kids and the weather is changing too, so Akansha didn't want to risk anything...

"Don't worry di, I'll be careful", Akash assured, Akansha nodded and turned to the other side to sleep, as she felt her eyes dropping and her head spinning with all the events, she knew she would definitely collapse on the floor if she even tried to get up, such was the severity, she mentally thanked her brother for his presence otherwise she would be struggling to manage her daughter now. 

Akash gave bath to his niece and fed her breakfast, after a little play and watching cartoons, he made Siya sleep again, and after that he went to wake his sister up. He helped her sit on the bed, she tried to get up to freshen up but she collapsed back on the bed. 

"Just sit there... I'll help you...", Akash said, Akansha nodded weakly, her head spinning still, Akash cleaned her face with the wet wipes and then slowly fed her the lite breakfast he made for his sister. 

"You sure, you don't want any medicines ?", Akash asked again, as she refused to take the pill the previous night. The slap was bad and it triggered her migraine too which is worsening with every passing minute. 

"I think I'll have one, because the ache is too much now", Akansha said weakly... "But Siya...", she trailed, she would sleep soundly for hours, such is the medicine affect and she was afraid her daughter would wake up in between.

"Don't worry, I just made her sleep, and due to last night's disturbed sleep, she will sleep for a long time and I'll return in 3 hours, even before she wakes up, so just take the pill", he assured her and Akansha nodded taking medicine, her doctor prescribed to her. 

She developed migraine post pregnancy, she experienced hair fall as well but luckily frequent oiling and proper care saved her from much hair loss but nothing could prepare for the migraine she suffers frequently and the ear pain she faces at times. 

After that, he helped her lay on the bed again... 

"Take a key with you and have breakfast, you too", Akansha said

"I will, now stop worrying about me, and sleep... Don't think about anything, if you need me, just give a call... I won't let him know that you called", he told her knowing she wouldn't want to call when he is with Shaurya, she gave a nod and he left from there locking the door. His heart was beating at a fast pace imagining the questioning he would face from his brother-in-law, ex-brother-in-law, he chided himself for forgetting that fact always.


Akash's vehicle entered the Secretariat and his heart started beating wildly, the fear was ten times worse than what he would have while visiting his boss to inform him about a major government scandal or a law & order issue that needed immediate attention. Those were the utmost serious issues he had to deal with at work, but his fear was worse this time because it's not his professional life that's impacted with his meeting, it's his personal life, his sister and niece's life to be precise and he wanted to make sure Shaurya stayed out of their life. One mistake, and Shaurya would get suspicious, which would make him do his own background check ignoring his promise and that will eventually lead him to his daughter, and even imagining how would Shaurya react when he gets to know about his daughter's existence caused shivers to Akash.

Akash felt really bad whenever he looked at Shaurya, he was oblivious to his daughter's existence, he was not aware that he is father to such a cute child who is adored by everyone and that broke Akash's heart. Shaurya as a person didn't deserve it, considering how good and considerate towards everyone's feelings and how selflessly he serves his people, but as a husband, he was an utter failure and if Akansha took that decision, Akash is sure she might have borne a lot to come to hate her ex-husband so much.

Akash walked towards the CM office, he was greeted by the employees there and he greeted back unconsciously, his whole concentration is on the upcoming confrontation with his ex-brother-in-law and how to detail him about Shekhar and the case. He is sure, Shaurya would definitely question him about Akansha and her life, and he needs to answer every question with conviction without generating any doubts, and every step is making Akash anxious.

He reached Shaurya's office wing, his secretary informed him that Shaurya was in a meeting with the Home minister and Akash took this as an opportunity to escape.

"Okay then, Mrs. Gupta, please handover this report to sir, I guess the meeting will take long, please let sir know that I'll attend the meeting next week that's scheduled", Akash said politely, trying to hide his desperation to get the hell out of there.

"No Mr. Dixit, Sir will get free in the next 10 minutes, he particularly instructed me to have you seated and also block his schedule for the meeting with you", Shweta said, Akash cursed in his mind, but smiled politely at Shweta and walked to couch taking a seat.

Soon, Shaurya was done with his meeting, the home minister Mr. Patel came out of Shaurya's cabin, his face pale, sweat gripping his forehead, looking at his condition, Akash understood Shaurya might have given an earful to him... Mr. Patel is a very smart and capable minister, with more than 4 decades of experience in politics, yet Shaurya manages to get him speechless everytime, the strong hold he had in each and every part of the governance makes Shaurya a dominant figure in state dynamics, not only by power, but also by capabilities and caliber. He never entertained excuses, all he cared about were efforts and results. Whenever his ministers failed to deliver those, they get an earful and Shaurya even sacked a few of his ministers on the same purpose. He wasn't worried about his power for the next 5 years or the coming elections, he knew he enjoyed extreme confidence among his people and that's because of his policies and work he had done for them, and he wanted to continue doing so, without worrying about the elections or the results.

That doesn't mean he never played politics, he has done it more than anyone could imagine, but not dirty politics, he knew how to turn tables very well and he had done it multiple times but not at the cost of his values. He stayed politically aware and made his moves when utterly necessary.

Akash entered Shaurya's cabin and the cold aura there told him to turn back and escape but he couldn't.

"Good Morning sir", Akash greeted, Shaurya nodded and gestured him to take a seat.

"Yes Akash, tell me", Shaurya said in his stern tone which he barely used.

"Sir, the report you have asked for...", Akash said forwarding the file he prepared. "The case is detailed in here... I will brief you about it if you allow", he requested politely, desperately praying Shaurya to reject his offer but looks like stars aren't in his and his sibling's favour lately.

"Sure, go ahead", Shaurya said instead of saying 'no need, I'll go through the file and call you if I need any clarity' which he usually did.

Akash mentally groaned before starting the brief noting to omit some details which could cause suspicions.

"Shekhar is Ms. Dixit's neighbour, he abuses his wife physically, mentally and se*ually. Ms. Dixit tried to save her many times, she even encouraged his wife, Kavita to register a complaint against her husband but his wife refused to do so. She never verbally confirmed Ms. Dixit's claims that Shekhar is abusive. Ms. Dixit. A few months ago, Ms. Dixit was going to a nearby grocery shop when she noticed Shekhar inappropriately gazing at his daughter with his hand on her shoulder, she realized his lustful gazes on his teenage daughter, Ms. Dixit followed them to ensure his daughter Sneha's safety, she thought Sneha would be safe inside the house since her mother would be present there, but when she peeked from the window...", Akash stated but Shaurya interrupted him...

"Peeked ?", Shaurya exclaimed... His wife is never a person to intrude someone's personal space... Akash closed his eyes before describing how far his sister went to protect the mother and daughter...

"Yes Sir, Shekhar abused his wife, but his wife never openly accepted it or asked for any help, when my di saw it from her window, she saw him abusing her, and from that day, she mad it a habit to check on Kavita from her window, and Mrs. Kavita too, made sure to keep the windows open so that Ms. Dixit could see if something is wrong and came to help her... That day, when Ms. Dixit peeked into her neighbour's home, she didn't find Kavita in there, she didn't feel it right to leave Sneha alone with Shekhar, so she called Kavita and asked her to return home immediately. Kavita returned and it pissed Shekhar and he was furious that Ms. Dixit foiled his plan, so he complained verbally to the subinspector that my sister was committing an act of voyeurism...", Akash said

"What ?", Shaurya was shocked, he so wanted to kill Shekhar with his bare hands for accusing his wife of such a cheap act...

"Yes, and the S.I Ankit summoned Ms. Dixit late at night to warn her... when I got to know, I went to get her home, I decided to warn that Shekhar to stay away from Ms. Dixit but he flew away... So, I decided to find something concrete to put him in...", Akash said

"How could you leave Akansha there to live alone Akash ?", Shaurya questioned furiously...

"Sir... Ms. Dixit doesn't...", Akash started, he didn't like Shaurya going personal by taking his sister's name with so much familiarity, he is intentionally using Ms. Dixit instead of referring as his sister to remind Shaurya that he is reporting only as his subordinate, not Akansha's brother. 

"Cut the crap Akash, tell me, why didn't you take your sister with you when you know such a creep is her neighbour ? and why didn't any of you take action on him ? bloody pedophile", Shaurya asked keeping his calm though he wanted to burst out in anger...

"Neither his wife nor his daughter to give a statement against it, and he is ready to create a mess if I took an action without it, there is a risk of him diverting the whole blame on my sister and his wife and daughter are so scared of him that they could testify against my sister", Akash clarified and Shaurya nodded in understanding, he knew this is a possibility but he still didn't understand why he didn't take his sister with him ?

"But you could have taken her with you, no ?", Shaurya asked

"Di didn't want their life to be disrupted", Akash said subconsciously...

"Their ?", Shaurya was quick to catch it... Akash realized what a blunder he did, he tried hard to hide his shock and act normal but Shaurya somewhat found his expressions and he frowned...

"She lives with her friend... and they didn't want to come and stay with me", Akash said as if its casual...

"Friend ?", Shaurya asked, jealousy kicking in...

"Female friend", Akash quickly corrected as there is a huge risk, Shaurya could get his sister's background verified in his jealousy and he wouldn't take a minute to find out about Siya.

"Isn't she with her that night ?", Shaurya asked 

"No, she goes on camps frequently... Unfortunately, She wasn't present with di both nights", Akash said

"Now tell me what happened the other night ?", Shaurya asked looking into the report Akash submitted, by now, he understood that bas***d Ankit tried to push Akansha into the 's*x workers case' to save Shekhar's a**, his blood boiled even thinking about it. 

Akash detailed about the events that took place that night, conveniently excluding about how Akansha called Richa's parents to stay with her daughter Siya. 

Shaurya fisted his palms thinking about how that bas***d slapped his wife, his Akansha... he fisted his palms so tightly that his nails would have drawn blood if they were sharp like his wife's...

"You asked me not to dig into this matter and as I told Akansha, I'm gonna keep my promises this time, but in return you need to get this b**t**d... I want him to suffer a brutal punishment...", Shaurya said and Akash nodded...

"Are you hiding anything Akash ?", Shaurya suddenly caught him off-guard and his sudden question rose panic in Akash and it took him a few micro-seconds to cover it but Shaurya looked through his facade. "Out with it Akash", Shaurya ordered, Akash mentally apologized to God for using the mother-daughter to protect his sister and niece but he didn't have a choice, also sharing that with Shaurya didn't cause them any damage.

"Shekhar had private videos of his wife and even his daughter he secretly shot, he threatened to leak them if either of them spoke against him", Akash said, Shaurya closed his eyes to control his rising temper... In all these years of public service, Shaurya saw and heard cases that shocked him, yet the extent of level a person can stoop always surprised him. How can a father do to his own daughter, his own blood ? God, he felt like ripping that man apart. 

"Don't involve Akansha into all this mess, but make sure that man stays in for the rest of his life...", Shaurya said, Akash tried to say that, with his crimes he could get bail and also might escape sentence if he hired a good lawyer and knowing Shekhar's wealthy background, he could easily do it and Shaurya understood Akash's question. "When the department decides, no one could save his a**, we both know they have their ways to lock someone up, let that ba***rd Ankit too taste his own medicine, I'll have a word with DGP, follow up carefully", Shaurya instructed and Akash nodded. "One last thing, I'll definitely have a personal chat with Shekhar a day before he gets sentenced", Shaurya declared and Akash knew nothing he said would change his mind, so he just nodded. 

"Now, I want to know about Akansha, Akash. How did you find her and when ?", Shaurya asked, intimidating Akash but he came prepared. Akash mentally prayed his favorite god 'Hanuman' to give him the courage to deny his brother-in-law, ex-brother-in-law... his head corrected him...

"I detailed this case because as a chief minister, it's your responsibility to know about your people... You were doing your duty and as your subordinate, I had to follow your orders and help you with it, but I don't think asking someone's personal details, especially a woman's is your responsibility or my duty, sir... With all due respect, I'm sorry but I cannot give you any personal information about my sister... Nonetheless, I still am stuck to my word, I'll arrange two more meetings with her as promised", Akash said, softly yet stubbornness and determination could be clearly heard in his tone. 

Shaurya could have gotten more information from Akash if he wanted but he chose not to, he knew after what all he put her through, it would be very tough for her to handle herself when he suddenly jumped into her life one night, after 5 long years... He saw the horror in her eyes when she realized he found her, his heart pained at that, it's as if meeting him was worse than a nightmare for her, he realized the extent of the damage he did to her, so he doesn't want to overwhelm her with his presence, he would let her be for some time, she needed that solace. But if he thought he could imagine the pain she went through then he was wrong. 

Shaurya dismissed Akash and that definitely surprised him, he extended his greetings politely and left from there quickly, before Shaurya changed his mind. 

Shaurya couldn't control the emotions he is feeling, he immediately called his best friend to share this news, he knew Dev was equally worried about Akansha.

Shaurya called Dev to share the news, he is the only one who knows Sjaurya's real feelings for Akansha, he kept telling that this fire for retribution would cost him a lot but Shaurya was blind in rage and now he is suffering. Shaurya confided in Dev always and years didn't change the friendship between the two, it only deepened.

Dev was in a meeting with his party members when he received Shaurya's call. Shaurya barely called him in the midday, they didn't want anyone even to get a hint about their friendship so both of them avoided any calls or meetings in the daytime. Dev definitely knew something was wrong, so he dismissed them and locked the door, before picking up his friend's call.

"Shaurya, Is everything okay ?", Dev asked as soon as he picked up...

"I met Akansha", Shaurya said, Dev took a few seconds to grasp his friend's words...

"You saw her ? How is she Shaurya ?", Dev asked and Shaurya narrated everything he found out...

"So Akash knew where she is, all these years ?", Dev asked

"No, he said he found only a couple of years before and I'm sure something terrible has happened to her in these 5 years Dev, I could see the pain in Akash's eyes when he talked about how he found his sister years back... I'm scared of knowing her hardships Dev... I hate myself enough for everything I put her through, I feel as if the day is not far when I would end myself unable to bear myself", Shaurya poured his pain, he barely let it out and Dev felt so helpless hearing his friend...

"You found her Shaurya, finally you found her after 5 long years, Isn't it what you wanted ? Keep your patience, she deserved the best, you gave her pain, now it's your duty and responsibility to heal her, to put the world at her feet. Stay strong Shaurya, don't loathe yourself so much", Dev told his friend

"I don't know what to do now Dev, I'll have 2 chances to meet her but the coldness in her eyes makes me feel that whatever I say will only reach her ears, they won't reach her head, she made herself resistant to my words... my attempts will be futile until she is ready to hear me out, look into my eyes to see how sorry I'm and how much I love her... But, how will I make her listen to me ?", Shaurya put out some of the doubts in his head. 

"You are right, don't waste those 2 meetings, it would be like blowing a 'Shankha' (conch shell) in front of a deaf person if she didn't hear you out with a calm mind. If you try to see or meet her even after that, she would definitely run away again, Akansha is determined, she could do anything avoid you, so first let her anger calm down... Maybe then you could meet her ?", Dev advised

"How am I supposed to stay away from her Dev ? All I wanted to do is crash her place and ask for forgiveness, confess my love... take her in my arms...", Shaurya's croaked... "I can't stay away from her now Dev", Shaurya said composing himself... "And if I leave her to it, her anger wouldn't calm down ever... I know her... I need to calm her down and for that I need more than two meetings... I don't know what came over me that I proposed this, I could have asked for more...", Shaurya added

"Stop cursing yourself, that time you were scared she would go faraway again... Stop pondering over past and see what you could do now...", Dev said... "Shaurya... if you met her 'accidentally' or for official purposes, it doesn't count under the 3 meetings deal you made with Akash, does it ?", Dev suddenly asked and Shaurya's brain soon got activated...

"Dev... God! What would I do without you ?", Shaurya asked, Dev smiled at the happiness in Shaurya's tone after ages... Dev's eyes were filled but he composed himself, his best friend was a dead soul in the past 7 years, he loved Akansha dearly despite knowing she is the one who hurt his sister and he was doing all that to hurt her... He started it as an act but it didn't take him much time to fall in love with her in real, 'Marriage' was never in his plan, he only wanted to break her just like she broke his sister, but he married her to save her from her selfish family, but unknowingly, he pulled her from one hell only to push her into a much deeper one. 

Shaurya thought Retribution would give his sister and himself peace. But, it snatched his peace forever, from the day he realized he loved her, the thought of hurting her never let him be in peace, and from the day she got to know about his act, the broken look on her face made him restless and little by little generated hate for himself. Dev knew all of this, he told Shaurya to abort his plan before he regretted it but like always, in front of his sister's pain, he could see nothing. 

"Okay, So, what is running in your head Shaurya ?", Dev asked, how is his friend gonna establish contact with Akansha so that he could meet her regularly?

"I still have to figure it out... Okay, I will talk to you later, We need to get back to work now...", Shaurya said, he knew his friend is very busy lately, as the opposition had intensified the campaigning since the elections were just half a year away. Both the friends hung up and got back to work. 

Shaurya thought of meeting his little friend as it's been many days since he last saw her, she is very smart for her age and he loved her company, he first thought it was just an instant connection he felt for the child but every time he met her, the connection only deepened. 

He called Richa to ask if he could meet Siya this Sunday and she agreed. Shaurya asked for Siya's mom's number once so that he could take permission from the mother directly. He felt it's not right to meet her daughter without informing her every time, he knew Richa was their family and she obviously let Siya's mother know about the visit but still Shaurya wanted to inform himself but Richa told him that she would do it. He didn't ask again as he thought it would offend Richa and she wouldn't bring Siya anymore. Even the thought of staying away from the little girl clenched his heart. No matter how hard he tried to stay away from the little girl and keep himself from getting attached to her, he kept failing. 

Due to the upcoming school functions, Akansha had to work on Sundays too and this paved a path for Richa to help little Siya and Shaurya meet. Siya too kept whining about meeting Shaurya as it's been more than 2 weeks now. Richa wondered how close Siya became to Shaurya within a short span. She knew Shaurya took good care of Siya and wouldn't let her out of her sight, but still Richa gave the little girl her spare phone always, and asked her to call her immediately if someone hurt her. Everytime after Siya is back, Richa asks for updates so that she can know if something is wrong. 

Richa knew she was doing absolutely wrong by sending Siya to meet Shaurya, Akansha would kill her if she gets to know about it but she didn't have the heart to refuse Siya or oppose the pure friendship they had, just because of Akansha's paranoia. But little did she know that it's not just her paranoia, it's the real experiences she faced with that man, that forced her to keep herself and her daughter away from him. 

Akansha detailed Richa about the incidents that took place with Shekhar and the other things including Shaurya's presence as if Richa finds out about it later, she would suspect why she hid about the CM's presence there, Akansha didn't want to cause any suspicion so she narrated everything. Richa was so furious that she rushed to the jail and blasted his nose, and two police personnel had to pull her back to stop her from ruining his face. 

After that, Richa was grateful for what Shaurya had done for her friend, she got to know from her sources that only because of Shaurya's involvement, the case is moving forward at a fast pace despite Shekhar's money and influence. 


Sunday came too early and Akansha found her daughter too excited about it but she thought Richa and Siya might have planned their usual mini-outings...

"Take care both of you, I know you are up to something, but just take care of each other, if I find something wrong, I won't spare you", Akansha warned before leaving... Little Siya panicked...

"Licha Aunty... I'm scaled(scared), what if mumma finds out ?", Siya said in her broken sentences but Richa understood them...

"Hm... You are right... Let's not go", she said, trying to tease Siya but the little girl started sobbing badly, the thought of not able to see Shaurya or play with him has upset the little girl...

"I miss my flend(friend), I want to see him...", Siya said in her cute words between her sobs...

"Arre Siyu baby, I was just joking, of course, I'll take you to your friend, stop crying now", Richa said wiping her tears, this is what Richa is afraid of... If at all she denied Siya, she started crying, Richa knew the tears weren't fake or those shed by kids to get what they wanted, she knew Siya got attached to Shaurya and thought of not seeing him started affecting her. Richa cursed herself for initiating such a thing in the first place. But, her one curse became a boon in Shaurya's life, he unknowingly got to meet his daughter and bond with her. But for how long ? Will Akansha let him see her daughter if she gets to know about her daughter's little 'escapades'?

Siya didn't stop her sobs but they have slowed down hearing Richa... She still looked doubtful and Rciha understood it.

"I promise Siyu baby, I will take you to your friend", Richa said pinching her neck, and finally the little girl believed her, her sobs calmed down but she was still hiccupping. Richa wiped her face and nose, gave some water to her, and then got her ready to drop her at the CM's residence. 

Richa was allowed inside these days, but Shaurya took all measures to conceal all the documents and his home office with important documents is locked. She didn't want to leave Siya alone so she tagged along. 

After getting Siya and herself ready, They arrived at the CM's official residence, Richa was made to sit in the outhouse of the CM's residence where as Shaurya's secretary Shweta took Siya inside the residence. 

As soon as Shaurya saw Siya, he rushed to her and picked her up in his arms, nuzzling his head in her stomach making the little girl giggle loudly. 

"Hehehe... uncle....", she giggled

"Yay... How is my Siya doing ?", he asked, taking her to the play room. He converted a room just beside his bedroom with all the toys and color books and other things he ordered for her. 

"I'm fine... How is my flend(friend) doing ?", Siya asked in return with more than half of the sentence mispronounced but he understood it. He chuckled at her choice of words.

"I'm good, and now since I saw my Siya bear, I'm very very very fine...", he said and she giggled ruffling his hair to irk him... Shaurya always set his hair after she messed up his hair and she liked doing it. Her little act always reminded him of his wife, Akansha too loved messing up his hair, she loved to irritate him, he liked his hair in its place just like her, but he let her do it and now he is letting Siya do it, except for these two, no one ever touched his hair... that's a forbidden place. 

"Put me down... We will pay(play)", Siya said

"We will, but first tell me, why are your eyes and nose red ? Are you fine bache ?", Shaurya asked, as her body felt a bit warm to him...

"Yes... I clied na, so it is red", Siya answered cutely...

"Why did you cry bacha ? Did someone scold my friend ?", Shaurya asked lovingly, searching for the thermometer, and finally, he found it. 

"No, Licha aunty said she wouldn't take me to you and I got vely sad", Siya answered in her gibberish words. Shaurya's heart filled with extreme love and warmth for the affection the little girl showed on him, he then understood how much Siya got attached to him, same as him.

"Richa aunty was just joking bache... You shouldn't cry... I don't like your tears... My Siya bear is cute only with a smile, so give a smile for your friend please", Shaurya asked, checking her temperature with a thermometer gun, he sighed in relief as her temperature is normal. 

Siya got shy when he kept looking at her face waiting for her to smile, with a lot of attention, she giggled and hid her face in his neck and Shaurya chuckled at her little acts.

"Awe Siya bache... Why are you so cute ?", he said slowly ruffling her hair...

"I don't know, mumma too says the same", Siya answered seriously thinking, making Shaurya laugh. He hugged her to his chest feeling extremely proud to have known this pure and cute kid. 

"Okay, now what would you like to do ? Coloring or playing ?", Shaurya asked

"Paying(playing)", Siya answered jumping excitedly...

"Okay 'Paying' it is", Shaurya imitatesd her and they play a few games. One more thing Shaurya loved about spending time with Siya is she is a blend of Gen Alpha and Millennials, she likes to play what today's kids play, as well as she is excited about games like 'Chor-Police' (Cops and Robbers) and 'Lukka Chuppi (Hide and Seek), in fact, most of the times, she liked to play 'Chor-Police' with Shaurya and through Siya, Shaurya too revived his childhood. 

When Siya got tired of playing, he asked Mrs. Sudha to bring a chocolate shake for Siya and he helped her have it, after which both of them sat to play board games as Siya is still in the zone of playing, they started with snake & ladder and ended with Chinese checkers, Siya didn't understand the game since it's complicated so she moved the balls in the path she liked and Shaurya too enjoyed all her foul plays with a wide smile, he also recorded her cute antics in between. 

After a while, they both sat beside each other and Siya started coloring the book Shaurya gave when she visited there last time. 

"Uncle... what do you like ?", Siya asked and Shaurya furrowed his brows not getting what meant and the little caught his expressions... "Like I love cololing (coloring), mamu likes diving(driving), licha aunty likes talking, and mama bear likes leading(reading), what do you like ?", She asked in her gibberish words but he understood that she was asking what would he like to do in free time ? Well, how would he answer that question ? he never allowed any free time for himself as he thought too much about his wife in that time and it started affecting his daily routine and duties so he always kept himself busy avoiding the little free time he gets...

"Um... I used to work in my free time before I met my little friend, now I play with her in my free time", Shaurya answered genuinely making the little girl giggle. 

"But why wok(work) ? you can play na ?", she asked mentioning the time before she became his friend and he got her question... 

Precap - Shaurya talks about Akansha to Siya, and for the first time, Siya shares a secret she shared only with her mama bear till then, Shaurya generates a way out to meet Akansha with the help of Siya. Shaurya meets Akansha as the chief minister as well as her boss ?

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