PART - 14

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"But why wok(work) ? you can pay(play) na ?", she asked mentioning the time before she became his friend and he got her question... 

"Siya bache... Today I'll tell you a secret, will you keep it with you ? You shouldn't share it with anyone, promise ?", Shaurya asked and Siya nodded enthusiastically, hearing the word 'secret' she loves secrets...

"Yes, Yes Plomise", she said immediately, Shaurya chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Tell the stoly(story) fast", Siya said and Shaurya understood that she was thinking the secret to be a story, now he needs to build it in that way. 

"There used to be a beautiful girl in my life, and I loved her a lot... She is the prettiest girl, kind, and selfless, she never thought for herself but others, she worked hard so that her family could be happy, she gets angry easily, but it was very easy to calm her anger too, little love is all she wanted...", Shaurya started

"Hel name is cindella ?(cindrella) ?", Siya asked cutely and Shaurya shook his head with a small smile. "then what is hel name ?", she asked

"Popcorn", Shaurya said and Siya gave him a funny look hearing it, Shaurya didn't want to disclose Akansha's name, at the same time didn't want to lie to his little friend so he told her the nickname he gave his wife... He remembered how angry Akansha got when he gave her that nickname but she eventually fell in love with it, she loved it whenever he called her with that...

"I'm waiting for an hour Shaurya... You have time for everyone except for me", Akansha blasted at him...

"I'm so sorry Akansha... I got late at the youth wing meeting... Please forgive me...", he whispered softly

"I know you are an MLA and have your responsibilities, I'm not asking you to prioritize me over them, I would never do that but the least you could have done is tell me a proper time on when you'll be available and then be on time... You know I would manage to meet you even if you call me late at night, but I want you to be punctual at least then, I don't like someone who doesn't value my time", Akansha said angrily

"I know baba, I'm really sorry, I will not repeat this, I promise you", Shaurya said hugging her from behind, kissing her cheek and she instantly melted at his cute apology. He is a charmer and till date she couldn't understand how he managed to crack her hard walls, She thought she would never date anyone but this charismatic man made his place in her heart even without her knowledge. 

"Sorry accepted", Akansha said and he kissed her cheek again with a wide smile...

"I so love you, my popcorn...", he said

"Popcorn ? What kind of a nickname is that ? You are mad Shaurya", she said glaring at him...

"It perfectly suits you, You are like popcorn, my caramel popcorn, keeps exploding at high temperatures, but once cooked, melts in the mouth... delicious", he said huskily in her ear...

"Shaurya...", she pushed him with a hard glare, trying to hide her crimson red cheeks, but he already saw it. "You and your double-meaning dialogues are horrible, get some training on how to flirt please", she said and he chuckled at her irritation...

"Hehe popcorn ? It's so funny...", he was brought out of his thoughts by Siya's giggles...

"Yup, it is funny, she used to get so angry whenever I called her that but then... she started loving it too", he said making Siya sit in his lap. 

"Where is she ? Can I meet hel(her) pwease ?", Siya asked, Shaurya's smile vanished at the little girl's question...

"She left me... because I hurt her a lot...", Shaurya whispered holding Siya tightly to take her support... and the little girl understood that her friend was sad. She put her little palms on his cheek and rubbed them slowly as in a soothing manner. Shaurya smiled at her concern...

"Thank you Bache...", Shaurya said kissing her little palm

"Why hut(hurt) hel", Siya asked 

"I was a fool...", he muttered, "okay now... listen to my secret Siyu bache", Shaurya said diverting her and Siya nodded excitedly forgetting her question... "I met her a few days ago, I wanted to say sorry but she isn't listening to me, what should I do ? help your friend bacha", Shaurya said and Siya got only a few things out of what he said... and she kept thinking tapping her head and Shaurya laughed, he knew the little girl couldn't give him any ideas yet he felt light by sharing things with her, her presence itself calmed his otherwise restless heart. 

"Um... Say sorry to hel(her) like thich (this)", Siya said holding his chin... "I say sorry to mama bear like thich(this) and she smiles... um... if she is big angly(angrier) then I'll give hel books, she loves to lead(read)", Siya said thinking her words would help Shaurya.

"You give your textbooks to your mumma ?", he asked with amusement...

"No chilly(silly), mumma doesn't like leading (reading) my techt books(textbooks), she says they ale(Are) bad and she would like to relite(rewrite) them, I pick books from her chelf(shelf) and give it to her to lead(read)", Siya said and Shaurya chuckled at the little girl's antics, how lucky is the mother to have this incredible little species as her daughter, Shaurya thought, and then just like that an idea stuck his head suddenly...

"OMG... Siya... You are awesome... I so love you bache... Thank you for helping me", Shaurya said hugging Siya tightly...

Siya said her mother didn't like her text books and that's when Shaurya remembered how Akansha hated how the textbooks were so outdated and if given a chance she would love to prepare them again, including the relevant topics useful for today's kids. She even asked Shaurya to talk to the educational minister regarding this, as he was a MLA then. Shaurya promised her to work on it, and as soon as he became the Chief Minister, he also held the Education Portfolio as it's a matter of the future of the country and he didn't trust his cabinet ministers to take care of this portfolio. Due to various challenges he faced in his term, he couldn't completely change the curriculum, he worked on the higher classes curriculum while he didn't touch the primary standards, but it was on his agenda and now is the best time to work on it, he smiled at the thought. 

Akansha was pursuing a Ph.D in Child Psychology before their marriage and had incredible curriculum plans. Shuarya even asked her to make a short document including her plans and he would show it to the then-education minister, but before that, his true face was revealed to her and it was a mess. He didn't know if she had completed her Ph. D or not, but if she did, he could directly hire her on the committee he had formed to remodel the curriculum. But, if she hadn't, he would still hire her because he knew she would be an asset to the government and it's about the future of the children in the state and he knew she is more than capable of the job. But if she didn't hold the doctorate, it would get difficult for him to justify if someone questioned him, and in future if their relationship is out in public, it would blow up into a scandal. He would handle that mess for the welfare of the students in the state but he wouldn't want to involve her or suffer her more than he already did. First, he had to know about Akansha's educational background. 

He kissed Siya's cheek for giving such a great idea, he praised the little girl and she hid her face getting shy making Shaurya chuckle. The time with his little friend came to an end sooner than expected. He promised to meet her soon, saying bye to her was more difficult every time than the previous time but he had to do it. He wished Siya was born to him and Akansha, he would never have to let her go... He chided his baseless thoughts and got back to work.

The job at hand was to find out if his wife completed her Ph.D or not. He could find out in minutes if he wanted to, but he promised he wouldn't spy on her so he had no option other than asking Akash. 

Shaurya called Akash again...

"A quick question Akash, Did Akansha get her Ph. D ?", Shaurya asked as soon as Akash picked up his phone. 

"Sir... I already told you, I am not liable to disclosing any personal information about my sister", he said

"You know I could get the answer in minutes, but I didn't want to break my promise, okay fine, at least I tried", Shaurya said and is about to hang up when Akash answered him...

"Yes, she completed it, she submitted the final thesis when she was still married to you, and yet you didn't have any idea, think again, you really think you deserve her forgiveness ?", Akash asked politely, he thought at least now Shaurya realized his mistakes were too much to forgive so he should let Akansha be, instead of trying to win her back. 

"Thanks for the information Akash", Shaurya said and hung up. He knew she submitted her thesis, but she didn't think he was worthy to know the progress so she didn't inform him and he knew he deserved it. Though he was distant from her when she was his wife, he made sure to keep an eye on her necessities, that day, he was the one who arranged the car and driver so that she could be taken to the university, but he didn't let anyone know like the other things he did for her. He didn't defend himself as Akash was somewhere right. Though he knew about it, his wife didn't inform him herself, she found him unworthy and Akash is right in questioning him. Shaurya remembered those days when he started feeling the fear of his wife's dismissal.

He felt her resignation from the past few weeks, at first he thought she would be back to normal, he knew he was wrong, and he wanted to change for her, wanted to become her husband in all terms but how would he do it when the resentment is still there in him. She didn't apologize or accept her fault, how is he supposed to forgive or forget her involvement ? He decided to talk to her but these days she didn't even look at him let alone talk to him. 

He started feeling the burn of her emotional withdrawal. He kept a note of her university dates and since she missed her submission the previous year, he made sure to remind her about it as soon as the deadline for the thesis was announced, and as soon as he got to know, he left to inform his wife but he heard her talk to her brother. 

"Yes Akash, I will submit this time, but please don't talk anything about this to him(Shuarya)", she said and by her tone, Shaurya realized that she thought he would stop her or play games to stop her from submitting her thesis... Did she think so low of him ? Didn't she know him ? But again, he was never the man she believed him to be, he betrayed her in the worst way and anyone would lose their trust after all that. 

He realized there's a possibility he would lose her forever if he didn't act on it, that doesn't mean he would forget what she did. But, he could at least show her that he is reliable and he wasn't the cruel man she thought him to be. He wants to see her succeed and achieve her dreams. 

He came home early those days, sat in the room in front of her waiting if she would tell him about it but she didn't. She didn't even work in their room in fear that he would find out... She worked in the left wing of the terrace with her study lamp, as no one visited that farther corner of the terrace in their home. She kept all her books already there and came back to the room to take some left over things when she saw him sitting on their bed. She cursed her fate, she even doubted that he was coming early these days only to disturb her studies ? Did he get the hint about her submission dates or her college ? She turned to leave the room quickly when he opened his mouth.

"Akansha ?", he called... there's no coldness in his tone like always but now she had come too far to notice anything. Akansha's steps halted, she didn't turn back but her halted steps gave him courage to ask his next question. 

"Is there anything I should know ?", he asked, she turned and looked at him for a brief second before shaking her head. That resonated dismissal cut through his heart that he couldn't utter anything. 

Taking it as a cue, she left from there, and soon the day of submission arrived. The university is far away from their house, it's almost 45 miles away and she didn't know how to travel that long. She first thought to escape from her house and go to the main road and then take a cab from there. She hoped the money she has would be enough for her travel but she knew it wasn't enough, but she was determined to do the submission without fail. She cursed herself for handing all her money over to her mother coming in her words. 

"Ma'am ?", the driver called, she cursed her fate for getting caught by the driver. "Are you going to Ravishankar Chowk Road ?", the driver asked, She is shocked at how he knows ? Nonetheless, she nodded... "Ma'am, could you please collect the prints bade sahab(Shaurya's father) asked for on your way? Actually none in the family is free and bade sahab would get angry if he didn't receive them before he returned", the driver requested, she frowned but soon a plan formed in her head, her university was just 5 minutes walk from the Chowk... Her father-in-law went to Delhi, and before going, she heard him tell the same driver that he would ask one of the family members to collect the prints from there and now she understood she could use this opportunity to get there. 

"Yes... I will collect those... Would you take me there ?", Akansha asked him...

"Of course ma'am...", he said and she quickly settled in the car looking here and there... The driver quickly messaged Shaurya about it and he sighed in relief, at least now he didn't have to worry about his wife struggling in public transport or her reaching the university on time. The driver informed her that it would take time to get the print samples ready and Akansha said till they are ready, she would do her work and the driver nodded and stopped at the chowk. Akansha quickly walked to her university from there and submitted her thesis before walking to the shop to collect the print samples and return to the car. 

She wanted to request the driver not to tell anyone that it was she who collected the samples as he knew how the 'bade sahab' , i.e Shaurya's father hates her and wouldn't like it if he got to know it was she who collected them. But, her real reason was she didn't want anyone to know that she went to her university to submit her thesis but before she could utter it, the driver said the same thing.

"Ma'am, if you don't mind, can this stay between us ? I mean bade sahab wouldn't spare me if he gets to know that I requested you to...", the driver trailed, Akansha understood his sentence, it hurt her how even the servants and helpers, employees knew how her in-laws hated her but she shook her thoughts, it's better that way, it worked in her favor. 

"I won't tell anyone, not even Shaurya, don't worry", she assured him and herself too. Now no one would know about it, she sighed in relief but only if she knew it was all her husband's doing. 

What a fate he had, today he had the whole state's confidence, except for his wife's. He so wanted to laugh at his fate and himself too, because at the end of the day, it was his deeds that led to his wife's mistrust in him. 

He called the Curriculum Review Committee head Mrs. Somya Arora and reopened all the pending issues, he ordered the review of the curriculum of the primary standards. 

"I wanted to recommend a child psychologist to the team, but I would leave the decision of whether to hire her or not to you... Interview her and if you think she is the right match, only then hire her", Shaurya said

"Sure sir... If it's your recommendation, then I couldn't question, I'm sure she is the right candidate", Mrs. Somya Arora said politely.

"The problem is I am not aware if she is practicing child psychology or not, but I can assure you, her thoughts and ideas would definitely help you in developing a relevant curriculum for the primary standards...", Shaurya said, and Mrs. Arora is skeptical, the candidate's skills are questionable if she isn't practicing, but she decided to give a shot if the Chief Minister is recommending, also Shaurya is being very polite, being a Chief Minister and educational minister, he had the right to appoint anyone but he is leaving the choice to her and the least she could do is take the interview of the candidate he is referring. 

"Sure sir, I will get a panel ready for the interview", Mrs. Arora said

"Not now Mrs. Arora, first get the basic arrangements done to review the syllabus and the textbooks, finalize your team, the assistant teachers. I'm sure you would be including the primary teachers from the best schools to get their input, so finalize them first", Shaurya said, the lady nodded politely and after a brief discussion, took her leave.

He would take some time to get Akansha onboard, and it could happen only through Akash, so first he thought of talking to Akash. He wondered what work Akansha had been doing for the past few years ? Is she practicing psychology ? Mostly no, because he is sure, in order to hide from him, she would be hiding her qualifications, but still he hoped she did. 

He called his secretary and asked her to block his calendar the next day for the meeting with DC Akash Dixit. Shweta blocked his calendar and informed to Akash about the same who cursed his fate wondering, now what did Shaurya want from him.

Well his question was answered the next day, Shaurya detailed his plan to have Akansha on board for the curriculum review committee established for primary education. Shaurya talked as if it was purely a professional move but Akash isn't a fool, he knew what his ex-brother-in-law is upto.

"I don't think di will agree to this, she has her work to do", Akash blurted out... 

"Okay, so she works  ? Where does she work  ? Is she practicing as a child psycologist  ?", Shaurya asked, Akash cursed himself for getting trapped...

"Sir, please...", Akash started but got interrupted by Shaurya.

"I have already recommended her name to the committee, it will approach her after doing a proper background check, if only she could dedicate her time to it will she be selected Akash", Shaurya said and Akash sighed deeply. "Don't worry, I won't take the report or get to know her employer details, I will stick to my word, I won't get to know her personal details but that's until you don't back out from the word you gave me", he added, Akash got the silent warning in his tone.

"I will talk to di, but I can't assure she would agree", Akash said

"I am ready to take the chance, it's about the children's life, I hope she would think about it, I have seen her ideas and passion to make a better curriculum for the kids to develop their creative and intellectual skills at a young age, this committee truly needs her service", Shaurya said and Akash could see the genuinity in his eyes. Shaurya might have his selfish motives but his service-oriented self overpowers his motives.

"Talk to her as soon as possible Akash, the works will start soon, I have passed clear instructions to the committee head regarding the same... My plan is to complete this before going for elections, I don't know if we'll come to power again, and I don't want to risk the kids' future", Shaurya said remembering Siya's face. He would work hard to create a better future for Siya and the other kids of her generation to grow up in, determined Shaurya.

"You don't have to rush it like that sir, your government will come to power again, you enjoy the confidence of 70% people in the state, it's record high in the country's history", Akash said, he is proud of Shaurya's historical achievements.

"Nothing can be taken for granted Akash, specially this CM chair, it's the most volatile thing in the world", Shaurya said, he very well knew the power hungry wolfs are ready to pull him down at the slightest chance they get. Only God knows what dirty games they would play when they would get to know about his marriage and Akansha. He is worried for his position but more than that he is worried for her, that's one more reason he is staying away from her, he wouldn't put her peaceful life in danger for his selfish motives.

"You have done good for the people, for the society, why would you think you will lose the elections  ?", Akash questioned

"I don't think I will lose, but am taking precautions and I would want you to too... If the opposition comes into power, they will try to ruin the officers that are my close aids and you top that list...", Shaurya cautioned Akash

"I don't think Mr. Bisht will stoop so low", Akash put his point, he has an idea about his friendship with Dev.

"Bisht is the party leader and a CM candidate for sure, but he is not alone in that party, he might spare you but the other leaders won't, it's good that you are optimistic about me retaining this position but it's better to be prepared for the worst", Shaurya cautioned and Akash nodded taking the advice, but he was sure his ex-brother-in-law would be coming to power with clear majority.

"I'll talk to my sister and will let you know regarding the same", Akash said, Shaurya nodded

"Akash  ? What about the progress in there ?", Shaurya asked, Akash instantly understood what he was referring to, hearing the seriousness in his tone.

"The situation is complicated right now sir, the recent leak to media has messed up the situation, it took a lot of efforts to divert the media, we had to abort a lot of things for the time being to avoid any further suspicion to the media, we are planning to restart things again soon", Akash detailed

"Then let's put a pause to it for now, we'll concentrate on it again after elections, pull proper covers over Akash, no one should find out about it until we get the whole evidence in our hand", Shaurya instructed

After a proper discussion on the topic and about Akansha's case and Shekhar, Shaurya dismissed Akash getting back to work. By Shaurya's words, Akash knew he wouldn't spare Shekhar and he was so right.


"Where is my bail, you idiot ?", Shekhar shouted getting angry at his lawyer.

"Sir... The case is very strong... DC Akash made sure you didn't get bail", his lawyer replied

"Why the hell am I paying so much if you are incapable of handling a DC", Shekhar shouted...

"Sir... Not just DC Akask, CM saab is following up on your case too... He was in constant touch with the DGP, he is putting pressure on them, Ankit is sacked and the disciplinary committee is going very harsh on him", the lawyer whispered making Shekhar curse his fate. He thought his fate couldn't get any worse, only if he knew... He dared to slap the CM's wife, if he thought Shaurya would leave him then he was in for a much bigger surprise.


"Have you gone crazy Akash  ?", Akansha yelled at her brother...

"Di... You will get a call from the committee soon, it's for the best if you could go for an interview, di think this way, if you go there, he would stay away from digging your details, and you'll also get an opportunity to do something for the kids, you always wanted this di, you have good plans for the kids' curriculum, think about Siya, you are doing it for her, her bright future, there's not much to lose here, but if you refuse it, then he might actually dig out your employer details to get you on board through your employer, and if that happens, he would know you were a teacher in NPS school and it wouldn't take him a minute to doubt you and Siya. He already knew that Siya's mother is a primary teacher there", Akash said, Akansha gave a death stare to her brother for uttering all the nonsense.

"Done barking utter nonsense  ? Now get out", Akansha said coldly...

"Di... Think about it", Akash said again but his sister's glare is enough to shut his mouth. "I'll meet Siya and go", Akash started

"No need, Siya went out with Richa, if they come, I need to introduce you to Richa since you guys are meeting for the first time and I do not have that patience now, so just get out before I kick you", Akansha said and this time Akash walked out as he knew one more minute and his sister would actually kick him out...

Akansha thought for the whole night, yes it's true that she wanted to help change the primary education curriculum, she has ideas and she has done research on it, in fact, a part of her Ph. D thesis was based on this, involving topics like what skills could be developed in kids for their overall development and how those can be included in their curriculum. She would have taken up this responsibility with open arms if it came from the committee, but it came from the man she loathed. She so wanted to reject it but one look at her daughter and she knew she had to do this. Her brother is right, if she refused, Shaurya would try other ways to get her on board and that has a risk of exposing Siya's identity which she is not ready for.

Akansha didn't completely trust Shaurya when he said he wouldn't get to know her details, but what kept her sane for now was he was sticking to his word, if not he would have gotten to know about Siya and the next minute he would be outside her house to claim his daughter or at least question her. She knew him very well, he couldn't have stopped his impulsive self from confronting her. Everyone thinks he is the calmest person on earth but she knew his other side which comes out when it's about his family. She never saw him extremely furious, but she did see his impulsive behavior when it came to his blood. He would cause destruction for them, she is a living example of it.

Is Akash right  ? Should she consider this opportunity and do good for the kids like her daughter  ? It also has an upside, it would keep Shaurya away from her personal life if she stays near to him in professional life. She sighed deeply, tolerating him even for a second seemed torturous to her. But it's not like he would be sitting on her head the whole day, he is a chief minister, and she might meet him once or twice a month at max for the reviews, it's not like he would be her boss right  ? With this thought, she tried to calm herself, bearing him in once or twice a month seemed better option to her than risking her personal life getting opened in front of him, she made her choice, she would give the interview if she received a call, anyway it's not that easy to get selected in the interview, but she was preparing for the worst, because with him in the picture, the worst had always happened to her even in the best situations.

She couldn't get a wink the whole night with all these thoughts running around. The next day when she went to school, she was called by the principal Mr. Joshi. She was shocked to know the reason why he called her.

"Akansha... I'll come directly to the point, you might have heard about the curriculum review committee started 4 years ago by the Chief Minister of our state", Mr. Joshi started, Akansha's posture stiffened hearing him, did Shaurya start approaching through her school thinking she wouldn't agree? Did he get to know that she worked there  ? Did he break his promise  ? Damn she shouldn't have trusted him again... She cursed him 100 times in those few seconds... "Akansha  ?", the Principal called her bringing out of her reverie...

"Yes sir, Yes I have heard of it", she answered but the principal looked at her weirdly, she understood that he has said few more things after he asked about it but she was busy in cursing Shaurya. "Sorry, I zoned out...", she quickly apologized...

"If you keep doing this, how are you gonna handle this huge responsibility  ?", he asked her sternly  ? Huge responsibility  ? Damn Shaurya Singh Shekhawat... She started cursing him again but she quickly stopped not to zone out again...

"Sorry sir, won't happen again... What were you saying before  ?", she asked him...

"I was saying the Committee head, Mrs. Arora has sent a mail to our school along with many other reputed schools, they wanted the schools to send a well-qualified and knowledgeable teacher from each school, they would interview them before making them a part of the committee, and I suggested your name to the chairman and he instantly agreed, you have the necessary qualifications as well as knowledge, I am sure you'll be able to qualify the interview, it would be an honor if we have one of our teachers in the committee...", Mr. Joshi said shocking Akansha...

So Shaurya didn't know about it  ? It was a common procedure done by the committee head, but if she goes there on the school behalf, it won't be long until Shaurya knows that she is a teacher in NPS school... Now, she has to go for the interview both as a child psycologist and a primary school teacher in an international school  ? how could one person act as two people taking two different roles  ? God she is trapped badly. She can't let the committee people know that the candidate the Chief Minister has referred is also a teacher in NPS school, that would mean revealing all her secrets to Shaurya, which she can't do in any situation.

Now the only solution left with her is informing Mr. Joshi. Anyways he already knew her qualifications and talent and as per her request he kept it hidden. She could confide in him if at all she gets selected as the child psycologist, but if she didn't, there is no need to say anything. So, for now she thought of dodging...

"Sir, I hope you haven't sent the response to the committee", Akansha asked

"No, I haven't, thought of confirming with you before doing so, but I know no one would reject such a great opportunity", a hidden warning of 'don't you dare deny Akansha' was lying in his statement, but she had no option. She had to reject his offer.

"I don't think I could do this sir... I hope you understand", Akansha said

"Are you doing this for real Akansha  ? I can't believe this", Mr. Joshi asked perplexed, Akansha sighed helplessly.

"You are rejecting the opportunity to work with the government  ? You do know that the education minister chairs this committee right  ? How could you even reject a golden opportunity such as this  ?", Mr. Joshi asked

"Sir, I have taken every responsibility you gave me lately and right now with all the tasks at hand, I don't have bandwidth, please understand", Akansha said

"All those will be lifted off your shoulder, don't worry about it", Mr. Joshi immediately said, he was desperate to have Akansha on board the committee as he knew except for her, no teacher in the school is capable of cracking the review committee's interview.

"I can't leave those sir, I was working on them, I gave them my time and effort not to hand it to over to someonelse", she said and Mr. Joshi sighed deeply...

"Is that the only reason  ?", Mr. Joshi asked, he knew Akansha would easily manage her tasks if she wanted to, but she is rejecting this offer and there is a reason behind it, Mr. Joshi is clever enough to understand that...

Akansha too knew however strict Mr. Joshi might be, he is a good boss, very understanding and supportive. If she clears the interview, she would definitely inform him about getting hired as the child psycologist in the committee, thought she.

"Yes sir", she said

"Okay then, I'll refer someone else for the same, you can go", Mr. Joshi dismissed Akansha, she quickly sped to her class as it's almost time to meet her little students.


In the next one week, the committee conducted the interviews of the teachers and after thorough screening, they shortlisted 8 teachers from 76 schools. Much to Mr. Joshi's dismay and Akansha's relief, the person representing NPS International failed to qualify for the process. Akansha sighed in relief as she didn't have to face them if at all she is selected as the child psycologist assisting the committee.

After they finished all this process, Shaurya recommended Akansha's name to the committee, and Akash forwarded Akansha's official mail ID to Shweta which she forwarded to the committee.

Akansha received their mail and call for the interview. She took half a day leave from her work and attended the interview. The panelists were taken aback when they got to know that she isn't practicing as a psychologist but not to disrespect Shaurya, they decided to move forward with the interview mentally prepared to reject her but Akansha surprised them with her skillset and talent.

Though she hasn't practiced it, her passion for the profession made her keep up to date with industry trends and practices, her dealing with her little students acted as the best practice and experience for her.

Miraculously she passed the interview with flying colors, 4 out of the 5 panelists were in awe of her talent while one was still skeptical about her inexperience in dealing with live patients but finally they hired her. Akansha cursed her fate, she kept stressing over the point that she had no experience in dealing with patients and she was hoping that one panelist, Mr. Samuel, who was skeptical would reject her but to her bad luck, she got shortlisted.

Shaurya asked the committee to finalize the teachers, other academicians, and scholars they would include in their team before reaching out to Akansha as he knew Akansha needed perfect planners, she could only work in a team if they were dedicated towards their work and have a detail-oriented approach towards things and she didn't disappoint him.

"Any queries ?", the head panelist Mrs. Arora asked for formality thinking Akansha would be just grateful for getting hired.

"Actually Yes Mrs. Arora", Akansha said

"Is it about your pay Ms. Akansha ? We told you it would be fixed and the education ministry would decide it and let you know", Mrs. Arora said

"It's not about pay Mrs. Arora... I would like to know about the team members I would be working with, if possible with their basic details like their work and experience would do", Akansha asked confidently shocking them... "I'm sorry but this is how I work, I would like to know about the team members, their experience, and their strong subject and skillset before starting my work, it would help me get a hang of things... I want to study the details before joining... Hope the team is finalized already", she asked...

She knew the primary school teachers that were supposed to be shortlisted were done but she wasn't sure of the other staff so she asked. 

"Yes, Ms. Akansha, the team is finalized... I'll get the IT department to mail you the details... Looking forward to working with you...", Mr. Khanna, another panelist said, understanding Mrs. Arora's surprise and displeasure at Akansha's audacity to question them. 

"Thank you, Mr. Khanna...", Akansha said... "Can I leave if you do not have any questions ?", Akansha asked the panelists politely...

"Yeah sure Ms. Akansha...", the same Mr. Khanna replied with a smile... he was the most impressed with Akansha, according to him, her confidence displayed her abilities, but some of them were blinded by ego to look beyond her straightforwardness. Mr. Samuel is on top of that list... 

"Kindly learn to be less straightforward and more polite, our boss is an education minister and more importantly the Ch...", Mr. Samuel started but Mr. Khanna interrupted him as he knew he would offend Akansha. 

"Thank you for coming Ms. Akansha... See you...", Mr. Khanna said with a smile... Akansha gave a polite nod and left from there. Mr. Khanna's politeness stopped her otherwise she would have given back to Mr. Samuel who thought she was incompetent. 

"The CM referred her, look at her arrogance, it's as if she knew she would be hired no matter what...", Mr. Samuel accused

"Well, I don't think so, CM Sir left the decision to the panelists... It was our collective decision to select her", Mr. Khanna said looking at Mrs. Arora, asking her to handle Mr. Samuel...

"Mr. Khanna is right Mr. Samuel, she is talented and her way of working and her grip on relevant topics, especially her planning is very impressive, all that we are concerned about is her skillset, her attitude could be tamed down", Mrs. Arora said, her statement didn't go well with Mr. Khanna, according to him, Akansha is perfect the way she is. He is a senior academician, philanthropist, and businessman, he identified rare talents in the world and he knew Akansha was a gem, and her attitude was just as perfect as she was... 

"I'll take your leave...", Mr. Khanna said getting up, not liking their age-old mentalities, where judging a woman if she is confident about herself is prevalent.


It's after a week came Akansha's first day at work in the secretariat, the place where she thought she would never step in no matter how much urgent her work was, if 'he' was the chief minister. She entered the Educational ministry wing as per the directions her brother gave. She took instructions from her brother about how to reach the department as she didn't want to get lost on her first day, since her new bosses are not so kind, she didn't want to give them any chance to point a finger at her. 

She entered the grand hall where the committee members are asked to gather, where they would be addressed by the education minister of the state, but the name on the black granite stone outside the hall paralyzed her steps... 

Shaurya Singh Shekhawat - Minister of Education.

"What the hell ?", Akansha whispered to herself not noticing Mr. Khanna standing just behind her...

"Is there a problem Ms. Akansha ?", the older man asked with kindness...

"N...No... No Mr. Khanna... Everything is fine...", Akansha said, trying hard to recover from the shock she just received, Shaurya is also the education minister ? Why the hell didn't her brother inform her ? And how could she be so stupid to come there without even researching about who the education minister of the state is ? She is always careful with everything but the one time she chose to go with the flow led to this disaster... 

"You sure ? You don't look fine to me...", Mr. Khanna asked

"I'm fine sir, thank you... just nervous...", Akansha said and the old man frowned, he had never seen her nervous, her confidence was what he admired the most about her, now too, she didn't look nervous, she looked as if she wanted to get the hell out of here but was stuck badly. Well, he perfectly analyzed her situation. 

"Okay, I'll believe it if you say so, let's go in... The CM would be here anytime now...", he said...

"Sure, I'll be there shortly. Please go ahead", she said, Mr. Khanna nodded understanding her discomfort, and left from there to give her time to handle herself. 

Akansha immediately called Akash to give him an earful... He picked up knowing why his sister is calling him, he purposely didn't tell her, he thought she would research and when she got to know, she will kill him, but nothing like that happened till now, so he understood she didn't know yet, and he dreaded the moment she would know. 

"Akash... Idiot... Rascal, you could have told me... I'm not gonna leave you...", Akansha started whisper-yelling at her brother... but she halted her words interrupted by the tone and presence she didn't want to hear or see right then or anytime in her life...

"Postpone my meetings for an hour Shweta, I want to interact with the team properly", Akansha heard Shaurya say... She closed her eyes to calm herself... With the increasing decibel of his voice, she knew he was walking towards her along with a lady who is probably his secretary, she could say that much with the sentence she heard. 

Shaurya looked at her and his steps halted for a second, she looked beautiful in the off-white and sea-green salwar suit... He quickly resumed his walk not to cause anyone any suspicion. 

"Dr. Dixit... Welcome onboard", Shaurya said forwarding his hand... 

Akansha who is facing her back to him, turned towards him plastering a calm look on her face... 

Precap - Siya disclosing her secret to Shaurya, Shaurya's mission to cool his wife/Ex-wife's anger enough to make her listen to him, but his attempts keep failing. A narrow miss. 

Note - Next part is available in, please refer my message board for the link.

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