PART - 15

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Akansha so wanted to glare at him for forwarding his hand, she hated even looking at him, let alone touching him. For a microsecond, she looked at his secretary who had a panicky face, as it had been already 5 seconds since Shaurya had forwarded his hand, Akansha mentally rolled her eyes at the importance he held. She didn't want to shake his hands but she had to, he is the chief minister and no common man could dare to do what she wanted. 

"Thank you SIR...", she said shaking his hands... Touching him, feeling his palm caused shivers in Akansha, the familiar warmth seeped in, and she so wanted to slap herself for feeling all that. She couldn't even blame her body or her heart, he was the first man she got close to, and got into a relationship with... he made her feel the sparks of love, if it was any other man, she wouldn't have given a glance, she knew no one other than Shaurya would have had made her fall in love, otherwise, men never interested her, her family responsibilities barely let her think about her professional interests, let alone personal interests and especially men.

The feel of her palm filled Shaurya with warmth, it was as if his dead soul for years came alive again... All he wanted to do was pull her in a never ending hug. He started feeling her palm, Akansha wanted him to leave her hand but he didn't want to... With every passing second, bearing his touch got difficult for her, she is hating how her body responds to his touch, but at the same time, her hatred in her brain kept her feelings in check and she is thankful for the only sensible part in her body. 

Shweta saw Akansha's discomfort, she is shocked by Shaurya's behavior, though none could spot anything wrong with the handshake, having known Shaurya, Shweta knew that this handshake was very unusual, as all his handshakes lasted a second or two if it's with women, most of the times, he greeted women with a 'Namaste' instead, so all this shocked Shweta. 

"Sir... You need to address the committee...", Shweta interrupted him, he cursed himself for giving into his heart, and he shook Akansha's hand for one last time firmly before letting it go. 

Shaurya walked ahead to address the committee members. Shweta glanced at Akansha to see if she was fine, for a second, there was uncertainty and disgust in Shweta's eyes for Shaurya if he actually had a bad intention, but Akansha didn't like it, not for any other reason, but she knew Shaurya wasn't that kind of a man. He never looked at women with bad intentions, in fact, he never looked at any woman, except for her. Akansha gave a smile that assured Shweta that everything was fine. Shweta returned her smile and followed Shaurya to the hall that assembled all the committee. Akansha took a deep breath to calm herself, she so wanted to wash her hands with Dettol until they go numb and she no more felt his touch, but she didn't have much time, so she entered the hall and took farther corner but unfortunately the closed room though was huge, due to lesser people, it drew people's attention easily, and that included that one man's whose attention she hated at the moment.

Shaurya addressed the committee, by starting with greeting the old members and welcoming the new ones... He then briefed about his expectations and deliverables. 

"Lastly, No committee member should be involved in corruption or deceit, the rules of the board should be strictly followed, and any violations will have serious consequences. As I said, The project is divided into 4 phases and the committee head will brief you about it in the following sessions... I expect 100% results and all deadlines should be met without delay", Shaurya concluded his speech and nodded at the host signaling him to announce further. 

"Now the floor is open for questions", the host said

A man raised his hand and a mike was passed to him. 

"Sir... During our onboarding process, we were informed that you would be our boss... So, you will be our boss in literal terms or we would be reporting to Mrs. Arora ?", a senior researcher asked, Akansha's eyes widened when she remembered Mr. Samuel's words, he told her that their boss is the education minister, and that meant Shaurya is their boss, Akansha cursed her fate. 

"What do you want ? Looks like you don't want me as a boss huh ? trust me, sir... I'm a better boss than Mrs. Arora, the lady is very tough and strict... the people who were a part of the previous committee would agree with me", Shaurya joked and everyone laughed, and the old committee members nodded their heads with smiles... "See... they all agree...", Shaurya said and turned to Mrs. Arora... "I'm sure you have noted their names Mrs. Arora...", he told looking at her...

"Yes sir, I did... will see you from tomorrow guys", Mrs. Arora said making them all laugh... 

Everyone loved Shaurya's attitude, he made them feel at ease, his presence created so much positivity and they loved being in his company, except for Akansha. She abhorred his presence and prayed for him to leave soon and Shaurya understood what she wanted, with one look at her face, he so wanted to do everything she wanted but going away from her wasn't one of them. 

"Coming back to your question... there are 41 members in the committee, 8 of you will be reporting to me directly... rest all will report to Mrs. Arora and Mr. Khanna", Shaurya said and there was a hint of happiness in his eyes which Akansha noticed and she didn't like it... That meant she would be probably reporting to him and in the next few minutes, her doubts were confirmed. 

"Sir... Who are those 8 ?", the same senior researcher asked. 

"You'll be informed of it in the first session...", the host cut him off, so as not to waste Shaurya's time.

"That's okay...", Shaurya said, giving a gentle nod to the host and turned to the senior researcher to answer his question. 

"You already know the 5 out of 8", Shaurya said showing the 5 panelists that were sitting on the stage that included Mrs. Arora, Mr. Samuel, and Mr. Khanna. "The other three included, senior researcher Dr. Mohammed Rashid Khan, that is you yourself...", Shaurya said, and the man smiled widely and everyone clapped... "Mr. Anjan Goel IAS (Retd.), he is also the former secretary of state, Department of School Education and Literacy...", Shaurya announced, Anjan got up so the crowd could recognize him... "Dr. Akansha Sha...", Shaurya started, Akansha's eyes widened, he was so used to addressing his wife as Dr. Akansha Shaurya Shekhawat in his mind that he was about to spill the same... Shaurya quickly corrected his words and none noticed it as he did it very quickly... "Dixit... A child psychologist", he concluded, Akansha stood up and the crowd clapped for her. 

The session was followed by Q&A sessions for the next 10 minutes, before Mrs. Arora took over from Shaurya to detail the phases involved in this and the respective deadlines followed by basic introductions and a casual interactive session among the team and Shaurya was a part of it for a while before he had to leave. He noticed Mr. Khanna and others walking toward him to shake his hands but he folded his hands in a 'Namaste' greeting them collectively and left from there hurriedly. Shweta frowned at Shaurya's behavior, he rushed out without even shaking hands with the core committee ? 

Call him stupid or childish, but after almost 5 years, he felt his wife's touch, and he wanted it to linger on him for as long as possible... He wanted to feel her touch for some more time. The warmth in it, all these years, he only imagined her touch, reminiscing their past, it used to calm his heart to certain extent but not completely, but now just a handshake from her, felt reviving. He just hoped he would get successful in calming her anger and get her to listen to him.


After the session commenced, Akansha carefully listened to the details and made a note of it.

"So, our first target is to complete Phase 1 and the deadline is 1 month, the review regarding the progress will be held with the CM sir after a month, now get back to work everyone", Mrs. Arora said, they then understood what Shaurya meant, who asks to work on the first day  ? At least give them some time to get accustomed to the surroundings.

Everyone reporting to Mrs. Arora left, leaving the 8 reportees of Shaurya in the conference room.

"Mrs. Arora... I feel 1 month is too soon and we cannot rush phase 1 for many reasons, secondly, out of all the phases, first phase takes a lot of time, as everyone is new to the team and it takes some time for them to get accustomed to working together, it's challenging because not just one field but people coming from different personal and professional projects are involved in this... I think we need to shift this deadline", Akansha voiced out her opinion...

"I agree the challenges part you mentioned, and that's the reason we allocated 1 month to this, otherwise this is the easiest part out of all", Mrs. Arora argued

"No... But I agree with Dr. Dixit...", Mr. Anjan said

"So do I... Stage 1 involves major planning, and it's the foundation of the project, this also involves complete understanding of the primary school curriculum that's running till date", Mr. Rashid said

"Adding to it, we also need to shortlist the best practices across the globe and pick up suitable practices to implement here based on our educational system... All this groundwork is the foundation for our project, I think this stage deserves more time allocation", Akansha said

"She has a point Mrs. Arora", Mr. Khanna said

"Okay then, the extension of time depends completely on our boss, get a presentation ready and block some time with him...", Mrs. Arora said, Akansha thought Mrs. Arora would go and explain to Shaurya but the stupid lady dumped the responsibility on her head, doing work or convincing someone isn't a problem for her, that someone being her ex-husband is the problem... "Convince sir for this extension", Mrs. Arora ordered Akansha before walking away... 

"Don't worry, you have great points, I'm sure you can do it", Mr. Khanna said giving a reassuring smile to Akansha... She responded to his kind gesture with a smile.

"Don't be too optimistic Mr. Khanna... Instead of encouraging rebellious behavior, you should teach your subordinates some discipline", Mr. Samuel said giving a side glance...

"Subordinate? I think you are mistaken, Samuel, Mrs. Arora dismissed all our subordinates, who remained in this room are colleagues", Mr. Khanna said

"Colleagues? Are you kidding me ?", Samuel got frustrated at Mr. Khanna's arrogant tone and use of his name without prefix (Mr.)

"We all report to the chief minister of this state and have the same cadre... that makes us colleagues, its common sense, My bad, I'm expecting 'common sense' from you, true, common sense is very uncommon these days", Mr. Khanna said, having enough of his insult, Mr. Samuel left from there... Akansha felt terrible looking at the ugly fight between the two seniors on her first day and unfortunately and unwillingly, she became a reason for it... Mr. Khanna understood her thoughts with the guilt on her face...

"Hey... It's okay, we do this often, don't blame yourself, i.e if you are", Mr. Khanna said and Akansha shook her head with a smile...

"I don't blame myself for the things I'm not responsible for, sir... but yeah... I did feel bad to witness that moment, I shouldn't have", Akansha said politely... 

"No need to even feel bad about it Ms. Dixit... Some men though are extremely capable and terrific at what they do, they lack the guts to handle an empowered woman... I have no respect for such men", Mr. Khanna said with a smile... "Okay... see you in the next session, hope you will be ready with the letter of extension signed by the Chief Minister by then ?", Mr. Khanna said, Akansha gave a smile filled with 'uncertainty'.
"No worries Ms. Dixit... Let me know in case you need any help, I'm always there to guide you, here is my number", Mr. Khanna said handing her his card. 

"Thank you so much sir, if you have any suggestions for me on how to approach this, please let me know", Akansha requested

"Just one suggestion, try to convince CM sir in one meeting, because if he makes up his mind once, he won't be changing his decision easily, if he denies you in the first meeting, it would get tough to convince him, I don't say impossible, because he would be listening to you even then, so you could convince him, but why take a thorn-filled path when you could just walk on roses hm ?", he said and she nodded agreeing to him, who would know better than her about his stubborn nature, she was the most affected by it. "So, Make a good PPT, short and crisp, but covering the whole content including the probable impacts both positive and negative, with this extension of the timeline...", Mr. Khanna guided her...

"Thanks a lot for the guidance Mr. Khanna... that's very kind of you, sir", Akansha said, they both greeted each other and left from there. Akansha called her brother to get Shweta's number so that she could ask her to schedule a meeting with 'the chief minister' who is her boss now after she is done with her research and PPT. 

Akansha went back to her school, cursing Shaurya for re-entering her life and snatching her peace once again. She first went to the washroom and washed her hands until she couldn't feel his hands anymore, but that feeling only doubled every second, just like her hatred for that man. She tried to ignore that feeling and walked to the principal's room to inform him about her selection so that he would support her with paid leave whenever she had to work for the Review Committee, as she couldn't afford the pay cut with the expenses of her and her daughter. 

As she expected, Mr. Joshi was delighted with the news, but Akansha asked him to keep the news to himself as she didn't want anyone to know about her being a Ph.D in child psychology. Mr. Joshi expressed his pride in her capabilities and promised to support her throughout this journey. He asked her to let him know if she needed any help with other things. Akansha thanked him and left for home. 


"Congratulations...", Richa and her parents shouted as soon as Akansha made her way inside, blasting party poppers...

"MUMMA...", Siya screamed with excitement, ran towards her mother and hugged her legs... "Con...Congtch...", Siya struggled and Akansha laughed heartily at her daughter's cuteness... 

"It's congratulations baby bear... and yes, Thank you so much", Akansha said

Though Akansha is not at all happy with her getting selected for the review committee, she knew it was a big achievement and a very big responsibility, it's a matter of pride and she knows her best friend was proud of her and wants to celebrate her every achievement with a bang. 

"Now, let Mamabear freshen up, and then she will hug her Siya bear and give her a tight kissie...", Akansha said and walked inside, passing smiles to Richa's parents who gave her a nod in return. 

"This woman would never change", Richa commented, seeing her best friend's urgency to first freshen up before kissing or even touching her daughter. 

"And I hope you become like her as well... She is a responsible mother, I highly doubt if you ever become even a fraction of her at least after becoming a mother", Richa's mother taunted... Richa rolled her eyes at her mother's usual rant, indirect taunts asking her to get married.

"My daughter is responsible, she is good as she is, don't compare her with Akansha, both of my daughters are best in their own way", Richa's father came to her rescue like always. 

Akansha returned and hugged her little bear tightly for the surprise, then hugged her best friend and her parents for their sweet gesture. 

"We're proud of you beta...", Richa's father said ruffling her hair, Akansha gave him grateful smile for all the love he showered on her and her daughter without any presumptions about Siya's father, her friend's father didn't even ask about it ever or if she was married to Siya's father or not ? The old man sure has his beliefs but he maintained that dignity not to intrude in her personal space, with the respect he gave her privacy, he gained her respect. 

"Mamabear, come, cut the cake... yummy...", Siya said and Akansha laughed at her daughter, carried her to the cake and the way Siya made her eat the first piece, without even taking a lick at her favorite cake had Akansha's heart, her daughter though very little, never fails to show how important Akansha is to her. Akansha licked her daughter's fingers making the little girl giggle cutely. Then she made her eat a little piece... 

Akansha and Richa served the cake and other snacks, into five plates including Siya's as the little girl always wanted everything that is served to the elders in her plate too, doesn't matter to her if her mother or Richa eats it from her plate later. She wanted treatment similar to the elders and Akansha laughed at her little daughter's demands. 

"So, Akansha... How are you feeling ? It's a huge responsibility, you get a chance to work for the betterment of this generation's primary education which is the foundation for their life, I'm so proud of you, and I'm sure you'll do your best to make their future bright", Richa's dad said

"Thanks, uncle... I started feeling the pressure already... You're right, I would give my best but I'm worried about Siya, I can't neglect her in all these responsibilities, she is my priority and she will be... I don't know how to manage these things...", Akansha trailed with uncertainty. 

"Don't think much beta, everything will be managed, Also, Your aunt and I are always there to look after Siya, Richa is also there... We'll take care of Siya... Don't worry about anything... Concentrate on your work, rest assured, things will fall into place", he said

"He is right Akansha... I know relying on Richa is a bit difficult considering her impulsive and irresponsible self, but you have us...", Richa's mother said making Akansha laugh and Richa whine...

The evening passed, with fun, they laughed to their heart's content looking at Siya's antics, the kid is capable of filling anyone's heart with warmth and happiness despite the state they were in, no wonder the chief minister found his solace in this little girl, thought Richa. 

After dinner, Richa's parents left to their place, Akansha fed Siya and made her sleep, who fell asleep sooner than usual as she was exhausted. Richa abd Akansha sat in the hall after securing Siya with pillows, Richa knew her best friend needs to let it all out, her apprehensions and everything, so she was all geared up to hear her, though she knew Akansha would hardly burst out her frustration. 

"So, tell me, how was your first day ? and the team ?", Richa asked

"Yeah... some are good...", Akansha trailed, not mentioning anything about her directly reporting to Shaurya, otherwise her friend would make a big issue out of it and her quota to bear 'Shaurya' for the day has met saturation point much before, now if she had to talk about him, she will blast either her own or someone else's head...

"Ansha... You know what I'm asking... I know how much you hate him... but you have to contain your feelings, otherwise, it would get difficult to deal with things, at the end of the day, he is the chief minister and if he gets even a hint of your hatred towards him, things won't be in your favor", Richa suggested and Akansha controlled her temper...

"They aren't even now, Richa... Anyway, you are right, I need to contain my hatred, but it's hard to do it", she said remembering how her face showed her negative emotions when he held her hand, due to which his secretary too thought so low of him for a second. "Let's talk something else", she added to which Richa nodded thankfully. 

Richa and Akansha spoke for a while before retiring to bed. 


The next few days, Akansha got busy with her daughter, job responsibilities, and preparing for the meeting with Shaurya regarding the deadline extension for phase - 1. It's one of those meetings when Richa is babysitting Siya. Both of them are playing but then Richa has to do some work, so she gives her phone to Siya, playing the little girl's favorite cartoons. 

Siya got bored watching them, she so wanted to talk to Shaurya. It's been many days since she spoke to him, so she called him. 

"Hello...", Shaurya responded, as he wasn't sure if it was Siya or Richa speaking. 

"Uncuuull (uncle...)", Siya said excitedly, Shaurya's heart filled with warmth hearing her voice. All his anxiety and fatigue vanished into thin air, as soon as he heard her cute voice. 

"Hey, My little friend... How are you bache ?", Shaurya asked cheerfully...

"I am fine... how ale you ?", Siya asked in response. 

"I'm very fine since my little friend called me... So what order do I have from my boss ?", Shaurya asked imitating Siya and she laughed hearing him...

"Why ale you talking like me ? and why ale you calling me boss ?", Siya asked giggling...

"You are my boss Siya bache... Because I do whatever you say, and that's what anyone would do, obeying their boss", Shaurya clarified making Siya laugh... "So Orders Boss", Shaurya added, delighted to hear Siya's cute giggles. 

"Okay... So heal(hear) me... I want to chee(see) you", Siya said and Shaurya laughed hearing 'chee'. 

"Okay boss, will find a way and let you know", Shaurya said

"No, I want to chee(see) you now", Siya said adamantly and Shaurya sighed looking at the pile of papers in front of him...

"Okay... I'll talk to your Richa Aunty... Give her the phone bache...", Shaurya said

"Thankuuuuu", Siya screamed and ran towards Richa, shoving the phone into her palm urging to talk without even telling who was on the other side, but Richa guessed it looking at how happy and excited Siya looked.

"Hi sir... My sincere apologies if Siya is troubling you too much", Richa started...

"She is anything but troubling Ms. Upadhyay... Anyway, coming to the point, can I have Siya at my place just for an hour? You can accompany her...", Shaurya asked politely.

"Um... Can I confirm you in 10 minutes sir  ?", Richa asked in the same tone.

"Sure", Shaurya said and hung up.

Richa talked to Siya and tried to convince her about not meeting Shaurya, as she felt it was not right to send Siya there. Once she even doubted Shaurya's intentions and checked Siya if she was fine. Looking at her happiness after meeting Shaurya, she understood that he wasn't hurting the little one but he could have had other ways, hence Richa always took details of what Shaurya fed Siya. One time she asked her not to eat anything at Shaurya's place and Siya agreed to her. Following her aunt's advice, Siya didn't touch a morsel, Richa knew it as she saw Mrs. Sudha returning to kitchen with the plate full of snacks and chocolate shake she took for Siya that day. Richa understood that it wasn't the case that Shaurya was feeding any drugs to Siya or causing harm to the little girl, he genuinely loved her and Siya couldn't resist so much affection so she reciprocated with equal love.

Richa knew Shaurya wasn't that kind of a man like she suspected but he is the chief minister, anything can be possible, and it's really shocking to believe that a busy man like him is taking out his time to spend with Siya, it's natural such questions arise, and Richa is thankful that her trust in Shaurya's character prevailed and not her suspicions.

Siya was adamant to go, see Shaurya, so Richa had to bow down. She called Shaurya and told him that they are coming to his place, that's when he told her to drop Siya at the Secretariat. Richa tried to dodge but Shaurya said he is extremely busy so couldn't go home, hence requested her to drop Siya at the Secretariat. Richa couldn't defy the Chief Minister, so she obliged his request. She knew Akansha was in her school right now and by the time she reached the Secretariat, they would get away from there.

Richa entered with Siya showing her media card. She knew it would raise eyebrows if she said the state's chief minister invited them because he was friends with a 4 year old who happened to be her niece and he wanted to play with her. Richa proposed this idea and Shaurya agreed, well, Richa had her motive behind the proposal, she told him she would come there in the pretense of taking his interview and Shaurya knew if Richa came there citing it, he had no option but to allocate some time for the interview. It wasn't a well planned move by Richa, she would never think of using Siya for an exclusive bite with the chief minister, but when the opportunity presented itself, she didn't want to let it go. That's how she defended herself but only god knows what would Akansha do when she gets to know this.

Shaurya wasn't scared of media reporters or their uncomfortable questions. In fact, in his approximately 5 years of tenure in office, he held multiple press conferences and interviews with media personnel which his predecessor failed to do. Freedom of press is one of his many election promises and right on the day 1 of his tenure, he fulfilled it by lifting all bans that were restricting press. But he always kept his stance clear by warning them from time to time on using the freedom responsibly and in favor of the public, not against them. He tactfully made laws that limited the misuse of the 'free press'. 

After getting clearance from the security personnel, Shaurya's personal staff and principal secretary, she entered the CM's office with Siya. 

"Uncuul...", Siya jumped on Shaurya and he picked her up with love and affection. Richa is seeing the exchange between them for the first time. 

"Siya bache...", Shaurya said and Siya giggled hugging his face and kissing his cheeks.

Richa looked at them with wide eyes. She knew Shaurya was a calm and composed man, but never did he cross his limits with any of the people like his fellow politicians did while campaigning, some even went very far by kissing the elder poor women's foreheads just as a part of 'vote bank politics'. So, seeing him so affectionate with Siya surprised her. 

Shaurya's father too believed that showing fake affection to people during election campaigning would favor the election result but Shaurya believed otherwise. During his election campaign, he always held a dignified position, he never touched people unnecessarily to display his affection, instead showed them his responsible behavior by talking to them about the problems they were facing in their daily lives and the kind of change they were expecting in the further government. 

On seeing this behavior of Shaurya, the then ruling party thought Shaurya couldn't connect with the masses which are mostly below the poverty line, and those voters could only be wooed by the 'fake affection', well that's what they thought, they labeled Shaurya's approach as 'untouchability' and tagged him as 'racist' and a man from 'upper caste' who didn't care about the poor. They thought Shaurya did not have any chance in forming the government but he won with a record majority shocking the then-ruling party, wiping them out of power. That's when they realized that the man who they thought was an educated fool, wouldn't understand the power dynamics, didn't have any idea about the people's pulse outperformed all the decades-old experienced politicians. They realized he wasn't the actual fool, they were.

Shaurya was the first person to realize that people started moving on from 'fake promises' and 'caste politics', now they needed hope and that's what he gave them. Shaurya's win was termed as a 'calculated miracle' not just in the state media but also in the national and international media. The world-famous 'New*ork T**es' magazine had Shaurya on their cover page with the title 'Young Hope' covering Shaurya's whole election campaigning strategy and his historic win. It was a first that a Indian state politician to feature on the renowned magazine's coverpage, only a few prime ministers and national party leaders were featured there, so it was considered huge but Shaurya didn't pay much heed to it.   

"Thanks for bringing Siya, Ms. Upadhyay... Why don't you wait in the other room ?", Shaurya politely asked Richa showing her the outer cabin of his office. "Shweta will take you there", he added, looking at his secretary who nodded and asked Richa to accompany her. 

"Sir... about my interview ?", Richa asked...

"Mail the questions... I would send all the answers", Shaurya said in a polite yet decisive tone. He would have answered them all verbally but he didn't want to waste even a single minute he has with Siya. 

"Sure...", Richa said hesitantly and looked at Siya who was so indulged in playing with Shaurya's hair and beard that she didn't even look at Richa. She already knew how attached Siya was to Shaurya, now she saw it with her own eyes... "Siya... take care", she said and Siya waved with her hand at Richa, without even looking at her as she was busy in thinking how to braid Shaurya's hair, Richa smiled and walked away with Shweta. 

As soon as they walked away, Siya started holding Shaurya's hair in her fist and started implementing all the hair styles that she thought of in her head. Shaurya gave a look filled with 'amusement' at the little girl in his arms. She is just 4 yet she knew how she should behave in front of people and when alone. She has an idea that he was well-respected and she couldn't play with his hair in front of them. 

"Your mumma is so blessed to have you Siya", Shaurya said kissing her forehead, his eyes overwhelmed with love for the little girl. Siya didn't listen, as she was busy in braiding his hair, she couldn't put a band as her little hands couldn't hold it, Shaurya laughed at her failed attempts. Siya pouted, with a sad face.

"You can make this some other time, maybe when we are at my home hm ? This is my workplace and people will laugh at me if they see me with a braid here", Shaurya said and Siya smiled widely...

"Okay... I'll make it when we ale at youl(your) home", Siya said and Shaurya nodded.

Siya sat on the couch drawing, Shaurya wrapped up his work and joined her there. She wanted to sit on his work table but he sweetly denied her, as that was against work ethics, he packed all the important files in the drawer before they arrived, though Siya was a little kid and he trusted her, he didn't trust Richa upadhyay or anyone else for that matter, what if they placed a camera in Siya's shirt button and got images of confidential files ? It's a matter of state and it's security and as a public representative, he has no right to risk crores of people's future. He knew he is thinking too far but he was in such a position that he had to consider all the worst-case scenarios. 

When Siya got bored from coloring, both of them sat talking to each other. 

"Uncuul(uncle)... how is that Aunty?", Siya suddenly asked remembering Shaurya mentioned a beautiful girl when she met him the last time... "Did you chay(say) chorry(sorry) to her ?", Siya asked

"I did, but she wasn't ready to hear me, but your plan worked, I'll now meet her every other day...", Shaurya said, telling her everything how he hired Akansha in a committee in a way the little girl understands.

"Oh... now she works fol(for) you like chweta(shweta) aunty ?", Siya asked, Shaurya chuckled at her cute pronunciation, nodding at her. 
"Okay then... give her these... she will get happy and forgive you", Siya said showing the flowers in a vase. Shaurya chuckled nodding at her...

"I wish it was that easy bache...", Shaurya said hugging Siya, making her sit on his lap...

"Uncuul... I want to tell you a shecret(secret)", Siya said, suddenly getting serious...

"What is it bache ?", Shaurya asked noticing the sudden change of mood in the little girl.

"I want to chee(see) my papa... I want him...", Siya said, suddenly with welled-up eyes... Shaurya's heart broke seeing the little girl in pain... he didn't know what that statement from Siya meant... Siya never talked about her father to anyone except for Akansha. 

"Siya bache...", Shaurya trailed, he didn't understand how to explain her. He thought Siya was missing her father and he tried to console her but her next words shocked Shaurya providing him with the reality.

"Was he handchome(handsome) like you ? Does he have big hair like you ? did he love me like you do ?", she asked looking at Shaurya with hope, her eyes sad. 

"Bache ? You haven't seen papa's picture ?", Shaurya asked hoping that's not true... Siya shook her head and it broke his heart... Shaurya didn't know what to say, it's like anything he said or asked would make Siya cry... Also, he didn't know anything so he couldn't or say shouldn't comment anything... Why did Siya's mother hid this from her ? Did her father cheated her in the name of love and got her pregnant ? or she had a failed marriage ? Was she even married ? Several questions arouse in Shaurya's head. 

"I asked mumma many times, but she said she didn't have papa's photo...", Siya said sadly, tears slipping her eyes but she quickly wiped them before Shaurya could. "Mumma clied(cried) when I clied(cry) for papa, so I plomised(promised) god I won't cly for papa again... so, I won't cly(cry)", Siya said and Shuarya hugged her to his chest, not knowing what to say to the little girl who is so understanding and loves her mother unconditionally. "Uncuul(uncle), Mamabear said papa is vely(very) kind, he always helped evelyone(everyone)", Siya said cherishing the few words her mother told her about her father... 

No one knew Akansha talked to Siya about her father, not even Richa or Akash. Everyone thought Siya still didn't understand the meaning of father and hadn't yet asked Akansha, and even if she did, Akansha would have shut her up by diverting her, that's what they all thought but Akansha encouraged Siya to talk about her father if she ever felt like it, but she asked her not to talk about him to anyone else. It's like a silent pact between the mother-daughter. Akansha didn't want any trauma for her daughter, so she encouraged sharing her pain or complaints openly but others wouldn't have to know about it. 

"And you are also very kind Siya bache... I'm sure your papa must be very lucky to have you...", Shaurya said to her delighting the little one... 'whether he deserved to be called your father is questionable' he thought. 

"ThankUU(thankyou) uncle... don't share this checret(secret) with anyone, plomise(promise)?", Siya asked extending her palm... Shaurya promised her and both of them talked for a while more about her father, she kept repeating the few vague things her mother told her, and Shaurya felt so bad for the little kid... She didn't deserve it, he cursed her father for causing pain to this little one, not knowing he was cursing himself. He suddenly hiccupped and Siya stopped talking, and took the glass beside her, and made him drink water, patting his head with her cute hands. Shaurya chuckled at her antics, he is sure she must be imitating her mother who pats her head if she coughs... If she is bringing up the child so well, she must be a wonderful woman, which man in his right mind would want to leave a woman like her ? or maybe there's more to it ? he shrugged as he didn't want to judge anyone without knowing the whole truth. 

They were talking when Richa knocked on the door and as soon as she heard Shaurya's 'come in', she busted inside with Shweta following her...

"Siya... we need to leave... it's urgent...", Richa said panting hard... She called Akansha just to check on her as she was getting bored sitting idle and Akansha told her she just reached the secretariat for her presentation with the CM. Akansha said that she requested if her meeting could be pre-poned and luckily the CM agreed to the change.

"Is everything alright Ms. Upadhyay ?", Shaurya asked looking at Richa's pale face.

"Yes sir... I'm sorry, we need to leave immediately...", Richa said

"No... Licha aunty.. pwease... I want to stay...", Siya said

"Siyu... Sir has another meeting lined up... we have to leave, you can't disturb anyone's work, that's what mumma says right ?", Richa says calmly though her insides are burning with fear. Akansha would kill her if she saw Siya here, but Siya shook her head and hid behind Shaurya holding his shirt tightly. 

Shaurya frowned as to how Richa knew about his meeting, yes he approved for pre-ponement of the meeting with Akansha. He thought he could make Siya meet Akansha, which would surprise Siya as well, as she kept asking to get her meet the 'pretty aunty' he liked. Then, he dismissed his doubts, thinking Shweta might have informed her. 

"You look worried, Is everything alright Ms. Upadhyay ?", Shaurya asked again...

"Yes sir, actually Siya's mother will be home soon and she wanted her home now", Richa said looking at Siya, so that the little girl gets afraid of her mother noticing her absence, and her trick worked. Siya gave a quick hug to Shaurya, kissed his cheeks tightly, whispered an 'I love you' and 'I miss you' at him, and ran to Richa. 

"Licha aunty... let's go... pwease...", Siya said surprising Shaurya with her 360-degree change in behavior. 

"Thanks for having us here Sir... we'll take your leave now...", Richa said politely and Shaurya nodded still wondering what was happening. Normally no sane person would behave like that with a chief minister but again here it was Richa Upadhyay, the crazy journalist who hated Shaurya and his party. Anything can happen. Shaurya suspected, why she was in a hurry, so he asked his immediate staff to keep a close eye on Richa and her actions. 

Richa and Siya rushed out, but seeing Akansha walking in the same way panicked Richa. Before she could react, Akansha saw them, and seeing Siya there with Richa, made Akansha paralyzed, soon she recovered from her initial fears, but fury took over her. 

Precap - Shaurya and Akansha's presentation, Shaurya's secretary misunderstands Shaurya is harassing Akansha. Akansha is furious at Richa. Shaurya faces the extent of Akansha's hatred. 

Note - Next part is available in stck me, refer to my message board for the link.

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