PART - 16

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Akansha's furious eyes met with her friend's cautious ones, in her arms was Siya who hid her face in her aunt's neck as soon as she saw her mother. Akansha looked around, there were many people, including lawmakers, bureaucrats, and cabinet members passing in the ally. She doesn't want to create a scene there, so she walked towards her friend, grabbed her hand in a gentle way and took her to a secluded place. 

"What the hell are you doing here ? That too with MY daughter ?", Akansha whisper-yelled, her tone was very possessive and it could cut through anyone and Richa is no exception when it came to her daughter, and Richa knew this very well...

"I...I had an interview with the chief minister, and I couldn't leave her alone, so I brought her with me...", Richa said, all this time Siya clung to Richa fearing her mother. 

"Who gave you the right to make that decision ?", Akansha asked rather harshly, shocking Richa. She never had to ask or take Akansha's permission to take Siya anywhere, when she used to babysit Siya, she used to take her out or to the hospital if Akansha was at work though it was only a couple of times, but still Akansha never questioned Richa, she always trusted her best friend with Siya, and that is why Akansha's statement now shocked Richa more than it hurt her... 

On the other hand, Akansha couldn't digest the fact that Richa took Siya to that man despite knowing her hatred for him. And what if he figured out about Siya's paternity ? Wait! If Richa mentioned Akansha, the child psychologist in the newly formed curriculum committee was Siya's mother, then Shaurya will know the truth. Did Richa mention so ? Akansha's heartbeat rose to an unmatched level, it's as if her life is leaving in front of her eyes. She would never forgive Richa if she did so...

"D...Did you mention about me being Siya's mother or your friend for that matter ?", Akansha asked dangerously...

"No, I didn't... He doesn't know about you...", Richa confirmed looking at how tense and worried Akansha looked... She understood how upset Akansha is... "Ansha... I'm sorry...", Richa whispered...

"We'll talk at home... Go home now and stay there till I come, Do not go anywhere taking my daughter, other than home", Akansha mentioned strictly, her harsh words seemed very strange to Richa, because Richa was a second mother to Siya, she always took care of Siya and her needs in Akansha's absence and Akansha trusted her daughter blindly with Richa, that's the reason she was able to do all that, now the same Akansha was speaking as if she wasn't capable of taking care of Siya. Richa realized her mistake but Akansha's distrust on her is unacceptable. But no one except for Akansha could understand a mother's pain and anxiety.

Richa nodded calmly and left to Akansha's place. Siya kept apologizing to Richa and she said it was okay but the little girl could see the pale face and slight tears in Richa's eyes which made her more guilty. The little girl thought her aunt was crying as her mother scolded her, her naive self couldn't understand it's the pain of distrust and harshness Akansha displayed for the first time with her.

Akansha stood there until Richa and Siya disappeared from her sight. She tried to calm her temper but nothing seemed to do the job. Her best friend's one stupid act could have caused a disaster, if Shaurya found even a single clue about Siya being his, he would stop at nothing to claim her and even the thought was scary.

Looking at Akansha walking towards the CM office looking visibly disturbed, Shweta frowned.

"Ms. Dixit, are you okay  ?", Shweta asked bringing her out of her thoughts but her mood couldn't be changed no matter what.

"Yes... Yeah... Sorry... I was late", Akansha said realizing that in all this, she got late for her appointment.

"Please be on time if you were to meet sir next time, he is very punctual... For now please go inside before I receive a call from him to cancel the appointment, he would often do it if someone's late", Shweta said politely, there's slight concern in her tone which Akansha got. She gave a small smile to the lady and walked in.

But Akansha's earlier mood and the fact that Shaurya had met Siya again is boiling her blood. She knew their blood connection is so strong that it would pull the father-daughter towards each other easily. She witnessed it in the first time itself, she thought not to ever let Siya meet or see him again but thanks to her Chairman Mr. Goyal and now her best friend Richa, Siya has met him thrice till now.

Akansha kept thinking all this while holding the door knob. Shweta frowned at Akansha's behavior, her discomfort and distress could be easily noticed, Shweta remembered Shaurya's behavior with Akansha at the education ministry town hall a couple of weeks ago. 'Was the CM sir harassing Akansha ? No, he wasn't that kind of man... But this lady's apprehension ?', Shweta thought. Akansha's fury on her face strengthened Shweta's doubts. 

"Ms. Dixit... You are already late...", Shweta has to remind her as a part of her duty... "Is something wrong ? I can hel...", Shweta was about to say but Akansha cut her off...

"No, Everything is alright... I'm just nervous, because he is the chief minister...", Akansha had to defend her actions...

"Don't worry ma'am, sir is a calm person, he is also a good listener... Don't be nervous", Shweta said hoping her words would help with Akansha's anxiety... only if she knew...

It's usually Shweta who takes people to Shaurya's office but since Shaurya was already expecting her, she chose to stay back as she had a call with the cabinet ministers who wanted individual discussions with Shaurya and needed to block his time for the same. 

Richa along with Siya left for Akansha's home, hoping Shaurya wouldn't mention any of it to Akansha. She knew he wouldn't mention as it's obvious, why would a chief minister talk to his random employee about his deep bonding and friendship with a 4-year old ? But only if she knew Akansha wasn't just a normal employee. 

Akansha entered his office after he permitted. She walked towards his table, while he quickly stood up, as soon as the door of his cabin got shut. He so wanted to stand up and welcome her to his office with respect as soon as she took a step in but he couldn't as the door was ajar and his secretary could see and notice his actions so he waited till the door is completely shut. 

"Akansha...", he took one more step towards her when she cut him...

"Thank you for accepting my request to pre-pone the meeting SIR... It's so kind of you... I won't waste much of your time... I'll quickly brief you about it followed by a short presentation ? Will that be Okay ?", Akansha asked politely, her nonchalant behavior was hurting him but he couldn't say a word. 

"Akansha... Take a seat first...", he said pulling a chair for her... Looking at her from this close after years made him forget everything, including the fact that he was the chief minister and they are in his office. 

"SIR... Thankyou... but it wasn't needed", she said politely occupying the chair, it was hard for her to behave so professionally as if his presence wasn't affecting her at all, but she had to pretend.

"If you had just come sometime before, you could have met my little friend... Siy...", Shaurya started his casual talk to ease the conversation but Akansha had enough of it for the day...

"I'm here to work... SIR", she said sternly yet politely...

"Would you please stop addressing me like that, at least when we are alone ?", Shaurya said calmly, hearing 'Sir' from her is really not sounding nice to his ears, it's aching as if it's a cuss...

"That is what you are to me... the chief minister of this state and my boss... I hope this review gets over quickly and I can get back to my life... I request you to maintain professionalism, it would make our job easier...", she said looking at his still-standing self.

He kept staring into her eyes, he could spot the hatred and disgust for him, which she was trying to conceal but too bad, he could read her eyes... and it had pained him to see the once love and warmth in those eyes, getting replaced with hate now. She looked away seeing the devastated look in his eyes, she hated herself for still getting affected by his pain. 

'he can go to hell, it doesn't affect me', she chanted to herself...

"You can look into my eyes, seeing the disgust in them is much better than seeing them in just a lifeless photo", he said his tone cracking. Her neck sprang in his direction to see him, she could see the truth in his face but no, she was not letting him fool her again. 

"Just behave as my boss or I'll make sure you'll be my ex-boss", Akansha said in her cold tone, and he got the warning and the seriousness underlying in her tone. 

"Fine, if that's what you want...", he said, his tone going sharp but not too much to hurt her, because he knew his sharp tone always ached her, not anyone else's. He still remembered how his mother's hours of taunts and sharp accusations didn't hurt her but one word in his sharp tone bruised her heart beyond repair... When he realized it, he stopped using that tone on her, but his past deeds had already done enough damage, and his silence later only fueled the damage. 

Shaurya walked to his chair and sat on it, leaning to his table and looking straight at Akansha...

"So, Ms. Dixit... As I can see, in the request form you submitted for blocking my time, you mentioned, your intentions for the extension in Phase-1's deadline if I'm correct ?", Shaurya asked, Akansha is taken by this quick transmission of his from groveling ex-husband to a tough Chief Minister and an even tougher boss. 

"Yes sir... That's what I felt and discussed with the other heads, they also feel the same, If you would allow me, I would like to explain the reasons for requesting the extension and also the pros and challenges if we go by this", Akansha said...

"Sure... Go ahead", he said, and Akansha is about to connect her laptop but he stopped her...

"Send it to the CM office's official mail ID Ms. Dixit, I'll open it from here... can't risk the government data", he said pointing to her laptop, she so wanted to blast his head, what did he mean ? she would steal his data through the connector or transfer virus to his networks? 'Idiot Shekhawat' she thought but understood his professional commitments quickly. She nodded and quickly mailed him, which he opened and directly presented on the screen and handed the remote to her so that she could change the slides herself but unfortunately or fortunately for Shaurya, the remote wasn't working since the batteries were dead, he had spare batteries in his desk but he didn't replace it. 

"No problem Dr. Dixit, I'll operate it from here", He said and she nodded having no other option... She could see the smirk in his eyes, she so wanted to bang his head but controlled herself. 

She stood up and started her presentation, after she completed her first slide, she opened her mouth to say 'Next slide' but before she did, he changed it knowing her too well. That simple gesture made her blush slightly, she was a kind of woman who may or may not blush for his compliments, or his romantic words but his understanding gestures always made her blush. She had to try harder to stop her feelings from getting displayed on her face but she is too late, Shaurya saw the unnoticeable pink on her face which made him gulp the glass of water on his table. 

Akansha looked at the other side and resumed her presentation after he was done tending to his 'thirst'. After finishing every slide, she gestured to him with her eyes to go to the next slide, which he did. The simple gesture made his heart flutter at an abnormal pace. Akansha is done with her presentation soon disappointing him. 

"So sir ?", she asked if she could get the extension for phase - 1.

"Um... Dr. Dixit...", he gulped... he still couldn't get out of his 'Akansha' land to which he slipped into as soon as she started her presentation, that doesn't mean he didn't pay attention to what she said, he did, and he was convinced with her explanation, but these few moments and those eye gestures of hers made him feel alive ten times more than he was ever in the past 5 years. She waited patiently for him to say something... "I have a few doubts on how you handle those challenges you just pointed... You did mention on the points how you are planning to tackle those but I have a few queries regarding the same...", he said

"Sure, Go ahead sir", she said waiting for his questions though she highly he doubted he had any... 

"Um... I have other meetings lined up... so next time... Ask Shweta to block some time again tomorrow...", Shaurya said and Akansha's eyes widened...

"Sir... I won't take much time, Please ask your questions and I'll quickly answer and we can close this today itself, I don't want to waste YOUR time", she said stressing on 'your', desperate to close this conversation but he wasn't letting this go...

"Dr. Dixit, I COMPLETELY understand your desperation, but I can't make these decisions in such a short span, so yeah... we will discuss in the next meeting", he said and she so wanted to choke him to death... She hated spending even a minute in his presence... 'True' her brain whispered... 'Maybe not entirely' her fast beating heart responded... Her heart too hated the man in front of her, but it's too soft and always in favor of him... Looking into his eyes and making that wordless conversation had an effect on her too as much as it affected Shaurya. 

"Okay then, I'll take your leave sir...", Akansha said shutting her laptop and packing her things...

"You still have 5 minutes Dr. Dixit", he reminded and she glared at him... He was desperate to stop her, even if it was just for a minute more...

"I don't want to waste your precious time SIR... Maybe you can gift those 5 minutes to someone from the 'lined up meetings'", she said... Akansha rocked; Shaurya shocked;

She packed her things and is about to leave when she noticed his name board 'Shaurya Singh Shekhawatt'. The double 't' rose her heartbeat to a record phase, she quickly looked at him, her eyes holding hundreds of questions and emotions that she tried to conceal but she could never conceal her feelings from him...

"My Wife believed in numerology, she used to say the extra 't' would bring me success and prosperity... but she never told me I wouldn't have her to share them with", he said hoping she would burst out her anger and frustration on him... 

And she really would have told him holding his collar that he chased her away with his 'prick' behavior, with his betrayal, breaking her heart etc... if she was the old Akansha, but with time, she learned to control her emotions and pain. She gave him a small smile, but that smile revealed her excruciating pain more than her tears ever could... He stood up to move forward, to hold her, embrace her, hold her feet, do anything to lessen her pain but before he could do anything, she gave him a respectful nod and quickly left from there... 

As soon as she came out, she leaned to a wall as her anxiety and at the same time her locked in emotions for him from all these years kicked out... In managing her heart and reactions, She didn't notice Shweta there. 

"Are you okay Dr. Dixit ?", Akansha jerked to hear Shweta's tone...

Shweta frowned seeing Akansha's pale face, her face filled with sweat. 

"You don't look okay Ms. Dixit, have some water... and sit here...", Shweta kindly took her to the nearby sofa... Akansha accepted the glass of water and soon composed herself. 

"Is something wrong? I could help, please tell me... Did Sir...", Shweta asked, her doubts on Shaurya got alive again...

"Um... No... I just got nervous...", Akansha quickly told her, as she understood from Shweta's tone that she was indirectly accusing Shaurya of misbehaving with her...

"You seem to be a very confident woman Dr. Dixit... Are you sure this is the truth ?", Shweta asked again... She may be an employee to Shaurya but she is a woman first, she worked with him all these years not just because he is a wonderful statesman and a good chief minister but he also respected women, but if it was just a facade, she would immediately leave from there requesting for a transfer... Though Shweta knew Shaurya wasn't that kind of man, she thought what or who can change a man's character is unpredictable. 

"Confident women too get nervous sometimes, No Mrs. Gupta ?", Akansha asked, getting back to her normal...

"I guess you are right... let me know if I can help you in any way", Shweta asked

"Actually yes", Akansha said and asked Shweta to block some time with Shaurya the next day. Shweta frowned but didn't question much, she told Akansha that the next few days were packed for Shaurya so she blocked some time after a couple of days. 

Akansha thanked her and left from there. She reached home only to see her daughter sleeping on the couch and Richa is in deep thinking. Akansha sighed and went to freshen up as her emotions are all over the place and if she spoke in the mood to Richa, she is sure she would say something very nasty to her best friend who supported her through thick and thin. 

Akansha came back after thoroughly freshened up, carried her daughter to the room, wiped her face with wet tissues which is filled with dried tears, covered her with her unicorn duvet, kissed her forehead tightly before slipping out of her room to tackle her best friend. 

"Akansha...", Richa started, her best friend to apologize but Akansha cut her off...

"Why did you take Siya with you, that too when you are going to meet that man ? You should have left her with your parents...", Akansha said, she tried to control her temper, but whenever she thought about how Shaurya could have found out about Siya being his daughter, it rose her temper.

"I didn't have much time... I'm sorry Ansha... I thought it's no harm for a single time...", Richa said, feeling terrible for lying to her best friend

"No harm ? How could you decide that ? Did you forget how hard it was for us to divert Siya from her adamance to meet him ? What if she started again ? You very well know Siya won't step down easily if she sets her mind on something... 'baap pe gayi hai puri'(she is exactly like her father)", Akansha muttered the last sentence to herself but Richa managed to hear it, which surprised her, as Akansha never talked about Siya's father. 

"So Siya's father was stubborn ?", Richa asked

"He still is...", Akansha said angrily before she could stop herself... She was thinking about her short meeting with Shaurya sometime ago...

"Huh ?", Richa asked with raised eyebrows... 

"Because a man like him can never change, I'm sure about it...", Akansha covered her words, the fury in her tone supported her statement... "now stop this discussion, I don't want to talk about it... but now, you have to promise me, Siya wouldn't meet that man ever...", Akansha said forwarding her palm...

"Ansha...", Richa trailed... how could she promise ? What if Siya gets unwell from crying, today, she witnessed the little girl's love for Shaurya... She was crying all her way guilty about Akansha scolding Richa, but after coming home, the little kid suddenly realized that now what if her mom wouldn't allow her to meet her friend ? With that thought, she kept crying and Richa has to calm her down with difficulty... "Siya likes the chief minister, she wants to be friends with him, and he also seemed to be nice to Siya, what if Siya meets him once in a while ?", Richa said...

"Shut up, don't say a word... Siya.Won't.Meet.That.Man...", Akansha screamed, stressing on each word, displeasing Richa... 

"Calm down Ansha...", Richa said...

"Don't ask me to calm down when you take my daughter to that man behind my back... You will not take my daughter to him ever, or else I'll block your access to Siya...", Akansha said shocking Richa...

"You can't say that Akansha... Siya is like my daughter too... Not just you, I also brought her up like my daughter... I love her like my child... I know you are upset... but this...", Richa said angrily...

"Promise me you won't ever take Siya to him", Akansha said sternly, ignoring Richa's words, or pretended to ignore them, but in actual, Akansha's heart broke at how harshly she spoke to her friend, she knew everything her friend did for her and her daughter, she would never forget it, but she has to be strong and cold to prevent this meeting from happening again...

"I won't", Richa said promising Akansha with a heavy heart, as she knew her friend won't let this go, if she didn't promise, she would even restrict her access... When it came to Siya, Akansha went to any lengths, but Richa didn't understand why Akansha hated Shaurya so much when he wasn't involved at all in what happened to her on that day, but who would tell her that she only knew the half story and what happened on that day was only a percent of the reason why Akansha didn't want Siya to meet Shaurya. 

Akansha nodded and sat on the sofa, but Richa walked away getting upset with her friend... Akansha sighed deeply cursing Shaurya in her head for causing all this drama in her life...

"Why are you back now Shaurya ? What do you want from me ?", she whispered to herself, and soon their moments in the afternoon ran in her head, especially those eye gestures, she closed her eyes to block those memories and the 'unwanted affect' they are having on her... "No matter what you do, I will never allow you in my life again, because this time it's more than my heart that's at stake... You don't deserve to know about Siya's existence...", Akansha whispered to herself, her heart going cold again... 

Shaurya can have that affect on her as he was her first love and the first and last man she would be with, but any of those wouldn't melt her enough to tell him about Siya because she would never have that one important thing on him, 'Trust'. He didn't deserve her trust after the betrayal he caused her in the name of 'Retribution' and this was his punishment, to stay unaware of his daughter all his life. For a second, it seemed unfair to Shaurya but soon her emotions were frozen once again by reminding his deeds in the past. But, was she being unfair to her daughter as well ? And with that thought, tears flew from her eyes, but she refrained from breaking apart. 


Days passed and she went to meet Shaurya for the extension of deadline... he raised some questions and she answered them, he purposely posed some questions which couldn't be answered right away, so he gave time and asked her to meet him next day or after a few days. Akansha hated all this but she didn't have an option... She so wanted to quit but couldn't as she signed a contract with the government and it couldn't be broken until unforeseen circumstances. Otherwise she would have thrown the resignation letter on his face by now. Shweta's doubts on Shaurya are increasing day-by-day by seeing Akansha's nervousness and sometimes anguish while meeting him. 

Shaurya's motive for these frequent meetings were to calm her anger before he starts his actual talking, apart from being a stress therapy for his brain and pure joy and bliss to his heart. Akansha is not stupid to not realize what he is doing. Looking at the joy on his face every time he sees her, as if he had won a lottery, makes her heart skip a beat. Shaurya wasn't like other men, he didn't have many expectations from his woman, he only believed in giving, and if he got even some of his love in return, it would be a cherry on the cake. And Akansha returning his love is a delight for him... He fell in love with her so deeply that he for once forgot his real motive... Everything he did for her was out of love for her, not to succeed in his motive, and that's why it broke her heart more when she got to know the truth. These few meetings with him did bring those good memories to her when they were in a relationship and she wasn't aware of his true intentions, but that wouldn't wipe out the reality and it was she hated him and wouldn't let him re-enter her life because this time it's about her daughter more than anything. 

After a few weeks, Akansha got so furious at him... If he postponed the decision one more time, she would bang his head, she determined, before walking to his office. They carried on with the discussion and Shaurya was about to say 'next time' when she interrupted him...

"Are you even serious ? You are wasting my time as well as yours... You are the chief minister, this time is not just yours, but belongs to crores of people... You are disappointing them and their trust on you... What am I even expecting, and from whom... Trust and you are poles apart. Those stupid people trusted you, at least have some shame before doing something like this", Akansha blasted at him... "disgusting man", she muttered to herself but he figured out what she said and ouch! it hurt but he shook his head, if not for his wife, who would bash him and cuss him right ?

"Done ? Now can I say something ?", he asked and she glared at him... but seeing her silent, he continued... "We'll discuss and final this tomorrow", he said and she got so angry that she actually wanted to blast his head but took deep breaths to control it... 

"A man like you would give speech on 'accountability and responsibility' marking his first speech in parliament huh  SHAME", she said turning her face  away in hate... but hearing her he smiled widely...

"Wait! You heard my first parliament speech ?", Shaurya asked excitedly... Akansha looked at him in disbelief... 

"I had to, because of my best friend... I was forced to, otherwise I would have never looked at your face, let alone hear your speech", she spat venom and he sighed for the first time in all thse days as she finally started showing her hatred. "Anyways, stop wasting my time as well as yours... at least be a bit responsible to your job, not everyone gets the opportunity to do good for the society, I too belong to the people of this state and I want the best for us as well as future generations", Akansha said, her tone cold

"I'm not bad Akansha... I may be a bad husband but I'm trying to be a good leader... I might not be the best, but my efforts are genuine...", he said softly, whom would he explain himself if not for his wife/ex-wife.

"efforts ? Are these your efforts ? Anyways, that's actually none of my business, just don't waste my time", she said and he sighed and walked to her... "Don't come any forward...", she warned sternly halting his steps...

"Fine... Please hear me out... The half an hour I allot you every few days, is from my break time... I take minimal breaks for lunch and tea as well. Most of them would go in Lunch or Tea meetings discussing work. If my schedule allows, I try to take fresh breath for 5 minutes in the garden everyday and that's the time I allot you... Because you offer me much more peace than the garden or any other thing in this world could offer, my mental health got much better with these meetings... And no, I'm not wasting people's time, money or resources as every minute after your visit, I worked with 10X efficiency", Shaurya said, Akansha glared at him strongly... no his words didn't make her blush, they only surprised her before frustrating her... What is he talking about ? What peace ? Is she some therapist to improve his mental health ?

"What about my time huh ?", Akansha asked banging her palms on the table...

"Consider it 'patriotism', you sacrificed your time for a better society... If the chief minister of yours, works more efficiently, it would obviously benefit the people and don't tell me you are not seeing any improvements, because there are", he said and she is left speechless... Like always he is so good with words but it couldn't calm her anger or her hatred this time... 

"Bl**dy Nonsense", she said picking up her bag ready to walk away...

"See you next time, and we'll finalize the extension then...", Shaurya said making Akansha furious... 

She stormed out only to come face to face with Shweta, who has a determined look on her face. Akansha could see the look in her eyes.

"He asked to meet again ?", Shweta asked again, as this was the pattern... Akansha nodded... "This never happened, Are you sure you are alright ? You are not hiding anything right Dr. Dixit ?", Shweta asked and Akansha sighed before nodding her head but looks like Shweta didn't believe this time but there's nothing Akansha could do, and now her anger and fury on Shaurya didn't let her defend him in any way. If Shweta thought he harrassed her (Akansha) then so be it, thought Akansha and left from there after blocking some time for her next meeting with Shaurya. 

A few days passed, when it was the day of Akansha's visit, every time on the day Akansha is supposed to visit, he looked more excited and happy, no one noticed it much but Mr. Sharma and Shweta did... 

It was just an hour before Akansha arrived and Shweta had had enough of it, she decided she couldn't work under a cheap man... She felt unsafe there... She thought she could never feel it in secretariat until Shaurya was the chief minister but here she is today. 

She knocked and after Shaurya's  'come in', Shweta entered...

"Sir... I would like to go back to my previous position in administrative side... Please allow me to", she said submitting her request letter surprising Shaurya...

"Mrs. Gupta ? Is everything alright ? I thought you are gonna be my assistant until I'm in office", Shaurya said gently...

"I thought so too, but I wanted to leave now, please consider my request...", Shweta requested

"Mrs. Gupta... I would have definitely considered but elections are now not so far, please continue till then, as there are many other issues I need to tackle, we'll think of it if I'm re-elected again", Shaurya said dismissing her but he could see the discomfort in her, which he never noticed before. 

Precap - Shaurya's secretary gets to know about Akansha being Shaurya's wife. Shaurya-Akansha's encounters... 

Note - The next part is now available in Scroll stack. Below is the link...

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