sheriff jimmy

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" Hey Scott Watcha need "

" Nothing much I just thought it would be nice if you came to chromia" I heard him snicker "Please Scott what's wrong you being weird "

" but you'll still be coming " he sighed " yea " " that's why I love you see you soon " I then hung up before he could protest I went back into the tavern and saw that Owen was gone

he was definitely upstairs I then saw him walk back down gave me a worried glare then went back to cleaning cups not effectively but still, he was a llama

I went upstairs and noticed that the red stuff from where he landed was now in the tavern it's like a weed I went into the guy's room and saw him holding the red vine

"hello um, I have a friend coming over to just check the place he's kinda the sheriff " the guy nodded" So um what's your name?" He sipped some of his water

" I-i actually can't remember " he smiled abit "That's okay is there anything you can remember...maybe where these vines keep coming from ?"

He had one in hand " I have a younger brother I-...I have a husband "Yay he's gay ( I had to give me a break) " He has parrot wings brother has the same na- nevermind "

hmm this guy could be lying It almost sounded like he was going to say something then decided not to maybe he does remember his name and just doesn't want to tell me

" hey it's okay if you don't want to tell me stuff just let me know you're not comfortable " I smiled the then nodded "That's about as much as I'm comfortable with "

I then heard Owen yell my name " I'll check that it's probably the sheriff " I walked out and shut the door behind me

I went downstairs Owen pointed to the front I walked out to see the sheriff " Hey scott so what did you actually what "

I rolled my eyes " Not even a How's your day been " I scoffed then walked back in heading to the guy's room with a panicked Jimmy following

I got to the room and signalled him to be quiet I opened the door and the guy was standing up looking out the window he turned around " this is the sheriff "

Jimmy waved "Hi" the guy seemed abit uncomfortable " I'm the sheriff my name's Jimmy, would you like to tell me what's happened "

Jimmy sounded calming it was actually quite nice compared to the loud and obnoxious voice that he usually uses

"Um well, I remember seeing my brother then... Um a voice spoke then I felt like I was falling then I hit something and I assumed passed out then I woke up here and S-Scott has been keeping me company "

hmm a voice that's probably not good 

end here 

word count:510

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