....title name cant think of one

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"Okay thanks if you don't mind I just wanna have a word with Scott"

the guy nodded and Jimmy pulled me out of the room shutting the door and walking down the hallway abit " The frick was that Scott"

I shrugged "You can't just send me a message and not give me any context this guy could be really dangerous for all we know "

Jimmy did have a point ugh I hate when jimmys right " Sorry I just was worried for the guy also would you have happened to have seen that crater in the middle of chromia" He nodded

"yea that's kinda where he landed " Jimmy's face was of most concern " Scott the were red vine things like from the nether all around it and spread around on buildings "

wait the heck " I don't know what it is but it's not normal Jimmy what do we do" he thought for a second

" Maybe we can get pix He knows a lot of things and maybe can figure out what's happening and maybe fwhip since he admin "

his tone changed when he mentioned fwhip "What should we do for now" He shrugged "We can keep an eye on them "

I nodded I sent a message to fwhip and Pix' hey had a few problems in chromia could you come check it out '

both agreed so me and jimmy went back to the room I sat on a chair as Jimmy and the guy talked "Well you know my name what's yours ?"

The guy seemed to focus on anything other than Jimmy " I can't remember "Jimmy made a oh sound then it was quiet for a while but the guy walked up to Jimmy I only just realised that this guy was taller than Jimmy

which made it quite funny but the guy wasn't taller than me ( idk the real heights do I care nope) " What's your last name?" Jimmy seemed confused

"Solidarity why?" The guy laughed abit "Had a um friend with the same last name "

I didn't believe it I mean it could happen but what are the chances "Oh nice think I'll ever get to meet them?"

The guy shook his head weirdly but whatever I assume Pix and fwhip would be here soon "Why not we go out to the crater to meet up with fwhip and Pix"

end here 

word count:410

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