13. The Beginning Of Chaos Part : 2

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In the previous chapter:

Surprisingly he didn't say a word and soon enough I began to feel sleepy. Probably his smell. Smell of safety.

Soon enough I fell asleep. Unknown that I turned to hug a muscular arm and leaned my head on a certain someone's shoulder.





I covered my eyes with my hand. Stupid camera flas-

Camera flash?!!

My eyes flew opened meeting with familiar pair of cerulean blue and dark brown.

"So..How was your sleep Ryan?!" asked James smirking. Why is he asking this?-

I noticed someone's head on my shoulder. I turned sideways and found Julia sleeping peacefully. I blushed.

"Aw! Someone is blushing!" remarked James.

"I-I am not." I said embarrassed.

"Sure..." said Renee grinning at the camera. Camera?!!! Don't tell me these two took a picture!

"You- Delete that picture right now." I asked.

"Nope!" said Renee and James in unison.

"OMG! I knew it! Renee and James are dating!" exclaimed Alex out of nowhere.

Wasn't he sleeping?

I smirked. "I know right!"

"Wh-what?! We aren't!" they said in unison.

"Sure..." I said smirking.

"Children. Sit down and Do not make a noise."

I sighed. Everyone went back to their seats. I felt Julia tighten her grip around my hand. Probably because of my continuous moving.

I glanced at her. She looked so calm and relaxed. Her cherry coloured lips slightly parted. Some wild strands of her hair over her face. Her shoulder relaxed. Her calm face similar to the scene of beautiful forest trees outside. All in all she looking extremely beautiful and innocent. Suddenly, I saw her eyes flutter open.

I quickly pretended to be asleep. Watching her with half lidded eyes.

Her eyes widened at her position. She blushed as red as a tomato. She quickly let go of my arm and turned to the opposite side.



Stretching my arms, I got out of the bus. I marched towards the temporary wooden stage which was probably set up for the principal to address us. By the time it was setting up, I looked around the dark green forest, The forest hums with life all around me. I twirl about, gazing up at the canopy, searching for the birds that sing sweetly.

My moment of peace was destroyed by some boys talking about something not-so-pleasing.

"Yeah.. All of them are spoiled and snobby, look at the amount of stuff they have bought," said one of them pointing at the extra large bags.

I frowned at their words. I admit that they are spoiled and all but this is way too rude of them.

"I know right! They are spoiled brats. All of them," said the other one in agreement.

Before I could contradict, I heard a familiar voice interrupting them, "That's not true dude," Alex said while coming out of nowhere.

This guy legit appears out of nowhere.

"Hey Alex," greeted one of the boys. "But dude that's true. Like all of them are waiting for us to make the first move and then,-" the boy cut himself off. "Dude, Are you even listening?" he asked Alex, who was way too busy admiring his chips.

"Um guys, don't you think that the size of this chips is way too small?" he asked observing the pack of chips keenly. This boy....

"Alex, Seriously?!" asked one of the boys in a flat tone.

"Duh!" Alex replied in a matter of factly tone.

After a few seconds of not receiving any kind of reply, Alex let go of the topic and said, "You guys are too immature to understand my pain, and to talk about Cheetos girl-"

"Alex, it's California Girls, not Cheetos." corrected one of boys.

Alex sighed shaking his head, "Yeah... Yeah... Same thing and I highly doubt kit-kat is like that!"


This guy seriously needs some medicines-

"Alex we are talking about girls, not chips or chocolates" said one of the boys.

"I know dude. KitKat is a girl," he turned sideways and pointed at Katherine. "See!"


He calls Katherine Kit Kat!!

That's so sweet!

'You are acting like a hopelessly romantic teen' said my conscience.

I am one, so no need to act like one.

My conversation was interrupted by one of them saying, "They all are the same, lemme prove it,". He takes his phone from the back pocket of this jeans and types something.

Within a few seconds, I saw Katherine take her phone out of her pocket. She rolled her eyes at the screen, typed a few words and then thrusted it back in the pocket.

I heard the boy's phone ping and saw him and his friends visibly stiffen. Out of curiosity, I leaned to see the conversation.

Don't give me that look! Everyone does that!

The moment I saw the conversation, I smirked.

Him : Hey! Are you trash? I would like to take you out.

Katherine : And then throw me away? No, thank you!

Sadly, I forgot to pack burn heal.

After a few moments, the principal joined us. "A very good morning to my lovelies here, it's great seeing you all energetic!" she greeted us, totally ignoring how tired we were after the journey.

I looked at the students around me who were ready to sleep within a second. Energetic? Of course!

"So, as you guys already know, We have divided you students in groups of four. We are going to have a survival test. You all have to stay in the forest for four days and four nights. You all are supposed to reach the checkpoints before dark, these checkpoints will have cottages for you guys to sleep in, and-"

"WAIT, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO SLEEP ON THE FLOOR?!" one of the girls exclaimed.

She didn't figure this out till now.


"Yes," replied the principal. "And to reach these checkpoints you will be given riddles, and you have to solve them."

"Excuse me ma'am. But what if we are unable to solve the riddle? Like what will happen then?" asked one of the girls timidly.

"You'll have to sleep in the forest obliviously!" replied the principal.

I gulped. Damn.

"Also, you are not supposed to bring your entire bag," she continued while picking up a small bag, which was probably used by a kindergarten students. "You can carry as much as you can in this bag!"

Double damn.

I felt Alex visibly stiffen beside me. Uh-huh. He is probably scared. I mean people are in the misconception that boys can't be scared. I kept a hand on Alex's shoulder. "Dude, it's alright, we can do it!" I said trying to cheer him up.

"I can't! Look at the size of the bag dude! How will I fit all my chips in this!" he exclaimed horrified.

Wait. CHIPS?!




Before I could curse myself for forgetting that this guy is Alex, who can never be serious. A familiar voice interrupted me. "I SHIP!"

I turned to see Renee looking at Alex's shoulder. Wait shoulder? I quickly removed my hand from his shoulder.

"You guys look so adorable! I totally ship!" exclaimed Renee amused.

"No, it's not what it looks like-" I began.

"No Ryan! I understand! There is absolutely no problem with you being gay. We are not narrow minded. We support LGBTQ groups" she finished with an amused smirk.

"YOU KNOW I DIDN'T-" I began again but she wasn't listening.

"No need to justify yourself Ryan. I just need to inform Julia that she has two love birds in her team." She finished and turned around to leave but I stopped her.

"Renee, stop! Atleast ask Alex," I turned towards Alex. "Alex, she is gonna tell Julia that there are two love birds in our team! Do something!"

He faced me with a confused expression on his face. "I don't see anything wrong here. My love is true."


"Aw, thanks for the approval Alex! Toodlessss!" said Renee shooing away.

I turned to Alex and asked unsurely, "Dude, seriously? I didn't you-"


"You- You were talking about chips the entire time?" I asked.




After twenty minutes, I prepared my bag and stepped out of my assigned room. We were staying in a small hotel so that we can pack up our things for the camp.

I looked around and found Alex in Eskimo costume...?

I marched towards him and greeted. "Hey Alex! Why are you all in Eskimo costume...?"

"Well, I needed to fit my chips somewhere." he replied innocently.

"Huh?" I asked genuinely confused.

"This," he opened the zip of his jacket to lemme see the snacks he has stuffed inside.

This boy...

I looked at the watch and noticed that it's almost half an hour. So I went to check on Julia and Katherine.

When I reached the door, I was about to turn the door knob but then I heard Julia say. "Did you keep the red chillies?"


"And the lemons?"


"Perfect! We are set!"

Red chillies...


Are these two witches by any chance?

My train of thoughts was cut off when Katherine opened the door. "Oh hey Ryan! Sorry we are late. We were just winding up. Let's go!"

"Uh... Sure!" I said following both of them.

We reached the starting point, went to our respective cottages to make ourselves comfortable and spend the night there.

I mean, Can't we just stay in the hotel for today? Like we haven't even begun with the activity.

After dinner, we went to our respective beds.


"Alex! Wake up! We are gonna be late!" I tried waking up Alex for the thousandth time.
Keyword tried.

I looked at his sleeping position. He was sleeping in the starfish position and his mouth was wide open.

I sighed and sat next to him, hoping my this try doesn't go in vain but before I could do that I saw Julia standing at the doorway with the bowl full of red chillies and headphones.

"He still sleeping?" she asked.

I nodded.

Smiling she sat next to me and picked a few red chillies and started filling Alex's mouth with it.

Don't tell me-

I looked at her with a horrified expression. She seemed to notice my stare and smiled at me innocently. "wanna join?" she offered while handing one of the red chillies to me.

"You guys are evil." I said while joined her. Mental note : Always be punctual during this camp.

After filling Alex's mouth with red chillies, we got up and placed headphones on Alex's ears.

After we moved out of the cottage, she handed me her iPod and asked me to play the pop song which was on the list.

I pressed the 'play button' and instead of hearing pop music. I heard a familiar voice yell.




Hola ppl.

Hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter!

I'm sorry for updating after so so so long. But I have planned that I'll give you guys weekly updates so woo-hoo for that.

Do drop a vote and comment if you think I deserved it.

Suggestions are warmly welcome.

Till next time,



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