12. The Best Road Trip

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In the previous chapter :

Soon we went to the auditorium for hearing the rules and regulations but something happened that totally made my guard down.

"So children. After a lot of thinking, we have decided something due to the bad weather conditions earlier the school's AstroTurf is now soaked because of which we are not going to have competitions here. Pack up your bags students. We have a long journey to the jungle tomorrow!!"

Is it just me or my school never fails to surprise anyone?!




I looked at my bag satisfied with my packing. Urg, packing is super tiring. I need a bath to bring back my energy.

After taking a cold shower, I picked up my phone and saw twenty-six messages from Alex. Is something wrong..?

I opened the chat and found.

Alex : Jules!

Alex : Julia!



Alex : JuLeS ThE sLeEp DeStRoYeR!


Alex : Ryan's Future Wife !!!!

Me : ........

Alex : Omg! THAT worked! So you consider yourself Ryan's wi-

Me : Shut up Alex!! I just came after taking a bath!

Alex : Excuses.

Me : What the hell Alex?! You don't trust me?

Alex : Why are you asking the obvious? Btw I am NOT keeping Ryan in dark.

Me: Ryan? Dark?

Alex : Yeah! He should at least know that he has a futur-

Me : Complete that sentence and you are dead.

Alex : You can't kill me.

Me : Why may I ask your highness?

Alex : Because I am Fantabulous, Duh!!

Me : Really bro?! Please don't tell me that you blew off my notification centre for nothing.

Alex : Unfortunately. I have to talk to you about something important.

Me : Okay....

Alex : So... I need your help with something.....

Me : Yes? Why is he creating so much suspense?!

Alex : Can we take three suitcase to the trip?


Alex : .....um....can you come over?

Me : On my way!

What the hell is he packing?!!!



"Alex! What in the world is this?!!" yelled Julia looking at my three suitcases filled with snacks.

"Um...You don't know? They are called snacks. We eat them-" she cut off my explanation.

"Of course I know what they are!!"

"Then why did you ask?" I questioned.

She took a deep breath. "Alex. All you have packed is chips. Not even a single piece of clothing. What are you gonna wear bro,wrappers?!"

"Well...that's the reason I called you...Can you keep some of my chips?"

She again took a deep breath. Whoa! Is she planning to teach yoga in the near future?

"Alex, listen! All of this is useless." she said while removing my snacks.

I grabbed her hand. "NOOOOO!"



"Alex, please understand. I-" I cut her off.

"Julia, you also please understand!"

"Understand what?"

"Okay. Lemme explain. Listen carefully!" She nodded.

"So...This blue suitcase has snacks which I will eat every morning. The green suitcase has my throughout day's snacks while the red one has my night snacks and this bag here." point at the black bag. "Has my happy mood snacks, normal mood snacks and excited mood snacks." I explained.


I grinned.

"I know I give great explanations. So I give you the honor of choosing which snack you want to keep in your bag."



"I am back home!" I announced while entering the house.

"Welcome back. Dinner is ready!" yelled mom from the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen.



"You look like a-"

"I know. I am tired."

"Sweetie are you okay? Are you unwell?" said Mom facing me. "Omg! Do you have fever? Cough?Cold?" Mom's super concerned mode activated.

I gave her a tired smile. "It's nothing mom. Just tired from all that convincing and packing."


"Yeah...All the snacks were Alex's babies so he wasn't able to decide which snacks to leave and which to keep."

"Aah. Go to bed directly after dinner!"




"OMG! We are already ten minutes late! Alex, you fool! Hurry up already! Urg! Hurry up." I said while banging his room's door.

"Calm down is we are are only ten minutes late." I said while opening the door.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the car.

"Alex we are doomed."


I gave him a 'are you serious?' look.

Soon we reached the school gate with an extremely angry Mrs. Delta greeting us.

Oh lord!

"Wow! Mrs. Delta is here to welcome us." Is he sane?

"Nope. I am fantabulous."

We neared Mrs. Delta.

"Ms. Emerson and Mr. Spencer May I have the honor of knowing that why are you so late?"

I began. "Actu-"

"Omg! Are you guys okay? Is your neighbor alright? Is-" said a super concern Kate.

"What is happening? Neighbor? Ms. Scott what are you talking about?"

She looked at Mrs. Delta bewildered. " I am sorry ma'am, I didn't notice you. Actually, Alex's neighour , who is a pregnant lady by mistake forgot to turn off the kitchen stove's gas. But ma'am when Julia was picking up Alex from his house. They noticed the gas leak and helped in evacuating the house." She is a pro actor. I somehow managed to keep a normal expression.

"Oh! Sorry my lovelies." she pulled us in a bone crushing hug. "I am so proud of you. Both of you. Come we are about to leave." with that she let go of us.

I turned to give Katherine a thumbs up. To which she replied by grinning.

"Wh- Ho- Was this planned?"

"Duh!" replied Kate in a matter of factly tone. She is awesome.

Flashback :

"Kate. I don't think Alex is waking up any time soon. What should I do?!"

"Umm...Don't worry I will cover up!" replied kate.

"Hehe. Thank-you!"

"Btw Julia?"


"Make Alex wear headphones and play the sound of someone eating something crunchy. Chips maybe?"


And the trick worked!

Flashback over

'OMG! I have to deal with two sleep destroying monsters! Help me!' thought Alex.

"You coming?" I asked Alex.




I yawned for the untempth time. It's the best road trip ever!

Why does this three hours road trip feel like thirty hours of road trip?

I looked around and found Kate recording the greenery outside. Alex sleeping. How much does his boy sleep?!

The next thing I saw made me smile.

Maria and Dean were sharing earphones. One plugged in Dean's right ear and another in Maria's left. Both of their eyes closed and Maria leaning on Dean's shoulder.

Awww! Can anything be this cute?

I turned sideways to see James tickling a sleeping Renee with a feather.

Tsk...Tsk...Results are not going to be bright James

Why do I think that something rather someone is missing?


Mr. Donkey : Missing me babe? ;)

Me : Yes, desperately.

Mr. Donkey : W-Who are you? Where is my babe?

Me : I am not your babe -_-

Mr. Donkey : Aww! You are back!

Me : ....

Mr. Donkey : So what have saved my contact name as? Lemme guess... Knight in shining armor?

Me : No. Mr. Donkey.

Mr. Donkey : Huh?

Me : Mr. Donkey is your contact name.


Me : okay changed!

The Drama Donkey : To what?!

Me : The Drama Donkey! I know perfect right?

The Drama Donkey : WHAT?!! CHANGE IT!

Me : Okay changed!

The What Donkey : To...?

Me : The what donkey!

The what donkey : Change it!

Me : Okay....and Done!

The Change donkey : To...what?

Me : The change donkey!

The Change donkey : Try replacing donkey? To hot or Sexy or Charming ?

Me : Nah. It suits you.

"No. It doesn't." came a familiar voice next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Can't I spend my time next to you?" he questioned while occupying the seat next to me.

"FYI, I am going to sleep so I can't entertain you, your highness."

"I don't mind and I won't disturb you."

"If you say so..." I said while closing my eyes. Even though I wasn't sleepy.

Surprisingly he didn't say a word and soon enough I began to feel sleepy. Probably his smell. Smell of safety.

Soon enough I fell asleep. Unknown that I turned to hug a muscular arm and leaned my head on a certain someone's shoulder.



Hola readers!

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I updated early! Maybe...?

Anyways this chapter is dedicated to my lovely Lil bro. Cause he destroyed my peaceful sleep. I barely slept man! This is the reason the chapter was soo much around sleep. But luckily I was able to sleep after writing this chapter! Making everybody asleep! MWAHAHHHAAHA!

Excuse my rant! Don't forget to vote and comment! Suggestions are warmly welcome!

Till next time,



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