3. Not Again!!!!

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Julia's POV :

"It's gonna be so fun!!! "Maria squealed with joy.

Yeah, soooo fun!!

So I was basically dragged out for this "fun" thing. I don't know why does Maria loves shopping. 

Yeah, you guessed it. We are going shopping, and shopping is basically not my idea of fun.On the other hand, Maria's entire life lies in shopping.

And when I say her life lies in shopping, I mean it. 

"Jules, we are here. " said Renee.



My eyes widened.

My mouth dropped open in horror when I  processed what she just said. 


How.....how did we reach so early??? 

Oh God, thank you so much!!!!! 

"You are most welcome on behalf of God. Now, come before Maria drags you out." said Renee, her amused grin not leaving her lips once. 

I  stepped out of the car half-heartedly.

I glanced at Alex. His eyes were fixed on the mall as if a person had given him his favourite toy that he had always wanted. 


STOP !!!!!! 

If you think he loves shopping, you are WRONG!!!! 

He loves the mall because there is a place called the "Food Court" in there. 

Then I took a deep breath and then prepared myself for the torture .I felt a pair of amused eyes stare at the back of my head. 

I turned to see Renee with her eyes filled with amusement. 

Maria suddenly noticed Renee's oh so amused face. She asked, "What's up with that face? " 

"Oh, just nothing!!" Renee said, flashing me a smirk. "Jjust too excited about shopping." 


Renee, I thought we were in the same team.

Suddenly, a message popped up.


I looked at her weirdly with an eyebrow raised.

She gave me a look that said 'open it'.

I opened the message. 

Renee : 

Geez, sorry sis but it was too fun to watch your expression. 

It was..... It was priceless.

Take it as a revenge for mixing my shampoo with permanent pink dye. 

Sweet revenge :) 

Geez, the friends I have.

Everyone knows I LOVE shopping!!!!!!!

Please note the sarcasm.

I quickly texted back.


Bu- But Alex was also involved. It was basically his plan. 

Don't worry I am gonna get you back for it ;)

Renee then moved beside me,"Sure, we will see!!"

And if you are wondering why Maria and Alex are sooo quiet. I will tell you. 

Alex was basically not with us from the moment we stepped inside the Mall. 

And for Maria, we somehow made her agree to do to window shopping before actual shopping.

Maria is actually one of the sweetest people you will encounter in your life. Though she is obsessed with shopping, she is actually the kind of person that, if you gain her trust.  will be with you during your hardest times. She absolutely hates if you say anything against her friends. Most importantly, she is a feminist. She hates when girls throw themselves at boys. She is also a coffee person, like me.

And, on other hand, Renee is also a great person. She is our walking encyclopedia. She is funny, but if someone says anything against her books... 

Hate to break it to you, but you are dead. She loves books, just like me.

We actually have the same taste in books. So we keep giving each other recommendations.


"Guys, let's go into H&M after this. I am tired of window shopping," said Maria.

"Okay" said Renee.

I don't know how, but we managed to stop Maria from shopping for two hours!!!

We are currently in front of H&M.

I glanced at Maria. It seems that she is getting ready for a fight.

"Yosha!!!!  Let's go," Maria said while dragging me and Renee.


I am currently standing in front of the changing room, with a LOADS of clothes, waiting for it to get vacant.

Soon a person came out and looked at me weirdly, like I was a shopping maniac. 

Yep, it seems so. I am holding around 12-15 clothes to try out.

I was  about to go inside to try out the dresses. 

Maria yelled,"Wait!!!!!  Take these along." She gave me more clothes to try on. 

Man, I have barely entered.

I heard someone snicker.


I turned to give her a glare. She gave me a look that said 'Okay, I AM going. '

I turned to the pile of clothes I had to try out.

Bring it on.  


After trying out almost eight of them. I was exhausted.

Every two minutes. Maria brought more clothes.

Geez, now this is not so normal. She is not so bad that she torture me this much. 

Then I changed into a floral print dress. 

I moved outside to ask Maria how it looks.

I saw her anywhere inside. I stepped outside the changing room.

Actually, I thought this was better than any of them before.

"So, how does it look???" I asked, not looking up once, too busy fixing the dress's wrinkles.

"It looks nice but I would prefer a smaller size. I mean, it will make you look hotter. " said a cool-amused-voice-that-was-not-Maria. 

My eyes widened.

Did I just make a fool out of myself? 

I looked up to see the person. 

I came across an extremely familiar pair of charcoal black eyes. 

"YOU!!!!! " 

"Yup," said that stupid owner with a smug smirk. 

Do not judge me.  I don't know his freaking name. 

I glared at him. 

"What? You asked for my opinion and FYI, I was just stating facts,"

said mr-stupid-owner. His voice filled with amusement.

What the hell? 

Everytime we meet, l don't know why, but I end up making him amused.

Earlier, near the coffee shop. Then school and now, here.


What if he is....... is stalking me. 

"It's mere coincidence. I am not stalking you." 

How...H-How did he know????? 

"So see you soon, Sweetheart."

Haha,hope you go die in Thame-

What did he just call me???? 

HOW DARE HE!!!!!! 

I was about to yell at him,. 

But I noticed that he was not there anymore.

He somehow got lucky this time. 

Then, the chief question. Where in hell is Maria??

I changed into my own clothes and then began my search.

Maria......Maria, where is she???? 

Cause this is NOT normal. 

I looked around. Then suddenly, I saw Maria. Her back was towards me so I wasn't able to see her face. 

I tapped her shoulder. She suddenly jerked.

Then she saw me. "OH! It's you!"

" 'Oh! It's you? Really, Maria? Where the hell were you?"

"Umm, I was on my way when....." her voice trailed off.

Her eyes moved towards the boy who was at the billing counter.

I smirked.

" OMG! Did our Maria find someone cute," I teased.  

"Of course, look at him- WHAT!! ..... NO!! " She said while blushing furiously.

"Hmm... iIf you say so," I said to her with my smirk slowly changing into a wide amused smile.

Surely convinced.


"Can you please stop smiling?."Maria asked, no, pleaded for the hundredth time.. 

"What? You can't stop me, it's my right."  I replied for the hundredth time. 

Man, it's so fun. It’s rare to see Maria so pissed off.

"Holy cow!!  It's 6 p.m. already," partially said/screamed Maria.

"Okay, you go to the food court. I will go to Renee.  Meet you at the exit."

My eyes searched for my blonde haired friend.

I saw a girl arguing with a boy  of our age. Probably her boyfriend.

Nah, it can't be our sweet, calm Renee.

Suddenly, I noticed that she was wearing the same clothes as Renee. 

Does that mean?

She is..... 


(moment of discovery, YAY!!) 

I couldn’t believe it. I rubbed my eyes just in case they deceived me.

Nope. Still the same scenario, but it now nothing. They gave each other one final glare before parting ways. 

I rushed towards Renee. She was mumbling something like,"Tthat... tThat stupid boy."

She then noticed my presence. "Oh sorry, I didn't see you." she said."I was distracted by umm.. something. Sorry" 

"I saw. " I replied. She nodded her head.

I didn't push the conversation more. 

She suddenly noticed that I was too quiet.

" How was your shopping experience with Maria?" said Renee, now back to her normal self.

"Oh, I haven’t mentioned it? It was the best experience ever!! " My voice was dripping with sarcasm. "I just had to try out 15-20 clothes."

"Sure, Ms. Sarcasm Queen."


We met up with the others, and Maria dropped all of us to our respective house. 

I was the last one to be dropped.

We reached our house. I thanked her. When I was about to close the car's gate behind me. 

An idea popped into my head. I turned around to face Maria again. 

She looked at me with a questioning look. 

"Oh, just wanna say don't miss that boy."

Her faced heated up. "W-What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, yeah " I said. " Don't worry, I won't tell anyone as girls are possessive about their crushes anyway. "

Quickly slamming the door behind me. 

She opened up the window.

"JULIA EMERSON!!!!  I HATE YOU and I AM GONNA KILL YOU!! " she yelled.

"Love you too!!, See you tomorrow " I said.


After having dinner,. I went upstairs to my room.

I laid down on my bed. 

Tomorrow will be a long day.

And within seconds, I felt drowsy from all that shopping. and then I was soon asleep to the world.


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.❤❤

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Till next time,


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