4.Are we in kindergarden?!

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Today is the day.

Today is the day.

The chief thought in my mind right now.

Yup, you guessed today's the first when all the three schools will be under one roof.

I waved bye to everyone.

Took my car keys and headed off to school.

If you are wondering, I forgot to do something major.

I didn't.

Maria promised me to pickup Alex today as a token of keeping my mouth shut.

(you know why)

I reached the school gate and saw many strangers again.

Though, this Time I saw some of my school mates.

Something flooded inside my chest.


So, basically I am not a social person but staying with almost everyone of our highschool for minimum two years. I am comfortable around them.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my bag from behind.

I turned around and saw Maria.

"Phew, Girl don't scare me like that " I breathed.

"Geez, sorry woman"said Maria.

"Were are the others? " I asked.

"Well Renee probably inside and for Alex he said that he will come a little later as he has to finish his precious breakfast peacefully."

We went inside and saw Renee.

"Hey ren! " we greeted.

"Yo" said Renee.

Suddenly we saw Alex coming in our direction.

Renee and I smirked at each other.

"Hey girls" he greeted with a wide smile.

"Sorry but my mom told me not to talk to strangers." replied Renee and i at the exact same moment.

Alex mouth dropped open.

"Oh Man, I was then 3 years old dammit."

"Alex I still remember well." said Renee.

"Remember what? " asked Aaron who was heading towards us.

"Oh nothing much. Just we were discussing the first time 'My mom told me not to talk to strangers.' incident first took place. " replied Maria.

"Oh continue. I really wanna know why, "

With that Maria began "One day Renee, Jules and I were strolling in the park hand in hand. When we saw a boy who also seemed to be of our age. The Boy was staring at the candy which was then enjoyed by the floor. It seemed that he was about to cry. Then Jules offered him her candy. He happily took it and went back home. N-Ne-Next d-d-day"

Maria couldn't hold it any longer so she burst out laughing.

"Let me continue from there. Next day we saw Alex in the school and greeted him. Then he looked at us sadly and said 'Sorry my mom told me not to talk to strangers.' And we being good people nodded and went into our class room. Then during lunch we noticed our new teacher talking to Alex probably asking why is he sitting all alone And h-he told him t-that 'My mom told me not to talk to strangers'" explained Renee. 

The moment she stopped her explanation. All of us started laughing.

Except Alex of course.

"So how old were you guys then? " asked Aaron.


"Oh tha- WHAT?! "

"All of our parents were working then and it was a play school."

"Oh.  So what happened nex-" Aaron got cut off by squeaking of some girl of California as well as of our school.

"OMG!! They are so hot !!"

"I call dibs on the brown haired Boy ."

"Sorry he is mine!!! "

"No mine!! "

"I call dibs on the black haired one.  And learn to be specific there are more than 1 brown haired." huffed a stranger.

I then finally got glimpse of one of the boys.

Big mistake.

His oh-so familiar charcoal eyes made contact with mine.

He smirked.


Why do I end up making him so amused!!


"Guys I am going to my class." with that I scurried off. Not even giving a chance to any one of them to object.

And You got it right.

It's him.

Mr. Stupid owner.

Remember what I said about it's not gonna be that bad. 

It will be worst.

Now that I had yelled at a popular bad boy for ruining my coffee time.


Unknown POV (aka Mr. Stupid owner) :


They are so annoying.

I am currently in front of my new highschool's gate surrounded by some fangirls.

Oh my God I haven't encountered any fangirls during by entire highschool life.

"Cause we were in all boys school,bro." said Dean.

Yeah I am not alone here. I am here with my other two best friends.

Dean and James.

Damn this year will suck like hel-

Then my wandering eyes fell on someone very familiar.

Her eyes also wandered here and there.

Probably in search of the core of the commotion.

Her chocolate brown eyes made contact with mine.

Her eyes widened. She immediately broke the eye contact.

I smirked.

She is one of a kind.

She said something to some people probably her friends and scurried off. Not even turning back once.





I am now safe.

I am currently sitting in my maths class.

Soon the class started to fill up. I noticed that Mr. Stupid Owner wasn't there.


Soon Mr. Solomon came ON TIME.

First day of Norbert and California. Duh.

When he was about to began. The door of the class opened reliving
Mr. Stupid Owner.

God thank you soooooooo much

Please note the sarcasm.

"Ryan, it's the first day of school and you are late. "scolded Mr.  Solomon.

So his name is Ryan .

And wow Mr. Solomon.

Pot calling the kettle black.

"Sorry Sir. I was surrounded by girls." replied Ryan the stupid Owner.

"So Ryan please take a seat."

He went at the second last seat which was in the corner of the room.

"So, class as we all know most of you don't know each other. So we will be having an activity in which I will passing these sheets to you all" said Mr. Solomon waving a bundle of sheets. "These will have some questions answer these and write your name on the top. "


What are we in kindergarten?!

With that papers were passed.

And the questions were:

Q1. Hobbies
Q2. Favorite subject
Q3. Least favorite subject
Q4. Favorite food.
Q5. Favorite beverage.
Q6. Favorite song.
Q7. What you love
Q8. What you hate
Q9. If you were the principal of the school you would....
Q10. Future dream

I answered all of them truthfully. Cause Mr. Solomon all ready knew a lot about me so I didn't mind doubting my answers. He has been teaching me for about three years and he knew me too well.

Soon all the papers were collected.

"So now we have all the sheets I will Pass it all around the class.
I hope you all answered honestly.I will now pass it around the class. You May take anyone's but not yours." with that Mr. Solomon passed the sheets.

My eyes widened.

Oh damn!!

Ryan's POV :

I entered the class late, actually late as hell. I told Mr. Solomon why I was late. He nodded and allowed me to sit.

I sat on the only seat Available the second last seat in the last row.

Then he explained the 'activity'.

I looked down to the questions.

Q1. Hobbies
Q2. Favorite subject
Q3. Least favorite subject
Q4. Favorite food.
Q5. Favorite beverage.
Q6. Favorite song.
Q7. What you love
Q8. What you hate
Q9. If you were the principal of the school you would name the school....
Q10. Future ambition

I carelessly wrote the answers.

Then the sheets were passed back to the teacher.

"So now we have all the sheets I will Pass it all around the class.
I hope you all answered honestly.I will now pass it around the class. You May take anyone's but not yours." with that Mr. Solomon passed the sheets.

By the time I got the sheets the bunch was reduced to two.

I carelessly took one and was was about to pass another. But then I saw the name 'Julia Emerson'

This name sounds familiar but where....


Isn't that the name of the girl who bumped into me.

I took the paper with name Julia and passed the other one.

'Their can be more than one Julia in this world.' my inner conscious told me.

My eyes searched all around the class and found familiar brown locks.

I smirked.

So let's see what do we have here.

Hobbies :

Eating,reading books and annoying/pranking my friends and my brother.

An amused smile formed on my lips.

Favorite subject :

Maths, chemistry and Spanish

Least favorite subject :

Nothing In specific but history kinda makes me feel sleepy.

Favorite food :

I love every single thing that does not have onions.

Favorite Beverage :


I kinda guessed that.

Favorite song :

Changes with time.

What you love :

Spending time with my family (especially my dad)  and friends.

What you hate :

Shopping,makeup,onions and if  someone disturbs/spoils my precious coffee time.

I bit my lip to restrain myself from laughing out loud.

I looked at her again

She is one of a kind.

If you were the principal of the school you would name the school...

...Mental asylum.

Future ambition :

Not yet decided.

Not able to hold it anymore. My amused smile widened into an amused grin.

Nice to meet you Julia Emerson.



I hope a girl got my paper. I have Katherine's sheet.

Katherine Scott. The girl from California high.

I got to know her better. She is one really sweet girl who is obsessed with nature.

"Please pass the sheets back." said Mr. Solomon.

By the time the sheets were passed Katherine and I exchanged our numbers.

Suddenly an idea popped up in my mind.

"Katherine do you wan-"

Mr. Solomon cut me off "This box here" indicated to a wooden box with a hole on top of it. " Has chits which have certain number written on them. You will have to pick one of these chits and then this chit will decide where you will sit this whole year. "

We really are in kindergarten ,are we?!

One by one all of us took our chits.

I was 23 and Katherine was 35.

Damn we are far away.


So I am 24.

I went to my respective seat avoiding the fangirls.

Then I saw a familiar brunette coming my way too busy to look at me.

She stopped at the desk in front of my desk.

Finally looking around.

Her eyes found mine.

And her r-reaction.

Her eyes widened in horror as if she has seen a ghost. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and with that she sat down in front of me.

I shook my head in amusement.

"Mr. Stupid Owner was it?! " I asked.

"oh damn. Can it be worse? " I heard her mumble.

I smirked.

Time for a little fun.



Oh damn. Can it be worse.

"You shouldn't say that we have barely met. " said Mr-stupid-owner.

Did I-I just say that aloud ?!

"Yes you did ." said Mr-stupid-owner.

Not again!!

The bell rang.


"By the way it's Ms. Skateboard. My skateboard is a female ."said mr-stupid-owner-Ryan.

My mouth dropped open.

"Oh so,  you are torturing a poor soul. " I replied.

"Oh she loves me. Bye Sweetheart."

He is delusional.



I turned around to shout at him .

But God is not by my side.

He had already left.

Damn,he got away.




Hola people

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. ❤❤

Votes and comments will be highly appreciated

And Like Always, Suggestions are warmly welcome 💖💖

Till next time,

Missfairygirl_12 ❤

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