6. My Not-So-Ordinary Day

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In the last chapter :

"Guys, what are you both doing on your phones?! " asked Maria looking at us.

"Umm.. Well both of you seemed busy glaring and .... all so we thought not to disturb you guys." replied Alex.

Renee and Maria blushed.

Quickly changing the topic. Maria said,"So Julia your dad is going today right? "

"Yeah. He is." I replied sadly but quickly hid my sadness "but you know what he stayed too long this time."

We then talked about random things.



After having lunch we went to our respective classes.

Alex and I had chemistry.

We went inside with our lab coats on. Soon we were divided in groups of two and I am oh-so-lucky to get Ryan as my partner after the embarrassing incident during recess.

Ryan was about to say something but I cut him off.

"Ryan, first let's divide the work between each other such that both of us can do experiment with observation." I said.

To my shock Ryan nodded.

First we were doing the heating of zinc nitrate.

Ryan offered to do the experiment while I wrote the observation.

While he was completing the experiment with full concentration.

He kinda looks cute like that.

With no stupid smirks.

Nothing. Just a calm concentrated person.

Ryan seemed to notice my stare. I turned towards the whiteboard.

He turned towards me and smirked.


"You know you don't have to give sneaky glances. I can turn my face towards you for full view, you know." said Ryan winking.

I blush and look away.

Damn him.



Julia is currently doing her experiment.

I love annoying her. She looks so cute when annoyed.

But right now she looks so innocent and so sweet.

How much I am restraining myself not to kiss her!!

She looks up at me when she is done and gives me t-the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

My heart skips a beat.

We inform the teacher that we are done .

The lab assistant looked surprised but comes to grade us.

He looked impressed. "Well done both of you. You did experiments in 20 minutes. I am impressed. You two will be chemistry lab partner for the entire year. "

Thanks so much for helping me keep my hormones in control.



He looked impressed. "Well done both of you. You did experiments in 20 minutes. I am impressed. You two will be chemistry lab partner for the entire year. "


I Hate to admit but Ryan was a good partner.

I looked around the class to see how much Alex has done.

I noticed he was almost done.

Ryan and I managed to pass next 40 minutes.

But Ryan annoyed me by giving me those stupid smirks time to time.

The bell rang.


I quickly rushed out. Kept my lab coat in my locker.

Then I felt some people behind me. One of them was Ryan's Fangirl Group leader and others were her followers

Oh damn.

"What does he sees in you" one stranger-fangirl said to another.



I saw some of my annoying-fangirls surrounding Julia.

I know I am being rude but you are gonna do same if they follow you EVERYWHERE.

I heard one of them say, "What does he sees in you"

How DARE she!!

I was about to go towards them and tell them Not to mess with my friends.

But a hand stopped me. I turn to see who did that.


"Stop bro. Julia is independent and smart. I really wanna see how she manages the situation and if she can't we are here. " said Dean.

He is right.

"You are so ugly." said the girl in the centre.


Have you ever seen her properly. Her beautiful eyes. Cute smi-

"Bro if you have not noticed. You are saying that aloud. I can hear you properly." said Dean.


"I was j-just saying she does not put a layer of makeup and all. " I replied.

"Mhmm. Sure" he said surely not convinced.

His eyes fixed on the scene in front. I followed his gaze.

Julia turned to look at her and gave her a charming smile (that made my heart flutter) and said "And You should really stop talking to your self. People are gonna think you are crazy."

With that she left all of them with mouth agape.

And made me and Dean amused as hell.

I smirked in the direction she has just disappeared.

Stop making me fall for you so hard Julia Emerson.



I walked away with the feeling of triumph.

Leaving all of them with their mouth agape.

I then went to my History class.

I spotted Renee and sat down beside her.

"Hey Jules. What's with that wide grin?" Renee asked.

"Nothing.I just gave some strangers medicine of my sarcasm." I replied.

She amusingly shook her head.

Why do I end up making everyone so amused.

Just then Mrs. Delta entered.

"So today we are gonna learn about the reformation movement..."

I zoned out the moment I heard reformation.

They have been teaching us this since past 2 years.

Suddenly a girl entered the class room.

I heard Mrs. Delta shout at the girl-who-was-a-stranger to me "Ms. Ellis. May I ask why in the world are you late. These stupid teens. Disrespectful to your teacher. Pl-"

Mrs. Delta got cut off by our Peon "Ma'am. The principal wishes to see you now."

"Oh Okay" she replied to the peon and then faced the-ellis-girl
"And you go stand in corner of the class"

The girl obeyed.

"I am coming from the principal's in just a minute. No noise."

Really Mrs.Delta ?! That's gonna work?!!

The moment she was gone.

Every started chatting. including us

Renee and I talked about random things.

Soon Mrs. Delta came back.

She glanced at the girl who she has punished 5 minutes ago.

"Oh dearie. Why are you standing in the corner of the room? It seems like someone has punished you. Please Go back to your respective seat,sweetheart" said Mrs. Delta

All students of our (old) school Sweatdropped while others looked at her as if she is a maniac.

Yup, this is Mrs. delta.

A stupid disrespectful teen suddenly turns into a sweetheart.

And with that the rest of period continued.


The next period passed real fast I spent most of the time chatting with Maria.

Cause the teacher was absent. Yesss!!


Next we had P. E

We went to our respective changing rooms.

"Finally the period we have been waiting for!! " cheered Maria looking at us.

"Yeah." I replied. "Only if our teacher was a bit less energetic."

"Yeah right,what do you think Renee? "

Renee didn't reply.

"Renee" I said.

I have a slight shake.

"Huh?! Sorry I... zoned out." she replied.

"Are you okay Renee?!" asked Maria.

"Yup!! Just a bit tired. You guys go. I will join you guys later." she said.

"Mhmm... If u say so. " I replied definitely not convinced.

'Why the hell Is Renee behaving like this?!'

The chief thought in my and Maria's mind.




I know they are definitely not convinced.

And the worst part I can't hide anything from them.

Okay brace yourself Renee.

With that I left the changing room.



Damn. Damn.Damn.


It's all my fault. Only if I had kept m-

"James, you coming or what?! . Finally the P. E teacher has returned from his trip. It's our first P. E period . C'mon you don't wanna be late,right?!" asked Ryan.

"Yeah,Yeah... I am coming." I replied.

'What's up with him?!' Dean and Ryan thought.



If I have not already mentioned our P. E teacher is way to ENERGETIC.

I mean 15-20 laps around the field is fine.



I am currently on my 48th lap. Probably looking as if I just bathe in

Many gir-

Sorry. Actually almost all the girls left around what? 5 laps ?

You know girl problem is AN EXTREMELY COMMON excuse.

Currently girls in the field are : I, Renee, Maria , Natasha and 2 other girls (strangers, Duh!!)

"Just 10 more steps." said Natasha.

"Yeah" we replied.

We reached the starting point.


"Well done, girls. I am proud of you."

We all smiled back. He is too energetic but a very caring person indeed.


The next thing he said.

"So up for another 20 laps. "

Is this guy for real?!!

I take all the 'caring' crap back

We all shook our head.

"Ok. You guys rest for a while. Soon we will be starting with volleyball."

"Hai!!! " we replied.

Soon the volleyball practice began.

Maria, Renee and I are In the same team.

Natasha is stuck with some random-oh-so-strangers.

And poor Alex was was also stuck with some snobby girls.

Soon the game began.

Alex made it till the 3rd round alone but couldn't make to the 4th round without any support of his teammates.

Stupid girls.

Natasha was also soon out.

But we made it till the finals because of our great synchronization.

In the finals we were supposed to face Ryan's Group.

We are gonna show them what girls are made up of.

Bring it on!!

But the bell rang.


"Meh, I was looking forward to it." I said.

"Me too. " said Maria.

Then I looked over to Renee.

Her eyes seemed to wander here and there.

Suddenly her eyes found James. They blushed.

"What just happened?!" asked Maria in utter shock.

"Oh nothing. They made eye contact and blus-"

My eyes widened as much as they could.

Then I processed everything.






Suddenly Our P. E teacher called out. "Mr. Peterson, Mr. William and Ms. Archer can you please come here for a few minutes and rest of you have a great weekend!! "

We gave Renee a look. 'You have have a lot of explanation to do. '

With the corner of my eye, I saw Ryan and Dean giving similar look to James.

After that We went to our changing rooms.


I along with Alex are standing in front of the school gate.

I just finished explaining what happened during P. E.

"Oh no. It means we have to stop our #MAN mission. "

"Alex. Stop with that #MAN name it is the worst shi-"

"What is #MAN mission?!" asked Maria coming out of nowhere

"Oh you don't know? M stands for M-" I cut Alex off.

"My Awesome Noodles." I said coming up with anything related to food.


Suddenly we saw Renee coming our way.

She began speaking before anyone of us can question her anything.

"Guys... I am sorry, I didn't tell you all about this earlier."

We nodded urging her to continue.

Her face turned red.

"Um... Well... What if I told you well..... By mistake.....i mean totally unintentionally and accidently.....um I well..... "

Her face turned redder if possible.

"Accidently, unintentionally what?!! "

" I kissed James Peterson on his lips. "

"WHAT?!!" shouted all three of us.


Hey people ❤

How r u all?!

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

I was planning to make a short chapter but I end up making it long enough.

Though I think the next chapter hv a little bit of Renee and James. (maybe :P)

Probably the next chapter will hv something that I was planning on doing around the fifth chapter.... But never mind.

SO THERE IS A GOOD NEWS GUYS!!  (no double meaning -_-)


And Happy April Fools Day!!!  [ BTW, THE INFORMATION ABOVE IS TRUE!! NOT AN APRIL FOOL GIFT. ] I am not sooo cruel

I love u all ❤❤

Hope your life is going great!!! [ cause my life isn't... but oh well ]

Like always,

Comments and Suggestions are warmly welcome ❤❤


Till next time,



P. S.

Special thanks to @urjakhandelwal

For this awesome cover ❤❤

ILY!!! ❤❤❤

Once again tysm ❤❤❤

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