7. Activity Time?!

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In the previous chapter :

"Guys... I am sorry, I didn't tell you all about this earlier."

We nodded urging her to continue.

Her face turned red.

"Um... Well... What if I told you well..... By mistake.....i mean totally unintentionally and accidently.....um I well..... "

Her face turned redder if possible.

"Accidently, unintentionally what?!! "

" I kissed James Peterson on his lips. "

"WHAT?!!" shouted all three of us.



Currently we are at Julia's house. I somehow managed to explain what actually happened.

And Thank God they didn't ask many question !!


After chemistry . I went to my locker and took out books for my next period.

But Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. Basically two people.

Ryan and Dean.

'What are they doing here?!! ' I thought.

"Yes? How may I help you? " I asked.

" Ummmm... We are here to apologize." replied Ryan.

"Why?! " I asked genuinely confused.

"On behalf of James." replied Dean.


"And by the way I am Ryan and he is my friend Dean."

"Oh I am sorry for being rude. I am Renee. Renee Archer."

"we are sorry if he caus-"

"It's fine." giving them a bright smile. "and you guys need not apologize for that cocky person. I can't believe that people like you are friends with HIM!! And I maybe angry right now but I expect an apology from him."

Both of them then shared an amused smile.

"She can definitely keep James on the track " they thought.

Suddenly the bell rang.


"Oh gotta go. Nice talking to you Renee."


I can't believe how can these two can keep up with him.

Suddenly a group of girls went after Ryan and Dean.

They pushed me and went. I almost lost my balance.

That was the moment I bumped into someone.


I tried to regain my balance. But failed miserably.


I grabbed James collar for support. But I end up pulling him along with me.

That was the moment our lips collided against each other. With him being on top of me.

We quickly pulled apart.

I hate to admit but his lips were soft.

"Sure her lips are soft" thought James.

Flashback end

"I am gonna get some snacks. " said Julia.



"I am gonna get some snacks." I announced and left the room.

Renee sure had an eventful day. But I can't digest that Ryan apologized.

But maybe he did.......

I went inside the kitchen.

"Hey Mom." I said while keeping my phone next to her.

"Hey Sweetie."

I turned towards the kitchen counter.

So let's find something to eat.

Then I heard the notification sound from my phone and then again
and then again and then again.

"Mom can you please see who is texting."

"Sure. " she picked up my phone and gasped.

" I didn't knew that Alex swears THIS much!! " she stated in horror.

"Huh?! "

"He has send you 35 texts saying 'WTF'"

The moment I heard her say that I started laughing.

"What?!!" mom asked genuinely confused.

"M-Mom 'WTF' in Alex's language means 'Where's The Food.' " I said giggling.

"I kinda figured that and you better hurry up before my dear Alex sends you more messages."

"Okie dokie"

She shook her head in amusement.

I took some Oreo's and went upstairs.

I offered all of them oreo's.

"WAITT!!! "

Suddenly the door burst open relieving Luke.

"SIS are you sure that it contains CREAM not toothpaste."

"Oh Luke. Why will I do that to anyone?!! " I asked looking at him innocently shocked.

"Sure you wouldn't." replied Luke.

I grinned.

"Luke how about you come inside? " offered Maria.

"I would love to but I have to stay away from witches like my sister."

I gave him an expression of fake horror.

"Are you sure you have read Harry Potter?! And FYI, I will take it as a compliment."

"Yeah.... Yeah" with that he left.


Luke seemed a bit off.

"Oh my God. I. Am. So. Freaking. Late. " with that Renee rushed out.

Soon Maria and Alex left.

After dinner

I went to my bed and let the sleep take over me.


"OMG!!! THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!! " said Maria excitedly.

So we are basically in front of our school's notice board.

Yeah. I know you wanna know why Maria is so excited.

Lemme tell you. So the notice looked like :



Tomorrow a group activity will be held. In which students will be grouped in groups of four. Randomly by the computer.

Topic of the Activity will be discussed ten minutes before the beginning of the activity.

We would really appreciate cooperation between the group.



Wishing you all a Very Good Luck.


"This is bad. Really Bad. " I mumbled while glaring at the notice.

"Why?! " asked Maria genuinely confused.

"Didn't you read it properly? It says that the groups will be selected randomly...."


"We could be paired with absolutely anyone. There are chances that we may only have Norbert Boys in our group or only California Girls. " replied Renee, who was now in view.

Maria's eyes widened in horror.


Wondering why Maria is so horrified?

Lemme tell you.

So after spending almost a month with California Girls and Norbert boys. We have got a rough idea about them.

Norbert boys are smart and helpful.They not only good in sports but also academics. Though most of them are also in desperate need of a girlfriend . Boys after all.

California Girls. Do I even have words for them?

Oh yes I do.

Most of them are spoiled-snobby daughters of rich people . Keyword : Most. Not all.

Of course I can't just say that they all are spoiled. Cause there are people like Kate.

Believe me Kate is the sweetest girl in California Girls school . Unless you bring up the topic called 'nature'

"Julia are you just gonna glare the notice board? Or wanna come. School starts in five minutes." asked Maria.

"Nah. I am coming." I replied.



After Julia and noticed board's glaring contest. We went to our lockers.

So.. What is my first period again?


When I was about to take out my Spanish Book out of my locker. I felt someone's presence behind me.

I turned to look who was there.

"How may I hel- Oh... James."

"Hi." he said while scratching the back of his neck.

He must be here because of "the incident".

He must be angry and I didn't even apologize.

"Hello." I replied.

He was about to say something but I cut him off.

I will not let him speak.

" I AM. REALLY SORRY. Sorry. I mean I am really sorry I just... I mean by mistake it.... I just lost my balance and end u-"

" I forgive y-"

But I wasn't listening.

" I know. I don't wanna hear. I know it is difficult to forgive if someone kis-"

He cut me off by placing his finger on my lips.


He is gonna kill me.

" I forgive you, okay?" he said. " And I was here to say that it was also my fault. I mean It was your fault. But maybe not entirely. I mean it was-"

He cut himself off after seeing my amused face.

He is cute.

" I forgive you too. " I replied.

"What?! I never apologized."

"Sure you didn't."

" I didn't!! "

" You did!! Admit it!!" I said.

"I didn-"

Suddenly he stopped. A smirk formed on his face.

"Wait. Even if I did. I didn't begged like you."


Remember I called him cute. Scratch that and write cocky instead.

"When did I beg?! I was apologizing." I glared.

Even though knowing the truth.

"Sure. So may I ask why did you didn't stop apologizing? Scared that I would not accept it?" he said in an amused voice and his smirk now changed into a wide amused smirk.

"What?!NO!!" I replied.


The bell rang.

Thank God for being with me!!

Seems like God only have grudges against Julia.

" I hate you!!" I said giving him a final dead glare.

He smirked.

"The feeling is mutual."



Today was the most boring day ever!!

Everyone was too busy with the preparation of tomorrow's activity.

So I spent most of my time reading books on wattpad.

Urg!! I am hella bored.

Suddenly a message popped up. From an unknown number.

Unknown : Hi!

I rolled my eyes and ignored it.

Then another message popped up. From the same unknown person.

Unknown : Don't roll your eyes.

How did she/he know?

Me: Who are you?!

Unknown : Hello to you too! I love the way you greeted me.

Me: I asked Who are you?!!

Unknown : Desperate?

Me: For the last time. WHO ARE YOU?!

Unknown : Let me give you a hint. I am the most sexiest boy in your class right now.

Me: You mean sexiest donkey?!

Unknown: Huh?!!

Me: Hate to break it to you but all the boys in this school are either donkeys or monkeys. But by talking to you I will categories you as a donkey. What do you think?

Unknown : ...........

Me: And by the way thanks. I just got the perfect name for you.

Mr. Donkey : What? Your Prince Charming ? Knight in shining armor?

Me: No. Mr. Donkey.

Mr. Donkey : -_-


The bell rang.

Me: But honestly tell me. Who are you?!

I didn't get a reply right away.

I closed my phone and went towards my locker.

After I dumped my books in the locker.


A notification popped up from Mr. Donkey.

Mr. Donkey : If you are so desperate, I will tell you, babe.
I am Your Sexy Chemistry Lab Partner.

Me: ..........

Mr. Donkey: Mwahahhhaaha!!!



School is finally over.

And Now it's time for the real Deal.

I took a deep breath and went towards the notice board.

I scanned my name.

Where is my name?!!

Aa. Found it.

So my team.

Alex Spencer.


Katherine Scott.



Ryan Walker.



God Loves me too much.

I mean God you are great.

Thank you so much for shattering my happiness in a second.

Really who doe-

My thoughts got cut off by two familiar voice.

"You should not Throw chocolate wrapper anywhere!!" I heard familiar female voice.

"C'mon. My shot aimed at the dustbin. It is not my fault that it didn't go inside it?!" replied Extremely familiar male voice.

I turned around and saw Alex and Katherine arguing.

Oof! What's happening? Probably a play fight.

I went in their direction.

"Hey Alex. Hey Kate. " I greeted.

"Hey Jules. Su-"

"Hey juli-"

Both of them stopped midway of their greetings.

Their eyes widened.







Me: Ryan. What in the world are you doing? (glare)

Ryan: I-I WAS JUST PASSING BY. hehehehehhe (nervous laugh)

Me: Why r u really here?!

Ryan: Meh. I was bored as I was not in the chapter!


Ryan : Ikkkk. But the readers missed my handsome self. *winks*

Me: Ryan! Shoo!! U r not helping and if u don't go right now I will.... not even mention u in the next chapter!!

Ryan: okay ma'am!! Guys Don't forget to vote this chapter and comment!! And don't miss me too much!! Love you ❤

(Ryan exits)

So Guys I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment ❤❤

Love you all ❤❤

Like always,
Comments and Suggestions are Warmly Welcome !!!

Till next time,



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