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Kalpita found Shivaji sitting exactly where she had left him, staring vacantly at the lake.

She dropped herself beside him. He stirred, stared at her, and softly smiled. The smile however didn't reach upto his eyes. Kalpita noticed.

" Huh! They don't maintain the washrooms, as much as they maintain the gardens. How unhygienic! " , she talked.
" By the way, thank you for the gift. " , her lips curled into a smile.

" I know.... it wasn't.... as good as you deserve... I know.... I..... "

" You know nothing.

You're John Snow. " , Kalpita stopped him with a palm..

He didn't look like he knew the implication, but he stopped anyway.

Kalpita pulled out her phone from the bag.

" Let's click the first selfie of this hangout. "
She held the phone in air.

Shivaji almost jumped out of the frame upon realizing.
" No no...

I don't... like selfies. "
He held a palm across his face.

Kalpita fell from the sky.
" What? Why even?
What's wrong with selfies? "

" I don't know.... I just feel... weird. " , he scratched his stubble and shoved uncomfortably.

Kalpita made a confused face and put down the phone.

" I can click.... a picture of yours. " , Shivaji said, it dawned upon him that she could be disappointed. After all it was her birthday.

" No need. I like selfies more. I'll click for myself when I feel like. " , she pushed the phone back inside her bag.

Shivaji sadly stared at her, but her eyes twinkled not a tinge bit of sadness.
" Do you mean you never clicked selfies, or duelfies, like two people together, ever? "

Shivaji only nodded in negation.

Kalpita took sometime.

Because, she was now preparing to ask... one of the toughest questions that ran through her veins in recent times.

Breathing deep, and suppressing the hyper excitatory signals that danced through her brains and hearts, she knew it very well that hot air escaped her ears. However, she needed to do this. She needed to take baby steps towards...this baby.

" Why?

Don't you know how handsome you are?

Hasn't someone... told that to you ever, if you don't trust the mirror? " , she shot the first arrow.

Shivaji grew extremely awkward. Blinked, scratched hair and ears, but soon smiled wide.

" What even... Kalpita ji.... " , he almost blushed.

" Of course!!! 

Don't people have girlfriends at villages? " , her voice quivered and even cracked a bit. But she tried to look mischievous instead.

She was on point in self perception.
She was too afraid to lose the ones she loved, and it was now evident....more with.. how cold she felt at the moment, sitting under the son.

Shivaji took sometime.

Then said,

" Not like that....

My friends had.....

I have never been.... very comfortable with girls as a whole. I don't know why..... can't explain. "

Kalpita felt, her plane was slowly landing. She held her breath.

" None proposed you ever? You want me to believe that? ", she didn't even know how she was still being so sane.

" Not like that... as well..

I've received more letters.... and indirect proposals.... than my friends. " , he heavily blushed but didn't look up.
" But, I could never initiate.... and didn't even want to. The truth was.... I only wished to study at one point of my life... and take care of my family. I didn't want distractions....
Many of the girls.... were real good. I respect all of them....but.. " , he looked up finally and ducked out a tiny tongue.

Kalpita Chatterjee wanted to directly jump into the lake right before her, just to calm her extremely anxious soul that had reached the peaks of instability.
She still wanted to hear it again, and again, and again.

" You mean.....you aren't committed to anyone on this planet or even outside this planet, right? " , Kalpita didn't even know if her excitement showed on her face and voice.

" Whaat? " , but Shivaji was definitely taken aback.
" No... I am not.
In fact... I've never even sat.... with a girl like this in life. You're the first. "

" And the last. " , Kalpita blurted. She was not even on earth anymore.

" Huh? "

" Nothing.

Get up. I'm hungry. "

A very confused Shivaji got up on her orders, as Kalpita walked ahead of him.

Earlier she was hiding her tears, this time, she was hiding her immense giggle followed by a ear to ear smile.

She looked up at the sky, and blew a kiss.

" Thank you aunty!! " , she whispered.

" Shit!!! The boat restaurant is closed for repair. " , Kalpita returned after an enquiry.
" Where do we have lunch even? "

Shivaji was equally confused.
First of all he knew nothing about the place, and secondly, he didn't even realise why Kalpita ji was smiling even though she should be worried.

" Oh..

But why are you.... so happy about that? " , he asked.

Kalpita grew conscious and tried controlling her facial muscles, that didn't even take her orders anymore and only kept on making her smile.

" I'm not happy about that.

I'm happy because it's my birthday. Dumb. " , she covered up but wanted to laugh more at herself now.

" Leave that.

We have to exit the park now, I believe.

Let's have lunch at some hotel. Post stomach fulfillments, we can even return. Or can go elsewhere.

Fine? "

Shivaji nodded, and blinked.

Kalpita....held his hand. And he didn't take it back, once again.


Their car entered the huge portico of JW Marriott International Hotel.

Shivaji's eyes grew wide, and wider, as the car passed through several security checks and ultimately reached the main entrance.

His throat however grew so stern and dry, he couldn't feel a drop of saliva.

Kalpita threw a glance at him.

" Shivaji! "

He shook, and turned to her, throwing a very pale smile.

" Get down. " , she smiled back, and stepped out of the car.

Shivaji got down, but extremely unwillingly. His entire body, as if stiffened.

Goodness!! This thing wasn't a building. It was an enormous giant in itself.

He couldn't see the roof of the tower, even when he raised his head and stretched his neck.

Shivaji felt, the giant would engulf him any moment.

He stepped back.
One step, two steps, three steps.
And was hit by a soft pair of palms on his back. He turned.

Kalpita stared at him, a smile on her lips, but, a frown in between her brows.

" Are you not comfortable? "
She asked.

They still stood at the gate, and the guards were asking Ganesh to park at the lot.

" Errmmm....

No..... I....

It's okay.... It's your birthday...
I'll manage... " , he almost whispered.

" Yes, it's my birthday.
You gifted me something.
I will treat you with a lunch.

But, it won't be great enough if you don't like the atmosphere, even a tinge bit. It's me, I won't find it okay as a host. " , Kalpita uttered very lightly.

Shivaji kept looking into her eyes.

He suddenly was extremely disgusted with himself.

Why even was he doing this?

Why even couldn't he bring himself to break his boundaries, or compromise his personal choices... when she was doing it... again and again... for him, that too, to live upto a promise she had given to Chhotu mama!

Shivaji pitied himself. Just pitied himself more.

Kalpita knew he was struggling within. She walked closer, and put a palm on his shoulder.

" Let's go to an open restaurant at New Market. The Nizaam's.

A very old one, but the food there, is one of my personal favorites. You'll love the place and the food.

I've been to Marriott like a thousand times before, but I'll always prefer The Nizaam's more. Come, let's go. "

Shivaji couldn't speak.

He only knew, this woman was deeper than she looked, and, whatever be the reason, she understood him more than anyone ever did, in so less a time spent together.

Shivaji hardly knew how to feel, but yes, one of the many feelings, was self hatred. A huge much.


They were now seated at The Nizaam's.

The restaurant didn't give Shivaji a bit of a complex. It wasn't heavily decorated, very plain and simple with just tables and chairs.
But the food was good probably, evidence being, it was almost filled, and many of the customers were foreigners.

A very chirpy and bubbly Kalpita checked on the menu card.

No, she didn't at all look unhappy.

But, Shivaji was drowning in a feeling he detested.

Kalpita ji.. was compromising her personal choices, just for him.

And he couldn't take this anymore, knowing everything.

He had to free her of the burden. Now or never.

" Two special mutton biriyani, and two chicken chaap. " , she ordered.

Shivaji prepared himself, clutching his trousers, and breathing deep.

" Kalpita ji..

I need to.... say something. " , he finally uttered.

Kalpita grew conscious.

Because, his eyes didn't look good enough.

Why did her heart pace so much? 

" Yeah.... Say.... " , her voice trembled.

" I...

I don't even know.... how I should be apologizing.... for all the compromises you have been doing for me.... since morning.
You could have spent the day.... with your friends, or at least with people who could match.... your choices. But you chose me.

And look at me!

When you could keep aside.... your personal likes and tastes...... just for the sake of my comfort, I couldn't even break my bubble.... to lend you a hand.

Kalpita ji, you're too humane....too kind.....

I know.... you've been taking care of my needs..... because you've been asked to do that.... by Chhotu Mama.
He told me today..... and I'm so upset!!
How could he just make me.....your burden, force you to be..... my saviour!! 

You have.... your own way of living a life... and it's completely different from how.... as a person I would like to..... or have been brought up to.....

But trust me.....Kalpita ji...... please don't burden yourself. I'll learn to survive..... here as well. Please don't compromise your choices.... for me.
Please don't.....take a promise so seriously, that you can't even breathe.

Please...... I request. "

Shivaji had to stop.

Because, streams flowed down Kalpita's eyes. Flooding her cheeks and neck.

Shivaji was too numb to react.

She was....crying!
He had never seen her cry in all these while!! He made her cry too, on her birthday!

" Kalpita ji.... "

Kalpita joined her hands, and slowly clapped.

" Wow Shivaji.


Thank you so much for such kind words on my birthday.

What could be better even... 

So, I've been doing everything I did, just because I was bound by a promise. This is what you have concluded.

You know what?
You are a fool.

You are a DUMB!!! YOU ARE A WASTE!!!! 

Do you believe, I survive, owing to how others try driving me??

Oh you do, because you have not a tinge bit of grey matter in your brains!!!

Kalpita Chatterjee lives on her own terms, on her own rules, on her own capabilities!!!

If I didn't want to, even God couldn't make me 'compromise'.... do you get that????  "

Shivaji's jaw dropped, breath fastened, mind boggled.

However, her words didn't hit him at any wrong spot, very surprisingly.

Kalpita aggressively wiped away her tears.
" Why am I crying even?
Who am I crying for?
A bloody idiot??

A bloody....nincompoop....?? 

Do you know by the way, this is the third time you're making me cry on my birthday!!!

First, when you denied to hold my hand.

I bloody cried!! Why??? Because of a foolish promise, according to you, right??? 

Second, when you gave me your mother's watch. 

I ran away only because I don't like showing people my weaknesses.

Oh yes, I was still crying because I was being sympathetic to you. Isn't it, Mr. Shivaji ???

Because the gift was too precious!!

And you talk of burden, compromise, promises!!!!!

You don't deserve me.
You don't!!!!  "

Kalpita got up, and almost ran out of the restaurant, leaving behind a dumbstruck Shivaji.

However, he didn't take a second more to get up and run behind her.

His calculations had gone completely wrong, this much he was sure. Rest, he wasn't really sure about anything.

Shivaji got inside the car, to see Kalpita still having hiccups.

He stared for sometime, then slowly tried to hold her hand.

" Don't talk to me!! " , she barked.

He shivered and fell back, but didn't give up.

" I'm sorry... Kalpita ji.
I misjudged you..... I'm so sorry.
Please don't cry.....Please don't..... cry.... Kalpita ji!!
I can't afford..... to be the reason of your tears...... on your birthday.

Please Kalpita ji....! "

Shivaji retried to hold her hand.

And this time, she didn't take it back, though she kept sobbing.

" Kalpita ji....

Please don't cry.... Kalpita ji...
Please, please!!! " , unknowingly his fingers tucked back a strand of hair that fell on her wet cheeks.

Kalpita slowly suppressed her tears, and looked up.

His deep set eyes were staring back at her, with the utmost plead, and concern.

Withdrawing her hand, she jumped out of the car, leaving behind an even more confused Shivaji. He got down too, but kept staring, as she went inside the restaurant.

Within minutes she ran back with packets in her hand.

And got up the car.

He got in.

She was normal now, with occasional hiccups.

She put forward one packet of the two.

" You're bad. I ain't.
I won't keep your unfed on my birthday. " , she uttered, complaining like a kid.

Shivaji suddenly found her so beautiful and pure, that, he hugged her.

She gave in too. Without a tinge of a complain.

Though it lasted for a second only, Shivaji broke it, and pleaded again,

" Forgive me..... Kalpita ji!
Please forgive me.... I'm a fool, I admit. "

" You don't even realise that I've no choice than to forgive you. Now eat. " , Kalpita concentrated on her packet of Biriyani.

Shivaji kept staring at her for a very long moment.

Sameer was quite sure he had seen Kalpita run out of The Nizaam's.

He was incidentally at Sree Ram Arcade today, at New Market.
He had been calling and texting her since morning, for her birthday, without a single response from her side.

It hardly bothered him though. She would respond at the end of the day.

But what bothered, and almost sealed his steps to the ground was, she was not alone.

She was followed by a very tall and rugged figure behind, who was seemingly a complete mismatch to her.


A terrible mismatch.

Or, was he?

Sameer's jaw stiffened.



This is not a psychological thriller. 😂😂
This is a journey of a man...who rises from self pity, who knows his self worth, and a woman who helps him in the process, herself consolidating her messed up priorities in life as she does so.

Trust me sometimes, okay? 

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