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Jitesh Dasgupta sat with a coffee and a smile, at Devendra's cabin, 6 in the evening.

" So, how's our guriya celebrating her birthday? " , he spoke.

Devendra fell back on the chair and played with his fingers.

" She celebrates it on her own terms. I'm not even well informed. " , he smiled.

" Hmmm.... 

She is one of those who can't be tamed.. That's what Sameer likes about her.. " , Jitesh sipped his coffee.

Devendra tilted his head and examined Jitesh.

The man was his long time confidant and friend, a very sorted and a very calvulative individual, and a super proud father..

Devendra was expecting him soon, but not this soon.

" Yeah....

Sounds good, but not so great as parents sometimes. " , he grinned at Jitesh.

" I get that too.

So.... I was thinking, why wait then?

Let's get them engaged. Marriage can wait. But, a commitment is needed at this age. Otherwise, you know...  mistakes happen. Sometimes. " , Jitesh spoke softly.

Devendra took a moment, scratched the table, his beard, sniffed...

Then spoke,

" I know, I had.. kinda promised three years back that, at twenty five, I will get her engaged to your son.

Because, I used to remain fed up with her growing antics, her rampant stays outside home for nights, her bold decisions....

But now I've realised, she might be quirky, not irresponsible.
She won't commit mistakes regarding choices. "

Jitesh raised a brow. And waited for more on Devendra's part.

Devendra moved forward on his chair.

" I know, Sameer likes her.

But I'm not sure if she does. I can't impose things on her anyway.
I ain't even sure if she likes someone else. We've not talked about things very seriously. "

" Is your daughter... really in for some serious commitments... on her own? She doesn't look like, anyway.

Regarding liking each other, love grows after marriage. I and Yamini had an arranged marriage, are we unhappy? In this case, my son already loves her. " , the desperation didn't reach his voice, but a bit to his eyes.

Devendra chose silence for a moment.

" Erm... I know you're way too sensitive regarding matters concerning your son. Trust me, I too am. And hence I feel guilty of making such commitments, owing to sudden disgusts.

But, this much I can assure you. I'll try asking my daughter.

However, won't go against her wish.

I'm sorry.  "

Jitesh frowned a bit. But the very next moment, smiled.

" Of course.

We're not juries to decide our children's fate.
But, of course we can be proper guides.

Anyways.... " , he got up.

Devendra did too.

" It was great visiting your workplace after long, Devu!! 

By the way, don't see your new PA at the desk outside. " , Jeetesh walked towards the door.

" Yeah, he's on leave. " , Devendra smiled.

Jitesh hugged him, and exited.

Devendra stood, crossing arms.


Shivaji stood at the window, seven in the evening.

They had returned home...somewhat around five.

Kalpita ji's mood hadn't gone very right, even after his constant pleads. He had asked for streetside ice creams too.
She didn't budge much.

The car had rolled back to the housing straight, with minimum exchange of words, thereafter.

Shivaji ran fingers through his hair.

And breathed deep.

Kalpita's reactions today had startled him big time. Literally beyond imaginations.

He might have been wrong with his judgments, she might have rebuked or insulted him, owing to her straightforward mindset.

But, she cried.

Why the hell did she cry?

What exactly was so hurtful in his statements? 

Would anyone in her place, just anyone, get to tears, with what he had uttered?

Would he himself cry, if she judged him wrong? Given the fact that he was a cry baby, and Kalpita, a very strong woman!! 

Shivaji breathed deep, blanked out his mind, and began thinking again.

'Do you know by the way, this is the third time you're making me cry on my birthday!!!
First, when you denied to hold my hand.

I bloody cried!! Why??? Because of a foolish promise, according to you, right??? '

Shivaji rubbed his nose vigorously, and frowned, as the words echoed through his brains.

'Second, when you gave me your mother's watch. 

I ran away only because I don't like showing people my weaknesses.

Oh yes, I was still crying because I'm being sympathetic to you. Isn't it, Mr. Shivaji ???'

He pressed his lips, and leaned against the window pane.

Because the gift was too precious!!

And you talk of burden, compromise, promises!!!!!

You don't deserve me.
You don't!!!!'

Shivaji suddenly gasped for fresh air, and slided open the window. He breathed in a lungful.

' You don't even realise that I've no choice than to forgive you.'

Closing the window, he returned to the bed, and kept sitting on it. Ghost-struck.

'Don't you know how handsome you are?

Hasn't someone told you ever, if you don't trust the mirror yourself?'

Shivaji didn't move.
Whether he was jumbling up, or untangling, wasn't very clear.

'You mean.....you aren't committed to anyone on this planet or even outside this planet, right?'

He stopped thinking.
Once and for all.

No, he wasn't a fool anyway.

Not a fool to overestimate things.

Her emotions might be something queer, because she was different.
A bit. Just a bit.

Otherwise, girls of her kind, would at most, have sympathy for boys of his kind. Nothing else.

Even if that sympathy converted to something, it would be momentary.
Too momentary... for even her to stick to.

Shivaji got up. Enough.
His head was hurting already.

He took in a deep breath, and walked over to the washroom.

Soaking his skin in gusts of water, he found his anxiety lessen a bit.

Staring back at his image across the mirror, he splashed a handful of water onto it, blurring himself out.

Human emotions might be directionless. Vagabond.

But there's always a thing called home.

Freedom might be a
Freedom of thoughts, freedom of actions.

However, too much freedom was dangerous.

Not everyone had the luxury to daydream, and the rule didn't apply to a single strata of the society. It applied to many, wherever they belonged.

Sighing, he thumped out of the washroom.


" Sit, Kalpi! "

8 in the night.

Kalpita was summoned to the office, by Dad, soon after he was back from work. He was at his desk.
Mom sat beside him, on a couch.

She took a seat.

She knew, why she was here. Dad would ask her plans for dinner. Whether to go out, or order online. Or cook something she wished to have. And stuffs.

She was tidied up, by now.

She had been too grateful to every God, that neither of her parents were home, when she reached. Otherwise, her muddled kohl and tear stains down the cheeks, wouldn't have escaped their eyes.

She had left behind a guilt stricken Shivaji and walked up the stairs, without looking back.
She had locked herself, until now.

" How was your day, baccha? " , Devendra asked with a pleasant smile.

She drew a smile too.
" Quite good. "

" Hmm.
And the company? "

Kalpita threw a glance at Suchandra, who was busy polishing her pretty nails.

" Good enough. " , she uttered distinctly.

" Alright.

So, what're the plans regarding dinner?
Where did you have lunch at? "

Kalpita suddenly hated this interrogation process. She frowned a bit.

" New market. " , she responded minimally.
" Also, I would love to have something cooked at home.
I don't want food from the restaurants anymore. "

" Fine. I'll inform Lalit. " , Suchandra looked up and smiled.

" Over then? " , Kalpita shoved to get up.

" Why? Don't you wish to exchange a few words with us on your birthday? " , Devendra talked.

Kalpita stirred.

" Nothing like that, Dad!!

Okay, sorry. I am here. " , she grinned.

Devendra stared at Suchandra.
Then prepared himself for something, clearing his throat.

" Kalpita. I wish to convey a few words to you, on this occasion.
As a father.

You're 25 now.

You've a proper goal in life regarding your academics. We know you'll fulfil that, anyway.

So, as parents we have got only one duty left for us. To settle you down with a good man.

Let me be very clear.

We want you to get engaged, now..

Marriage can wait, till you wish it to.
But, I believe, a commitment is needed. We don't wish the unsettled life you lead, to keep continuing, after you have reached 25. "

Kalpita grew extremely conscious.

Marriage, engagement, stuffs, she'd never been talked to, regarding these, ever in life by her parents.

Did Mom.... inform Dad regarding her growing affection towards..... Shivaji? 

She didn't really know, how she was supposed to react. Mom gave no signals as well, she seemed to be intentionally absorbed in nail paints.

Kalpita chose to stare on, silently.

" Now I wish to reveal to you something.

Not something frightening though, just an information.

I remain unaccepting towards many of your antics, you know that very well.

Owing to which, a few years back, I had committed to Jitesh, that I'll probably get you engaged to Sameer when you come of age, if you still remain that unsettling regarding the opposite gender.

Jitesh has started reminding me of that semi promise. "

Kalpita eyes had widened by now.
She shot up.

" Sameer????? 

Mom!!!!!!! " , she almost shrieked.

Suchandra, very casually closed the nail paint bottles, and looked up.

" Talk for yourself. I'm not your spokesperson. And does your father look imposing to you? "

Didn't he?
Kalpita looked at him.

He might not look imposing, but they had hidden such a big thing from her all these while.

Like literally?? 

" I hate Sameer.
End of it. " , she was breathing hard.

" Hate is a big word, my dear!
You may just dislike him. " , Devendra tilted his head.

" Okay fine, I dislike him! And I cannot possibly get engaged to someone I dislike!!! " , Kalpita felt as if the veins to her forehead  would burst.

" You definitely can.

Love grows after marriage. "

" Wow!!! Wow!!! 

And you say he isn't imposing, Mom???
Why are you silent?? " , Kalpita was screaming.

" Even you aren't talking something fruitful, darling! " , Suchandra was calmer than breeze.

Kalpita stared on for sometime, then almost struggled to control her emotions. She did ultimately.

Inhaling a lungful, she sat down.

Closed her eyes tight.

And spoke,

" I love Shivaji.

Will marry only him. If ever. "

She waited for a tremendous outburst from her father.
Hence didn't open her eyes, until forced to.

However, nothing as such happened.
She took sometime.

Then slowly stared.

Devendra, extremely casually, was scratching the desk. And Suchandra... sat smiling.

Kalpita was damn confused now.

What was going on exactly?

Devendra didn't look up. But spoke,

" Let him know your feelings, as soon as possible, if not already.

Listen, Kalpita.

I have never gone against your wish, never stopped you from doing things.

Even though I'm extremely resentful of.... what you do... on Saturday nights. That...is an epitome of being casual, according to me.

Your mom has forever convinced me, it's youth fire. It'll subside. I believe in her.

It's time it subsides.

And it'll too, now, if you have finally found the one.

I know, you'll be extremely passionate of your love, as you are, in most fields of your life.

But, he too needs to love you back.

If he doesn't, I will start being imposing, and get you engaged.

I can't let you sulk, following that, roam around heartbroken and use it as an excuse to have a few more shots of wine, and a ticket to a few more casual sexes per week.

You'll be engaged.

End of it.

So, it's time you confess, and let me know what he feels too. I'll be waiting. "

Kalpita kept staring at her father, completely blank.


Ready for the confession? 😁
It's his birthday tomorrow, by the way. 😍

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