[19] Karma

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So, guys I write this chapter on my phone, so if you find any mistake please forgive me, Please DO give your  FEEDBACK ,love uu all

Amongst the darkness, Jennie and the others couldn't see Taehyung at all. All they could do was stand around with faces full of resentment as they used all types of insults to complain about Y/N.

From his hidden position, Taehyung watched their helpless expressions as the corners of his mouth slightly curved up.

How dare they insult his wife...if he hadn't heard, it wouldn't have mattered...but since he heard it......then......luck must not be on their side...

In the dark, Taehyung picked up his phone and made a call to Chanyeol, "Help me find out which agency Jessi works for."

"Yes, president!" Chanyeol answered swiftly.

Before leaving the US, he definitely needed to leave something behind for Jessi. After all, she had done so much to Y/N, including tricking her into coming all the way here to be Jennie's stepping stone. He thought about it, what he was about to do was after Y/N had already won her battle against them, so it wouldn't be considered as interfering in her business, right?

Amongst the bright and colorful celebration dinner, Y/N maintained her smile as she mixed with the guests and reporters. As she didn't want Taehyung to wait too long, she said she wasn't feeling well as an excuse and left the dinner midway, taking Seulgi and Rose with her.

After walking out of the main entrance of the hotel, Y/N successfully spotted Taehyung amidst the darkness. This man, who was the center of attention, always seemed to disregard his own identity and wait for her amongst various hidden corners. Seulgi and Rose didn't want to be light bulbs so they took their own taxi back to the manor, leaving Y/N on her own to board Taehyung's car.

Taehyung watched as Y/N approached. Seeing her shoulders were still exposed, he quickly removed his suit jacket and placed it on her, "Didn't you think of asking Rose to prepare a jacket for you when you left the manor this morning?"

"If I had asked Rose to prepare one, would I still have had the chance to wear this jacket that contains your warmth?" Y/N smiled, before continuing, "President Kim's jacket can't simply be worn by anyone."

Taehyung was completely defeated by her as he caringly held onto her icy cold hands and helped her into the car, "Let's go home..."

Upon returning to the manor, the whole place had been transformed. The bedroom was covered with fresh flowers and fragrant candles were lit throughout the entire house.

Taehyung hugged Y/N from behind as he placed a kiss on her back, "This is to celebrate you returning with glory..."

"These past few days, you haven't had a proper night's rest. Since we finally had a day off..." – Y/N's voice sounded a little choked up – "...why didn't Min-hot some rest? We will be flying home tomorrow. After that, you will be busy again..."

"If you feel guilty, then why don't you give me a massage later?"

Y/N looked around as she enjoyed the fragrance. She grabbed Taehyung's arm and pushed him onto the bed. Then, with the essential oils she got from Rose, she poured some into her hand and gently pressed against Taehyung's back.

Taehyung's body had always been worth mentioning, as it had always been built and firm, however, because of the demanding work he had been doing over the past few days, his muscles had become extra tense. Y/N was a bit upset; ever since marrying Taehyung, it seemed she hadn't spent much time taking care of his health.

"I will reflect on this..." Y/N reminded herself.

"Huh?" Taehyung didn't know what she wanted to reflect on, so he made a questioning sound.

"I will take good care of you..." Ever since the incident with Kai, Y/N had learned to cherish everything she had; she had already lost too much, she wasn't going to let anyone snatch anything else from her, especially not...Taehyung.

Hearing her words, Taehyung turned around and pulled her close to his chest, "From what I see, I think you need to be taken care of more, but...when it comes to reflecting, you really need to do some reflecting. Ning...I want you."

Y/N looked at Taehyung, her eyes were clear and sincere, "What a coincidence...me too...but, you need to slow down..."

The married couple was extremely in sync when it came to this. Y/N didn't put on an act and Taehyung didn't play around; everything they did was purely based on their passion and love for each other.


[Y/N Sets Off The Oriental Trend: A Big Hit in Europe And The States!], [Y/N Pressures Jennie: Makes Her Become The Backdrop], [Y/N Endorses ISN: Becomes The Well-Deserved Favorite In The Western Market!]; These were the headlines plastered all over the Oriental Daily News. The Y/N that had kept a low profile while being stepped all over by Jennie had ultimately used her most professional self to instantly defeat Jennie - she used her own capabilities to show everyone what was the true Oriental Trend.

And thanks to the aid of Secret and ISN, Y/N's status was no longer on the same level as the day she arrived on US soil.

Of course, apart from fans overseas, fans back at home were also cheering Y/N's impressive results. Back when Seulgi told everyone to have faith in Y/N, it put confidence back into the hearts of many fans as they waited patiently for her victory. As expected, Y/N did not disappoint. She truly rose up, not allowing anyone to ever see her as an outdated model again...

Upon seeing the news, Jessi and Jennie smashed everything in sight. Y/N's popularity not only meant Jennie had failed but also meant, from now on, there was no way they could suppress her...

On the other hand, Jennie who had originally been praised so highly and had even been compared to Chung Ha, went the opposite way. How ashamed would she be to return home?

A model that shot the front cover of a magazine received no attention and had become Y/N's backdrop; this joke would be spoken about for years to come.

"That's enough, you two can stop smashing things!" Kai was getting a headache from watching them. Deep down his emotions were even more complex than Jennie and his sister's. SM's shareholders had already pressured him earlier on; they were unimpressed by his persistent support of Jennie. They had invested so much manpower and resources into Jennie, only to find in the end, the results were shocking...

No mentions!

This was not because Jennie was unlucky though...it was because Y/N was too powerful. As business people, the most important thing to them was profits. If Kai continued on like this, they weren't going to sit around and do nothing!

"Kai, how about we get mum to help."

Jessi suggested getting help from their mother, but Kai never mentioned his mother because he didn't feel like his mother was anything worth mentioning. Ever since the death of his father, his mother couldn't handle being lonely, so, she eventually broke up a happy family and became the wife of a director. All these years, they barely contacted each other because, on top of everything, his mother had also become somebody's stepmother.

"Jessi...this issue...let's talk about it when we get home," Kai responded impatiently.

"Kai, you couldn't possibly be blaming me, right?" Jessi could sense Kai was upset, "Kai, it's true that I planned everything, but who do you think I did it for? I did everything for you guys. Jennie didn't meet expectations, how could you blame me for that? Why don't you blame Y/N, the b*tch?"

Not long after Jessi spoke, the phone in her hand started ringing. As soon as she saw it was from her company, she quickly stabilized her emotions and answered, "Hello?"

"Jessi, J-King is in trouble, where have you been?" the person on the other side of the phone questioned.

She had been spending so much time sticking her nose into other people's business, that she didn't even pay attention to her own artists. As a result, a recently famous girl band of hers was discovered doing drugs by their fans. It wasn't easy to accumulate fame, yet in one night, it was all destroyed. Worst of all, while all this was happening, Jessi was nowhere to be seen.


"From tomorrow onwards, you don't need to come to work anymore. I am going to make sure you are blacklisted in America!"

After hearing this, Jessi's mind went blank...before it exploded...

"President, let me explain..."

"What is there to explain? You used the resources provided by the company to help your brother, did you think we wouldn't find out? Secret was originally one of our resources. If one of our own models appeared on the front cover of this issue, the Oriental Trend would have been under our own control, but what did you do instead? Jessi, prepare the compensation for breaching your contract." After speaking, he hung up the phone; not allowing Jessi the chance to redeem herself.

Jessi was dumbfounded as she dropped her arms. Her mouth continuously mumbled similar words, "It's over...everything is over. My career...is also over."

"Jessi...what happened?"

"It was all because of you!" Jessi screamed with all her might, "Because of you, I was fired. On top of that, I have to pay 10 million dollars for breaching my contract...10 million US DOLLARS!"

Kai and Jennie were stunned...they never expected the consequences would be so dire.

"Not only that but I will also be blacklisted. Do you know what that means? It means...in the US, I can no longer make a living here. All the effort I have put in over the years has all been wasted." After Jessi was finished screaming, she dropped to the floor bitterly. At this moment, she was filled with regret and hate. Why did she help this useless brother? Why did she help Jennie go against Y/N?

"Jessi...you haven't lost everything, you still have me."

"Go away! You only have Jennie in your eyes," Jessi pushed Kai away.

"Jessi...I will help you."

"Fine, if you want to help me, then...help me pay off half of the compensation for breaching my contract. Also, I want to become Y/N's manager. If you guys won't support her, then I will. I am going to use Y/N to help me make a comeback," Jessi snapped. "Do you have the courage to agree to this?"

Kai and Jennie glanced at each other; this was absolute nonsense. Not only would he not allow his sister to help an enemy, even if they were to agree, but there was also no way Y/N would allow it. However, on the surface, he still had to find a way to brush her off, so he used Y/N as an excuse, "I can help you with your compensation by selling some shares, we will get over this together. However, if you think about how we previously treated Y/N, there is no way she would let you become her manager. Plus, she already has Seulgi."

"How does Seulgi compare to me? Since SM can no longer control Y/N's progress, then why don't we personally help her to the top? At least that way we can boost our own reputation. Most importantly, I can keep an eye on Y/N; this is like killing THREE birds with one stone!" Jessi was dreaming about controlling Y/N.

She was full of hate and an unwillingness to accept defeat. She wanted to see if she was to become Y/N's manager, whether Y/N could still do as she liked.

Listening to Jessi's reasoning, Kai started to reconsider: even if they couldn't suppress Y/N, at least Jessi would be able to stop Y/N from causing trouble. If he was to agree to this, he and Jennie would be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Jessi, I'll agree to it."

"You guys return to Korea first, after I've sorted everything out here, I will come back and take over Y/N."

Taking over Y/N? Let's see if Taehyung would allow that!

"OK..." Kai replied.

Jennie wasn't happy with this decision. She couldn't believe they were going to personally make Y/N famous. However, this incident with Secret Magazine was indeed her fault for implicating Kai and Jessi. So, at this point, there was nothing she could say; all she could do was look at Kai with a sulky expression, "Don't you want me anymore?"

"What are you talking about? You saw it too, there is no way we can suppress Y/N. Let's leave it to my sister to handle her, that way we can have some time to relax. Jennie, I won't give up on you."

Jennie thought, as long as she still had Kai in her grasp, she would still eventually become the first lady of SM. If this was to happen, she would have a chance for a comeback.

As for Y/N spreading her wings, they still had plenty of time!

On the same day that afternoon, KLA agency released an announcement about canceling their contract with Jessi. During their announcement, they pointed out three major mistakes she made and claimed they would chase her for compensation. They also announced they would be blacklisting her.

Of course, she was only a manager, even if she was to break ties with her company, it wouldn't cause much commotion. However, upon seeing this news, Y/N was surprised. Her gaze unconsciously turned towards Taehyung. This man... really couldn't help himself.

ISN's photoshoot was nearing and as it was to be located in Seoul, Y/N had to immediately return to Korea.

This time, Y/N finally didn't have to catch the same flight as Kai and Jennie. Also because of her fame in the US, her fans no longer had to hold back their cheers. Her fan club even organized an event for all the fans to welcome her at the airport. So, early in the morning, the airport was completely packed.

"Y/N, did you know Kai and Jennie are also flying today?" Seulgi asked while they were on the way to the airport.

"Yeah, I know...so, you should know what to do, right?" Y/N was reading the newspaper while holding onto Taehyung's hand. Previously, when she flew to Tokyo, Jennie had revealed her schedule online and got anti-fans to cause her trouble. This time, Jennie was returning defeated and had become a joke in the industry; she definitely needed to pay her back. How could she be considered a joke until she experiences being surrounded by anti-fans?

"Y/N, you still haven't used the information about Jennie being pregnant, what do you plan to do?" Rose suddenly asked.

Jennie's pregnant? Seulgi thought.

"All along she's been aiming for the Top Ten Model Awards. But, don't forget about the selection criteria. Pregnant women...aren't qualified to receive an award," Y/N replied calmly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's just release it..."

"According to Jennie's personality, she will definitely use whatever means to qualify. I'm going to wait until she appears on stage to receive the award...at that time, I'll send her to her grave."

After hearing what Y/N said, Rose understood.

To receive something and immediately lose it...this was the true experience of pain.

Above all, until the day Jennie receives an award, SM would still feel like she has hope. So by making her receive it and then lose it, was the only way to guarantee she wouldn't be able to make a comeback - the Top Ten Model Awards only gave each model one chance.

Taehyung held onto Y/N's hand tightly the entire time, because he knew, even though Y/N had made Jennie into her backdrop, it still would not be enough to satiate the pain she had previously received; she would continuously pick away at Jennie, until...the day came when Jennie no longer had the strength to revive herself and Kai completely gave up on her. She wanted Jennie to experience being thrown away.

Taehyung didn't want to see Y/N so depressed, so he pulled out his phone and looked for the photos he took the night before. He then handed his phone to Seulgi, "Place this photo online..."

It was a photo of Jennie kneeling on the ground...

A photo of Jennie at her lowest point...

Seulgi looked at the scheming couple as she and Rose both gave a sly smile.

As her status wasn't the same as before, Taehyung could no longer be seen entering the airport with Y/N. Even though the temperature was hot, Y/N wrapped herself up tightly. However, before she stepped out of the car, Taehyung gently patted her on the head as he spoke, "There are a lot of fans at the airport, if they see us together it will cause you trouble; I will wait for you in the first-class cabin. You are currently on the rise, you can't have any scandals."

Y/N lifted her head to look at Taehyung with an apologetic look in her eyes. In reality, she was Taehyung's wife, but they could never be seen in public together; sometimes they even had to act like complete strangers. But, she also understood, Taehyung didn't want her hard-earned achievements to go to waste.

Thinking of this, Y/N gave a reassuring smile as she held onto Taehyung's hand, "Wait for me...Wait until I am on the same level as you. I will personally announce to the world that we are husband and wife; an invincible married couple."

Taehyung wrapped his hand around her neck as he pulled her in for a kiss. His eyes twinkled like a vast sea of stars, "You should get going..."

In reality, Taehyung really wanted to keep Y/N hidden away in his home, that way only he could come in contact with her beauty. However, Y/N was born for the runway; her superstar aura couldn't be denied. So, sending Y/N to the pinnacle was his mission and aim in life...

This feeling...made him feel helpless, but also happy.

Y/N stepped out of the Lincoln Limo, changed into another luxury car, and headed to the airport with Rose and Seulgi. 

Because the Oriental Trend was a big hit, there was no way the airport would be as peaceful as when Y/N first arrived, so Taehyung organized for 4 bodyguards to follow her.

"Ahhh...it's Y/N..."

The screams of the people coming from inside the airport could already be heard from the sidewalk outside.

Y/N unconsciously started walking faster. Deep down she sighed, how could these people have such good eyesight? She wrapped herself up so tightly, yet they still recognized her.

"Y/N, things have really changed," Rose sighed behind her. "You have the option of taking the VIP entry to avoid the fans, do you want to do that?"

"Of course not," Y/N immediately rejected the option. "If I can't even handle this, how many fans would be disappointed? My fans are supporting my career, there is no reason for me to avoid them," Y/N decided to hold her head high as she headed into the airport. Upon seeing her, fans and reporters all flocked to her side. Taehyung's bodyguards quickly formed a human barrier and escorted her past the security checks into the waiting area.

"Y/N...can we get your autograph?"

"Y/N, we really like you, you need to keep going..."

"Y/N, you are always welcome to come back to the US."

Y/N maintained her smile. When she came across smaller groups of people, she would generously give them an autograph. After entering the terminal, she took multiple photos with fans. Eventually, Seulgi had to intercept and regretfully turn them away by telling them Y/N hadn't had much rest lately because of work, hopefully, they could understand.

While sitting in the terminal, Y/N glanced around for Taehyung. Finally, in the middle of the seating area, she spotted Taehyung sitting peacefully with sunglasses on as he flipped through the latest issue of Secret. The old American lady next to him noticed the magazine in his hands and smiled as she asked, "Young man after you're finished with that, may I take a look? This magazine has been so popular lately, I haven't been able to buy it anywhere."

Taehyung nodded gently, "Of course."

Y/N sat two rows behind Taehyung and stared at his handsome back. She really wanted to ask him how he felt holding onto his wife's magazine. In reality, Taehyung had the choice to sit in the VIP lounge and wait, but in order to accompany her...

Y/N's eyes welled up as she pulled out her phone and typed a few words, "Your back looks good."

Taehyung handed the magazine in his hands to the old lady and took a look at his phone. The corners of his mouth curved up as he replied, "After we return home, get Chanyeol to change the person holding your hand in the front cover to me. There won't be zero mentions anymore, right?"

"You can't do that President Kim! If you do that, then no one will notice me anymore."

The smile on Taehyung's mouth increased as a thought crossed his mind; he wanted to enlarge Y/N's solo photo in the magazine and hang it all over their bedroom.

"I really want to turn around and look at you..."

Seeing those words, Y/N's heart ached. At this time, the airport announced their flight was ready for boarding. Y/N stood up and walked to the front. Following closely behind, Taehyung also got up and walked behind her. Like this...he wouldn't need to turn around to look at her.

During the boarding process, many people gradually recognized Y/N. They wanted to move forward to talk to her, but, not knowing if Taehyung was doing it on purpose, he kept standing in front of them, until Y/N finally headed into the first-class cabin...

She was his wife...of course, he would take care of her and protect her...

At least, within his sight, he had to do that.


At the same time, a very entertaining photo started spreading through Seoul's online community. The B-grade model, Jennie, who gloriously went overseas, was meant to overcome all obstacles and rise to a new level in her career. After all, after going overseas, she compared herself to many famous supermodels, used the fact that she was an Asian model as a gimmick, and secured a few endorsements. However, as soon as Secret's magazine was released, Y/N became a legend, whereas she became a joke.

'Zero Attention' became her nickname. But, all the ridicule from the public wasn't enough. Early in the morning, an extremely long meme was posted up online. The meme consisted of 10 photos of models she had previously been compared to; the model's photos were on the left, her photos were on the right. Their photos were from all different shows, whereas her photos...consisted of the same photo......the photo of her kneeling on the ground...

After this meme went viral, it grabbed the attention of many famous online personalities; they all began to ridicule her.

This devastating result would have never been predicted by SM. Also, because of Jennie's defeat, all her previous scandals started resurfacing; humiliating her once again.

This was how the entertainment industry was like; the winner takes all...

"Jennie, how about you stay in the US?" Kai was worried she wouldn't be able to handle the blow and it would hurt her pregnancy.

"No need. I want to see how Y/N plans to step on me." Most importantly, the final selection for the Top Ten Model Awards was in 4 days. She wanted to take a gamble...since she didn't get good results, all she could do now was...look for the judges...

"Fine then, we will go home as soon as we get off the plane," Kai responded. He had no idea at this moment what Jennie was planning.

However, even if they were to head straight home, they still had to leave the airport. At this time, paparazzi were lurking; they had their eyes set on them for a long time. Their cars surrounded them and started chasing them.

After seeing the humiliation online, Jennie finally started crying in the car...

She had failed too miserably and fallen too painfully!

Needless to say, Y/N's ruthlessness was enough to make the Kai that had Jennie in his embrace realize, he had never truly understood her. He was ridiculously wrong about her; the girl that had once been willing to do anything for him no longer showed him any mercy. Even if she was to exhaust all the strength in her body, the purpose would be to make Jennie crumble beneath her feet.

It was only because it wasn't his turn yet, that he didn't feel any urgency.

Outside the arrivals gate, Y/N's fans were scattered all over the place. Some were holding signs with Y/N's name on it, others were screaming her name. Originally, this was something SM should have been proud of, but...deep down, Kai wasn't even the tiniest bit happy. Y/N's value had now increased dramatically and she was no longer under the control of SM. Apart from placing all his hope in Jessi, there was nothing else he could do.

Otherwise, he would only fall into the depths of the abyss along with Jennie.

Did he really have no choice but to contact his mother?

Y/N's return was full of glory. After signing the deal with ISN, she was pretty much guaranteed that every job she took from now on would be even better. Most importantly, her low-profile personality meant she never depended on creating hype to gain people's attention. This helped her gain many loyal fans. As a result, her foundation was stable and she now occupied a spot in the modeling industry.

Kai looked at the news about Y/N and Jennie; his eyebrows scrunched up. After returning home he ignored Jennie and locked himself in his room to make some phone calls.

Jennie felt uneasy about this because she knew SM did not solely belong to Kai. With her current bad reputation, Kai would definitely be trapped in a difficult position between her and the company.

"Min-ho, help me find out who the judges are for the Top Ten Model Awards..."

"Jennie, what do you want to do?" Jennie's assistant had mixed emotions, "Don't do anything silly. I'm sure if you just rest, with time, you can return to the runway."

"Without the last gamble, I am not willing to give up. Just go do what I asked you to do. How long do you think Kai can endure? SM's shareholders are pressuring him non-stop to give up on us; it's only a matter of time. Do you want to return to your life of opening a stall by the side of the street?"

Jennie's assistant froze for a moment. He obviously didn't want to do as she requested...he also didn't want Jennie to go down a dangerous path. By doing what he assumed she'd do, she would be putting a tear in her relationship with Kai - one that may never be reversed. But he knew, apart from sleeping with one of the judges, what else could she do to turn the tables?

"Jennie, you still have a child in your stomach..."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing," Jennie said with a solemn expression.

The industry had always been this dark. She had once thought Kai was the best person she could rely on, but...after the incident with Secret Magazine, Kai could only watch as she returned defeated; he couldn't think of any methods of redemption. That's when she understood, this man wasn't reliable at all.

A wise person chooses the right environment - that's only right.

Within the study room, Kai was still stressing over how to protect Jennie. Meanwhile, the people outside were already thinking of how to betray him...

After Y/N's return, Secret's popularity, ISN's deal; this was all meant to take him to new heights and increase the value of SM. But Kai, the president, wasn't happy.

ISN's commercial was currently being shot, so from the moment Y/N returned from the US she hadn't taken a single step into SM. It was not until 2 days later, when the commercial was finished, that she finally returned to the office.

Inside the CEO's office, Kai was looking at Y/N with complex emotions, "Y/N, you've already gotten what you want, don't be too forceful, give her a chance to survive."

Y/N looked at Kai as she replied calmly, "When we were in the US, did you give me a chance? If you can't do it, then don't expect others to do it?"

"You..." Kai's tongue was tied for a moment because he knew, if the situation was flipped and Jennie was the successful one, they would have used the most extreme measures to prevent Y/N from ever making a comeback. So, at this moment, apart from anger, he was also feeling regret. He no longer looked at Y/N, instead, he turned his gaze to Seulgi and ordered, "Seulgi, pack your things and prepare to work with a different artist, I've already organized a new manager for Y/N."

After hearing this, Seulgi's face turned pale as Y/N frowned, "What game are you trying to play now?"

"Y/N, your contract still has 3 years left. Seulgi is a manager under our company, I can make her do what I want, you have no right to interfere."


Did Kai think he could still control her contract?

"Then, the least you can do is tell me who you have organized for me," Y/N chased him for an answer as she gave Seulgi a comforting look. With this little bit of assurance, Seulgi's flustered heart immediately calmed down. She knew Y/N would get a better manager sooner or later, but she definitely couldn't continue to stay in SM; she had previously betrayed Jennie and took on Y/N's side, if she was to leave Y/N, Jennie would definitely make her suffer.

However, Y/N's gaze told her...Even if she couldn't keep her, she wouldn't let her be sent into the tiger's mouth......and anything Y/N wanted to do, she would do. So, she trusted Y/N and remained patient.

"Tomorrow, the company will hold a celebration dinner for you. At that time, she will appear. Don't worry, this manager will definitely be more skilled than Seulgi; you won't be worse off. Unless you still think I am trying to suppress you?" Kai felt embarrassed that Y/N had slowly achieved so much without him noticing.

Y/N didn't say anything and did not refuse. Of course, she couldn't trust that Kai would be doing something good for her, but she couldn't just refuse, or else there would be no end to this.

She had to make sure she remained in power.

As Y/N left the room, Seulgi was left behind. Y/N gave her a look, gesturing her to drag on as long as she could and to not let Kai find out about the details of her work. Seulgi subtly nodded her head, if she couldn't even do something this simple, all that she had learned from Y/N would go to waste.

"Where's Seulgi?" Rose asked as she saw Y/N return on her own.

"Kai arranged for her to take care of other artists and has organized a new manager for me," Y/N replied.

"Who is it?" Rose was on guard as she asked.

Y/N did not respond, she simply put on her sunglasses and left SM with Rose. 

She returned to Hannam Dong and entered her home. At that time, Taehyung was already home. Hearing what had happened to her, the couple had the same thought.

"Taehyung, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Y/N questioned.

Words- 5600

THODI SI TAREEF IDHAR KAR SAKTE HO------------------------------------>

Translation :: (You can praise me over here)

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