The King in the Tunnels

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I followed him as we made our way through the streets in the dead of night. It was cold with a thin dusting of snow covering the city streets making it almost impossible to recall those late summer nights Gani and I had spent out on the balcony at the beginning of our training. Sabri didn't speak as he led me through twists and turns in the darkness and I decided not to question him although there was so much I wanted to ask. Who the hell was he and how had he gotten into the most secured wing in the castle without detection? After about a half hour of walking Sabri stopped at a large grate at the end of the alleyway. I would have never noticed it if he hadn't suddenly began fidgeting with it. After a minute he finally managed to wrench it off. Once he had done so he just stood there a minute as he tried to regain his breath before he finally pointed to it.

"In there Nicolai, come on. Let's go."

It was a tunnel and the second I entered I was entrapped by darkness. I took one blind step forward before someone, I assumed Sabri, grabbed my hand.

"This way," he said quietly as he began to lead me somewhere in the darkness. I swallowed hard. He was working with Edgar, he obviously wouldn't hurt me...right? It wasn't like he was about to lead me off a cliff...hopefully.

"How are you able to see so well in the dark?" I whispered quietly

"Lot's of training. You're an assassin aren't you? They should have shipped you off to Idoris. That's where real warriors are trained." Oh, so he was Idorian? A strange coincidence considering that's where we were headed with the prince tomorrow. I wondered if this was all part of Edgar's plan. It was unusual for him to risk coming this close to the castle for no reason.

"What is this place?"

"They're tunnels that used to be used by dark magicians when blood magic was banned from the kingdom. They used to use it for sacrifices." A shiver shot down my spine. People were murdered here by sorcerers. I couldn't help but wonder if my parents had ever come here before they were executed. God I hoped not. I could see a dim light coming from under what appeared to be some sort of door at the end of the tunnel. As we approached the whisper of voices could be heard echoing around the tunnel's walls. As we got closer it became clear that it was definitely a door, a large one at that, it towered at least two feet over Sabri and I and seemed to have some sort of symbols carved across the top. Sabri knocked four times, once long and twice short.

"Friends we dine tonight." He said loudly. There was a beat of silence before a low voice answered.

"And what may I ask is for dinner my lad?"

"Only the finest serpent lain out on a bed of roses." There was another beat of silence and finally the door clicked open.

We entered into a bustling room. Multiple shelves and tables had been set up covered with what might have been thousands of candles. People were gathered round in clumps chatting and no one even looked up when Sabri and I entered. There were a few faces I recognized, all devout followers of Edgar who were with him everywhere. And speak of the devil...suddenly I heard his voice behind me.

"Nicolai! I haven't seen you in months!" I turned around to face my king...the true king. He was there, pale skin illuminated in the candlelight, long dark hair framing a sharp featured yet handsome face. It suddenly struck me that Edgar was Emery...prince Mikhos's uncle. At first glance they didn't seem similar in the slightest, Edgar's features appeared stone cut and angular while his nephew's were soft and smooth. However now that I was looking at him I realized how similar his dark eyes were to Mikhos. I was pulled into his embrace and I hugged him back though I still felt a bit uneasy. Why had he brought me here and more importantly...had he known about Mira's death this entire time. Edgar smiled at me fondly and gave me a small pat on the shoulder.

"I missed you so much my dear Nicolai. You know...after that terrible incident involving Everston and your sister...once I began to train you myself...really even from the first few weeks I took you under my protection I began to see you almost as a son to me." He chuckled. "I wish to hear all about your training and new life in the castle." I didn't feel like chatting, I had gone through so much in the last few hours. I didn't want anymore lies so I just cut to the point.

"You said you wanted to see me? Is something wrong?" Edgar's smile widened.

"Well, I arrived here to gather some supplies from the capital we'll need for the upcoming war that's all, since I was so near by I just desperately wanted to visit you. But well...haha I couldn't come to the castle for obvious reasons so instead I sent someone to bring you here."

"Isn't it dangerous to be so close to the castle for a simple thing like supplies." He clicked his tongue at that.

"Smart boy. I'm afraid this mission is confidential but I can tell you that soon it will be extremely important. Now speaking of missions let's talk about yours. Any issues with the prince?" I shook my head slowly.

"No...the only issues we've had have been strictly personal."

"Ah yes, I was informed by some of my sources you two didn't get along too well at first-"

"Edgar tonight...he told me that Mira was dead and he had rigged the tournament on her request." This caused Edgar to fall dead silent. I tried to read his gaze, worry...sorrow? Whatever it was destroyed any doubts in my mind he already knew.

"I was informed that the tournament situation had been taken care of and we no longer had to rig anything but...I just assumed it was one of my men who had done it. Mira...I had no idea." I couldn't cry again, there was nothing left in me so I just nodded.

"How did she...die?"

"I don't know. Mikhos offered to tell me but I told him I didn't want to hear it, at least not yet. I just need some time to process that she's really gone before I can even think about how she actually died." Edgar nodded slowly.

"I understand. I can't believe it. So many many spies...yet no one discovered she had been at the castle all that time." He ran a hand through the dark waves of his hair, a habit I had discovered he did when he was thinking. "About your trip to Idoria tomorrow...I'm sending someone with you to make sure everything goes well. If you're discovered somehow I want you to have backup so you're not completely defenseless."

"It's a small group going how will you manage to-"

"It's already handled. Don't worry, you'll know who the person is when you see them. I need you to make sure you keep the prince's trust. The more he trusts you the less he will suspect you. Remember, you are his protector up till the day the king dies. If something happens to him other than the night the king is killed then our window of opportunity to take over while the kingdom is thrown into chaos will be lost and we might find ourselves fighting another war with more self proclaimed heirs." I nodded.

"Yes, I understand." His smile returned.

"Good. You must get back to your chambers now. We don't want you to blow your cover you've built over 4 months just because you've slipped out of the castle. Sabri will lead you back." He pulled me into one last tight embrace.

"Good luck and be well. Great things will be brought by you Nicolai." I hugged back burying my face into the large black coat he wore. I had forgotten how comforting he could be. I guess he really was the closest thing to a father figure I had ever had.

"I missed you."

"And I you. Now go, I believe in you."


We stood in the throne room where Mikhos had called us to meet before we set out to sail to Idoria. The King was supposed to be there to see us off but due to another bout of fever this morning he was deemed too unwell to be out of bed. It was only a matter of time before he died, everyone knew it but no one was actually brave enough to say the words. Mikhos finally began to speak.

"Alright, before we set out on our journey I have a few things I need to discuss. First of all, remember that historically (though things have been looking up recently) the Idorians don't us. You know what I'm talking about, wars occurred, our kingdoms picked different sides, shit happened. They most likely are as interested in this proposal working out as we are so it's unlikely you will be in any area where you might be endangered but nevertheless be alert. Now more importantly," he turned to me his gaze meeting mine. "Nicolai I have a job for you. It's extremely important, the most important task I have given any Kingsmen thus far because I know you will be able to handle it." I straightened immediately, bowing my head.

"Yes your majesty. How may I be of service?" I fucking hated calling him 'your majesty' but if he had an important assignment for me I would willingly take it.

"I need you to be in charge of Alabaster during the trip since I will not be able to watch her 24/7." A servant suddenly appeared handing me Mikhos's white cat.

"What the h-" I caught myself. "Your majesty...I do not understand why you would think it is my duty over your cat. Surely you could have a servant do it." Mikhos shook his head.

"Nicky shut up. Alabaster's safety is a top priority on this trip. I can't just leave her in the hands of someone who can't protect her."
"She's a cat."

"Your point? She's a royal cat. Someone could try and get a ransom for her." It was taking everything in me not to roll my eyes.

"Why are you even bringing her. If you're so worried-"

"I left my precious Alabaster alone here for four months and I do not intend on leaving her again. End of discussion. Does anyone else have any issues with Alabaster?" There was silence. Mikhos nodded. "Alright good. Nicky if you do a thing to harm her I will have you tossed from the ship immediately and you can swim all the way to Idoris. Are we understood?"

"Yes your majesty."

"Good. Final thing, I would like to introduce you to the Idorian ambassador who will be coming with us. He will be acting as a guide, negotiator and translator for us. He has been staying at the castle for the last couple months and I'm sure you'll all like him, Sabri will you please come forward and present yourself?" On cue Sabri appeared beside Mikhos, I had literally no idea how I hadn't seen him. So...Sabri was the ambassador to Idoria? Our countries were on bad terms, maybe the Idorians had allegiance with Edgar and there was more to his 'marriage proposal' than what met the eye." Sabri smiled, his gaze falling over the other Kingsmen. "It is nice to meet you all. I have just been informed by the ship's captain that they are ready to depart whenever we are." Mikhos nodded.

"Wonderful. Come on then, fellow Kingsmen, cat guardian, let's go." As we began to move Sabri caught my gaze and gave me a thin smile. Who the hell knew what was going to happen in Idoria but for some reason I felt like I wasn't being told everything which made me extremely uneasy. 

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