The Sins of the Father

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Mikhos's PoV

I sat in the large chamber awaiting the beginning of the meeting in which I would have to tell Jaasim that our kingdoms would never be joined in matrimony. Beside me stood Sullivan and Munny who had volunteered to stay with me and Jaasim had insisted he trusted me enough to not need guards on his side. After a few moments had passed the sultan finally appeared. He was dressed less formally than usual and wore a long silk robe of a deep blue sapphire, there were gold designs embroidered around the edges and creeping up the sleeve.

"Ah, Mikhos my dear." He smiled thinly as he came to stand before me. "So, we have come to finally discuss the marriage."

"It's not happening." Jaasim didn't react, the same thin smile remained.

"Yes, I thought that's what you were going to say. Now, my prince I have a question for you." I nodded slowly.

"Proceed." The smile on Jaasim's face tightened.

"I've heard the tales of your intelligence my prince. Obviously you were completely aware of what Idoria's state was and that the prospects of this marriage would not be worth it on your part. So then, I really must ask, why did you take the journey all the way out here yourself instead of just sending an ambassador to check to make sure the state of my kingdom was as you suspected? Doing something so pointless is so unlike you that I would like to suggest that perhaps you had...different motivations for coming here." I bowed my head.

"It appears you've caught me red handed. I came looking for answers." Jaasim arched a thin black brow.

"And what kind of answers would a pretty little western prince like you need to search for in Idoria?"

"I discovered some blood magic books my father hadn't found and thus couldn't destroy. I believe they belonged to my uncle. There were some specifics in it about something in Idoria I wished to find but since our countries were in such a bad position with each other I couldn't simply visit without motivation. When I received your sister's marriage proposal I saw an opportunity and I took it."

"And, my sweet prince...did you find the answers you were looking for?"

"No. Though believe me I've tried." A small grin tugged at the corner of Jaasim's lips and all of a sudden I felt like I had made a horrible mistake.

"Silly, boy. You could have just asked. I know for a fact that I can help you with that problem." Suddenly panels from the wall opened up and Jaasim's royal guard came through. Two grabbed Munny and another two grabbed Sullivan. Munny struggled and one of the guards holding him smacked him so hard over the head the boy lost consciousness. Sullivan looked completely petrified and a guard whispered something to him that made him look like he was going to faint. Probably a threat of some kind that if he made a sound they would slit his throat.

"That's the problem with this little...Kingsmen system. Oh, it's great to have loyal guards, the best in the kingdoms, but everyone always forgets that you're still all children. You don't have the experience in the beginning. You're just like little baby turtles trying to crawl across the beach to reach the sea, as long as we birds snatch you up early before you have time to grow you're so much easier to take care of." How had I been stupid enough to lead myself into this kind of trap? I just never had thought...I took a deep breathe. I needed to remain calm. I needed to keep my composure like I always did. I had to play the role of a powerful prince...a prince who was unnervingly brave didn't feel fear. I swallowed my dread.

"What kind of game are you playing at Jaasim? If you kill me it will mean war. We both know Idoria could never take Pecore in battle." Jaasim's smile expanded as he began to walk towards me, backing me up against the back wall of the room, his soldiers remained there, watching in silence.

"That's the thing my sweet prince. This isn't going start a war for Idoria. It's going going to earn us a fantastic reward and a powerful allie." I almost scoffed at that.

"You think my father will reward you for this."

"Yes. He's the one who ordered it." My mind was spinning trying to understand what was happening. I had to...remain calm...I could do this...I could keep myself together.

"You're lying. My father is sick and bedridden back in Pecore. He couldn't have ordered this."

"I don't mean that dying sack of bones that claims he's the 'true' King. I mean your father. The rightful ruler." My world felt like it had suddenly come to a halt as his words sunk in.

"You can't mean..."

"You never knew your mother did you?"

"No...she died when I was born."

"Well...let's just say she wasn't exactly loyal to her husband. And of all the men she decided to lust after it just happened to be her husband's older brother."

"You're lying. How would you know that?" It couldn't be true. He raised a hand and touched my face, running his fingers down my cheek slowly causing me to tense.

"What reason would I have to lie? Aww, don't make that face. The realization too much for you? That good ol' uncle Edgar who tried to murder you as a boy is really your father?" He chuckled coldly, his laugh turned my blood to ice. "Oh my poor sweet little prince."

"Does Edgar...does he know..." Jaasim smirked, leaning closer, bringing his face only an inch away from mine.

"But of course. That's why he needs to kill you." That's when I felt him plunging a syringe into my neck and everything went black.


Nicky's PoV

I wondered how negotiations were going with Jaasim. He was unstable and certainly not someone I would have wanted to deliver the bad news to. I hoped he didn't end up lashing out too much. I was relieved that both Munny and Sullivan were there in case anything went too badly. Normally I would have come with them but I had my own situation to deal with. I stared down at the note that had been slipped under my door last night.

'Meet me in my chambers when the tower chimes 8 bells, yours truly -Aasiya'

I had no idea why she wanted to see me but she still was the princess and my friend, it would be rude to not come to meet with her. I arrived in front of her room and when the guards stationed in front of it saw me they gave me a little nod and allowed me to enter. She was waiting there in the center of the room, a loose dress of purple silk hanging from her slender frame. Her face lit up when she saw me.

"Nicolai!" She moved over to greet me, beaming. I wondered if she had any idea that Mikhos wasn't going to be accepting her hand in marriage. Maybe that's why she had wanted to see me, this could be the last time we would ever see each other. She gestured to a chair in the corner of the room.

"Nicky, please have a seat." I nodded, moving over to sit. "Can I get you something to drink?" She moved over to pour me a glass of wine and before I could even open my mouth to reply I had the glass in my hand. Dear God Idorians drank a lot.

"Was there something you wanted to talk about?" She nodded slowly.

"Yes but...we'll get to that later." I arched a brow.

"Okay?" She giggled.

"First I want to hear what you think of Idoria. I mean, your time here is almost up. Surely you must have some opinions about it." Why was she asking me this? Was she trying to get me to confirm that we would be leaving soon without her. I cleared my throat.

"It's a really nice country. I like it a lot." You know...minus the crazy sultan and horrible financial bit. She smiled sweetly, running a hand through her long brown hair.

"Nicky...would you ever want to stay here?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. I never thought about it. I's not like I ever could though. My place is beside Mikhos." She was silent a moment, then all of a sudden she lowered herself into my lap. I was so surprised that the wine glass slipped from my hand and crashed to the floor shattering.


"Don't worry about it." She adjusted herself slightly, turning around so she was now straddling me, one arm draped lazily over my shoulder. "What if I told could stay here Nicky." I was so overwhelmed, just desperately trying to make sense of whatever the fuck was happening.

"I don't understand Aasiya..." suddenly a soldier entered unannounced. Aasiya looked up when he entered, her brows furrowed.

"Haasi what did I say about entering without knocking."

"I'm sorry my lady but it's started. I thought you would want to know right away. They knocked him out a few minutes ago." She smiled thinly before giving him a curt nod.

"Good, make sure everyone is in their position. Tell them I'll be joining them quickly, as soon as I do a little something." The guard nodded before swiftly exiting. I was feeling a slight rush of panic sweep over me.

"Aasiya what's going on?" She smiled, leaning forward slightly.

"Nicky what if you didn't go back to Pecore? What if you stayed here as my captain of the guards?" I shook my head.

"I'm sorry Aasiya but you know my duty is to my prince. Besides, I'm sure your brother wouldn't be thrilled to appoint me." Her gaze suddenly darkened at that.

"I didn't say his captain, I said mine. As for your prince, I'm not sure there will be much of him left to protect." I tried to move to stand up but I couldn't. I was met with the horrifying realization that Aasiya had tied my hands to the chair. Panic tore at my stomach. What the fuck was she talking about? What did she mean whatever was left of Mikhos? I needed to protect him. "Aasiya, please...tell me what's going on."

"My brother is insane, he is driving Idoria into ruin and everyone knows it. I should be their leader. I have the support of almost the entire army and kingdom but my brother still has people loyal to him, plus hated or not it won't look good if people know I had my own brother murdered. I happen to know that in the coming hour he will be in an extremely private spot, the perfect place for an assassination. The only problem is your little prince is involved up in it and unfortunately I don't think there will be much I can do to save him from my brother."

"When the king finds out about this...that his son was murdered in Idoria...there will be war!" Aasiya clicked her tongue.

"Nicky, you're adorable but extremely stupid. By the time the news reaches him his son is dead we'll tell him that both his son and my brother were killed in a radicalist assassination attempt. We will both have suffered a loss and I will suggest that together we mourn and bring our countries closer together so their deaths won't be in vain." I felt like I was going to scream, panic and anger ripping up my insides. I had nothing else left...I had to beg...

"Please Aasiya, tell me where he is. Let me go to him. I might be able to still make it in time-" she pushed a finger to my lips.

"Nicky, I'm not going to let you anywhere near the fighting. It's to dangerous. You'll be out numbered and honestly it's better for Idoria if the prince dies with my brother so this little incident never has to come out to the public. Please, I know you'll consider my offer. I don't want you to leave. Honestly, Nicky from the moment I locked eyes on you I think I knew I loved you. And I think you feel the same way." She suddenly leaned in, kissing me. I couldn't pull away tied down to the chair so instead when she tried to lean in again I tried to turn my head.

"I'm sorry Aasiya...I love...I love someone else..." her eyes narrowed, her mouth drawing into a thin line.

"It's him isn't it?" For a moment I thought I had said it as a lie, a way for her to let go of this absurd fixation with me. But as she said those words I knew exactly who she was referring to and despite the fact that I shook my head 'no' she still knew the truth that even I, deep down, wasn't quite yet able to admit to myself yet. Finally she laughed. "Well, he's about to be taken care of anyway. I'm sure you'll change your mind. Just give it time Nicky...I know you'll fall in love with me." She leaned forward again, planting a quick kiss to my forehead. "Now, I have a assasination to attend. I hope you're comfortable my love." That's when I started screaming,

"Aasiya! Aasiya! Wait! Don't leave! Please just let me go-" She stopped for a moment, turning to me for a brief moment and blowing me a kiss before she slipped out of the door and closed it. 

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