A cat in rags

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Chat breathed heavily as he jolted up awake, his shoulders shaking as his eyes were wide in near tears. He brought his hands up to run through his messy hair. He knew it was all a dream but....it felt so real.....

He felt something at his side shift and he quickly looked down at his side, seeing Mari still asleep on the cot. Her hand lightly gripping onto his. He sighed in relief that she was still at his side. He gave her hand a light squeeze, bringing it up to gently kiss each of her knuckles. Her fingers twitched slightly, Chat looking back down at her seeing she was slightly awake. But he could tell she was still tired.

'You're okay...' she mouthed to him. Chat just smiles, placing her hand at her side before pecking her forehead.

"Rest, love, you still need rest...." he said softly. Not wanting her to worry. His wrist burning suddenly and it hurt. Like in his dream...

'What about you?....' she asked looking up at him. The moonlight making her eyes shine again.

"I'll be fine, Don't worry about this cat." he only smirked. Mari smiling tiredly at him as she fell asleep once more. Chat pecking her forehead again before he stands and leaves into the cold night. It didn't bother him as much since the cloak that rested on his shoulders kept him warm.

Chat walked away, now with renewed strength, away from the tents and into the woods. He wasn't sure where in the woods but just far away for a short stroll to clear his head. To clear his mind of that horrid nightmare.

The soft crunches of dead leaves below a boots feet filled the silence in the woods that night. Chat making very little noise as he walked. Eyes averted to the ground as his mind continued to be lost in thought. He, at last, came to a clearing where a few boulders stood. The trees surrounding him. 

The word continued to echo around him, it was being whispered in his ear. Like a devil telling him to kill. The strange burning sensation from continued to burn at his wrist.

Chat looked down at his wrist, pulling his sleeve down to reveal the cause of the burning. It was a simple mark that resembled a black cat. Its emerald eyes pierced through Chat as he stared down at him. The piercing eyes burned with a desire. One that Chat found familiar. It sat proudly, tail curled behind it, as if ready to pounce and attack.

Chat flexed his fingers slightly, feeling the energy tingling at his fingertips. Could what occurred in his dream truly happen in real life? Trial and error he guessed, as the cat's eyes scanned the area for something to test his ability. As well of any people that were there or could've followed him. If this power was as powerful as it was great, he didn't want to risk being thrown behind bars for murder. 

His eyes fell on a large, pointed boulder surrounded by some smaller ones. Chat walked up to the rock, placing a gloved hand against it and feeling its cold surface. As if on cue, his mark began to burn once more, voices chanting the word at the back of his skull. He bit his lip in nervousness, twitching his fingers slightly. He took a breath before finally saying the word that taunted him that night. 


He felt a pulse of energy surge through him to the tip of his fingers and to the boulder. At first, nothing had happened before a large crack started to spread upward. The cat staggered back as the cracks spread and the boulder split in half. The halves falling to the ground. Chat stared as all this happened in shock. With powers like that he could destroy anything!

He could.....

He could.........

He looked down at his mark once more, the cat now curled up in a sleeping position. Seeming at ease and calm. Like it was saying 'doesn't that feel nice?'

Whatever power he had, he knew he couldn't control it. He knew he could no longer be the Chat Noir he is now...



((Thanks alot mom for getting this stuck in my head!!))

People cheered, sang and danced throughout the festival once more. The annual harvest festival had begun and the scent of fresh food and crops filled the air. In the middle of the town square, a familiar violinist stood and danced on the rim of the large circular fountain, playing her music. Her melodies joyful like always. Smile always bright, infecting the crowd around her as they smiled as well.

She wore a blue dress this time, one that was as deep as the ocean. Her violin was even a pure white. She twirled and made little leaps, never falling as the water of the fountain rose and fell, swaying side to side with her music, it followed the beat. It rose high and low, occasionally sprinkling the crowd to refresh them from the heat that afternoon.  

Everyone was cheering and dancing to the beautiful maiden's songs. All but one...Don' t get him wrong. Adrien DEFINITELY wanted to be dancing and laughing with the rest of them (with the bluebell beauty in particular...) but he was a bit...embarrassed. Adrien couldn't transform into Chat Noir. There was nothing wrong with the ring, both he and Plagg knew this. But no matter what Plagg said, or however Adrien tried to reason with himself, the blond couldn't manage to say those two transformation words. His nightmare still haunted him. Night after night the boy woke in a cold sweat, still grasping at the spot his beloved was turning to dust. Adrien couldn't transform into Chat Noir...because he was scared. The blond had done all in his power to avoid his violinist, despite what his heart wanted. Desperately he wanted to run to her, feel her warmth and gentle hand play through his hair, telling him all was alright in her own, silent way...But everything WASN'T alright!! With a single word, Chat Noir could destroy everything he loved...Why Plagg had never told him before about these destructive abilities was a mystery...and one Adrien was still too confused and shaken to ask about. 

But it wasn't long till Adrien couldn't take it anymore! He HAD to see Marinette! But how does he get to the village without being recognized? Maybe he could make his own disguise...

But he quickly realized that this was a horrible, HORRIBLE mistake. Adrien had scoured the entire mansion from top to bottom. Deep gray tablecloths. Torn leather boots. An old pair of falconing gloves. Anything and everything Adrien could use to scrap together a costume. At first, he thought he did an alright job. I mean, he was by no means the fashion designer his father or Marinette was. But what he wore didn't matter, as long as his identity was hidden and he could see Mari....right...?

But now that he was here at the village, all Chat could think about was the god-awful atrocity of an outfit he was wearing. IN PUBLIC. His chest was clad in a beautifully embroidered black tunic, paired with an off-colored gray undershirt, and the rattiest pair of black pants Adrien had ever seen. (He was pretty sure they were the same he had stolen from one of the stable boys, seeing as the hems of the pants were oddly stained, and smelled odd of hay and, well, horse byproducts...)Falconing gloves.Bedsheet cape. A rope belt. And the boots two sizes too big. And to top it all off, a mask was fashioned from a torn piece of the same bedsheet. It. Was. Horrid. And currently, Chat Noir was wearing it all, trying to force himself to walk out in front of a girl dressed so stunningly, while he looked like the monster that crawled out from the back of his closet of refused clothes. 

Great. Just great.

As a grand final, all the water pillars met in the middle, they crashed and it caused a shower and a rainbow to appear before it all fell. Everyone cheered, Mari, taking a bow to them. The crowd slowly left as Mari sat on the rim of the fountain. Taking a big sigh of relief, she was glad that everyone had enjoyed her show. For now, she would rest and regain strength before performing again. Perhaps, when the sun begins to set since it was so close to that time now.

From the shadows, the mysterious clothed person stepped out into the light in his ragged attire now being displayed for the world to see. For people to see and mock him of it. But no one seemed to mind him as he walked up towards the violinist. Standing before her and bowing at the waist deeply. A familiar, smug, smirk crawled onto his lips

"Your performance was as stunning as ever Purrincess!!" the black stranger said.

Marinette looked at them in confusion, has she met this person before? As the man lifted his head to look up at her, familiarity lighting her face when she saw those green eyes.

'Kitty?!' she exclaimed silently, eyes wide in shock. The cat laughing nervously as he rubbed behind his head sheepishly, standing tall but looking down at her.

"Surprise m'lady?..." he asked. 

'What happened?' she mouthed slowly, looking him up and down. Not once has she seen her cat in something so...so...ridiculous. Damn it she was turning into Chloe. But can you blame her?! I mean look at the poor cat!! But the cat only shrugs, moving to sit next to her. 

"Its nothing you need to worry about my little violinist. It's only temporary. Soon I'll be back to my true roguish self!!" he said proudly, trying to hide how embarrassed he was to be wearing this. He could've sworn he heard some kids who passed by point and giggle at him. But Mari only looked at him oddly, shrugging slightly as well.

'If you say so kitty...' she mouthed.  Chat nods, turning away to watch all the other people who were enjoying the festival. Mari looked through her journal, trying to decide on a song to play. She looked up at her surroundings, before having an idea. She closed her journal and stood on the street again.


((Best song ever XD))

 She began to play and magic happened. Her dress changed! 

The once deep blue silk dress that flowed and shimmered at her steps and movements as she danced changed as a new dress appeared. It was that of warms colors of bright bold reds and gold accents. Even in her hair, it had some gold shimmer. Her violin had turned to its brown-red color once more with patterns that looked like flames. Looking at the street lamps lit by the fire she had her story. 

She used her magic so she could take the flames from the post and the streets were slightly dark. For this, she played 'the battle of flames' the fire that hovered over the crowd shifted, separating into two as they farmed into Phoenixes. One of a vibrant red. The other a bold blue. The two glared to one another as they gave a screech before they started to fight in the sky, but it looked like they were dancing.

Chat watched in awe at the show above him as the sun set behind the mountains and the birds lit the sky. It was truly amazing. But a harsh wind blew, causing the cats 'mask' to come off. His eyes widened in fear as she pulled the hood part of his bed sheet cloak over his face to conceal himself. Lucky for him it landed a few feet in front of him. As he got up to get it, a furry blur picked it up and ran off with it into the crowd. Chat looked up seeing a brown tail before it vanished. He glanced up at his violinist that still played so he quickly fled the scene. He pushed through the crowd in search of that damn furball who stole his mask.

"Get your butt out here you mutt!" Chat yelled looking around frantically.

He searched high and low for the damn thing but it couldn't be seen anywhere in this large of a festival! He felt like giving up as he rested against a barrel near an alley. 

But that's when he heard it. He looked on the other side, seeing the mutt chewing and knawing on the mask like some kind of toy!! 

"Hey! That's mine!!" Chat yelled, diving to grab it from the dog. The two soon in a round of tug-of-war as they pulled the sash back and forth. Eventually, the dog let go and fled into the festival but Chat only stammered back, watching the dog fled. He held up his now slobbered mask, groaning as he made his way back, just in time to see the phoenixes to collide into a violet firework. Everyone cheering. Everyone but the cat...

As the crowd left, he walked up to Mari with a rather annoyed look. He held up his ruined, torn and slobbered mask. One sniff and Mari knew what had happened and held back her silent laughs.

'If you'd like, I can take you back to my place to make a new one,' she offered the cat. But, to her surprise, he only shrugs and waved her off. 

"I'll be alright m'lady. It's fine" He said, holding back the urge to complain to his princess what had happened. How a tiny demon dog stole his mask. So he only went to the fountain and washed it off the best he could, squeezing it dry before putting it on and joining Marinette for the rest of the festival that night.


Adrien groaned, now wearing normal clothes in relief after the most embarrassing day of his life. He flopped onto his bed after returning home.  

"Maybe you should've-" Plagg was cut off before he could speak.

"For the last time, I will not transform and risk hurting her!!" Adrien yelled, "If I hurt her, I would never be able to forgive myself..."

Plagg's ears pressed against his head, regretting not telling Adrien sooner of his powers. Just then he hid away as there was a knock at the boy's door. Natalie entering as Adrien sat up.

"What is it, Natalie?" Adrien asked with a less annoyed tone. Adjusting her glasses, the woman spoke.

"Her Highness, Princess Lila Rossi has invited you to the kingdoms annual ball this weekend." She said. Adrien groaning and running a hand through his hair.

"I decline the invitation..." he said. He's met the princess many times and you could say she was like Chloe but not as clingy. But there was always a weird feeling when he was with her. Natalie sighed, not wanting to play this card but she needed Adrien to attend.

"I heard that your violinist friend would be attending." She said. Adrien's head shooting up at the news to look at her.

"I change my mind!!" He exclaimed, making Natalie sigh heavily. 

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