The Truth

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The sounds of a horses hooves could be heard outside the carriage Adrien, his father, and his assistant Natalie road as they rode to the palace of Princess Lila. She had invited many Nobels from all around to join the festivities that night to celebrate the birth of their kingdom. They pulled up to the grand staircase leading to inside the palace. Other guests had already arrived, some heading to the ballroom while others talked with old friends on the side.

As Adrien stepped out, he was making sure his coat jacket was buttoned down, nothing was to be out of place tonight. But he stopped when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. He looked back seeing a familiar face.

Behind him stood none other than his violinist in a red gown, decorated with a pink lace and a navy blue ribbon at the waist. She looked absolutely stunning. Adrien opened his mouth to speak but another hand was placed on his shoulder, Adrien looking back to see his father who stared rather blankly at them.

"Control yourself Adrien. Before we socialize with others we must greet the host of this event," he said.

Poor Adrien sighing as he, his father, Natalie, and Marinette all entered the palace. Marinette trailed behind the three of them, Adrien glancing back at her now and then just to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

Many other guests entered the large ballroom. It was larger than the one in Adrien's place of course. With more guests and a live band. The two teens looked in awe at the sigh.

The four of them walked through the crowd, making their way to the platform where a single, golden throne sat. A woman stood by it, a golden crown resting on her brown in her dark brown hair. She was clothed in a silk gown of orange, browns, and golds. Black gloves reaching her elbows. Ivy green eyes flowed over the many guests in the room while she talked to some of the Noblemen before her.

"Princess Lila, we are honored that you took it upon yourself to invite us," Gabriel said as all four of them bowed. Lila glanced at them before excusing herself from to turn to them.

"The honor is all mine Lord Agretse. I'm simply honored you were able to attend." Lila replies bowing her head in respect. Gabriel nods again, motioning Adrien to step forward.

"This is my son, Adrien," Gabriel said, presenting the boy who bowed again, taking the princess by the hand and gently kissing her knuckles. Marinette secretly trying to keep calm cause it's not like she was jealous or anything.....

"Thank you for inviting me..." Adrien said looking up to the princess who smiled down at him sweetly.

"I'm glad you were able to attend!" The princess replies.  Adrien stood straight again, turning back to bring Marinette forward. "And this is my closest friend, Marinette,"

Marinette bowed her head politely to the monarch as she smiled, but there was a strange spark in her eyes at the sight of the violinist.

"Ah yes! I've heard about you from others, I welcome you, my dear violinist." Lila said sweetly. Mari only nodding once more in thanks. Gabriel raising a brow at the two teens as they excused themselves and walked away. The two laughing, one silent than the other.

"I'm glad you were able to attend Princess!" Adrien said cheerfully, cheeks a bright red. Mari nods frantically as they moved to the buffet table. A grand feast was laid out, but the two had skipped the main course and went straight to deserts. Sweets and treats galore! Both of their mouths watering, eyes widen like kids on Christmas day. Adrien was able to sample some of them, humming in delight before a song had started to play.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Adrien wiped off any crumbs from his mouth and coat before turning to Mari and bowing at the waist while offering a hand. "May I have this dance m'lady? Seeing as we didn't get the chance to dance at my fathers gala..."

Marinette was filling a napkin with some of the treats for later when Adrien asked. She stopped, putting the food away in a dress pocket before smiling and taking his hand. Adrien leading them to the dance floor, getting into position as they started to sway and then waltz with the others. The music was a beautiful melody played by many strings and harps, trumpets, large drums, a piano and other instruments Marinette has seen before.

The music echoed throughout the room as the two danced in the sea of dancers. They were in the very center. Adrien would laugh when he'd occasionally twirl her, making her dress flow around, or pick her up by the waist and holding her up for the whole world to see. She would laugh as well but of course, nothing came out.

From the side of the crowd, Gabriel watched as his son danced with the maiden in red who never spoke. Eye narrowing at the two before turning away, leaving the ballroom and into the hallway. No one noticed.

Another pair of eyes watched them in jealousy. They were an ivy green as they glared at the violinist. It was none other than Princess Lila, who has taken a liking to Adrien just as much as Chloe and Marinette. Just seeing him dancing with another who wasn't her made her furious. She hated the violinist. A voice called her attention.

At the corner of her eye, she saw a gloved hand beckoning her into the gardens outside of the ballroom. The princess raises a brow, unsure if she should trust this mysterious person but she left to meet them outside. The gardens were beautiful outside at night, the birds singing faintly in the trees with the crickets chirping below.

The Princess was skeptical, looking around for whoever called her outside. She stopped, feeling a presence. She slowly turned, looking back at a figure in the shadows, leaning against a tree. They held a cane, a glowing, violet gem sat on top. She shot a glare to them.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my palace?! If you don't leave now I will call the guards." she threatened. But the person only chuckled deeply.

"Do not fear, your highness, I simply wish to aid you..." the dark figure said. The Princess looked at him skeptically.

"Why should I question you?" She questioned him. The man only smirks.

"Because I fear that your reign will soon end, and we both know you don't want that. Don't you?" He replies.

Lila's eyes widened in shock before they glared at him again, "What is it that will lead to the end of my reign?"

The man only smirked, one that was sinister and dark.


In the end, as the music was slowly ending, Adrien brought Marinette down, bringing her close before giving her a gentle kiss. The people around them applauded before they pulled away. Adrien took her by the hand, leading her through the crowd. He took them outside into the long halls. Adrien bursting out laughing with Mari's silent one as he let go of her.

"That was more fun than I thought!" He said, holding his stomach that hurt a little as he laughed. Whenever he danced with someone, it would be Chloe, who would constantly step on his feet or change the dance style. Marinette nodded, reaching into her pocket to pull out the cloth with some of the cookies and other treats she had stolen from the table. It made Adrien's mouth water again seeing them, taking one for himself.

The two decided to rest, staying out in the hall and admiring the many paintings that pictured many royals or nobles that were important in the eyes of the royal family. Marinette walked along the side, looking up at the many portraits while munching on a cookie. But because of her clumsiness, she tripped on her feet, causing her to fall forward. She grabbed one of the black cloths covering a painting in hopes it would catch her. But the whole black sheet was only pulled down with her, revealing the painting.

Adrien was admiring a painting of a slightly chubby man on a horse, sword raised high. A general of sorts? He even tried to imitate the pose, holding one of the cookies in the air as his sword. But a hard thud caught his attention.

He looked back, seeing someone under a black cloth as they tried to find their way out. He hurried over, removing the cloth to find Marinette as she rubbed her head. He laughed a little.

"You okay M'lady? Sounded like you had a nasty fall," Adrien said, helping Mari to her feet. Marinette only nodded still rubbing the sore spot on her head. Adrien laughed again before picking up the cloth, "We better put this back before....." but he stopped himself, looking up at the painting. Marinette did as well, her eyes widening at the sight.

The black cloth had covered a painting of a couple. One a tall man, his brown hair combed back slightly. Even his mustache was well groomed! He wore garments of deep and bright blues. A crown of gold sat on his head. One hand he held his sword that was attached to his belt, the other was placed against the waist of the woman beside him. She wore an elegant and bright scarlet dress with golden patterns that looked like flowers and swirls, a silver crown decorated with rubies in her hair as dark as the night, while her eyes were a silvery grey. Her smile was warm and loving. In her arms, she held a much smaller form wrapped in a cloth. An infant that looked very much like their mother with dark hair, but eyes were as blue as the sea. Even it was smiling like their parents.

Adrien stared at the painting, looking back and forth from Mari to the painting. Gently taking her by the shoulders, he positioned her in the middle, just between the king and queen. He took one good look at her, taking in her features. Blue eyes, blue hair, strong spirit, determination...

'Is something wrong?...' she asked nervously.

"Yeah, just stay right there..." he replies, backing away to the other side of the hall and starring at what was before him. Marinette stood right in the middle of the painting, right below where the infant was. He looked between the queen, then the king, then the infant and back to Marinette.

Could it really be?...

He walked forward again, Marinette moving to the side as Adrien read what was carved on the dusty, golden frame.

'King Tomas Dupain, Queen Sabine Cheng, and their daughter,'

The two teens stared in shock. Marinette tugging on Adrien's sleeve, getting him to turn to her.

'Those are my parent's names!' Marinette mouthed, still in shock. Adrien stared at her in disbelief before looking down in thought.

By the looks of the painting, it was done a few years ago, and Lila looked nothing like the king and queen in the painting. And with Mari's parents having the same name...

Adrien gasped quickly grabbing Mari by the shoulders.

"You're the rightful heir!!" he exclaimed with a wide smile, motioning to the painting. "Princess Lila look nothing like these two! And you said these were your parents right?! Which means you're royalty!!" he exclaimed.

Marinette stared at Adrien then looking to Adrien again. Was she really royalty? Her parents did act strangely at times. Did they abandon her at Chloe's to protect her from something all those years ago? Marinette bit her lip, looking away before turning to Adrien once more.

'What are we going to do?' she mouthed to him. Adrien paused at the realization. What could they do? They were just a bunch of teens. Even with Adrien's Nobel status, people would simply think they were joking or playing around. They needed proof first before anything else. And the painting is all they have. Adrien only smiles gently, placing his hands on her shoulder.

"I don't know...." he says honestly, before leaning into so their foreheads could touch, eyes closing. "But, I do know we will figure this out. We will get your kingdom back..." he reassures her.

Marinette stares at him before her own eyes close as well. She felt more reassured and relaxed now. They would find a way somehow. They always did...

Their small moment was suddenly interrupted by slow clapping, as if the person wasn't amused, along with the clicking of heels. Adrien was swift to pull Mari behind him, getting into a defensive position. The two watched as from out of the shadows....

....Came Princess Lila.....

"Well, well, it looks like you unveiled the truth, literally!" She said with a rather dark chuckle. Adrien holding back a growl. Puns were his thing! Not hers. And how dare she calls herself a Princess?! The fake fox!!

"The throne is not yours. You're no ruler." He spat. Lila simply shrugging.

"But, alas, I can't let others knowing the truth too," she said. Adrien had an arm over Mari as she pulled from the ruffles of her dress, she pulls out a long, orange and golden flute. She brought it to her lips, playing a few notes. Her black, gloved hands tapping over the holes. As she stopped, two, large, bulky guards stepped out from the shadows and stood behind her at either of her sides. Adrien and Mari stared in horror seeing them. They looked so strong and intimidating. Marinette tugged on Adrien's coat to get his attention. Adrien looking back at her.

'Transform!!' she mouthed. Expression of pure fear on her face. Adrien stared at her for a moment before looking back at the two guards. Then back at her, a worry of his own building up. Not only for the two guards but for Mari. What if his nightmare became reality?

"I...I can't transform..."

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