A 'Cataclysmic' disaster

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Adrien had been kept in his house for who knew how long now. He wanted to be outside, with Marinette...

He sighed leaning against his wall by his window as it continued to rain outside. It's been raining for the last few days. But today seemed to be the heaviest.

The loud rumbling and flashing of thunder and lighting came from outside. However, a single bolt came down and made a direct hit somewhere in the woods. A bright flash caused Adrien to look out. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so he only puts it aside and went to his shelf to get a book.

Time passed and it suddenly grew dark. Adrien only assumed it was getting late. The rain soon turning to gentle drops.

"Uh, Kid?..." Plagg said getting Adrien to look up from his book for the first time. Plagg pointed out the window worriedly.

Adrien rushed to the window and his eyes widened. Seeing the smoke rise and flames peak out from over the trees. Eyes widening realizing where it was. He looked around before quickly opening his window and leaping out.



People screamed, cried and coughed as servants helped each other out of the burning mansion that was struck by lightning. Many were injured and covered in soot and ashes. Others from the village ran out from the trees with buckets of water and throwing it at the burning building in hopes of putting it out.

A certain rouge soon arriving at the scene and looking around in panic. There was so much going on he couldn't focus.

"Where's Marinette?!" One of the maids yelled out to the others. Many others began to panic at that single question.

Something in Chat snapped hearing that very question. It echoed at the back of his skull. Those around him began to blur as he stared up at the burning mansion. The beating of his heart ringed in his ears.

A different kind of fire lit in his eyes as a black figure rushed into the building. He ignored the calls of others behind him. He got out of the way as a piece of the ceiling fell. Flames were everywhere so he had to act quickly and find her immediately.

"Marinette!!!" He yelled, holding up an arm to shield his eyes from the smoke and to cover his mouth to prevent him from breathing in as much. He pressed on deeper into the heart of the flames.

"Marinette!! Princess!! Please give me a sign!!" He pleaded, looking around and avoiding the falling pieces of the ceiling.

He went down some steps to the servant's rooms. He felt his hope return as he heard faint knocking. He coughed heavily and followed the sound until he came to a closet. It had been held locked by a broom inserted in the doors handle. He hurried over, pulling the broom out and swinging the door wide open. Falling to his knees as Marinette fell out. He caught her immediately before her head could touch the floor, scooping her up and making a run for it. Up the stairs and through the mansion to the entrance to escape. Marinette coughed against him but kept running.

"Hang in there Marinette...just a little more...." he said coughing as well. His vision blurring, the smoke taking effect as he started to feel dizzy.

"It's going to come down!! Everyone back away!!" Someone yelled outside.

Chat used the last of his strength to sprint out the door, only to collapse meters away from mansion just as it came down. He breathed heavily as he held Marinette close to him. Still coughing and hacking out any smoke he inhaled.

"You're...You're safe now.....Princess..." He breathed out. His vision still failing as he laid on the grass, he heard others rushing over to them instantly.

The last he remebered was Marinette leaving his arms. Standing and facing the burning rubble, her hand out to her side. A violin and bow appearing before it all went black.


Chat groaned as he fought to open his eyes. When he did, his vision was still a little blurry. He felt something damp on his forehead too. He slowly sat up groaning more. Where in the world of catnip was he?...

"You're awake..." A voice said at his side. He glanced over, seeing a girl with auburn hair and glasses as she looked down at him. "Welcome back to the living cat boy," she adds so that only meant he was still transformed.

He just groans again, wanting nothing more than to fall back into the pillow and fall back asleep. He looked over the girl with dark skin and orange hair before him. She seemed nice enough. "I think I might've broken one or two things, but I'm still ticking so not too much harm done." He chuckles. A flood of memories crashes into him like an avalanche. "Marinette?!? Where is she?! Is she okay?! Did she make it?!" He cries, grabbing the girl by both her shoulders as he looked at her, a frenzied anxiety filling his being. "D-don't tell me she...she...she..."

"Calm down!" She exclaimed. "You need to rest. As for Marinette, she's okay. Just a few burns but nothing more. Still out like a light though" she explained to him slowly hopefully calming him down.

Chat sighed heavily in relief. "Where is she?" He asked immediately. "I need to see her,"

"She's in the next tent. But you can't get up yet. You're still healing." his nurse scolded.

"What...happened?... All I remember was the building coming down..." he asked.

Alya only shrugged, "I'm not sure myself. After you got out of the thing with her, you passed out and she stood to face the flames. Her violin suddenly appeared in her hand and she played, putting out the flames and restoring the mansion back to the way it was. Then she too collapsed, blacking out..."

Chat grumbled rubbing his forehead. It felt like he was turned inside out. "What's your name again?..."

"Alya. Now you lay down and get some rest," The girl insisted as he gently helped the cat lay down back on his cot before leaving to check on the other fire victims.

Chat waited for Alya to leave. Wishing he had asked for some kind of cream of some sort, there was a really bad burning pain on his wrist that wouldn't go away. He sat up again, his back aching as well, but he needed to find Marinette. He tried to stand but the blood rushed to his head and made him dizzier. He groaned again, shutting his eyes in hopes that it would help. His gloved hand gripped at the edge of his cot as he slowly stood, knees shaking like an autumn leaf. But he wasn't going to let that stop him.

He made his way over to a wooden pole that was propped up and leaned against it for support. Chat opened his eyes slightly to try and see what was in front of him, but he only saw some kind of tarp. Stumbling over, he pulled it aside and stepped out into the open. It was already so late that night but he was so close.

Looking around he saw that there were many other medical tents, nurses walking back and forth between them as the faint coughing and moaning of other patients were heard. They were far away from the mansion but close to the village. Blending in with the shadows, he made his way to the next tent. He made sure no one else was inside before entering. He sighed in relief, a soft smile painting his lips as he saw Mari laying in one of the cots, resting peacefully. Her violin and bow resting on a side table. He was confused when he saw it, but he wasn't going to question it right now.

He picked up a stool and placed it next to Maris cot and sat down at her side. He was relieved to see she was alive and okay. He watched her shift positions and moan once and awhile. Still, he rubbed at his burning wrist. What was making it hurt so much? Did he really get that bad of a burn?

He started feeling tired again as the cat let out a yawn. His Princess was still asleep, so It wouldn't hurt and she would be gone by the time she wakes. 

So the cat gently crawled up next to the girl, holding her against him before falling into slumber.

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