Dancing under the stars

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The two walked down the peaceful forest path. Not much was said at first, but Mari lightly taps the cat's arm who looks over to her as she held her journal.

'I know he didn't pay you but we can split mine.' it read. The cat smiled shaking his head.

"It's okay Angel. You earned it, you keep it." He said with his signature smirk. Mari looked confused writing a new message. 'Angel? Just because I'm called "Angel Ladybug" doesn't mean you have to call me that.'

It made Chat chuckle. "Well, you're as beautiful as one, your heart as pure as gold and your music and magic is heavenly," He said. This only caused the girl to blush and look away with the cat chuckling again. Chat saw the place he wanted to take Mari, so he grabbed her by the arm gently and led her over. It was a small grove surrounded by trees. It was a clear night sky and all sorts of color could be seen as the stars shined overhead. The sound of nightingales was heard in the distance, crickets chirping softly at their feet and the leaves rustling in the wind. It was natures music. Mari's jaw drops slightly in a soft gasp.

'It's beautiful' she mouthed.

Chat smiled. "Not as beautiful as mew," he said making Marinette blush even more. Her eyes went down to write once more on her journal.

'It would have been nice if we got the chance to dance at the gala' it read.

Chat's smile only grew as he stepped back slightly, bowing at the waist as he offered her a hand. "May I have this dance, Princess?...."

((Everything beyond this is our original rp that I tweaked, and spaced out))

Mari couldn't help but smile as she quickly put her things down by a tree before rushing back to him and getting into position. She danced with him, their gaze on each other, their eyes seemed to glow in the dark night. Chat smiles as he stares into her gorgeous eyes. His mouth opens for a second as if to say something. He closes his mouth, the words still not coming. Instead, Chat begins to hum. He hummed a sweet sounding lullaby. The same lullaby he had played on impulse at the gala. They continued to sway in each other's arms, the crickets, and nightingales the musicians to Chat Noir's wordless song.

Mari wished to hum along but she needed a voice to do so. To hide her saddened face she rested her head on his chest as she wrapped her arms around him. But one of the cat's natural talents was sensing if someone was down even without looking at them. The hum died in his throat as Mari leaned against him. He stops dancing. And wraps his arms around her.

One hand reaches up, stroking her hair gently. Chat quietly says into her ear, leaning down a bit. "What's wrong, Princess?"

Not wanting her kitty to feel worried, she only shook her head not looking up. 'Stupid' she thought. 'mute can't have a voice to their own....wishing and hoping for one is stupid.'

His chest shakes slightly as Chat chuckles.

"Now now, both you and I know that's not true. Just tell me what's wrong. I'll do everything in my power to make it better. I swear." He vows, still stroking her hair. It smelled of fresh rosemary and lavender.

He felt his chest feeling a little wetter. Is she crying? Did he say something wrong?!

"Marinette?!" He says louder now. He pulls himself away from Mari, his hands tight on her shoulders as he looks into her bluebell eyes, now glistening with tears.

"Oh no, no, no, Mari! Mari! Don't cry!" With his thumb he begins wiping away her tears, hushing her as he did. "Shhh... shhh... it's ok Marinette. I'm right here. You can tell me anything...please Mari..."

Her eyes kept a gaze down. She reached to take her journal from her dress pocket and starts writing, her falling tears staining the pages.

'I'm sorry.....you say you have the power to make things better for me...' she wrote first before flipping the page. '..but you don't have the power to give me a voice....'

Chat Noir looks to her in despair. He holds onto her shoulders with both hands, watching her cry as he felt powerless to stop it. As quick as a flash he had Marinette clenched in a tight embrace, Chat's face buried in her neck. A tear begins to well up in his own eye.

Then, without warning or thought, his mouth and tongue begin to move on their own accord.

"You are right... I don't have the power to do that....but you already do, even if you don't realize it....tonight, all those people were dancing to YOUR music...all those people who gather at the gazebo come to listen to YOUR music.... my beautiful, beautiful Ladybug Angel...I promise you, you do have a voice...one that is unique to you...and I...I love you for that..."

Her eyes widened hearing Chat say all this. But her cheeks went burgundy at his last words. 'I love you for that' it echoed in her head. She wanted so bad to say 'you love me?' to his face. But she made it easier. She poked him on the chest, drew a heart and wrote 'me' with a question mark at the end hoping he'd pick it up.

Chat looks at her confusedly as she drew on him, a couple tears streaks of his own still visible on his cheeks with the moonlight. He smiles widely when he gets what she's saying. He wipes away the wetness from his face.

"Of course I do Marinette..." he chuckles. This whole night was beginning to feel like a dream. A long, beautiful, and happy dream. Chats face falls though, his smile fading. He was lying to her. Lying to her every word! Right now he was Chat Noir... but he was Adrien too. Marinette couldn't possibly have a serious relationship with Chat. He lets out a breath, his shoulders slumping. "But...can you love me...? Even if...even if I wasn't Chat Noir?"

She pulled herself back so she's looking up at him. Cheeks still crimson as she nodded. Even without his cheeky, funny side that wore black armor. She loved the real him. She nodded repeatedly, her eyes were full of honesty.

'Of course you stupid cat!' she mouthed to him.

Chat smiles so widely at first, even through his tears. She loved him! She loved HIM! but his smile begins to fade away again. He averts his eyes from her, too ashamed.

"Claws in..." he mutters quietly. Green energy enveloped him, lighting up the area like fire. As it faded away, Chat Noir was gone. In his place stood Adrien Agreste. Another fresh tear fell from his face as he rubbed one of his arms nervously, still not meeting Marinette's eyes. She deserved to know. Even if she decided she didn't love Adrien, she still deserved to know.

"I-I'm sorry..." he murmurs, almost too quiet to hear. "I'm sorry... if I'm not the one you...you wanted..."

Immediately, she cupped his cheeks. She made him face her, a huge grin on her face before she closed the distance between them in a gentle, tender, passionate kiss. Adrien's eyes widen in shock as she yanks him close. He blinks a couple of times before he realizes what's going on. He felt his entire chest buzz with adrenaline as he kissed her back with as much passion, if not more. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He felt himself smile against the kiss. He returned her passion further, one arm tight about her waist and the other hand tangled in her hair.

Soon they pulled away for a breath. She smiled up at him mouthing

'I love you' up to him. Eyes bright. Adrien had the dopiest, lovesick smile plastered on his face. He looks down at Mari, out of breath and head spinning.

"Guess that means you do like me still...." he chuckles

She nodded in agreement leaning on him again, resting her head in his chest listening to his heart beating. What time was it? She had no idea. But she was exhausted and was having a hard time standing as she felt her legs a tad jelly.

Adrien felt her lean on him again. She yawns widely.

He laughs. "Sounds like a certain Purrincess has stayed up too late...let's get you back home before dawn breaks, shall we?" He asks, smirking his signature best. Without another word or warning, he scoops up Marinette bridal style and begins walking her home. As he walked along, he hummed his lullaby for her

She loved the lullaby he hummed and ended up falling asleep in his arms with a small smile on her face. It wasn't long until he reached her place. How was he going to do this? A girl in his arms who's bedroom window was very small and he was at a high risk at getting caught.

Hmm. Adrien sized up the mansion before him. No countable his father was looking for him right now, so he couldn't just walk in as Adrien carrying a sleeping Marinette. He looks down at the girl in his arms, checking to make sure she was asleep.

"Claws out" he mutters quietly. In another flash of green energy, he is Chat Noir once more. Dark hood, armor and all. Better. At least now if he was spotted, it wouldn't be Adrien getting in trouble. He makes sure Mari is still fast asleep. Good. She was. Silently he begins creeping his way around the mansion until he found Mari's window. Carefully and slowly, he somehow manages to get the both of them in. Thank heavens for ground floor rooms. Chat gingerly brings Mari to her bed, where he lays her down.

She was a heavy sleeper as he tucked her in, lightly kissing her forehead and putting her things on her wooden desk. He turned to his princess once again, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek and forehead whispering softly, "Goodnight Purrincess, sweet dreams. Dream of devilish rouges tonight" he chuckled in the end. He flashed her a grin despite her being asleep and headed home. He transformed once he snuck into his room.


With a relieved sigh, he thought he was safe until Natalie barged in.

"where have you been?!" She exclaimed in fury. Adrien shrieks In surprise as Natalie barges into his room.

"N-N-Natalie!! I-I can explain!!"

She grabs him by his arm and drags him to the hall heading to.....oh no.

"Explain to your father!" She yelled opening the door to his father's study and stepping in. Gabriel sat at his desk with a cold glare.

Adrien tried to fight Natalie's iron grip on him.

"N-Natalie please!" He shouts but to no avail. Once thrown in front of his father's cold hard stare, he practically cowers before him. "F-father...I can explain... I wasn't doing any harm!!"

"You do realize it's past your curfew and you were missing at the gala all night!" he said his voice rising slightly in anger. "I'm disappointed in you Adrien"

Adrien's heart falls to his feet. You could hear it thud from India. Adrien looks to the ground, ashamed.

"Sorry, father... I just...just..." he trails off. What was he going to say? Remember that man dressed as a cat who played the piano with the violin witch? The same one who glared you down and also came without invitation? That was me! And then I snuck out to make out with the same witch and then bring her home! Yea...believable story...

"Well..." Gabriel said annoyed as he waited for an answer. Starring his son down. Adrien could feel Natalie doing the same.

"I-I just...got lost..talking to... a...a...girl...?" He said hesitantly, almost making it sound like a question. Hey, at least he was honest. He winces as he waits for a reply from them.

"Her name," Gabriel said sternly.


Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose. "I hate to do this to you Adrien but I'm afraid I'm grounding you for a week until you behave," he said

"You are not to leave your room, meals will be brought to you. And if you think you can sneak out I'll make sure your room Is guarded as well as your window. Understood?"

Adrien sighed hanging his head slightly. "Crystal clear....."

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