The Festival of Magic: A Night to remember

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((Another special shout out to my kitty for this a-meow-sing drawing!!))


As I wrote a few lyrics to my next song, I heard someone yelp. I only looked up slightly and my forehead bumps into someone else's. We both groaned and looked up again and this time our eyes met. I was met with wide bright emerald eyes that were behind a black mask.

Both our cheeks were turning red at the small gap between us, our noses almost touching. It only took him a minute before he quickly stood back up again in a nervous frits.

"O-hh my gosh... I'm so sorry! S-so sorry! I-i didn't mean to do that I just...kinda.. fell? Heh heh..." he laughs nervously as he stumbles around, trying to stand again. He dusted himself to look more presentable. "S-sorry about that...again... but um.. you look amazing I mean you sound! Sound amazing!"

I couldn't help but giggle softly at his stuttering. As I slowly bowed my head slightly, a hand on my chest as my way of saying thank you. I looked up again to meet his eyes, lips parted as if to say something but remembering my disability, they closed as I frowned slightly and looked away.

He rubs the back of his head, still laughing and smiling nervously. He shakes his head, clearing his thoughts. He felt his face fall a tad at seeing me turn away. "I'm sorry! I-i didn't mean to frighten you... its-its the hood, isn't it?" He takes off his dark hood, revealing his bright blonde hair beneath. Jokingly, he runs a hand through it, fluffing it out. "Didn't think many could stand seeing this marvelous hair without fainting from pure amazingness." He smirks at me, giving a playful wink. He gently took my hand in his, and with a bow, kisses it gently, my cheeks becoming pink at his actions. "I am A-...Chat. Chat Noir. And it has been a pleasure, Miss Ladybug."

Chat Noir, what a strange and peculiar name. I could only shake my head as I held my violin up to its side for him to see. 'Marinette' engraved on the bright red wood. Chat tilts his head slightly like he was a curious cat. " Mari....Marinette?" he read and looked at the me as I nodded. His cat like grin grew wide, "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Marinette!"

I could only smile and nodded back. Not many knew of my muteness so I gently tapped my throat and shake my head slowly while mouthing 'I have no voice', hoping he would understand. He watches me mouth words, gesturing to my throat as well. At first he can only look at me confused, trying to understand what I meant. Finally it clicks for him. "Oh... oh! You can't speak! You can't... speak?"

Once again I nod looking to my feet a bit ashamed.

"Oh please My Lady! Don't be ashamed. No one is perfect! Besides, who needs a voice when your beauty speaks for itself? " he says, his playful smirk returning. "Would you do me the pleasure, fair Ladybug Marinette, of accompanying me at this festival? It would be my honor." He says, finishing with another bow. I blushed again at his words. Then smiled again before nodding down at him. Sure we've only just met but it seemed we were already friends, it wouldn't hurt.

Grinning, he offers an arm for me to take.

Soon, we were off, walking along the vendors and performers of the festival. Chat found himself chatting (hehe) with me for almost the whole time. He talked about the most random of things he had found at the festival so far, such as how delicious the tarts at cart one were better than those of cart two (which he found out in the most legal of ways, naturally, from pickpocketing.) To how the one flute player in the festival performers was always a bit off key. (Though of course she'd know, being a talented artist herself.) I could tell Chat was overjoyed to have found someone to talk to, even when they couldn't talk for themselves. Soon he saw he was rambling. He blushes bright pink. "I'm sorry again but... I do seem to be rambling..."

I could only giggle lightly, it was clear as day he was new around town and has never been to this festival. We stopped to hear cheers and clanging of swords. Chat pulled me over to see two men armed with swords in a fenced ring. A crowd surrounded the ring cheering on either of them. The fight was over when one man had their sword just an inch from the others neck after un-arming them. Everyone cheered.

After the two shook hands the host steps in and held the winners arm up high. "does anyone think they can beat the champion?" They shouted but no one stepped forward. I heard Chat chuckle, turning to him he had a smirk on his face.

What was he up to?

"Hold onto this for me M'lady?" he asked, unclasping his cloak and handing it to me. Now only his leather armor and silver sabre were showing. He still had a smirk on his face as he ran a hand through his messy golden hair.

'Are you sure about this?' I mouthed slowly to him after getting his attention.

"Is M'lady scared that I'll get stabbed to death?" he joked. It made me look away slightly, of course I was scared he could get hurt even if we just met. He chuckled as he ruffled my hair like I was some kind of dog. "don't worry, let me prove to you how strong I am" he said.

With that, he hopped over the fence and everyone nearly gasped.

"I'd like to have a go!" he exclaimed. The champion and hosts eyes widen seeing the rogue knight. "very well Chat Noir, I accept" The champion said drawing his sword as the host got out.

Chat just shrugged as he pulled out his silver saber, it's leather wrap grip black with green lining. I wanted to cheer Chat on but I couldn't scream like the others did, most cheering for the champion.

"By the way, what might your name be?" Chat asked. "Peter" they replied.

Chat said "Well Peter, I look forward to this fight" as he charged up to him with his saber drawn but Peter was able to block the attack.

It was an intense fight, watching them fight. The clanging of the metal delivered with much force. Seeing Peters struggled expression it was clear that Chat was more experienced. The cat was even smirking like a crazy person! Which he was. With one last swift move Chat was able to send Peters sword into the air which he caught with ease. With both swords in his black gloved hands he made them into an X as the blades nearly touching Peters neck.

"We have a new champion!" The host said coming back in. Everyone cheered loudly while I clapped till my palms began to burn. Chat handed back Peter's sword, shaking hands and saying a few words with smiles before he came back to me. "Have I proved myself Purrincess?~" he purred.

I simply roll my eyes at his pun as I offered an arm so we could see more. He once again took it as we went on our merry way. Throughout this whole night this is the most fun I've ever head at this festival.


It was all peaceful for the two as they- "Maritrash!" A familiar irritating voice yelled. Mari froze in her tracks and panicked, she shouldn't have snuck out. Chat felt her tense up, and the panicked look on her face. He looks around, wondering what possibly could make her feel threatened. He instinctively pulled her closer to him, his other hand already resting on the handle of his silver sabre.

"There you are!!" The voice said again as a familiar blonde girl walked up to them. "I told you, you were forbidden to come!"

Chat fought down the urge to growl at this horrible sounding girl, hand tightening on his sword hilt. However, this new girl did seem familiar from somewhere... whatever. She was obviously no friend of Marinette, which most definitely meant she wasn't a friend of his.

"And you are...?" He asks coldly, glaring her down. Even with his hood pulled back down, his black mask and leather armor still looked intimidating on him

"Chloe Bourgeois, Maritrash over here is one of the servants and my father's mansion and she wasn't supposed to come!" She exclaimed as she flipped her ponytail.

Chat looks over this Chloe Bourgeois... yes, he had seen her before...she was the annoying girl who wouldn't leave him alone at his father's balls! He snorted at her.

"Well, MarinETTE and I are having a just jolly good old time before you came along. Besides, I've been telling her all about the sword eating man from the East, and she hasn't even gotten to see it yet. Now off you go! I have a fair lady to attend. Go now! Shoo!" Chat couldn't help but be rude. He had only been with this bratty blonde less than five minutes as Chat Noir and he was already fed up with her for calling Marinette such terrible things.

Chloe was outraged, she shot Mari a death glare as a warning as she walked away. Mari couldn't believe it! Someone actually stood up for her, Chloe took her muteness to her advantage and picked on Mari the most out of the staff.

The two watched her leave with a smug look on his face. Then he turns to Marinette, now looking concerned.

"Are you alright, M'Lady? Or should I go slice off her tongue, she should be as mute as you for calling you such a horrid name?" He says that last part with a playful smile. "But seriously, if you want me to, I would. I'm your knight in shining leather, after all!"

She shook her head, laughing when he mentioned cutting of Chloe's tongue. She blushed at his last sentence. Chat shrugs. "Well if you insist... just keep it in mind. Ya know... just in case? " he laughs. He takes her by the arm again, traveling through all the wonders of the festival once more, him talking about this or that while Marinette held onto his arm. What felt like only minutes (but in reality hours) the sun begins to set on the village, and a small chime emits from a black and green ring on his finger. Chat stares at the ring, his face mixed with different emotions.

He felt a tug on his arm. He glances down at Mari who had one of the papers she carried folded into a house. She then points to herself. She hated the fact she didn't have other ways of communicating with him. He watches her point at the paper and herself, eyebrows scrunched together as he tried to figure it out. "House... you... your house?" She nods. She needed to get home before dark. She pulled her arm away and held her hair into a ponytail just like Chloe's and points at the house again, but Chat only looked confused. She thought for a moment. Then she made a writing motion asking if he had a pen or something.

He watches her write in the air. That he understood. Or at least he thought. He fumbles around in his cloak pockets for something, anything. Finally, he comes up with a cheesy pen and a small journal he had palmers from overpriced vendors. He offers these to Mari. "Will these work?"

She nods. It was close enough. 'It's getting late, I need to get back to Chloe's' she wrote.

Chat's eyes dart over the page as she finishes writing. As if on cue, his ring beeps again. He had three minutes. "Of course, M'Lady. It is getting late." Chat glances nervously at his ring. He wanted so desperately to escort her home, but he had no time left. But he wanted to be with her again. "Ladybug Marinette, will you be able to come here again? Tomorrow? I have to leave now as well but, I want to see you again. We.. we can meet there! By that willow tree over by the pond." He points to the small pond he mentioned, not far from where they stood now. She smiled and nodded. 'I'd like that very much Chaton' she wrote to him.

Chat Noir grinned widely. He couldn't even try to hide it. His ring beeps again. Two minutes. "Farewell then, fair maiden! I will see you there tomorrow! Just look for the tall, dark, somewhat sinister looking, but the devilishly handsome man in black!" He called to her and with that, he began running off, looking back and waving to her as he went. Soon he ducks behind a building, where no one else was. In a flash of green light, Chat Noir was gone. But in his place, stood none other than Adrien Agreste, son of Lord Gabriel Agreste of the land. From there he made a stealthy trip through the shadows back to his room unnoticed.


I'll see you soon.....Princess...

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