The Festival of Magic: Fate

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((I don't own the art or music. All credit goes to the original artist))
~~~Years later~~~
After the disappearance of her parents, Mari lost the bakery. She grew up in the Bourgies household, being raised by the servants. Soon that became her permanent job. Even being assigned as Chloe's personal servant.
She was treated badly for years, but there was payment, so she never complained.
She even managed to find some free time, going to the village to buy some cloth or silk, meet up with a friend of hers who taught her violin. But most of the time she was self-taught, even buying a journal for herself that said 'Play from the heart' on the cover. In it she let her creativeness fly, writing a few songs of her own and drawing a few designs here and there. But it was mostly her songbook.

The best times would be during festivals and all sorts of celebrations in the village. Mari would be seen in the village, dressed in a simple red dress with roses of reds and blacks. In her hand she carried a violin for she loved to play music for the children who would dance to it, she'd even sometimes teach them origami. Soon crowds would come and watch her as well, ages young and old. It wasn't long until she learned something.  It was one of her dreams again when the voice spoke to her.

'the gift of creation is now in your hands....' it said.

Mari was lost with their words.


Was it because of the dress she made or the songs she wrote? Mari put the thought aside. One day however during the Great Harvest celebration, she played in her usual spot in town at night by the gazebo. She danced and played while everyone watched. Just out of nowhere, the sling bag she'd usually bring was opened and many of her papers flew out. People gasped slightly afraid of what could've happened. But their fear was replaced by amazement.

The papers flew around in a pink aura as they folded into miniature paper horses that ran in a herd. Some leaping and prancing about. Children pushed back the adults so they could be in front so they could watch in amazement. Soon everyone was enjoying the show!
Due to her attire, many people called her the 'Angel Ladybug,' her kindness and beauty was well known in the village.
She had made a name for herself in the small village.

Tonight is the Festival of Magic!

A week-long celebration. Mari had finished her usual chores Chloe had given her. She wore her usual attire, violin in hand and a sling bag at her side with her journal and a few papers for later. The town was alive with bright lights, booths with free food and games to play. She weaved her way through the crowd, getting a few 'hi's' and waves from some of the civilians.
She approached the white gazebo that was a few blocks away from the town square. She sets her bag down and looks around. She gazes at the passing people before resting the violin on her shoulder and bringing the bow to the strings and began to play.
People turn to see her and smile as a crowd forms.


He was tired of all of it. He no longer wanted to live in the gloomy large mansion he had called 'home' for so long. Glancing out the window of his grand bedroom, he saw the festival in the village. He yearned to join them.

Ever since his mother died his father put him in strict lessons, strict schedules and barely letting him out beyond their property. He glanced down at the silver ring on his finger, then back at his lifelong friend who sat on a soft pillow eating his disgusting cheese.

He didn't care if he got in trouble later for what he was about to do. He needed some freedom.

"Plagg, Claws out" He muttered, transforming into the devilish looking young man everyone knew as Chat Noir. He was believed to be a rouge knight to the royal castle. It's not exactly true, he does tend to sneak out at times, maybe snitch some treats from food stalls at the market. But he never meant to harm anyone. Unless he had too of course. ((What came to mind when doing this on Shamchat. Flynn Rider and Aladdin. Two of the best Disney boys. Add them plus a certain black cat and you've got the purr-fect Medieval Chat Noir XD))

With his disguise on, he silently snuck out of the window and into the shadows. Making his way to the festival. The village was alive with colors, games, laughter, joy, amazing food! And music. Chat weaved through the busy streets, darting from shadow to shadow. Stealing a few treats from merchants from under their noses.

As he stuffed his mouth with a cherry tart, he heard possibly the most beautiful music he's ever heard in his life next to his mothers. It was played with such heart and soul he was mesmerized and followed it. Moving from shadow to shadow, he saw a crowd that gathered around a small white gazebo that was covered in flowers and vines. He stood on some of the wooden crates in a dark alley to peak over the crowds' heads. His eyes wide, jaw dropped and his breath caught seeing the most beautiful maiden he's ever seen. He watched her twirl and dance around, her dress flowing at her movements. Some of the village children were dancing with her too. Those who stood in the audience were clapping to the beat. He could hear some of them tapping their toes. All were laughing and cheering as they enjoyed their time.

He looked back to the ravenette, seeing her bright smile that could brighten anyone's day. That was true, he saw that everyone there was smiling as they listened to their music. Everyone was having a blast!

Her music was beautiful just like her and he wanted to get closer. So he stepped out of the shadows and into the light of the street lamps. As he walked to the crowd, many parted for him, mostly worried mothers. Due to his attire, it made him look intimidating to most, dark cloak with cat ears with a golden bell that clipped it on him, black gloves and boots and black leather armor as dark as night and a magic saber that could cut anything with one slice. A mask that covered the area around his glowing green emerald cat-like eyes. Just below them were green stripes to represent whiskers but yet they look like scars. Once he was at the front he smiled along with everyone else and started to follow along with the clapping as he watched her.

((I'm being honest best comic and AU ever))

Her silky midnight hair was down and just an inch past her shoulders. Cheeks a rose pink. Eyes a shining sapphire blue. A silk red dress with roses of red and black. People could mistake her for a noble. Now he remembers, he has heard tales of this girl, the "Angel Ladybug" she's called. When she gazed at him, he felt his heart skip a beat, a red blush sneaking from under his black mask. It was like she stared right through him. He smiled at her as gave a shy wave to her before continuing the clapping.

She continued to play, she stops suddenly as her song changed. Some of the kids gave a light gasp as they stepped back into the crowd to join the clapping. Chat was utterly confused. She laid the sling bag on the floor, the flap flies off as many origami papers of many colors and designs fly out. Many went ahhh. Chat's eyes went wide in wonder, he's never seen anything like it! He watched as the papers folded all by themselves into paper pirates, a pirate ship and a serpent as they did their best to defend their ship as the beast circled them, attempting to bite their heads of or use its tail to knock the sails down.

Everyone cheered as the fight grew intense. Chat's smile grew as he joined in. Moments later, all the paper figures shot into the sky above them as it bursts into shiny confetti that rained on the cheering and roaring crowd as he song and show ended. Everyone was clapping and whistling, Marinette stood proud and tall her smile even brighter. She takes a bow to the crowd before getting to her knees as some of the children ran up to tackle her in a group hug and bombed her with compliments.

"You're amazing Ladybug!" Some said "Your magic is amazing!" "You're so talented!" "Your music is beautiful!" They all laughed and smiled, even if Mari's were softer.

Chat Noir cheered the loudest of all, he couldn't help but chuckle when he saw the children tackle the maiden to the floor for a hug. She was indeed pure hearted, everyone loved her. He saw that throughout the show no one gave her money, he guessed their smiles and happiness was her payment.

Slowly the crowd left as well as the children as they waved her goodbye so they could explore the rest of the festival. Marinette went to sit on the steps of the gazebo so she could take a break and try to finish a song in her journal. With her journal on her lap and her violin at her side, she started to get back to writing with a pen out.

Chat watched as the crowd slowly left. Then his eyes returned to the girl on the steps. He wanted to talk to her for a little, not  tackle her like the kids did. He took a deep breath as he slowly approached her, his heart pounding. It wasn't like him to just trip and fall over. However he did as he fell over the girl, his hands rested on the steps so he didn't hurt himself to much. He did manage to bump their foreheads together quite hard.

They both groaned a bit in pain before looking up, their eyes meeting for the first time, Emerald met Sapphire. Both of their cheeks instantly a bright red. Their hearts skipping a beat.

Could this be fate?

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