chapter 6

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"come on Zain get ready instead of starring at me. U have work to do" Aditi spoke as she was irritated with his constant gaze over her ever since she has commenced out of the bathroom.

Zain who was grabbing his head due to the throbbing pain that was accelerating As he was trying hard to regain his lost memory. How did I end up here is something which his brain is refusing to recall.

But everything stopped as he saw Ms. Rathore stepping out of the bathroom with her robes tied which hardly covered her thighs giving tough time to his recalling session. The waters dripping out of her long wet hair was doing no good to his already heated pants. moreover her enchanted skin which has recently dipped on the lavender stroke of her plummy body wash was adding nothing good to his loss of mind. He was shamelessly drooling her.

Getting concious seeing her glaring at him he tried to move his eyes away. But he could still feel her gaze upon him. And it was nothing romantic as she was just glaring at him.

"Fresh up. I will check weather the breakfast is ready or not" she said and tried to move out as the small space is testing her sainity too. So so wants to get out of the small space which has it's new visitor now.

" this" he couldn't resist from questioning her idea of roaming arround with this distracting bathrobe.

"Any problem" she shot back with a raised eyebrows.

"Absolutely yes.....I....mean" he fumbled for words while she was busy in her work, i.e., glaring him.

"What's that now" her both the hands were resting on her hips.

"Is this any baar baar dheko happening here...I am not exactly getting how I got in here on first place and u r behaving no better than a wifey." he spoke in a single go without even checking her reactions.

While now Aditi folded her hands watching him seriously.

"I really don't remember anything." He sensed her doubtful gaze.

"That's not what I am worrying about. Wifey? Like seriously" she spatted in return. Obviously irritated with his insane humor.

"Can we have a damn word without argument" he raised his voice now.

"Look who is saying, all I asked you to get ready."

"not unless u say how I came here."

Aditi sighs as she sits on one corner of the bed while he was on the other side.

"U we're drunk and God knows how u managed to grab a taxi to meet me. U had something to confess but u spoke nothing" Aditi lied the part that he spoke nothing. She didn't want him to facepalm himself now. Neither she wants to embarrass both of them.

What on Earth did I wanted to confess her. I hope my secret is still on. I don't want her to know this now, not at least like this.

"That's all" he asked. He still didn't believe that he blabbered nothing.

"Yup" she said with a little confidence this time.

"How come my shooting bag is here" he pointed out his baggage lying lazily on the couch.

Abhi came to pick u. I asked him to bring an spare dress as u have spoilt urs in an attempt of drinking water last night. And when we both tried to wake u up but u showed no reactions. That's when abhi remarked ur obsession with sleep just like kumbagarna. All the techniques failed so he left u over the bed like that and thought of trying his luck in morning. But I suggested that it's better to change ur dress as u may fall sick with wet clothes. He did that of course with my help. I first pulled ur head in my lap and then took ur shoulders from behind and pushed u a little as abhi made u wear ur dress. And it took ages for us to complete. And u were also way too heavy. Then abhi and I had a cup of coffee and he left. Also since he found confusing with the piles of clothes that  were dumped in ur cupboard, he bought ur shooting bag which has some of ur spare clothes. And that's how he is resting there"she pointed out the small couch where his bag was abruptly laying.

Aditi puffed a little as she dictated the para which she was mentally preparing all this time to confess to Zain. It will not be easy for her to act as if she was not affected. The strange feeling that she has started to develop on Zain has no name now. At least she thought so.

To be surprised would be an understatement for Zain who tried to recall all those things. Drunken, slumbering mad and insane person is what I became yesterday in front of her. The reputed Zain imam has managed to ease into thin ear just by the overnight foolishness. No more swag infront of this lady who is evident over my stupid face. 

If possible can this Earth dig and take me away from here.

"Did I disturb u" he spoke out of embarrassment feeling sorry for hurting her if any.

"Not a lot. All u did was sleeping. So I didn't find it difficult." She gave a warm smile. Or a mild chuckle. How soothing that sounds to be, he thought.

"And where did u sleep" he couldn't resist himself from asking this.

Whaah!! Zain couldn't u come up with something better, his mind chided.

This is the Last thing I want to happen now. To get embarrassed on bright day light while I am in all my senses.

"In bed" she said casually.

"U slept with me" he shrieked without knowing the spin of words he using actually means.

"I slept beside u" she said slowly gaining her conciousness of remaining plane and strict. Now come on I have to act straight,her mind ordered.

What does that meant she slept beside me. I just now came to know that we shared the bed and what better does she expect me to react as.

"We freaking shared our bed" he over exaggerated the things. And to his bad luck he said that loud. Loud enough to stirr the already heated environment.

"Point one, it's my home to decide where I should sleep. And point two the sofa was wet as u have poured water on it yesterday accidentally. And point number three, neither I misbehaved with u yesterday nor I would have let u to as I know defending techniques. Now speak on ur own risk" zain's mouth was hung low with her reactions.

"It would be better if I keep it shut" he mumbled as he stood up to take bath.

"U better do"

Aditi changed her dress immediately after Zain stepped out of the room. Obviously there is only one room here and how come she would have changed earlier with me inside. That's why she insisted for me to freshen up and she was actually politely asking me to get out. How come I didnt understand this before. Probably I was not understanding her from the beginning. Just because she was completely different from me. But she is beautifully unique at her own way.

The dining was silent. Neither Aditi had topics to discuss nor Zain had courage to initiate any.

"Let me call the taxi" she spoke as she saw Zain standing.

"It's ok I will manage"

"It's for me. And regardless u didn't come by your car yesterday so I am offering u an ride." She said raising her eyebrows.

"For u. Where r u going" seems that Zain's drunken mind is still awake.


I wrote because someone asked me any updates today....gosh this is for u🙈😘

I know u guys are not as dumbo as Zain. U all know where she is going right.

So yeah abhi and Aditi both together helped in changing Zain. *End of arguments*😂

Well what do u think about kumbakarna Zain....a man who eats this much must also be an great slumber...what say 😂😉

Btw How was the update.....bolo bolo sharmavo mat😎😂😉

Do tell me through comments....

silent readers.......the best recognition for an reader comes only when he/she shows up. Let me also recognize my lovely don't forget to vote and comment....I know u guys are shy enough for not showing ur identity but ur silence actually hurts....*dramatic_pouts*
Do tell me how it was....don't forget my dear readers.....

Much love,

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