chapter 7

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"I really could have gone home first. It find it different to do things like this"

"Do things like what...were u planning for a day off" Aditi spat back. They were Travelling on the car to their shooting spot, mean while the 3 cup of coffee and 2 glass of lemon juice was bringing no change in mr. Imam's hangout which was as strange as Aditi considers him to be.

"All u want is a reason for break" she rolled her eyes.

"Do I really look like faking my pain" his hands were clasping his head. May be he is serious in his words, her heart suggested.

"Had it not been Bhatt sir's call, I would have let u do what u want to. Is that paining much?" she took her hands to caress his forehead. Gently stroking his temple she watching his groaning expression.

"Not much" he got away from her gentle touch while she herself backed off understanding what she is doing. Faces flushed both looked into good nothing rather each other's face.

Silence prevailed the rest of the journey. While both were stealing glances every now and then. Words of last night once again playing in her mind she frowned at it. Did I really hear it correct. Did he say that to me. She shuddered her thoughts as the taxi reached their destinations giving here a good mean of distraction which was much wanted.

No more pampering a grown up boy. I can breathe free at last, she chuckled at her own thought as Zain was paying the taxi. He was carrying the shooting bags of theirs in one hand while other hand waving the taxi driver with some random blabbering. May be this grown up boy even helped me, I can't refuse that.

The shoot was as usual hectic. What shivered adiza was the call from Bhatt sir's office. He Seldom visits the set. Which means it's something important.

"I guess u r going to become a mom for the upcoming leap" Zain gave his lame joke as her shivering hands were up to knock the door.

"Why r u so interested in that"she rolled her eyes as she let her hands serve it's purpose of knocking the door.

He just winked and she was busy glaring. A faint come in bought them to their senses.

"U never know why I am" he said so confusingly leaving himself startled with what he said.

Why did I say that......did she hear me, he thought but her frowning face has become pale by then in nervousness.

Oh god it's just as same as she was for the first day, he thought.

"Welcome adiza" Bhatt sir chuckled at their nervous and stern face.

"Hello sir" they said in unison. Something that they never do being Loggerheads

"Good to see u guys. I saw that shot and ur performances was spellbound as usual. No wonder why ur fandom badly wants u guys to get hitched. And my personal advice is listen to them as they make better choices. U guys will make an wonderful pair." and there was a loud  intense laughter that followed his words. Only Bhatt sir laughed. Adiza's stern face had no change. Indeed Zain felt that he heard a gasp from Aditi's side.

"Well let it go. That was not the actual reason I called u guys. It's that about trp" and he went on continuing his advice session as the channel has given a dead mark for the show. He is trying for the extension till the IPL. Was all he said with no promising hope.

Pale and impulsive face exited the room. If naamkarann ends then that will be the biggest mark for both of their career. He was confused of what will happen afterwards while she was confused how will she let it go.

Another heart break before the first one could recover, her heart sank as they rested against the wooden seat. It was late night. Pack up for the day. But yet another sleepless night is waiting for her and that thought itself haunted her.

"U ok" he handed the water bottle to her while she smiled as she accepted. The forced smile. Somewhere it hurts him whenever she does that. Faking her feelings to him.

"Thanks" she mumbled as she gulped down the thirst of fear soothing her throat.

"I am fine" she smiles at him.

"Not genuinely u r" he mumbled right on her face.

"I am actually fine"

He engulfed his arms arround her shoulders in return while their eyes were still moist and starring each other. His hands slowly ran towards her lower back as he rubbed her. His hands were doing magic to calm her down. He could feel her muscles relax under his touch.

Her head slowly found it's way to his chest. One hard thrust and she feel in his arms once again for another night to the yet coming thousands more. Only this time for sadness holding the future of thousands of happy night of them together forever.

Or alteast she thought so. Her instinct said that to her. This is ur place adi....this is ur home. She closed her eyes to erase her thoughts and live the moment. Don't spoil this Silence her heart warned her.

Silence prevailed there while his hands were still on her lower back. His heads over the wooden leaning above hers. Head on head, eyes closed the loud shrieking sound of the bell from the near by church gathered their conciousness. His heart sank as they parted and so did her's. But he had made nothing to mark her his and hence he felt no rights on her. Little did he know the feelings were mutual.

"Let's go home" she mumbled as she got up.

"By the way can you offer me a ride as I didn't bring my car today. Plejj" he asked politely with a puppy face earning an loud laughter from her side.

"I usually have great humor. Only u r getting it late" he added which to his surprise increased her giggles. She was laughing her heart out. But this was not even that funny. How strange she is, he thought.

"God u r imposible. Blessed see those who are closed to u" She smiled at him as he didn't let her gloomy face last long.

"So they are" he said completely drifed at her laughter.


who expected update so soon....

Well it was Christmas.....I want to celebrate with you guys....

So I gave an update....

It was an hurry burry one...spare with mistakes.....

Do shower ur lovely comments......I will be waiting 😍😉....

Much love,
Prinku 😘

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