001. always and forever

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carina pov

after hearing that some witches were conspiring against Joseph, Devon and Katherine arrived in New Orleans to help along the way, they had found Sophie Devereux, who had something very important to discuss with them and Joseph, Sophie led them towards the cemetery but Devon stopped by the threshold

"This is sacred ground, which means vampires have to be invited in." Sophie informed, "But, since I'm desperate, come on in." Katherine stepped into the cemetery and looked at Sophie
"we can talk freely here"

"then I suggest you start talking" Devon demanded "what did your sister want with Joseph?"

"Isn't it obvious? we have a vampire problem, and we need help" elijah listened, "Marcel has an army backing him the witches have been trying to fight back we haven't had much luck, until my sister Jane-Anne heard two girls passing through the quarter from a small town in Virginia one of them had a special connection to your brother"

"What kind is connection?" Katherine raised an eyebrow "They knew each other?" Devon
asked, and Sophie nodded

"one of the girls is Carina, Carina Labonair." this confused Katherine and Devon even more

"What?" Devon frowned "That's impossible they've been dead for decades." Katherine scoffed, and Sophie shook her head in protest
"that's what my sister saw, her and kaylee hart"

"I don't think you understand what we're saying Carina is dead she can't be alive." Devon said cutting in making Katherine nods in agreement
"You've got the wrong girl lady."

"my sister knows what she saw, and she saw Carina I have proof bring them out!" three witches come out, standing in formation around Carina with Kaylee standing behind her

"who the hell are you?" Carina said annoyed and confused

"give us a moment" Devon said holding Katherine who was to shocked to say anything


"so they been holding you here against your will?" devon asked raising her eyebrows

"all I know is when I woke up they did all these weird witchy tests not that I understand how this could happen I mean I was dead" carina said confused on why she was here and who the people in front of her were

"perhaps if you could remember Joseph story, it might explain how this is possible and how you were here, if I may" devon tries to lay her hand on carina temple

"what are you doing?" carina said backup making kaylee hold her hand rubbing her back

"relax, If you open your mind to us, we can show you" katherine said explaining with a smile on face knowing her bestfriend would be happy to see her, carina finally allowing them to show her
they close their eyes

"In the beginning, his family was human, a thousand years ago although their mother dabbled in the dark arts they were actually just a family trying to survive in a time when it was quite difficult to do so and, for better or worse, they were happy that is, however, until one night, their youngest brother was killed by their village's greatest threat"

"men that could transform themselves into wolves during the full moon their family was devastated, none more than Niklaus desperate to protect the rest of them their father forced their mother to call upon her black magic in order to make them stronger thus, the first vampires were born"

"I don't see how any of this has to do with carina" kaylee said rubbing her bestfriends back

"there was a girl whom joseph was utterly in love with in the village he wasn't allowed to met or see her it was for bidden but that didn't stop them" Devon said leaning against the wall

"and your saying that's me" Carina said raising her eyebrow "yes" making Carina scoff shaking her head

Joseph is standing on the balcony, a glass of whiskey in hand when suddenly Katherine appears behind him

"hey Joey" Katherine spoke smiling and giving him a small hug from behind

"what an entirely unwelcome surprise" Joseph said playfully

"and what an entirely unsurprising welcome" she smirked "come with me"

"I'm not going anywhere not until I find out who's conspiring against me" he said downing down his drink setting the glass on the balcony

"I believe I just found that out for you"

Joseph and katherine are back at the cemetery where some of the witches stood beside them,
carina, kaylee and devon

Joseph's eyes went wide "no that's, that's impossible"

"I said the same thing myself" Katherine told him truthfully and devon came up beside her
Joseph shook his head, taking a step back

"no, this-this is a lie, this is some kind of illusion" Sophie took a step forward

"witches are powerful but we can't conjure the dead, Joseph."but again, Joseph shook his head.
"your lying"

"she's not" carina spoke smiling, yet a small flint of something in her eyes as he looked at her with adoration

after awhile, Joseph finally agreed to the terms, taking carina and kaylee back to a house neither girl has been before to begin their plan

meanwhile, carina had snuck out and was currently walking the streets of New Orleans
something carina missed seeing dearly the bright colors, loud music, some may say it was too much

but for her, it was perfect she had music in her ears, and a smile on her face It was
a prefect way to end the day

until someone ruined it bumping into her side, knocking her head phones out, was a man, who seemed rather in a rush he was on the phone, but stopped once he realized what he had

"shit marcel I gotta call you back" he stuffed his phone into his pocket quickly getting down and picking up the head phones that dropped

"busy day?" carina wondered slightly annoyed but not exactly angry with the person

"Yeah, sorry about that I didn't even see you being honest" the stranger said, carina nodded in understoodment

"It's fine" carina said with a smile, putting her head phones back and not giving the stranger another glance

(1035 words)
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