His World (2K Follower Special)

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Everybody including my friends that I have mentioned throughout my entire 2K special. . . Thank you all for the love, support, and being here with me to this day as I'm proud that you all love my stories and I'm just going to keep going while I'm at it as I don't EVER intend to stop. You all can wait, one day, one week, one month, one year, no matter how long it takes, I WILL give you something to be happy about throughout all of my stories. Now without further ado, let me show you all a huge montage of credits and pictures to say thank you for all that you've done for me over the years.


As the music starts, the silhouette of a young man could be seen walking away from the camera as light shines all around him. He adjusts his short sleeved hoodie jacket and he then bends down to tie his sneakers up and he even has a hairbrush to groom his spiky black hair on his head. He puts the brush away and takes a deep breath before the camera shows the front of his face where his eyes were as they slowly open up to show that they were glowing blue.

You ready?

The eyes slowly glare right up ahead and the mouth on this person curves up into a smile as this person was none other than the author who started all of this from day one, The Nintega Guy. He looks at the camera and he does Sonic's iconic finger wag gesture and throws out a peace sign before jumping up high like Mario.

The Nintega Guy: My name is The Nintega Guy! Let's get this show on the road!

Let's go!

Nintega jumps up high slowly as it makes him float into the air for a brief moment before he comes back and lands a pose.

♪ C'mon 'n light the fuse, he's a rocket, and he's ready to go ♪

'Cause now the count-down's started and he's ready to blow! ♪

He then does a side flip in the air pumping a fist into the air before sliding across the ground to make yet another landing as he stares ahead to see a small bright white light in the distance.

♪ He's got the dope sounds pumpin' in his stereo ♪

♪ Kickin' ass fast, puttin' on a show! ♪

He smirks at this white light before taking off towards it as fast as his feet could take him.

♪ C'mon and get yourself together, there's no time to rest ♪

♪ And if you put the time in, he'll put to the test! ♪

Random books in soon fly past Nintega as he looks at all of them with a smile on his face as they leave trails of glimmer behind them before Nintega reaches his arm out to try and catch them and they without a doubt guide themselves towards Nintega as he catches five of them in his hands still running towards the light.

♪ He's like a running man, in his world, more is less ♪

♪ And if you wanna test him best bring you best! ♪

Nintega was just about to enter this bright white light as he was prepared to see what was on the other side as he kept running towards it with a fierce while still carrying the books in his hands.

♪ Don't make me spell it out! Bring your best! ♪

Suddenly, the landscape around Nintega changes completely into a beautiful blue sky filled with clouds and there was an ocean in the distance as well as Nintega was running on an endless grassy path now with the sun shining down over him.

♪ In this world! (His World!) Where life is strong ♪

♪ In this world! (His World!) Life's an open book ♪

Nintega opens one of the books to find a picture of Mario inside of it as he smiles at this and he throws all of five of them outwards towards the open ocean as they all open up magically and shows pictures of Sonic, Neptune, Joker, and Twilight Sparkle too .

♪ In this world! (His World!) Where compromise does not exist! ♪

Nintega jumps off of the terrain using some of the books as small platforms to carry himself into the air and he leaps high towards the sky before doing a couple of backflips.

♪ In His world of worlds, every step meets the rest! ♪

Nintega then dives through one of the books which turns out to be Mario's as his outfit changes completely to still having his yellow shirt which was long sleeved instead of short-sleeved, he had on a yellow cap with an N on it and finally some blue overalls as he was running through the plains of the Mushroom Kingdom with one of his best friends, Mario as they jump over tons of warp pipes, Goombas, and Koopas.

♪ In this world! (His World!) Where one is all! ♪

Mario vaults over a Goomba which slightly annoys it while Nintega kicks a green shell of a Koopa away to let it slide all over the place as it richochets all over the area. Mario and Nintega jump together with their fists above their heads before they both made an even higher jump as Nintega takes his hat off and throws it at the camera letting it spin in a way like Cappy.

♪ In this world! (His World!) Never fear the fall! ♪

The landscape changes as Nintega was now a yellow hedgehog wearing a black suit with a belt, white gloves, blue hi-tops, and a black headband with two white spots. He was running in the Green Hill Zone with Sonic The Hedgehog as the two smirk at each other running faster than the speed of sounds.

♪ In this world! (His World!) Where compromise does not exist! ♪

They both then jump into the air spinballing before they see a couple of badniks and both Sonic and Nintega did Homing Attacks to zero in on the robots destroying them in small explosions before they both land on different parts of terrain to do a wall jump towards each other to dash and give each a huge five with huge smiles and the screen fades to white.

♪ In His world of worlds, every step meets the rest! ♪

♪ Here we go now! ♪

Back in the endless grassland pathway that Nintega was running on, he lands back there in his normal form as he slides across the ground before doing a backflip in the air.

♪ Runnin' it back again, well what'd ya expect? ♪

♪ Comin' up to win ten-outta-ten, he's got a real rough neck! ♪

Nintega takes a look at the camera as he winks at it before adjusting his fingerless gloves.

♪ Spikes up his liberty! ♪

Nintega lets the wind flow as he flaunts his black spiky hair into it gracefully.

♪ Straps on his shoes! ♪

Nintega lets one foot slide back as the camera focuses now on his sneakers that he wears.

♪ 'Cause he's the best there ever was, haven't ya heard the news? ♪

Many people behind a TV screen are see holding a remote and in shock to see The Nintega Guy reach 2K followers on Wattpad. Back in the landscape, Nintega takes off running again as fast as his feet could carry him.

♪ Forever and day passed, but he's feelin' strong! ♪

Nintega could be seen in his office, on his laptop really motivated on how he's going to publish his next chapter for his followers to witness. He get's finished real quick with how fast he was typing and he instantly presses publish on Wattpad's server. He's turn to the camera with a thumbs up to show how diligent he is with his writing.

♪ And like the rush of the wind, he's movin' on and on! ♪

♪ And even through all of the blood, sweat, tears, and pain! ♪

No matter what Nintega hears from people who don't typically like his ideas, he doesn't care as he looks at his comments that people left and he loves it when they either love his new chapters, leave something funny, or even just briefly roleplay what they would've done as he smiles at all of them.

♪ He's untouchable, and lovable, and still remains! ♪

♪ Like the devil's at his heels, just to feel the need! ♪

Nintega was getting ready to take a break before a new idea clicked in his head as when he was getting ready to leave his office, he instantly rushes back to his desk and begins typing a brand new chapter that gave him a real bright idea.

♪ He becomes unreal, unleashin' turbo speeds. . . ♪

♪ But it's true, he's always comin' through n' through! ♪

He types some more before he pulls out a sketchpad to wonder how he shall let the readers imagine how exactly they can view this scene by drawing it out and uploading it to his new chapter.

♪ The "yellow spiked blur", a real hero for both me and you! ♪

♪ He's only gettin' started, so have no fear! ♪

Nintega looks off to the side to see Neptune's book which made him smile as it all of a sudden opened up and showed a portal to Gamindustri which made him smile as that is obviously where he is going to go next.

♪ He's still here, discovering new frontiers. . . ♪

♪ No disappearin'! Here's to another 2 years! ♪

Nintega looks at the camera and smirks before pointing his finger forward as he was getting ready to move forward into the next world that he loves just as much as the other ones.

♪ He won't stop now! Rock n' roll! ♪

♪ So don't stop now, let's rock n' roll! ♪

Nintega is then seen running through Planeptune as a certain child-like CPU goddess which was Neptune was running beside him as they both smile at each other before Neptune shoves him off to the side to look at the camera and she winks at it while Nintega looked annoyed behind her.

♪ In this world! (His World! Gotta make your own way!) Where life is strong! ♪

She then notices Nintega getting ready to chase her as she runs away with a look of laughter on her face while Nintega had more of mischievous smile on his face wanting to catch Neptune. She then begins to stop and she puts her hand out towards Nintega to stop him which confused him before Neptune transforms into Purple Heart and the now mature and calm-collected goddess flies upward gesturing for Nintega to follow her.

♪ In this world! (His World! Life is just a game you play!) Life's an open book! ♪

Nintega pulls out a CPU Memory in his palms and he absorbs it which allows him to turn into a CPU which was an older looking version of him with long gold spiky hair, a black bodysuit with blue glowing lines all over the suit and his wings were just like White Heart's as he flies up to Purple Heart and they both fly over the nation of Planeptune before the two smile at each other and make their wings disappear as they let themselves fall downwards while opening their arms and legs out spreadeagle style.

♪ In this world! (His World! Notice that we're here to stay!) Where compromise does not exist! ♪

The camera goes to ground's view to then show the two silhouettes up above and when they come more downwards towards the ground, it's revealed that it was now Joker and Nintega in the Metaverse version of Shibuya as they both had smirks on their faces while looking down towards the ground.

♪ In His world of worlds, every step meets the rest! ♪

The two of them pull out their weapons and they both hop on the backs of two Shadows and they rip their masks off to then form themselves into many different assorted enemies that Nintega and Joker were ready to fight against.

♪ In this world! (His World! Gotta make your own way!) Where one is all! ♪

Joker slices a Shadow in half with one of his knives while Nintega hops over his back to then drop kick another Shadow and he does a hook kick before slicing it to dust as well. The two of them then jump into the air and remove their masks in a blue flame and they smirk at each other before summoning their personas and using both Eigaon and Ziodyne to send all of the Shadows to the next realm and try to steal the hearts of the crooked adults that have distorted desires.

♪ In this world! (His World! Life is just a game you play!) Never fear the fall! ♪

As both the magic causes an explosion on the camera, we are finally taken to Equestria as Nintega was now a yellow alicorn with a black spiky mane and tail, and his Cutie Mark was the symbol of an blue N on it which stands for his name. He was flying in the air with Twilight Sparkle as Nintega looked to be having a lot of fun while Twilight just giggles at him.

♪ If you leap without a net, you'll find, he won't be there all the time! ♪

The two of them smile at each other before looking down in Ponyville to see many ponies waving at them with happy smiles and that's just what they want to see as they both return the waves before flying towards Twilight's Castle of Friendship.

♪ So watch your step now, watch your step, don't fall! ♪

Back in the endless path with the beautiful ocean, Nintega continues running without a care that there's no end to this and he then notices a presence behind him.

He looks behind him to see Mario, Sonic, Neptune, Joker, and Twilight running along the path with him following to where he is going to go.

All that Nintega can do at this is smile brightly at seeing that his friends are willing to follow him to wherever the end is no matter how far away or short it is.

He looks back ahead to then see various portals open up as this shocks him before he sees that those portals were filled with the various friends that's he's met all over Wattpad.

He sees AceStarman101 who gives him a nod and thumbs up to keep going at where his journey is going to lead him. Nintega nods back in return before he looks over to the side to see Jordan and Shadow inside of another portal as Jordan winks at him with a thumbs up while Shadow crosses his arms and smiles down at Nintega. The author was happy to see them before he hears a whistle nearby and he looks to see Soejammy and Kitty inside of another portal as Soejammy smirks at him while Kitty waves at him before Mini-Nep jumps out of nowhere and plants herself on Soejammy's face which makes him fall to the ground worrying Kitty.

Nintega lets out some chuckles while shaking his head before he sees another portal that was his biggest fan JesusG0987 who pulls out one of Nintega's books in his hands and shoots him a thumbs up that he appreciates all that he has done for him and others. The final portal then shows Heroes, Beat, and Slayer as Heroes jumps up and down while waving at Nintega, Beat pumps a fist out at him, and finally Slayer closes his eyes with a smile.

Nintega was so happy to have these people in his life as he can even remember the greatest things that they said to him while he's been writing for 2 years.

AceStarman101: (In Nintega's Mind) I'm happy to help you out with ideas for your story should you need it. Remember to relax and focus on what to do next in your stories.

Jordanwolfboy9743: (In Nintega's Mind) You should be proud of yourself and I'm proud of you. Getting to 2K followers isn't something that happens everyday!

shadowlight2784: (In Nintega's Mind) I wish you the best of luck in your stories and assistance if you need it!

Soejammy: (In Nintega's Mind) Buddy. You can always count on me and I can always count on me and I can always count on you. Bros for life, facing dangers of the mind head on!

Kitty: (In Nintega's Mind) You have earned all of the help and support for all of your hard work in your stories and how your always helping out everyone and making them feel happy and entertained!

Heroes: (In Nintega's Mind) I love you so much as not just my best friend, but my big bro! I'd be heartbroken if you leave my side!

Beat: (In Nintega's Mind) You and the others are my family and you made feel stronger and I can feel the bonds like chains never letting go!

Slayer: (In Nintega's Mind) I really may not read your books since they aren't my taste, but I'm glad that you can find an audience who likes your books and not the cliché stuff.

(A/N): Yes, these are actually things that they said to me irl! And may I add that they are the kindest words that they've given to me which is why they are considered my best friends!

The Nintega All-Stars all finally meet their stop as they see that the path led to a huge mountain where everybody stops at it and looks at up at it with astonishment in their eyes. Nintega looks up at it before he gets a confident smirk on his face as he gestures for the All-Stars to follow him and they all look at each other with the same amount of confidence before following Nintega.

♪ Intergalactic, continental champ runnin' things! ♪

♪ Hyperactive, instrumental, and pulling strings! ♪

A couple of boulders could then be seen falling from the stone mountain and roll towards the gang as Nintega didn't let that stop as he smiles and his eyes glow blue before he destroys both of them one-by-one with two simple kicks.

♪ He's the one who understands when the tides will swing! ♪

♪ So he's breakin' down doors, never following! ♪

Nintega then takes a huge jump similar to Mario to get to a higher level and he lands perfectly along with the rest of the All-Stars. Then all then proceed to use Sonic's signature speed to run more upward on the path as fast as they could.

♪ C'mon and psyche yourself, 'cause it's time to play! ♪

♪ Bounce to the beats and the rhymes, 'cause they're here to stay! ♪

Neptune then transforms into Purple Heart as she destroys a huge pillar of boulders that were right in front of them with her sword. Joker then sees that he could cause an avalanche to clear more of the path as he pulls out his gun and shoots at one of the ledges which causes a huge rockslide to happen.

♪ The one and only miracle man livin' today! ♪

♪ Movin' up, comin' fast and he'll blow you away! ♪

Twilight then uses her magic on her horn to stop all of the boulders from making a huge mess and she slowly connects them in a way so that they can form a staircase for them to walk upwards to the top. Nintega gives her a thumbs up as he runs up the rock stairs along with the rest as they were almost to the top.

♪ Because the pressures of this world, they can take their toll! ♪

♪ And it's time to get away when they take ahold! ♪

Nintega does a side flip and stops in the middle of the upward path and looks at the camera as he points his finger out to it and joins in on the final lyrics.

The Nintega Guy: ♪ The only way to break free is to break the mold! ♪

All of them then started jumping high up the mountain in different places as they were near the peak of it.

♪ You can't stop now, rock n' roll! ♪

♪ I say you can't stop now, rock n' roll! ♪

♪ Don't stop now, come on! Rock n' roll! ♪

Nintega and The Nintega All-Stars launch themselves towards the camera before they stop in the air and strike a pose with each other to end the song here.





























































































































(A/N): If I didn't mention you up above, I absolutely do NOT think of you as any less of a follower than I do towards everyone that I listed! I love you all and I hope that you all continue to read my beloved stories as I will keep entertaining you all in anyway that I can! ^_^

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