Relationship with Slayer7Reading

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The Nintega All-Stars along with the author himself have entered another room in Nintega's hall of authors. Once all five of them enter the area, they all see that they have entered an area that was indeed another long corridor that looked to be almost like a palace of some sorts. Nintega takes a look at all of this landscape with a blank look before he gestures for the other All-Stars to follow him as they do so with Joker being the one to close the door behind him.

Joker: What is this place, Nintega?

The Nintega Guy: Somewhere where I have a feeling we're going to get a little bit more action than what we had with Beat.

Twilight looks off to the side and she could see a ton of murals that looked to be of huge planes from Ace Combat or monsters from Yu-Gi-Oh as it was kind of giving her a tinge of anxiety.

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know about you guys, but this place is kind of giving me the creeps.

Sonic: Relax, Twi. It's not like anything is going to jump out at ya.

As Sonic says that, a small random jet flies down right in front of the gang making almost everybody jump or let small exclaims of fright from this.

Sonic: I really didn't see that coming. . .

Joker was about to make a comment before Neptune slaps a hand over his mouth while glaring at him.

Neptune: Don't even think about it, Phantom bucko.

Joker rolls his eyes as Neptune removes her hand and as the jet flies off fast past the six friends as they continue their small walk through the area.

The Nintega Guy: I know he's around here somewhere, but that jet from a series that he's more familiar with than me kind of gives me a slight itch that he's been expecting us to come here.

Mario: What do you mean?

The Nintega Guy: My friends and I like to call him the Meme-Lord or something like that, but he's smart to know whenever his friends look to see if they have time for anything and he definitely knows that I'm here to see him. Not just to say thanks, but also I'm sure that there is something that he wants from me.

Mario: What could he possibly want from you?

Neptune: Hmm. . . I don't know. . . Maybe Nintega's orange colored underwear?

That earns a whack to the head from Nintega leaving a small bump on Neptune's head as that joke really didn't get a laugh out of him, but Sonic did let out a small chuckle from what Neptune said and also the fact that Nintega retaliated on her for it.

The Nintega Guy: Why the hell would he want my underwear you purple loli perv?! And I don't mean something that I have that he wants! I mean that both him and I do together is what he wants! . . .Also my underwear is blue, not orange!

Twilight Sparkle: (Too much information. . . from both of them.)

Neptune: Ohhhh. . . Same as Jesse's from Minecraft Story Mode.

The Nintega Guy: Drop it, Nep! We didn't come here to talk about underwear! This is more about the bond that I share with my friend Slayer!

As they kept walking and Nintega scolds Neptune, Sonic notices something in the distance and taps on Nintega's shoulder.

Sonic: Is that where we're suppose to go?

They all look forward to see a small portal in the distance that had some flames around it. Nintega sees this design with surprise before he smiles as he walks forward towards the portal. Twilight and Joker were getting ready to follow him before Nintega stops them.

The Nintega Guy: No! You guys stay here. I'm going through here, while you guys will be spectating.

Joker: Spectating?

Mario: You want us to stay on the-a sidelines? Is there trouble with your friend-a, Slayer?

The Nintega Guy: No, no trouble Mario. But this is more of an one-on-one thing than a group thing. Don't worry, you guys will be able to watch what's going on as soon as I go through here.

Twilight Sparkle: Alright, if you say so. We'll sit here and wait for you to be done.

Nintega nods from that before he turns towards the portal again and he simply walks right through it like it was nothing as the Nintega All-Stars took a closer to now see that Nintega was in another part of the small palace in another corridor as he was walking alone this time.

In this corridor, Nintega keeps a blank face as he walks through the area looking around for one of his best friends and it didn't take him that long to find him as a voice suddenly rings out which makes Nintega look straight ahead.

???: I've been waiting for you. . . Nintega.

Nintega looks straight ahead to see a guy about his age as he had brown hair, orange eyes, he was wearing a black jacket with a white undershirt with the black tie on it that wasn't knotted. He was wearing brown gloves that were white at the fingertips, dark brown pants, and black shoes. He had his arms crossed while looking at Nintega with serious look. This was one of Nintega's best friends, Slayer.

Slayer: Congrats on the 2K followers by the way, but I have been expecting you to visit and today we're going to settle something that we should've done months ago.

The Nintega Guy: *smiles* I take that means. . . you want to duel, Slayer.

Slayer: I certainly didn't wait here for more than half an hour for you to just come and allow me to pay you a compliment. Yes, we'll duel and we'll do so with the duel disks from KaibaCorp that I have prepared for both of us!

He says as his own duel disk forms on his wrists and Nintega was able to get his own version as that appears in the same place as well.

Slayer: I've been preparing for this a long time, Nintega! Now, prepare to do battle!

Slayer then ready's up his duel disk as a hologram right beside appears to say that he has full 8000 life points.

Slayer: And prepare to get yourself whooped!

The Nintega Guy: Hmph. I see you're still as competitive in Yu-Gi-Oh as you always were Slayer, but so be it!

Nintega then ready's up his duel disk too as he gets ready to have a duel with Slayer and the same hologram appears right next to him as the two had full 8000 life points which means that they can begin the duel.

The Nintega Guy: It's time to. . . D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DUEL!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Nintega Guy & Slayer: Ready!

Slayer: I'll start us off by drawing my cards!

Slayer was able to draw five cards form his deck and when he takes a look at all of them, he gets a smirk on his face which meant that he had something good to start himself off with to make this duel look like a piece of cake.

Slayer: I warned you to prepare to battle me, Nintega! But I don't you'll have any time to compete with THIS!

Slayer activates the card Polymerization which causes two monsters from his cards to instantly be summoned which were Elemental HERO Neos and Destiny HERO Dogma.

Slayer: I fusion summon two of my monsters and I shall show you. . .

The two monsters fused together and a brand new monster was created from Slayer's deck which was. . .

Slayer: Masked HERO Dark Law!

Which was a fusion monster with 2400 attack points and 1800 defense points as it stands posing in a ready position right behind Slayer prepared to attack when it was it's turn.

Slayer: Your turn Nintega! Show me what you have in store to compete with this.

Nintega draws five cards himself and looks through them before his eyes lay upon a card that he was lucky to have which made him smile.

The Nintega Guy: Gladly! After my draw, I shall come up with a combo fortunate enough to match your fusion summoned monster! First I activate the card Trickstar Lightstage to summon out Trickstar Cadina!

Nintega does so as a small light fairy monster is summoned onto the field which glares at Slayer with the megaphone that it was holding.

The Nintega Guy: Then by using her effect to summon any other Trickstar monster that I desire, I shall replace her in order to summon out my most trusted Trickstar ally! Trickstar Lycoris!

Trickstar Cadina is put back into Nintega's hand as she replaced by Trickstar Lycoris who circles around Nintega happily and she shares a high five with him before she floats down in front of him to point her sword towards Slayer.

The Nintega Guy: I shall warn you, Slayer. You must play your cards wisely as Lycoris' effect is for you to take damage every time that you draw a card.

Slayer doesn't react to this at all as he doesn't seemed surprised that Nintega went for Trickstar monsters on his first turn.

The Nintega Guy: Next, I'll play Raigeki so that Masked HERO Dark Law of yours won't be any trouble for me to drain your life points down to 0!

Nintega plays the said card as a huge bolt of lightning was getting ready to try and take down Slayer's only monster, but he didn't seemed too fazed by that predictable strategy.

Slayer: I don't think so. I play my trap card! Dark Bribe!

The said card suddenly appears right in front of Slayer and the effect of Raigeki was negated as it instead allows Slayer to draw one more monster from his deck.

The Nintega Guy: Huh. Negated my effect to draw out another card, huh?

Slayer: You got that right! And because that you failed to destroy my Masked HERO Dark Law it can now attack and your Trickstar Lycoris will be its first victim.

Slayer's monsters charges forward and gets ready to send a pummeling to Trickstar Lycoris who guards the attack with her sword waiting for Nintega to do something about it while Slayer just smirks.

Slayer: Once Lycoris is off of the field, you'll be finished, Nintega!

The Nintega Guy: That's what you think!

Slayer was surprised to hear this as Nintega had another trap card prepared for this in case his spell card didn't work out the way that he wanted to.

The Nintega Guy: I activate the trap card! Negate Attack! It may sound simple, but now that I've negated your attack on my Trickstar Lycoris you're now locked out of your Battle Phase for the rest of the turn!

He says as Dark Law was pushed back towards Slayer's side due to the trap card allowing Nintega to delay his game plan.

Slayer: All you're doing is delaying the inevitable! I'm going to win this one, Nintega!

The Nintega Guy: *chuckles* Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Slayer! I now Special Summon out Mekk-Night Purple Nightfall and I summon out Trickstar Lilybell to get past your Dark Law!

The two new monsters that Nintega summoned float down beside Trickstar Lycoris who smiles that another Trickstar monster came into play. From the other side of the portal, the Nintega All-Stars were watching all of this with shocked looks at how much Nintega and Slayer know how to duel with each other.

Twilight Sparkle: You've got to have a lot of contingency plans in order to play that kind of game it looks like.

Joker: It reminds me of how I was able to deceive both Akechi and Konoe. We had the perfect plans to allow them to fall right in our traps and give us a better offense. Nintega or Slayer have to do the same thing here until they run out of ideas to counterattack. It all comes down to who is smarter.

Sonic: Tails would be perfect for this game then! I mean if he can do something that even Eggman can't do then he's smart enough to be in a duel like this one.

Joker: Maybe Navi too. She's an otaku enough to know that these duels can mean business.

Back inside, Slayer and Nintega were still at their duel as Slayer had used Masked HERO Dark Law to destroy Lilybell since it kept attacking directly towards him. Since she only had 800 attack points, it meant that Nintega took a lot of damage with that one and it brought him down to 6800 life points while Slayer was standing with 6500 with how much Trickstar Lycoris drained his life points along with the Trickstar Lightstage. Mekk-Night then proceeds to destroy another HERO monster that Slayer brought out which was Elemental HERO Sparkman however Slayer used the Trap card Hero Signal to summon out another monster since that one was destroyed by battle. It was another Elemental HERO Bladedge in attack mode. It then proceeds to retaliate against Nintega's Mekk-Night at it was barely destroyed with it being just 100 attack points below Slayer's attacking monster. The battle was as it was now Nintega's turn again.

The Nintega Guy: My turn again, Slayer! I shall use the spell card Pot of Duality! I will excavate 3 random cards in my deck and pick one!

Nintega takes a look at the three cards that the Pot of Duality card picked for him and he sees one that he thinks that will help him out.

The Nintega Guy: Using this spell, I shall summon out yet another one of my Trickstar allies since that is the only monster that I have on the field! Trickstar Corobane!

Trickstar Corobane comes out and lands right beside Lycoris as the two Trickstar monsters smile at each other before looking back towards Nintega who points his finger forward.

The Nintega Guy: Charge!

Both of the monsters nod from this as they proceed to go try to attack Slayer, but he was prepared for the attack.

Slayer: Don't you dare try and pull that stunt unless you want to face my ultimate Masked HERO Dark Law in attack mode!

He says as his monster gets right in front of him to prepare for the stunt causes the two monsters to pause on the middle of the field which made Slayer smile.

Slayer: That's right! Call off your attack! Because now Masked HERO Dark Law will be able to finish off both of your monsters starting with Lycoris to end the chain of life point drain that you caused!

He says this as Masked HERO Dark Law makes his way to attack the two Trickstar monsters and Slayer smirks.

Slayer: Without your signature monster, what will you do now Nintega as Corobane won't have enough attack points to face Dark Law!

Nintega sees Dark Law getting ready to attack him as he stares at this revelation with astonishment before he gets the same smirk on his face that Slayer had.

The Nintega Guy: Are you sure of that~? Watch this!

Slayer: What??

The Nintega Guy: I now use the spell card Enemy Controller!

The spell activates causes the Masked HERO Dark Law to instead change from attack to defense automatically.

The Nintega Guy: I've change the position of your Dark Law to defense which you can't change now in your Battle phase. And now that's my turn again. . . I activate my Polymerization!

Slayer gasps from this as Nintega pulls out the card and activates it causing both of his monsters to combine and they form a brand new fusion Trickstar monster that Slayer wasn't expecting to arrive as it had a guitar in its arms and it looked a lot more bigger than Lycoris and Corobane.

The Nintega Guy: With both of their power, I summon out Trickstar Band Sweet Guitar! With her arrival, my life points go up to 2200! But here's the best part about this card. . . It still has the effects of Trickstar Lycoris. . . but doubled! So I now play another trap card for my most deadly card that you face! Trickstar Reincarnation!

Slayer: N-No way. . .

The Nintega Guy: That's right! It'll banish five of the cards in your hand currently and give you five brand new cards to try and stop me with! But here's the best part. . . I now GAIN attack EQUAL to the damage that you took! Turning Trickstar Band Sweet Guitar's life points. . . up to over 5000!

Slayer stares at this turn of events in shock as he growls in anger.

Slayer: You were just toying with me! Weren't you?!

The Nintega Guy: Guilty as charged~ It's over Slayer! This duel is mine! Sweet Guitar. . . ATTACK!

She proceeds to what her master told her as she plays the guitar in her hands causing a massive wave blast to be sent towards Slayer who doesn't even try to stop the attack and watches it get ready to destroy Dark Law and give Nintega a huge advantage. One the wave hits, a huge explosion is made causing Nintega to smile that he won. . . but did he?

Nintega suddenly gasps to see that Slayer's Dark Law was actually unfazed from the attack which shocks him greatly as that should've finished it off entirely.

Slayer: Nice try, Nintega. I knew you were toying with me, so I had this prepared~

A trap card that said D - Counter was seen which Slayer must've had down the entire time that they were dueling.

Slayer: The trap card, D - Counter. Because that you were trying to terminate my Masked HERO Dark Law it won't be affected at all and that also means that your Sweet Guitar. . . can no longer be on the field. Too bad, Nintega. You just didn't think this through enough.

The Nintega Guy: Th-That's means. . .

Trickstar Band Sweet Guitar had a look of shock on her face before she disappears and was banished from the field due to Dark Law's effect.


Dark Law attacks Nintega directly which causes a huge shock to him as he braces for impact, but there was huge explosion while the match said that Nintega's life points had gone down to 0 which states that Slayer wins the duel. The Nintega All-Stars stare at this in shock at how Slayer was prepared for all of that to happen at once while Nintega had all of that power in his hands.

Neptune: Nep-what?! I call hacks! There's no way that one measly little card can just stop Nintega from doing all of that!

Twilight Sparkle: Well. . . even a simple card can be seen as very powerful the more that you look at it.

Neptune: That shouldn't be right though! Doesn't Nintega have an extra card that can break the rules too?! I mean come on Konami! Stop banishing or taking out broken cards that you're making and just let one or the other win more easily! I hope they ban Slayer's Dark Law!

Sonic: Maybe in your dreams, Nep. . .

Twilight Sparkle: You just want it banned because it beat, Nintega. What sense does that make?

Neptune: A ton of sense, Twilight Sparknerd!

Joker: No, it doesn't. . .

Slayer is a guy that I met while hanging out with Soejammy. Trust me when I say that he's EXTREMELY knowledgeable when it comes to memes and Yu-Gi-Oh. I mean really he knows way more of the series than I do (so does Jammy if I may add). But this guy is like a mini-SMG4 from YouTube as he doesn't mind showing his friends funny memes about random stuff any day of the week that he gets the chance.

He also loves spending time with his friends too as he doesn't mind talking to us about whatever is happening. While him and I don't really talk much directly towards each other, I still do see him as a friend that I can support and he supports me in return. There are instances where we do have to tell him where he is being a little bit impulsive, but it's never really a big deal as that's just how he rolls and I would never get annoyed at him for something like that. As you guys also saw above, we duel in Yu-Gi-Oh from time to time trying to get stronger. Slayer sometimes even says that my deck is kind of broken because he can never get rid of the monster cards that I put on the field. XD I beg to differ in some cases, but I mostly just love playing for fun and sometimes to like a little competition now and then as my competitive side can show too.

Even so, Slayer is a really great friend that I appreciate meeting to this day and I hope that our bond can become stronger as time progresses.

Slayer, if you're reading this, don't stop making others laugh as you are how people love to call you the Meme-Lord! You're a great friend that I'm glad to have met and I hope that we can become closer in the future! ^_^

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