Relationship with SuperBeatBlue

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The Nintega All-Stars were walking across the corridor again, but this time without Nintega as right after they had their little talk with Heroes, Nintega said that he had to go and do something right quick before he can show the others the next best friend that he wanted them to meet. They were all walking through the hall with happy looks on their faces being able to cheer up a friend.

Mario: I'd say the last-a session went pretty well. Wouldn't you-a say guys?

Sonic: Heck yeah! When I see someone looking at the more positive side of things, there's no way that I can't smile after seeing them smile.

Twilight Sparkle: You know what I always say, a true, true friend helps a friend in need.

Neptune: Not only that, but even if all of what was happening. I got to hang out with Asu and the rest of those ninja girls too.

Joker didn't say anything, but he kind of thought about the time that they were there with the shinobi as he smirks before adjusting his mask which confuses the other All-Stars.

Sonic: What's with that dopey grin on your face, Joker?

Joker: Oh. . . nothing.

He said back in his normal quiet and calm demeanor, however Neptune wasn't really buying any of it.

Neptune: Considering what we just talked about. . . I wouldn't be surprised if it was something lewd, Pervert Thief!

Joker: Don't know what you're talking about.

Twilight Sparkle & Neptune: Sureeeee.

Both Twilight and Neptune looked at each other at the same time as they were slightly surprised that they were thinking the same words and they said what they wanted to say simultaneously. Mario and Sonic let out a little bit of quiet chuckles as that was kind of ironic considering that they both don't get along that much. As they did though, a loud yell of effort was heard and so was the sound of an explosion which made the five confused.

Mario: What was that?

Neptune: . . .Meteorite? Cow? Flying building?

Twilight Sparkle: Stop guessing. Obviously it came from one of these rooms, but. . .

The same explosion was heard once more as the five friends turn towards a door that had a Dragon Ball symbol on it, something that seemed familiar to Sonic and Neptune. They walked towards it and Sonic put his ear towards the door to listen closely as a bunch of consecutive yells could be heard along with sounds of hard punches and kicks too.

Sonic: Uh. . . You guys don't think that Nintega went in here, do you?

Joker: Have you met him before? He'll do some stuff almost as crazy as Neptune does.

Neptune: Hey! I take great offense to that!

Mario: Well, there's is-a only one to find out.

Mario steps up in front of the All-Stars and he grabs the knob before he slowly opens up the door and they all each walk inside of the place to see what was all of the commotion going on with this one room and what Nintega could have done to either anger someone or just flat out annoy them. As they walked in. . . a Ki blast flew straight at the five causing them all to scream out in shock.

Sonic: DUCK!

All of them did just that as they hit the deck and dropped to the ground to avoid the Ki blast. It instead obliterated part of a large rock nearby causing them all to look at the damage before each other in shock. They all then see that they were in a small battlefield and up ahead they could hear a voice which was none other than Nintega.

The Nintega Guy: Are you trying to make me yawn, Beat? Or are you too slow to even hit me that you would rather get clobbered by me?

The Nintega All-Stars see Nintega dodging a couple of more blasts with a smirk before someone else came down and try to attack Nintega with kicks while floating in the air. This was another one of Nintega's best friends and Saiyan, Son Beat as he had long black spiky hair, a black shirt, he was wearing a red vest that had a turquoise belt wrapped around him along with another belt that was actually his tail wrapped around his waist. He had white large pants, red fingerless gloves, red boots, and a yellow scarf hanging on his side wrapped inside of his belt.

Beat: Shut up and fight back you damn quitter!

The Nintega Guy: Ha! NOW you want me to fight back? Where was that earlier when I didn't even to run into order to avoid your poor aim!

Beat yells as he tries to throw a punch at Nintega who dodges it just in time to then block a kick from Beat and he then grabs his foot before swinging him around and throwing him away from him to regain some distance from him. The Nintega All-Stars were surprised at seeing this as they weren't expecting a fight to break out between these two so quickly. Twilight decided to be the one who tries to call out to them and stop the fight.

Twilight Sparkle: Um, you guys? I don't what happened between you two, but why don't you guys settle down and talk it out. . .? That way we don't have to witness a fight here that could seriously hurt someone. . .

Beat turned towards Twilight and the others with a serious look on his face.

Beat: Fight?! This isn't a fight! This here is war!

The Nintega Guy: And by "war" he means training! And he has seriously gotten rusty!

Beat: I'll show you rusty!

Beat uses Instant Transmission to try and get up right in Nintega's face, but he expected that as he jumps away with a smirk as Beat couldn't land a single flurry of kicks at him. Nintega lands on a rock which Beat destroys with a Ki blast, but Nintega jumps away just in time to evade it.

The Nintega Guy: Ha ha!

Beat looks ahead at Nintega as his eyes glowed blue before running into a forest with speed as fast as Sonic. Beat chased after him as Sonic who was with the All-Stars smiled at seeing Nintega toy with Beat like it's a game as that's something that he normally does. They all then look up to see Beat chasing Nintega up a small cliff as Nintega keeps his smirk on his face before he running upwards and soon hits the peak of a large tree. He grabs the top edge before looking out at the scenery.

The Nintega Guy: Huh, not a bad view.

However, Nintega soon felt this tree that he climbed up on was coming down as the bottom, Beat had used a couple of Ki blasts to try and knock it down. Nintega holds onto the tree the best that he could as it came tipping over and he was getting sent towards the ground. As he falls while holding onto the tree, Beat came up and punched him off to knock him down towards the ground himself.

Nintega hits his head on the ground and there were swirls in his eyes before he shakes his head slightly dizzy from the impact before he hears a charging sound as he looks up to see Beat charging up some large and blue in his hands while an aura grows around him.

Beat: Kamehame. . .

The Nintega Guy: Wuh-oh!

Beat: HA!!!

Beat shoots this towards Nintega who rolls across the ground to avoid the large beam just in time. Nintega stood back up and looked at the damage Beat made missing him before he makes a face at him while sticking his tongue out at him. Beat growls from this before he yells out in effort to shoot a flurry of Ki blasts out at Nintega. Nintega just sees this with a smirk as he just runs around dodging them with no problem at all. He laughs triumphantly while evading all of these Ki blasts before taunting Beat once again which forces Beat to shoot more Ki blasts at him.

Beat then decides to come down with a downwards kick towards Nintega and the impact towards the ground when he misses intentionally sends Nintega into the air and he quickly moves towards a tree while sliding down on it before launching himself towards Beat to tackle him. The two of them were then sent tumbling down a hill and onto the grasslands before they both finally landed onto their backs slightly exhausted from exerting that much energy training with each other. Beat turns towards Nintega with a slight smile.

Beat: I see that even at 2K. . . You still don't break a sweat when it comes to having action with us.

The Nintega Guy: *chuckles* You know me. . . I aim to please.

Beat: I know and even I'm impressed. Does big bro Soe know?

The Nintega Guy: You better believe it?

Beat: Noice. . .

The two of them shared a fist bump with each other while still panting from having such a heated mock battle and the Nintega All-Stars just all sweatdrop from what they just saw between these two friends as they have no idea how to react to any of this.

Neptune: I have no idea what in the heck that I just saw. . . or what the hey that this has to do with showing how much Nintega appreciates Beat here being his friend. . . My only option here is to look towards the fourth wall and blame all of this on what the author wrote making lame DB references. Stupid, stupid author. . .

Sonic: It was kind of cool seeing them challenge each other like that though. Reminds me sometimes when I have to keep Knuckles in control.

Joker: So much for a casual introduction. . .

Mario: It's-a. . . unique?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, if this is how Nintega and Beat like to share their bond with each other then I suppose that I judge them too much on how they act. . . I mean they seem to be on good terms now.

Joker: That's mainly because that they're tired from fighting, but. . . I don't know what's going to happen once they've finished resting up.

Neptune: They did say that this was a kind of war. . . Let's hope that it doesn't end in a millennia.

I didn't really get to meet Beat until after he recognized some work that I did for Soejammy. When I helped Jammy make the book cover, Beat said that it looked really sick even though we haven't met at the time. I'm sure that you guys all know at this point that I love roleplaying as it's pretty obvious in both my stories and sometimes in my Discord channel XD (Link is on the profile page). However, I actually got into another server where I could roleplay as well and there was actually where I was able to meet Beat.

It didn't take long for him to discover me after I was an official member of the server and I'll be honest when I say that I was indeed pretty sheepish at first as you guys know that for an introvert like me that talking to someone that you don't know or recognize isn't easy. When we did talk though, we then discovered that not only did we both have Wattpad's, but we also liked some of the same things too. He was more of a Dragon Ball guy while I was more of a. . . Nintega All-Star kind of guy? You get the point.

Some of our favorite characters from other anime include Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 or Koneko Toujou from Highschool DxD. After that, we got to talking with each other a lot more and we even got to talk more directly. . . or should I say that we got more competitive directly. The others including me love to trash talk Beat sometimes and he doesn't mind it at all as he'll usually come up with a comeback. . . eventually. XD

Beat and I are the most competitive with each other in Smash Bros as not to brag, but I did indeed dominate him once with Joker and Sora. He usually loves to play with Sonic and Lucario and sometimes like to think that we're roleplaying even in the game. We usually find it strange, but sometimes we do play along with it. Even so, Beat and I share a TON of laughs with each other and our friendly rivalry with each other is like sharing a really close bond that I cannot deny that we do have.

Beat, if you are reading this, thanks for being the best Saiyan friend that I've met and also being encouraging towards not only me, but the others too as we all appreciate it a ton. I hope no matter what we do in the future that our friendship and rivalry still stands. ^_^

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