Relationship with Heroesfan10009

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The Nintega All-Stars were back in the corridor again as they were all walking across towards the next room where another one of Nintega's best friends takes place. When Nintega laid his eyes on what this next door was, he got a little bit concerned for it as it had the iconic purple of someone that he knows quite well. He takes a deep breath before turning back towards the Nintega All-Stars.

The Nintega Guy: Okay, guys. Listen right now and I don't want any drama to happen between any of us once we go through here. . . Looking at you, Neptune!

Neptune: Nep-what?! Why am I getting singled out here?!

Twilight Sparkle: Because we know how impulsive and reckless you can be when listening to orders from others when they are clearly the right thing to do.

Neptune: Aw, man. You guys like a boring mom or dad towards me sometimes.

She says as she pouts and she puffs her cheeks out too.

The Nintega Guy: Then act less like a child and more mature like your HDD form.

Neptune: That's not the fanboys or you like to see me role, author.

Nintega was getting ready to retort to that before he kind of knows that Neptune has a point when it comes to character and nothing can be funny around here without her around even when she tends to be funny at the wrong times.

The Nintega Guy: Touché. . .

Sonic: So what's with the no drama act, Nintega? I'll listen as drama is way different than action, so you're technically not telling me to not be my cool blue self.

The Nintega Guy: Actually Sonic, you may be useful coming through here along with you as well Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Really?

Mario: What about-a Joker and I?

The Nintega Guy: You two will still have a purpose with us, just not as much.

Joker: Eh, I suppose that's fair. So care to explain?

The Nintega Guy: My friend across this purple door is very, VERY sensitive when it comes to hearing words said about him. I can't ever predict his mood when I'm away from him, but I'm always prepared to either have fun with him or get him out of the dumps when needed.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. . . It sounds like he goes through a lot.

The Nintega Guy: You have no idea, Twi.

Nintega then turns back towards the door with a serious look on his face.

The Nintega Guy: He looks up to me as his big bro that'll help him with anything. I promised him that I'll never leave his side no matter how he feels and I plan to keep that promise. Jammy, Kitty, Beat, and Slayer let him know these things as well as I'm sure that they're thinking about him as we speak.

Nintega then grabs the doorknob of the door that he was in front of and takes a deep breath to prepare himself mentally.

The Nintega Guy: I hope that behind this door, we'll either see Asuka, Rias, or maybe even Plutie in here along with the others in here that he hangs out with most of the time. If not. . . I know exactly what to do.

Sonic: Ready when you are, buddy.

Nintega nods at Sonic before he looks back at the doorknob and he opens the door and he was expecting to enter a beach filled with sexy shinobi ninjas, or a classroom filled with the Gremory team, but instead straight ahead of him he finds himself and the others in a place at nighttime where they were on a hill near a road that lead to a city. The six look around before Nintega looks over to his right to find a lonely figure by himself staring out into the night sky and he did not look to be in the best of moods. Sonic was getting ready to go up to this guy, but Nintega put his hand out to stop him and he gives Sonic a stern glare.

The Nintega Guy: Let me handle this right quick before you intervene. I'm his big bro which means that it's up to me to help him out whenever he feels alone.

Sonic was surprised to hear this before he nods and steps back with the other All-Stars. Nintega then slowly walks up the small road near the top where this lonely figure was hanging out near a balcony ledge. Thanks to some of the light, the figure is shown to be small as he has lilac hair, light purple eyes, a dark purple hoodie and he was wearing blue pants as well. This was Nintega's self-proclaimed little brother and best friend, Heroes.

He seemed to have a bored look resting his arm on the balcony pole and his other arm had his hand on his chin. Nintega slowly approaches Heroes to try his best to not get him to notice him, but it turns out that he already knows that he's there.

Heroes: You don't need to sneak up on me, Nintega. I know you're there.

Nintega was surprised that Heroes could tell that it was him without even looking, but he walks up to the little dude regardless of what he said.

The Nintega Guy: And you know why I'm here?

Heroes: If I'm standing here gazing out at absolute nothingness alone, I don't think it can be more obvious. . .

The Nintega Guy: Well. . . you do know that I just reached 2K followers on Wattpad, right?

Heroes: Yeah. . . good job on reaching it, bro. . . You deserve all of them. . . even me. . .

He didn't sound so enthusiastic from that as Nintega raised an eyebrow from that.

The Nintega Guy: Why aren't you with Asuka, Yumi, Homura, Miyabi and the other shinobis at your place? Or hanging out with Rias and Akeno? Or the many other friends that you have?

Heroes: *sighs* You're wasting your time if you think that my answers are going to be of any help to you and me.

The Nintega Guy: Not really. Look behind you.

Heroes: Don't need to. You brought Mario, Sonic, Neptune, Joker, and Twilight here, didn't you?

The Nintega Guy: Wow! How did you even know so quickly?

Heroes: If I can shapeshift myself into absolutely anything then I'm sure that I can use bat ears to tell where you are. . .

The Nintega Guy: . . .Good point. But dude, I didn't come here to just tell you that I've reached 2K followers. I also came to see you.

Heroes: Why. . .?

The Nintega Guy: Because you're one of the ones who helped me get this far, little bro. I owe a lot to you because believe me when I say that Jammy's stories weren't the first Neptunia stories that I actually looked at. . . It was yours.

Heroes got slightly surprised from that as he turned his head towards Nintega.

Heroes: Seriously?

The Nintega Guy: Yeah! Goddesses in my House and The Incredible Neptunia may still be on huge hiatus and you don't much time or motivation to write as much as I see you hang out with Charlie or Dbz or any of the girls that you love with your heart, but when I first got on Wattpad, your stories were still a pretty big deal on the site as they were actually the first anime stories that I came across with not just Neptunia, but also many others too. You even had a little bit of MLP in there too which I could not take my eyes off.

Heroes: *sarcastically* Yeah. . . Sure. . .

The Nintega Guy: No, I'm serious! When you took a look at my Neptunia anime book. . . which I don't really consider good, but granted it was one of the first stories that I made. . . I thought I was blind when I saw that you voted on them! I thought "Is this the same Heroes who made those popular Neptunia stories?!" Turns out my deduction was right on target with that.

Heroes: Because you can make stories! All I made was shit to catch dust. . .

The Nintega Guy: Um, hellooo? I don't recall EVER saying that "shit" was shit. I've taken some of your knowledge on the stories and made it into what I could Heroes! I didn't think that I would ever get to meet you until Jammy showed me that you were in the same group.

Nintega then looked behind him and gestures for the other Nintega All-Stars to follow him at cheering Heroes up. Sonic was the first one as he instantly runs up to Heroes and rests his arm on his shoulder.

Sonic: We heard what our pal, Nintega said dude. You may not think it, but I'm sure that others are being inspired by your works as we speak. Who knows? Maybe it's not just Neptune's stories.

Neptune: Hey!

Nintega growls at Neptune to tell her that now isn't the time to be making claims that she is a true protagonist so she nervously chuckles.

Neptune: Maybe I should transform after all. . .

Right after this line, Neptune instantly activates HDD to transform into Purple Heart as she floats right Heroes and puts both of her hands on his shoulders.

Purple Heart (Neptune): You may claim that Nintega is better, but trust him and trust me to say that you did a really satisfactory job on your own, Heroes with handling how a true protagonist should act.

Heroes slightly turned to Purple Heart who smiles down at him calmly before she wraps up the little guy in a hug which surprised Heroes before he looks up at Purple Heart before slowly returning the hug as well as the goddess even pats his head too. Twilight smiles as she even gives some positive words to Heroes as well.

Twilight Sparkle: Heroes, if Nintega didn't care then I don't think that he would even be here to see you. He told us that you even have your other friends to turn to when you feel like this.

Joker: Exactly.

He said as he gently takes off his mask, but not summoning his persona.

Joker: We're all more than your best friends, but we're like a family to you too. I don't normally talk this much, but that's how I feel too.

Mario: Same here! Let's-a stick together, Heroes! You have us like-a family!

The Nintega Guy: See buddy? This is truly how we feel and we love ya so SO much that you can hug all of us for as long as you want and we won't even get bored from it.

Sonic: Maybe just hugging in one place though.

Twilight jabs Sonic in the knee with her hoof eliciting a small cry in pain from her before she motions her mouth for him to zip it.

Sonic: I-I mean, I can wait for as long as you want us too little buddy. You remind me a lot of Tails.

Heroes: Do you all really mean that?

The Nintega Guy: It's the COMPLETE truth, bro.

Nintega then joins in with Purple Heart in hugging Heroes and so do the rest of the All-Stars as Heroes looks at all of them. . . and a slight smile is seen curving up slowly as he hugs them all back in return. They then separate and Heroes looks at all of them with a little bit of tears which he wipes away before looking at all of the family that he has around him.

Heroes: Thanks everybody, but. . . I still don't get it. There's really nothing that special about me.

Nintega goes up and wraps his arm around Heroes and he ruffles his hair making him chuckle a little bit before pointing at his chest with a big smile.

The Nintega Guy: Oh, there is! And I'm going to tell you why there IS something special about you, Heroes! You wanna know exactly why you're special and why I consider you the best little bro that I've ever had?

Heroes: Why?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Nintega smirks down at Heroes and stares at him for a few seconds before he quickly grabs his wrist and pulls him to run on the road with him at full speed which surprised Heroes as he wasn't expecting things to get so fast like this so quickly. The rest of the Nintega All-Stars see this and they smile at each other as they all follow Nintega to wherever he was going along with Heroes as they were going to show him the exact factor that needs in order to cheer up.

The sun was even coming up in the background as well as it was now bright and early and the perfect to show Heroes what all of this is. The two of them then come across a large opening gap that had small rock platforms that could just be easily jumped across. Heroes looked at this a little bit confused and nervous before Nintega smiles down at him and he points at him with a confident smirk.

The Nintega Guy: ♪ If you're strong ♪

He then jumps along the rock platforms with Heroes as he didn't look really comfortable, but Nintega kept showing him that there was nothing to be afraid of.

♪ You can fly ♪

He then picks Heroes up over him as he wasn't expecting that either as the two of them hopped, skipped, and jumped over the rocks and on the last one, Nintega tossed Heroes upwards and as he soared through the sky, a large rainbow appeared in the far distance from Heroes which he sees in shock before he smiles at this.

♪ You can reach the other side ♪

♪ Of the rainbow ♪

Nintega catches Heroes back down at the end of the gap before they both ran straight ahead into a forest together. As they run through the forest, they noticed some growling heard in the distance as they look to see that there were some Grimm following them which were the Ursa species. That indicated that they were in the RWBY universe at the moment as Nintega smirks from this before skidding to a stop. He then looks at Heroes and gestures for him to take them on as he knows that he can do it.

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ Take a chance ♪

Heroes looks towards the Grimm nervously for a second before it becomes a fierce look and he runs up towards the Grimm before morphing his hand into a large tiger claw and he attacks some of the Grimm as they roared in response. As he did, the Grimm soon got shot down one by one surprising Heroes as he looks up to see that it was Team RWBY on top of a ledge responsible for that attack.

♪ Cause there is no circumstance ♪

Ruby waves with a cute smile at Heroes, Weiss lets out a small smile, Blake just gives a casual wave, and Yang winks at him with a thumbs up.

♪ That you can't handle ♪

Heroes sees the Huntresses and smiles as he waves back and Nintega does the same. They then see that the Grimm were still ready to attack, Nintega looks at Heroes who looks a little bit nervous, but Nintega put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him that everything was going to be fine. Even Ruby did the same as it gave Heroes the confidence that he needed.

♪ When you use your mind! ♪

They all went and charges towards the Grimm with their weapons and powers and the Nintega All-Stars did the same to join in on the little bit of action with the Huntresses.

♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom ♪

The Nintega All-Stars: ♪ Trouble keeps you running faster ♪

The Nintega Guy: ♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom ♪

A large portal then appears beneath Nintega and Heroes as they both fall through it in slight shock that it appeared out of nowhere for them. As they fell, they both see that they were right on top of Gamindustri in the sky and Nintega smiled falling while Heroes was in astonishment on how beautiful Planeptune looked from a bird eye's view.

The Nintega All-Stars: ♪ Save the planet from disaster ♪

The Nintega Guy: ♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom ♪

Heroes then sees that they were falling fast as he gets ready to cover his eyes before a large whip sword wrapped around him which he did not expect before he was pulled up and he comes face to face with Iris Heart who was smirking at him while Heroes smiled at her nervously as he doesn't know whether to be happy to see Iris Heart or completely terrified. They both looked to the side to see that Purple Heart used her arms to hold onto Nintega who strikes Heroes a thumbs up that they're safe.

The Nintega All-Stars: ♪ Spinning through a world in motion ♪

The Nintega Guy: ♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, whoa! ♪

Nintega looks around for a minute before he spots another portal just in the distance. He looks up towards Purple Heart and points the portal to tell her to go that way and she does just that. Iris Heart looks at Heroes with a seductive smirk making him blush before she throws him towards the three as they all got knocked into the portal together.

♪ Time is now ♪

♪ He can't hide ♪

They then ended up in another world which was actually the Honnouji Academy from Kill la Kill. Heroes was hiding behind a rock as he knows what kind of drama happens in this universe. He then sees that Nintega walked up to him not afraid to be on any battlefield and he even brought Mako with him as well as they both let out cheers for Heroes for him to get up, be brave, and go help out Ryuko who was fighting some of the Elite Four.

♪ Find the power deep inside ♪

♪ And make it happen ♪

Heroes peeks out from where he was hiding and sees Ryuko struggling a little bit as he glares at the Elite Four and he runs out into the battlefield while carefully dodging some blasts and/or weapons that were being sent towards him.

♪ Make it happen ♪

He then runs up and turns his hand into a sharp shark tooth and slices two of the Elite Four while Ryuko took care of the other two. Heroes smiled that he did a good job and he looked over at Ryuko who gives a serious glare before it quickly changes into a more calm demeanor as she gives him a thumbs up for what he did for her. While Mako was jumping for joy while bouncing Nintega around like a volleyball.

♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom ♪

The Nintega All-Stars: ♪ Trouble keeps you running faster ♪

Nintega and Heroes ended up in another world as they looked to be on top of a Japanese platform and considering that it almost looked like a ghost town around them. The only solution that they could determine wherever they are was actually inside of a Shinobi Barrier instead. Nintega tries to take a step, but the single movement alerted some shinobi as both him and Heroes nearly got pummel with shurikens.

The Nintega Guy: ♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom ♪

The Nintega All-Stars: ♪ Save the planet from disaster ♪

They jump down from the platform and slide down the small building as Heroes turned his feet into cat hind legs so that he wouldn't take a lot of fall damage while Nintega just used his natural reflexes to run down the wall and jump off to stick a landing. As they did, they see a ton of random shinobi getting ready to strike at them in the air, but Nintega along with Heroes knocked them away with a single slice from a ninja sword that they carried.

The Nintega Guy: ♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom ♪

The Nintega All-Stars: ♪ Spinning through a world in motion ♪

With the shinobi gone, they then turn to see more friendly shinobi right beside of them as they were Asuka, Yumi, Homura, and Miyabi. Asuka and Yumi both run up when they see Heroes and they tackled him into a hug which surprised the purple dude, but he hugged them back happily as Nintega just smirked down at him along with Homura and Miyabi.

The Nintega Guy: ♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, whoa! ♪

Finally, they ended up in the last world that they desired to look at together as it was nothing but dark for the moment and all that Heroes and Nintega could see was each other's eyes. They then notice three more pairs of eyes in the distance and one of them giggled which sounded to be a girl. The area then shined a light for a split second which surprised all of them as only for a split second, Heroes and Nintega could tell that was Rias, Akeno, and Koneko with them.

They all looked upwards to see that there were fallen angels trying to attack with with blasts as they each dodged them easily. Heroes felt enough to handle them as he gestures for his friends to stay back as he leaps into the air and he changes his feet into kangaroo feet and kicks the fallen angels away and out of the room which was something that Rias and Akeno were impressed by. Koneko was too and Nintega went over to her and shared a little fist bump with her as well.

Finally, Nintega and Heroes were racing each other on an endless track as they both smiled at each other and even Heroes joined with the song too. The rest of the Nintega All-Stars could be seen following them from behind.

♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom ♪

Heroes: ♪ Trouble keeps you running faster ♪

Nintega and Heroes enjoyed racing each other as Heroes passed Nintega which surprised him, but nonetheless he smiled at Heroes while running with him.

The Nintega Guy: ♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom ♪

Heroes: ♪ Save the planet from disaster ♪

The Nintega Guy: ♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom ♪

Heroes: ♪ Spinning through a world in motion ♪

The Nintega Guy: ♪ Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, yeah! ♪

On the end of the ledge, Nintega grabs Heroes by the side and they both jumped into the air while pumping their fists into the air while looking at each other with smiles that said that they will always look out for each other whenever they need it.

You guys wanna know something? I care about ALL of my followers and I love all of them who support me very much and Heroes is no exception to that. I discovered during the time that I was just getting on Wattpad for the very first time. I was looking for a lot of Neptunia stories or MLP ones out there and would you know it. . . Heroes came up. I did indeed take a look at his books and they were actually pretty detailed in terms of information about the characters. I mean if you just look at them, they all explain in full detail of what and who the characters are and why they belong in their series.

The chapters that he makes are a collection of shorts that may look like they don't have much plot to them, but he loves making the characters interact to where it will either be funny, heartwarming, or even just enjoyable to read in my opinion. His latest one that I've loved so far was actually Shinobis in my House which is based off of the fan service series Senran Kagura.

When I was writing on Wattpad, I didn't think that would really attract anybody higher than me while I was making my Neptunia anime book on Wattpad. I made a couple of chapters and didn't really seemed impressed by them at the time. . . until I finally got a notification from Heroes that said that he voted on it which made me surprised and I even made sure that it was the same Heroes that I looked at earlier and it was as this all sounded unbelievable to me. Even though, I don't like my Neptunia anime story since it lacks plot, I still keep that story as a memory of how I loved how Heroes voted on all of the chapters that were on there.

I didn't think that I would get the chance to talk with him anytime after I was writing a lot of The Hero of Equestria, but Soejammy introduced me somewhere on Discord where I could roleplay with a ton of people. That's where I really got to know Heroes a lot more and we were actually able to talk more directly too. I found out in no time that Heroes actually goes through a lot in reality outside of both Discord and Wattpad which was really hard to hear since I couldn't imagine the things that he had to go through. Now I'm not going to explain them since it's Heroes personal info about his life, but I want you guys to know that Heroes. . . has bad confidence at times.

When that was heard to my ears, I knew that it was finally time to act for a friend in need as whenever I heard Heroes doubt himself or feel any other way. I wouldn't hesitate at ALL to try and find a point where I can to talk to him. Eventually, that led Heroes and I to sharing such a strong bond that I now see him as a little brother that I can take care of whenever he needs it. He knows that I'm here and I know that I'll always be there for him too because he's my little bro. The best little bro that I've ever had. If there any people who even want to try and harm my little bro. . . they'll have to answer to me first as I get seriously pissed off when someone does something to harm a friend a mine, especially a close one that's like family to me.

If you guys would like to help Heroes by giving him more follows, then feel more than free to do so as there is nothing stopping you from following me and him too. Heroes is the little brother that I've never had and whatever happens, I want him to know that I'll stick by his side and support him to the top of the limit or maybe even over the limit because that is what I want from him.

Heroes, if you're reading this, you're my very special little brother that I love very much and I hope that this strong bond that we share can grow more and more as I'll talk to you as much as you want me to any day that I can speak to you. You mean a lot to me and I'm sure that you feel the exact same way. Never doubt me to help you whenever you need it, alright bro? ^_^

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