Relationship with ilovemybooks2000

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The Nintega All-Stars were finished with the last friend that they encountered with Nintega as they were all walking through the long corridor once again to see who else they can meet. Everybody sees another door and they enter the room and walk through it together. As they walk inside together, everybody looks around the place only to find that the entire room was filled with a bunch of darkness that made the room seem like there was something ominous along the way. The door closed as everybody couldn't see a thing now.

Sonic: You said that all of these rooms contain each and one of your best friends from Wattpad right? Well, so far all that I can see is that your friend in this room loves it being dark because I can't see a thing in this place.

Neptune: Yeah! I mean seriously come on! No night vison potions or anything? This room is as depressing and bad as Histy making me sit crisscross applesauce on the ground for a bunch of hours. Jammy's was a lot more interesting than this.

The Nintega Guy: Will you two quit being so quick to judge?! My friend IS here. . . I just need to call her here.

Joker: Her?

The Nintega Guy: Yeah, her. You guys remember how we got to visit Jammy in the last room that we visited in the special corridor that was formed for us? Well, you guys are in for a surprise as the next person who means just as much as Jammy does for me in this room here.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, where do we find her? I hate to break it to you, Nintega, but there really isn't much seen in this room but our eyeballs.

The Nintega Guy: There is ONE thing in this room that I'm looking for, but I can't remember where it is. Let's keep walking through here and I'm sure we'll run into it.

Sonic: In pitch black?!

Mario: We really can't see-a thing, but we can hear each other.

The Nintega Guy: I know that it's around here somewhere. Come on, guys. Twilight, a little bit of light from your horn should work so we won't bump into each other.

Twilight Sparkle: *nods* Right.

Twilight makes her horn glow magenta and she kickstarts a spell that forms a small amount of light for everybody to see around them. Neptune looks at Twilight with a deadpanned look on how they can solve a problem so simple with just her magic.

Neptune: Show off.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey!

The Nintega Guy: Come on, you guys. This way.

Nintega walks on ahead which prompts the rest of the Nintega All Stars to follow him ahead so that they can look for the said friend that he was talking about a second ago.

Despite that Nintega said that his friend was in this room, they've been walking for nearly ten minutes now and they've still have found nothing within this room. Sonic did not really look that happy that they were getting nowhere with this as he comes to a sudden stop and he taps his foot impatiently.

Sonic: Ugh! We've been walking forever now! Is this really what average people do?! Because I'm really getting bored here!

The Nintega Guy: It has literally been ten minutes!

Neptune: Even if that's what the dialogue says, I'm going to hit you if you we run into anybody or even pudding as well!

Joker: Nintega, give up. At this point, we don't even know if we're walking around in circles at this point.

The Nintega Guy: Relax, guys! I know where I'm going!

Twilight Sparkle: You say that yet we haven't see a single object or a living thing around here. You sure you didn't accidentally take us to a vacant room?

The Nintega Guy: Very sure! None of them are vacant actually!

Mario: All I see is darkness!

The Nintega Guy: Even if there is darkness all around us, there is a single light inside of it that we can see. Nobody is afraid of the darkness. Not even me.

Joker: Encouraging and I would agree, but even with Twilight's light, that metaphor doesn't really help us find whoever we're looking for.

Sonic: Yeah, and I can't stand the smell of all of that smoke in this place too! It's like something is burning.

Twilight Sparkle: Now that you mention it, something does smell funny like there's a fire somewhere.

Mario: *sniffs* Could someone be-a cooking something?

Neptune: About time! All this walking is making my calves need some meat!

Twilight gets a little bit uneasy when Neptune said that as she sidesteps from her just a little bit.

Sonic: Yeah, right! We've been walking for a while now! We're never going to find-

The Nintega Guy: I see it!!

Sonic facepalms as soon as Nintega said that out loud for everybody to hear.

Sonic: Come on, man. . .

Nintega points forward and everybody sees in the far distance, a small flame that was about as tall as someone from knee height. Everybody was interested on what that could possibly be as Nintega slowly walks towards it with interest while the rest looked at each other with nervous looks before slowly walking behind Nintega so that they can find out what this fire has to do with being one of Nintega's best friends.

They all slowly inch closer towards the small bonfire and when they reached it, they looked at it intrigued on what this could mean.

Mario: This is it. . .?

The Nintega Guy: Yep. . . I'll be able to summon her out with this.

Joker: Okay, Nintega. . . you can do what you need to do whenever your ready.

He said this a little nervous along with the rest of the gang as they all looked at each other before the All-Stars looked at Nintega who gives them a serious look and a nod. The rest of the Nintega All-Stars nod in agreement as well as they were ready too. Nintega then glares down at the small fire again before he pull his hand back. . . and he instantly grabs the fire with his bare hand making him yell out in pain.

Twilight Sparkle: Nintega!

The Nintega Guy: *grunts* I'm fine!

He then yells out as he pulls up the fire with his hand as it forms a small fireball in his palm before he swings it around to then throw it far out into all of the darkness. As the fireball flies. . . it slowly forms into an object and eventually it morphs into something swinging around and around in the air before it finally shows what that object is. . . due to the symbol of familiar crown connected to a keychain. . .

It was the Oathkeeper keyblade from Kingdom Hearts as it comes out of the fire which disappears and it shoots a large beam from the tip of the blade and it eventually stops as the beam forms a huge keyhole in the distance which the Nintega All-Stars see.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The keyhole illuminates a bright white light all around the area and not only that. . . but all of the darkness was vanishing as the room slowly forms into a beautiful landscape filled with white clouds, blue skies, and the ground even changes as well as everybody lands on some green grass which shocks them before they all look towards the keyhole again with the same amount of shock that they had before. Nintega was staring at the keyhole with a smile as someone was coming out. . .

A girl that looked older than Nintega slowly comes out of the keyhole looking to have her eyes closed. She was wearing a light pink jacket with a pink shirt underneath, long brown hair that rolls down her back, black shorts, brown shoes. . . and she had cat ears on top of her head.

This was one of Nintega's best friends, Kitty, as she slowly opens her eyes and looks around her before making herself float upright. She sees the Nintega and the All-Stars below her as she smiles at them before doing a backflip in the air and she flies around the skies with glimmers of light flowing behind her.

Kitty flies around with a happy smile on her face as the Nintega All-Stars watch her with looks of astonishment on their faces as this was all looking magical now so suddenly. Nintega looked and saw their reactions as he wasn't surprised and just looks back up at Kitty with the same smile that she had. She even lets out a little chuckle as she twirls around in the air before finally stopping and she slowly floats down to the ground right in front of the Nintega All-Stars and the keyblade.

Nintega looks at the Oathkeeper keyblade with a smile and grabs it before tossing it towards Kitty who catches it with her hand and she swings it around before putting it over her shoulder. Nintega runs up to Kitty excited that he was able to see her.

The Nintega Guy: Kitty!

Kitty: Hello, Nintega. Mario, Sonic, Neptune, Joker, Twilight.

Joker: That. . . was just magical of what you just did out there.

Twilight Sparkle: I can repeat what Joker just said. You're majestic.

Kitty giggles from getting compliments from the All-Stars as Nintega walks beside her and introduces her to the gang.

The Nintega Guy: Guys, this is another one of my best friends, Kitty. Who I should also tell you is Jammy's girlfriend.

Mario: Nice to-a meet you, Kitty. It's-a wonderful to meet people who are friends with Nintega like us.

Sonic: Same here! I honestly thought Nintega was pulling our leg when he told us that a friend of his was here.

Neptune: Yeah, I thought for a sec that he was diagnosed with dementia.

Nintega glares at Neptune while Kitty quietly laughs from Neptune teasing Nintega like that. He rolls his eyes with a smile before he stands beside Kitty once more.

The Nintega Guy: I'm glad to have you here, though. Your one of the bestest friends anybody could ask for.

Twilight Sparkle: "Bestest" is not a word.

The Nintega Guy: Do you mind?!

Twilight and Kitty look at each and giggle as the pony steps back with the Nintega All-Stars as they all smile together with one of Nintega's best and magical friends, Kitty.

The Nintega Guy: I'm just happy that you're one of my best friends and you support me and others when we need it.

Kitty: You do a lot for us too, Nintega and we appreciate it very much.

The Nintega Guy: *smiles* I do what I can to please. Come on, you guys. . .

The Nintega Guy & Kitty: Let's go!

Nintega and Kitty say this as they stand nearly back to back with each other looking at each other with smiles.

Kitty was somebody I met thanks to Soejammy, who you guys now know as my mentor and best friend. Jammy introduced me to her when I asked him one day if I could make a book cover for him and Kitty and he happily said yes which made me super happy that I could provide some ideas into a book that he was writing. Some of you may not know, but on his page I made a book cover for one of his books, Dimensional Hearts, (A story based off of Kingdom Hearts that I recommend checking out as I LOVE it!) and I made a more appealing and creative book cover for him thanks to my special drawing and editing skills.

This was the book cover I showed them and they did indeed love it as I put a lot of effort into it to try and make it as themed as possible like the actual game series. Jammy wasn't the only one who appreciated my work as he even let Kitty speak to me and she said that she loved it too and it made me super happy to not only meet, but her tell me that she likes the art that I made. It made me smile and believe me when I say that I could not even frown even if I tried that day as I just felt so grateful that they love what I did for both of them.

I soon got to know Kitty more directly and Jammy introduced her to me and ever since we've met, we pretty much became the best of friends and still are to this day. To me, Kitty is a very nice girl who loves her friends as much as I do and in my opinion, she's the perfect person if you ever want to say anything to her about how your day has been or just want to tell someone else how you're mood went throughout the day. The reason that I say this is because she often helps one of my other friends when he is down in the dumps and she knows the exact words to say to him when he needs help.

There are other instances where I see many other sides of Kitty that just surprise me. For example, sometimes I see that both her and Jammy can get a little bit competitive when it comes to video games. I mean they're practically rivals if you ask me. XD She is even an amazing writer like Jammy as she often collabs with him such as with not just Dimensional Hearts above, but also some other stories as well like Twin Hearts which is on Kitty's page if you guys would like to see it.

Kitty and I have been close friends for a long while now that I should also say that I made her profile picture and her profile page as well just like Jammy's. If some of you wonder what her profile page means, it basically describes all of the things that she likes/loves doing with others and herself. Sometimes even looking at more of my artwork when I make some and my stories too and when she leaves comments, I can't help but be happy to know that one of my best friends is reading my stories.

Sometimes when she sees Jammy and I bonding with either our writing, ideas, or anything else, she says that we both make an unstoppable team together. . . She's not wrong! XD

However, it does make me happy to know that she supports our friendship a lot and I don't think that our bond is going to break anytime soon at all. I don't know if I would become friends with her in any other circumstance. Kitty is a kind and mature woman that I love talking to from time to time as she'll make mine and anybody else's day with what she loves to support us with. I'm so glad to have her as not just someone who follows my Wattpad page, but also as someone who I can speak to and have lots of fun with as she is one of the best people that I've ever met and I hope that our close friendship as close as brother and sister never ends. ^_^

P.S. We are planning to write a chapter soon in The Nintega All-Stars Play.

We then switch to a scene as we see Soejammy with the Oblivion keyblade and Kitty with the Oathkeeper keyblade in their Dimensional Hearts attire as they were battling Maleficent who produces a wall of fire around herself to protect herself. Soejammy quickly uses Blizzaga to put out the flames while Kitty uses Thundaga to try and counter attack, but she misses with the lightning bolts. Maleficent then swings her wand around as she produces purple shock of lightning herself from the sky which Soejammy dodges by rolling while Kitty evades by jumping out of the way.

Maleficent then produces large blue energy blasts to be sent towards the two as Soejammy guards one of them with the keyblade which deflects the blast back towards Maleficent who got a taste of her own medicine. She then notices Kitty dropping right in front of her as she tries to blast her with a beam, but Kitty rolls out of the way behind her just in time to swing her keyblade and knock Maleficent from the back which the witch felt hard and even a bright light shines the moment that Kitty does that attack. Kitty smiles at being able to withstand the power of a villain as she feels that she's unstoppable with Soejammy by her side.

(Skip to 2:40)

The scene fades to white, but quickly fades back in to show Kitty running right in front of a large medieval castle with a smile on her face as she likes admiring the view from the front of her place with a smile. We then see another memory of Kitty as it shows her and Soejammy sleeping at a beach right under a palm tree together as they both looked peaceful resting in some fresh air. She is then seen with both Soejammy and Nintega talking to them as they smile before laughing their asses off at something that one or the other said that was funny.

Another scene of Kitty is shown of her watching Soejammy and Nintega chase Neptune around the place not really knowing how to respond to any of what is happening around her as she thinks that Neptune just did her usual stuff being Nep. Finally we see Kitty a little bit scared of heights as she was backing away from a decent height above a ditch. Nintega laughs at her while Soejammy sighs at her with a smile before going to help her.

Kitty is then landing on the ground with the keyblade again as she jumps before making herself float into the air before various worlds are seen through her eyes that she has either visited or wanted to visit. She flies ahead before floating higher upwards and the scene finally switches back to the present of where we are now.

Kitty and Nintega extended their hands out towards each other as they grabbed them and shook them with bright smiles on their faces as the Nintega All-Stars also look at them with smiles on how great friends they are with each other.

If you are reading this Kitty, thank you for your wonderful support and thanks for being one of my best friends as I'm glad to have met you and your comments on my stories make me feel great every time that I look at them. ^_^

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