Relationship with Soejammy

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The Nintega All-Stars continue their journey with meeting more of Nintega's friends as Nintega told them that next they're going to go and visit a friend of his that's known to be more crazy with their ideas than he is. Neptune already knew who Nintega was talking about as she seemed kind of excited, but nobody knew whether she wanted to meet them or just cause more mischief like usual.

The Nintega Guy: Neptune, will you slow down? Despite that I can't wait either, you can at least lay off the Nep Bulls that you've been drinking for a while now. You're about as hyperactive as Sonic is now!

Neptune: No way! I can't sit still! A protagonist never sits still when she knows that she's about to meet the next author that knows the difference between protagonist and side character as he knows that he always make me the heroine while he's on the sidelines writing my cute little self inside of the stories.

The Nintega Guy: I'm telling him you said that.

Neptune sticks her tongue out at Nintega who rolls his eyes at Neptune's antics as he walks up towards the door that Neptune was at before opening it and when Nintega, Neptune, and the rest of the All-Stars enter, they see a large room filled with tons of stuff from series like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Yu-Gi-Oh, Astral Chain, and even some of Nep's content too which she enjoyed admiring.

Neptune: See what I mean~

The Nintega Guy: Shut up. . .

Joker looks around the room and sees a computer in the distance as he goes over to open it which alarms Nintega.

The Nintega Guy: Joker! There's nothing to steal here! Quit snooping around like this is Phantom Thief business!

Joker: That's not why I'm looking through here, Nintega. I've noticed that your friend has a story here on my series that has a chapter or two in it. He must like Persona just as much as you do.

The Nintega Guy: Uh, it's not just that he's into, but I WILL say that both me and him definitely have a lot in common with each other.

Mario then notices a black hat with a couple of pins on it as he looks up on his usual hat before he looks around before taking the hat and trying it on. He turns towards a mirror and adjusts the cap on his forehead before he frowns and inspects himself a bit more to see that the hat wasn't really his taste as he just takes it off and tosses it aside which Nintega notices with a gasp.

The Nintega Guy: Guys! Quit touching-

Twilight Sparkle: Oooh. Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

Nintega looks over to see that Twilight has levitated some of the Yu-Gi-Oh cards that she found and she seem quite interested in them, but Nintega on the other hand was worried for her.

Twilight Sparkle: I wonder if that's a species of dragons that I haven't studied yet?

The Nintega Guy: One, it's not necessarily a species of dragons, it's more of a type of monster! A Pendulum Monster! Two, put those down! I don't know if he's going to be in another match or not soon, but I don't want to mess up his round all because you were interested in what Odd-Eyes Pendulum, Marshmallon, or Exodia was!

Sonic then notices a pizza box slightly opened with a slice still in it as he looks around before he quickly reaches in and grabs it before munching it, faster than the blink of an eye before anybody could see.

The Nintega Guy: It's a good thing, Sonic knows how to follow directions.

Sonic: Y-Yeah, thanks Nintega.

He said before holding in a burp with one of his hands.

The Nintega Guy: Jammy?! Where are ya?! If you want I'll be glad to kick your ass in Smash with Joker, Mythra, or Sora! Or make you eat my dust in Mario Kart! *laughs* Who am I kidding? He knows that our battles always end up in either the worse case scenario or the worser case scenario! Still, even though I actually did come to greet him, I wouldn't mind dueling for a little bit as I've got nothing, but time to spare.

Twilight deadpans at Nintega getting a little bit cocky as she thinks that his head may explode bigger than Sonic's or Rainbow Dash's ego.

Twilight Sparkle: Maybe he went out? Maybe he's busy?

The Nintega Guy: Nah! He wouldn't miss out on the chance on this special! Hey, dumbass! Where the hell are ya hiding?

Neptune: If the old author's away~ The Nep will play~!!

Nintega's eyes widen from that before he turns towards Neptune and glares at her.

The Nintega Guy: No! This is Jammy's room, and if I know him any better, he can be like Plutie when it comes to punishing his friends for causing mischief! You included Nep! He may do something worse with how random he is!

Neptune: You know he loves me way too much to want to hurt me, Nintega~ You do too~

The Nintega Guy: Shut it!

He says pulling a slight tsundere with a blush on his face as Neptune just smirks at him in response to that.

???: Nice of you to drop in, Nintega~

Nintega freezes from that and he slowly turns around to then see that somehow. . . His best friend, Soejammy was right in front of his face which made him yell out before jumping backwards.


The Nintega All-Stars: . . .What???

Twilight Sparkle: . . .Does that even mean?

The Nintega Guy: You came out of nowhere!

Soejammy: Actually, I was in here in the entire time you dumbass. . . And I heard everything and saw what each of you did. . .

Sonic whistles innocently before trying to tiptoe away before he felt somebody grab his shoulder and he felt a huge chill running down his spine as Soejammy was looking at him with a smile that said that trouble was on the way.

Soejammy: Where do you think you're going slow-mo~? That includes you too~

Sonic: H-H-Hey! I-I'm not slow and also. . . not like you had any spare-

Before Sonic had any more time to speak. . . he was already laying on the ground knocked out which shocked the gang as that all happened in the blink of an eye.

Mario: W-What just happened?!

Nintega already knew what was going on as he puts both of his hands on his face while gasping.

The Nintega Guy:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Nintega All-Stars looked at Nintega with weird looks on why he made that sound effect before he tells them to run.

The Nintega Guy: Guys! Run! It all went quicker than I was expecting!

Twilight was getting ready to activate her horn to teleport herself along with Joker, Neptune, and Mario to escape, but in the blink of an eye again. . . they were already out cold on the ground which shocks Nintega and Neptune before the loli goddess glares at Soejammy.

Neptune: Cheater! You're not allowed to use cheap cheat codes to beat each of us!

Soejammy: Says who? You practically do whatever you want and think that you can get away with it too.

Neptune: I don't use cheat codes to win though! That is dishonor on all protags! Dishonor!!! Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your stories! *Neps internally*

Soejammy and Nintega looked at each other with deadpanned looks as Neptune as went into full fourth wall breaking rant mode and neither of them wanted to hear it as Soejammy walked up towards Nintega to whisper in his ear.

Soejammy: *whispers* Maybe she's got an off switch somewhere.

Nintega looks at Neptune who was still ranting as she had her back turned towards the two as Nintega looks around Neptune from side to side before he pulls back a leg and winds it up before kicking Neptune hard in the back before getting her sent flying out of the room that they were in.

Neptune: NEPU!!

Nintega slams the door which locks Neptune out and he turns towards Soejammy while pointing his thumb back where he sent Neptune with a smirk.

The Nintega Guy: Found it!

The two of them laugh at their crazy idea together before it back onto more serious terms as Soejammy gave Nintega a glare with a playful smile.

Soejammy: So my yellow friend, I see that you have indeed come to thank someone?

The Nintega Guy: Well, why not? You helped me out all along the path to this route that we both followed to where I am now.

Soejammy: Technically, you were the one with all of the work who somehow f***ing got 2K followers in less than 2 whole years!

The Nintega Guy: But YOU inspired me to write all of my stories and give them plot, so if anything it's thanks to you!

Soejammy: That's a little bit of a stretch, bud. You chose to write the stories, not me.

The Nintega Guy: Only because of your crazy ideas as the crazy idealist.

Soejammy sighs before he pulls out the hat that Mario tosses away a few minutes ago before wearing it on his head.

Soejammy: Good grief, Nintega. It seems that I need you remind you again on who exactly you're dealing with here and who exactly is the one most responsible for the stories that they right.

The Nintega Guy: Wait, what??

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soejammy adjusts the hat more as he even turns into a buff anime protagonist from a certain one that used the one with The World.

Soejammy: I, Soejammy, have been labeled as the guy whose practically the nicest guy when it comes to helping his friends and followers as I put just as much effort into it to please them. My most famous book The Guardian is without the one that my fans love for me to continue even when I try to take my time with the other ones. Dimensional Hearts, which you love dearly Nintega, also takes the spot as I never got someone as generous as you to help with making a story and I even returned the favor with helping with yours. Kitty, Heroes, Beat, and Slayer can even agree on the fact that we're one unstoppable duo.

He then clenches up a fist as he brings up towards himself while hiding his eyes behind his hat as well.

Soejammy: But even I. . . know a REAL author when I see one! The real author here is the one who shows the most dedication for their fans and proves that he can even do so when I'm not around!

He then raises his faces to glare daggers at Nintega.


This all just came out of nowhere as Nintega raises an eyebrow before crossing his arms as Soejammy points towards him.

Soejammy: And that's the exact thing that you've done at this day Nintega! You clearly doubt yourself and say that I'm fully responsible that your success at becoming a successful writer! Therefore. . .

He places his hand back on the cap and adjusts it sideways as familiar symbols appeared around him as well.


The Nintega Guy: Me? Doubting myself? You're wrong, Jammy! Clearly the better author is the one who inspired them to write in the first place! It doesn't matter where, what, or how! It's all YOU!

Nintega says this before Soejammy runs towards him to launch a sideways kick towards Nintega who rolls off to the side to dodge it. Nintega then does a little kick off of the wall before bashing himself into Soejammy who rolls across the ground before getting back up and he picks up a game controller to throw it at Nintega who smacks it away before kicking Soejammy down towards the floor and up towards a wall. Soejammy glares up towards Nintega who looked to be prepared to deal the final blow on him.

The Nintega Guy: The one who really wins here and the one who gains the title of calling the other the best author is the victor! The loser here is the one who has the smaller brains! And now. . . I'll put that sensation inside of you!

Nintega rushes towards Soejammy who look at him with a raised eyebrow not even moving a muscle for a second.

Soejammy: Really? The loser is the one with the smaller brains?

The Nintega Guy: Take this!

Nintega picks up a chair and throws towards Soejammy and as he sees this coming. . . all he does is smirk at Nintega's little retaliation.

Soejammy: Then I suppose in that case. . .

Suddenly. . . A large Stand comes out from Soejammy as it was Star Platinum. Star Platinum used his arms to block the attack before he pushes the chair back with plenty of force to break it.

Star Platinum: ORA!

The Nintega Guy: NANI?! Impossible! You been hiding that Stand here all this time?!

Soejammy then points his finger emphatically towards Nintega which signals Star Platinum to target him.

Soejammy: YOU'RE the dumbass here after all!!!

Star Platinum instantly flies up to Nintega and grabs him by the neck with one hand before strangling him around in midair.


Nintega gags as even a little bit of blood comes out of his mouth and Star Platinum holds onto Nintega before curling his fist up to clench them hard before launching it towards Nintega.

Star Platinum: HOOOOO! ORAAAAAAA!!!

The fist collides with Nintega's face and the impact even sends a couple of broken teeth out of him before Star Platinum goes all out with punching Nintega once more.


Soejammy: I shall be the judge WITH MY STAND!!!

Star Platinum finally finishes off Nintega as he crashes into the other Nintega All-Stars who were still knocked out and he even goes out cold like they are. Star Platinum disappears as Soejammy is then seen writing something down on a notepad before he rips out the paper and smirks at Nintega's motionless figure.

Soejammy: Here's your receipt. Your welcome to keep the change, my yellow fellow friend.

He says as he tosses the paper out before walking away and when he leaves, the note finally falls to the ground and it shows that it says "Congrats on 2K Followers! -Soejammy, The Crazy Idealist"

You guys sometimes wonder who exactly inspired me to write on Wattpad in the first place and how am I also able to give my stories such good development and plot that it's just mind-blowing that I have this skill. Well, everybody actually starts from somewhere, but it wasn't just my ambition that allowed to take on the challenge of becoming a writer for you guys. You guys would have to thank my best friend, Soejammy for inspiring me to create all of the long, lengthy, and entertaining chapters that you guys know and love.

I've loved Hyperdimension Neptunia ever since I first played Megadimension Neptunia VIIR and when I discovered Wattpad one day, I realized that a lot of people made stories based off of Neptunia that I will not lie, I enjoyed reading as the first Neptunia stories that I saw came from shingin24 who really active on Wattpad that much anymore, but I got really interested in finding more stories that were just as good. . . and it led me to finding Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Guardian. A book series that actually piqued my interest when I first saw and I even saw that it had over 1K votes and it was completed which meant that it had to have been more than decent, right?

Turns out my assumption was correct as The Guardian wasn't just a cheap book where characters are scattered in an unorganized manner along with the plot. . . This book had the DEFINITION of plot as just reading the first chapter of that book made me want to read more and more. . . eventually seeing that this story did indeed. . . have a huge plot inside of it. Twists and turns, action packed battles, comedic jokes and witty comebacks, hero vs. villain, you name it. After looking at the Guardian up to its point. . . a spark hit my brain. . . the very first spark that I should add.

I decided to make my first Neptunia story that was based off of the anime and to be honest for someone who just started writing, I was actually doing pretty decent. However, when I reached a point into the story, I realized that story lacked one thing. . . plot. I was just going with the flow on the characters rolled without development either. This led me to my first writer's block too as I lacked ideas in my head to even make a plot at that time.

I didn't know what to do, so I decided that I would read Soejammy's books and more book other than the Guardian if I may add, to see just how good this guy is when writing as I've looked at his Doctor Who, Resident Evil 3 Remake, Duel Summoners, and even more as well. I even commented on a couple of his chapters to either to make dialogue jokes or just make a comment that said that I laughed or other.

Eventually. . . I finally got a private message from Jammy asking how much I love his stories and I didn't hesitate to respond to tell him that I love what he incorporates into his chapters. He even went into detail sometimes on how he thought of those ideas and made them work into a scene that was just like the game itself, an anime, TV comedy, you name it.

This was when I finally found the exact key that I needed in order to make a huge story that can possibly be interesting. I decided that I would NEVER create a story unless I've got the full plot down on what I will be writing in that chapter as this way I'll avoid hitting roadblocks and making bad development choices throughout the story.

Not only did I make it far with my stories like Hero of Equestria, Legend of the Male CPU, or the gaming book, but they were actually getting so much attention that I was speechless as that meant that I did my part pretty well. I even messaged him about how I'm doing with these stories and Jammy told me ONE thing that I will never forget him telling me.

Soejammy: Feel the story. Don't put words into it without meaning. Understand EACH character's personality as if it was your own. Feel the emotion they feel and feel their pain. Patience is a virtue when writing stories. Take away a specific deadline and focus enough, anyone can do it.

Yes. . . This is something he actually messaged me that I remembered to this day and I used what he said to my advantage. I started telling myself that if I wanted to entertain others, then I should do it with the skill, dedication, and effort that Soejammy himself put into it.

Ever since then, we started messaging each other more and got closer and closer as he is like a mentor to me in my eyes. But now. . . the student has become the master wouldn't you say?

Even if I look to be better than Jammy now as he even told me himself that I look to be much better than him when it comes to writing. Even so. . . I don't stop looking up to him as he was the one who got me started on all of this in the first place. He even offered to collab with me on my gaming book which is still in the works on more chapters, but will be worked on more soon when we both get the time to put more of our ideas into it. We already have Among Us as our friends even say that both of our skills when writing is unstoppable.

But now I haven't just become Jammy's best friend and writing partner at times, but I also am like his protégé as I provide him with stuff like pictures to act out scenes like I do with my books, make him book covers, and even provide him my opinions on future ideas for his stories. Whenever we both get a bright idea in our minds together that's just so crazy enough that it may work in a story. . . This is how excited we get.

I bet some of you are wondering what are we like when playing games. . .? Maybe this picture will describe it. . .

And this is everybody else's reaction. . .

Yeah, let's just say that we both are like Goku and Vegeta when competing in games like Smash, Mario Kart, Yu-Gi-Oh, and some others too. That's all that I really need to say about that though.

Despite all of that. . . XD Soejammy was clearly the main inspiration for me making all of my stories and chapters with how they are and now we're super close best friends like we love to call each other the JoJo Bros. . . From the references upwards, you don't even need to ask why. But with my artistic skills combined with his crazy, clever, and extraordinary ideas, the two of us together make something so great that it leads to double of what you may not expect in our stories. I'm glad to have met him and I'm glad to be his friend and I won't stop looking up to him ever.

Soejammy, if you are indeed reading all of this! Thanks for being like a sensei to me for quite some time as I don't believe that I would be able to make such wonderful stories for my fans in any other way! Let's continue our journey together on entertaining our followers with our ideas and make it the best that we can! Thanks for inspiring me, pal! ^_^

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