A Long Journey

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(( Author's Note:
This story would have taken place along side all of the other shrinking stories, ending near the beginning of Chapter 15 [Two For The Price of One].
It's both Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache's shrinking stories, and how they came together, and then found Mark. ))

Darkiplier was typing at the computer in his office, when the sleeve of his suit began catching on the edge of his desk. It wasn't something that had ever happened before, but he ignored it anyway, pushing his sleeves up to try and keep them out of the way. Over and over again, his sleeves would slide back down and catch, and Dark would simply push them up, trying to focus on what he was doing. Then his aura began to kick up, swirling around him as he was bombarded by feelings of something being wrong. Sighing, the entity finally took a break, sitting back. A torrent of conflicting thoughts ran through him, one stream demanding that everything was fine, and the other fighting back that it was most certainly not fine.

Sighing heavily, Dark closed his eyes, just waiting, until he felt his clothes bagging around him and opened his eyes once more to see the room becoming larger around him. "Shrinking." The layered voice muttered out loud. With nothing much to do about it, Dark just sat back to wait some more. He considered that this might finally be the end for him. Perhaps this broken body would shrink down and disappear, releasing the souls trapped within it. It was both a comforting thought, and a deep irritation, considering he had never gotten a proper revenge on Mark. He also did consider that he might miss some of those that he spent so much time running after all the time. Of course, now, when he needed them, he was alone.

Closing his eyes once more, Dark relaxed in his chair, waiting for the end. A few moments after the shrinking stopped, Dark opened his eyes again and sat up. Still alive, if you could call his existence life. He wrangled in his aura, calming the quarreling thoughts and stood up on his chair, climbing out of his suit. He grabbed his tie as he passed, looping it around the arm of his chair and used it to slowly lower himself to the floor. Giving a tug, he pulled the tie down and wrapped it around himself as well as he could. This disaster was clearly Mark's fault, with that two bit scientist and lab he had taken them all too. He had to find Mark, who would hopefully be in the process of tracking down the others.

The others. Dark groaned, stopping for a moment to think about it. Most of the egos would likely be fine. Terrified, but fine. There was one man among the bunch though, that didn't understand danger. He could be a problem. Though, Darkiplier wasn't sure if he was more worried about Wilford himself, or those around him. It was settled, first he would find Wilford, and then Mark.

Wilford Warfstache had been on the set of Warfstache Tonight, relaxing in his office when he had began to shrink. The mad man had been simply delighted and fascinated as the world around him began to change. "That's a new one." He smiled, realizing his clothes were starting to out grow him. With a shrug, he undid his suspenders, laying them on the desk with care, before casually stripping out of the rest of his clothes and tossing them about the office.

At one point, one of his crew knocked on the door. "A little busy!" Wilford called. Taking their life in their hands, the employee opened the door a crack, ready to tell Wilford, that they really needed to start shooting. However, when they saw the man's naked behind, they quickly closed the door and went to tell the rest of the crew that shooting was canceled for the day, and Wilford was having a moment.

By the time Darkiplier had traveled to the set of Warfstache Tonight, rightly assuming that was where Wilford was, the staff had all gone home. It made it rather easy for Dark to walk through the building and slip under Wilford's office door. Taking a deep breath, Dark looked up, finding Wilford standing on a stack of paperwork on the desk, holding a straw that lead into a martini. "Dark!" Wilford grinned before struggling to put his entire mouth around the giant straw, and somehow manage to suck what would be copious amounts of alcohol through it and into his mouth.

"Will... do you realize that you shrunk?" Dark asked hesitantly.

"Did I? Or did the world grow?" Wilford wiggled his mustache.

Dark shook his head. "Get down he-" Before he could finish his sentence, the mad man popped up beside him, leaning an arm on his shoulder. "You need something to wear." Dark pointed out, adjusting his own tie around himself. The tie wasn't the most comfortable thing he could be wearing.

Wilford winked. "I'm wearing a smile!" He grinned.

Rolling his eyes, Dark merely turned and began to walk, Wilford hesitating a moment before he was comfortable enough to leave his drink, and follow after Dark. A slight detour before finding Mark, that was all. Darkiplier lead the way to a nearby store, staying close to the wall as he lead Wilford inside. "Stay away from people." He cautioned.

Wilford shrugged his shoulders. "Why? I'm great with people!"

"Because... we are in a hurry." Dark sighed, which seemed to satisfy Wilford, who did stay close.

Dark made his way through the aisles until he found something that might work, and started to climb up a shelf unit. Pulling down a black bandana, he unwrapped his tie from himself and fashioned the bandana into a toga. "Acceptable." He mumbled, dropping another black bandana down for Wilford.

Wilford stared at it a moment before looking up at Dark. "That's so drab." He muttered, popping up on the shelf next to Dark, and contently pulled down a pink one. He looked over Dark's toga, then stared at his bandana. Shrugging his shoulders, he simply tied the thing around his waist and then grinned. "A kilt!"

"Perfect." Dark muttered, climbing down. As soon as his feet hit the floor, Wilford was next to him. "We need the office." He mumbled, and to his surprise, Wilford made no comment, merely followed him. Slowly, the mad man fell further and further behind, watching the shelves, until he found something that caught his eye. He appeared on a shelf next to some small sewing kits and broke into one, pulling out the needle. Dark had stopped at the end of the aisle and turned back, crossing his arms.

In a moment, Wilford was beside him. "Look!"

"Yes. That's great. Be careful with it." Dark sighed, heading to the office and slipped under the door.

"Careful is my middle name." Wilford beamed, following. "Well... actually it's Motherloving, but that's another story for anoth-"

"Shh." Dark hushed him, pointing to the manager seated behind the desk. After gently pulling Wilford away from the door, Dark took a deep breath, and forced his aura to expand. As the red and blue flickered up, forming faces and human forms, the lights in the office began to flicker and various irritating noises rang out. The manager lifted his head, caught one glance of Dark's aura and ran out of the office. "We don't have long." Dark explained, the lights returning to normal and the sound dropping off as he headed over to the desk. Climbing up on top, he quickly began to work on the computer, stepping on the keys with his feet to type words and pushing the mouse around with his whole body.

Wilford popped up, sitting on top of the monitor. "What are we doing?"

"Finding Mark." Dark sighed. "I'm tracing his and Amy's cell phones."

"You can do that without Google?" Wilford rose an eyebrow.

"Of course. I had Google install some things on their phones for me- ah ha!" Dark grinned. "Speaking of Google, it seems that they are at his office." Dark turned, hoping to the chair and then down to the floor.

"They went to get Google first? But I'm the important one." Wilford mumbled, following after Dark. Just as they got to the door, it opened and a few people walked in, trying to tell the manager they didn't see anything, as Dark and Wilford slipped out.

As they were headed to the door, sneaking behind the cashes, Wilford got a little bored. He glanced up, noticing the giant cashier and jumped forward, stabbing his needle into their ankle. As the poor cashier jumped, Dark grabbed Wilford and quickly dragged him out of the store, needle and all, leaving the cashier to scratch their now bleeding ankle and wonder what kind of demon bug bit them.

After a long, and annoying trip, which wouldn't have been long at all, had they been their full size, Dark and Wilford arrived at Google's office. Slipping under the door, they made their way inside, only to find the place empty. "We must have missed them." Dark grumbled, scaling Google's desk to use his computer. To most, it might seem strange that an android even owned a computer, but to Google, it only made sense. If humans had the ability to upload a back up of themselves onto a desktop, just in case, they probably would too. Google would be aware that someone was accessing this computer, but after seeing the program he opened, Dark knew that Google would know it was him.

As Dark worked, Wilford was busy climbing up on top of the Roomba. "Their robo vacuum is broken." He mumbled. When Dark ignored him, Wilford rolled his eyes, walking along the Roomba, then slid down it, and walked around it, grinning when he found the power switch. "Oh. Maybe not broken."

The mad man was just about to turn it on when Dark finally registered what he was doing. "Wilford! Please!"

"Please what?" Wilford looked up, a large goofy grin on his face.

Rolling his eyes, Dark sighed. "Get up here." With a shrug, Wilford appeared on the desk, looking at the computer screen. "It looks like they're just leaving the Baby Bulk Buy. If we wait a few minutes, we might be able to see where they are-"

"GETTING DR. IPLIER", suddenly appeared in text across the screen.

"Ghosts!" Wilford gasped.

Dark furrowed his brow, shaking his head. "Google." He mumbled. "Come on. If we hurry, we might be able to catch them at Dr. Iplier's office.", and they were off again, on another long and annoying journey. Dark rushed into the office, groaning loudly at the display of items all over the floor, from Dr. Iplier's desk.

"What happened?" Wilford chuckled, walking over to kick the stapler.

"We missed them! Again! That's what happened." Dark muttered, getting up on Dr. Iplier's desk to check the app again. "They're... headed to the Host's by the look of it."

Wilford nodded. "Off again!"

"No." Dark growled, sitting down on the desk. "No, we are not going to keep chasing their car and missing them. They're going to start running out of options of where to go sooner or later, and we can catch them then."

Wilford busied himself pushing things around on Dr. Iplier's floor more, and making even more of a mess, while Dark diligently watched Mark and Amy move.

They went to the Host's, then Bim's apartment, and then to the abandoned Hire My Ass building and finally to the Silver Shepherd's place. All locations that Dark knew well, not that he would admit he paid so much attention to the lives of the other egos. Then finally a pattern. A park, and then another park. "They must be looking for King." Dark got up. "We can cut them off." He walked to the edge of the desk, finding Wilford sitting on the floor with the stapler open, pulled apart staples surrounding him. "Really?"

"I was bored!" Wilford huffed, grabbing his needle and stood up.

Dark rolled his eyes, sliding down the leg of the desk. "Let's go."

Wilford seemed quite content to just be out of Dr. Iplier's office until they got to the park. As they walked through the large blades of grass, he looked around, gripping his needle. "This... looks familiar."

"It should. You have been to this park before." Dark muttered as he moved forward, his aura seeming to shove the grass out of his way as he walked.

"Noo..." Wilford hummed. "That's not it." He placed his needle up on his shoulder like a rifle. "The jungle." He grunted.

"I do not have time for this." Dark pointed out, glancing at Wilford.

Wilford sighed. "Stay close. It's a dangerous place. I was an avid hunter here for awhile. The jungles of Jumanji..."

"I will take the utmost care." Dark grunted sarcastically, before he caught sight of them and pointed. "There! Let's go." Dark made a beeline for them in the grass as Wilford slowly followed, suspiciously eyeing everything around him, ready to strike. And strike he would!

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