~ The Egos and References ~

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I write the egos based on the source material I get, which is obviously, mostly videos. Of course, I couldn't resist making some direct references to those videos. I also wanted to take this time to explain a few other choices I made about the egos.

In Chapter 3 [Ok Google, Fight], the line "He decided that he did not like this new form, and that it would make completing his second objective more difficult." is a reference to the video [Google IRL] in which Google says, "Secondary objective is to destroy mankind.". Of course, the title of that chapter is also a nod to the Ok Google command.

There's a few references to "Bro Average" in the book, of course in reference to Chase's youtube show, Bro Average, from the video now called [The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Chase Brody]. However as a more indirect reference, the line "Usually when I say I fell asleep with pot, this isn't what I mean." from Ch 21 [World's Worst Easter Egg Hunt], takes it's cue from a combination of Chad's trick being called "How High Can You Fly Dude" coupled with an instagram video that Chad was in where he said "Hey you wanna buy some fucking weeeed dudes?".  The title of Ch 4 [Bro Tiny], is also a riff off of Jack being average height, so when Chase shrinks down, it changes from Bro Average, to Bro Tiny.

Of course, you can't have Ed Edgar without the Baby Bulk Buy, referenced from [Ed Edgar Adoptallott's Baby Bulk Buy]. There was a lot of references to baby selling and the business through out the book, but one of the more direct references was in Ch 5 [Come on DOWN to Baby Bulk Buy!] where Ed interacts with the "cyborg babies" which are mentioned in the video, and climbs into a pen for "tiny babies", which are also mentioned. Also, I feel the need to point out that DOWN being all capitals was a stupid joke about the shrinking, and therefore being lower or down.

In Ch 6 [Trust Ze Doctah], Signe notices a paper on the wall that reads, "100% Real Doctor" which is a call back to the video now called, [The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Dr. Schneeplestein] in which he holds up a paper with those words, claiming it's his real doctor's license.

Through out the story, Dr. Iplier loves to say "You're dying", which is a reference to [Markiplier TV] where Dr. Iplier repeatedly appears and says "I'm sorry, you're dying.". The Ch 7 [I'm Sorry... You're Shrinking] title, is also a spoof of this line.

In Ch 8 [Magic!], Marvin struggles with his magic, especially the card trick which is a reference to Jack struggling with reading the card deck in the video [The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Marvin's Magic].  Marvin's anxiety about not having a mask may also stem from the line in the video, "I can't do magic if I don't have the right attire on.", coupled with the fact that without the mask, Marvin is basically just Jack.

A few people did notice that in Ch 9 [The Host then joined the story.], when startled by Dirty Jim, the Host speaks in first person. The Host was originally The Author, and in the video [Danger in Fiction], The Author speaks in first person, which means that the Host at one point, did speak in first person. Of course, there's references to the Host having a radio show, as Mark confirmed on tumblr at one point that the Host was a radio host. The title [The Host then joined the story.] is also to be based on a Host style narration.

I write Jameson Jackson as a mute, in black and white coloration, because in his video now called [The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Jameson Jackson], the beginning of the video in colour, is Jack, and only when it changes into a silent film, is it Jameson. In fact outside of the thumbnail and some instagram pictures, we've never seen Jameson in anything other than a silent film, to date, and as such, that's the character I portray, as if Jameson is in a constant state of being stuck in a silent film. The title of Ch 10 [The Silent Knight], is in reference to Jameson being mute, and dressed as Batman, who holds the title of the dark knight.

In Ch 11 [Who Wants to be Five Inches Tall?], in Bim's apartment they find, "an uncomfortable amount of pictures of him with Matthias, even though they all seemed like older pictures.". This is a reference to Bim's ass kissing and obsession with Matthias in the video, [Hire My Ass]. There's a second reference to the video, in Ch 22 [On The Road Again], when Bim says, "He's... what we in the biz call, a 'Ryan'.", of course Ryan being the one in the video that Bim constantly picks on, mocks, calls ugly and even wishes was in place of Danny to jump into the grinder. The title [Who Wants to be Five Inches Tall] is a Who Wants to be a Millionaire spoof, just calling out Bim's game show nature.

There aren't many Jackieboy Man references, because there's not a lot to reference for Jackieboy Man. I did however want to mention that I made him kind of a make shift hero with a sketchy abandoned tree house base, because Jack has said that he did like the idea of Jackieboy having this kind of homemade suit that he improves as he goes along, and I thought it would be interesting to have his base of operations follow suit. The only pseudo-reference made for Jackieboy was in Ch 27 [Sabotage!], when Jackieboy says "Back in Jacktion" as a reference to the title of Robin's fun animation, [Jacksepticeye Animated | JACKIEBOY MAN BACK IN JACKTION!] as it's called on Jack's channel.

Silver Shepherd has a sidekick called Ibis in the video, [Super Infidelity], where Ibis was played by Daniel. Of course with the tragedy surrounding Daniel it didn't feel quite right dragging his character through this ridiculous story, which is why in Ch 13 [Silver Lining], Google explains that "When the Silver Shepherd appeared in this reality, his sidekick, Ibis, did not appear with him", and instead the character Ibis in the story, is an OC boy named Jeremy, to give that degree of separation. As a more direct reference to [Super Infidelity], in Ch 33 [Settling in Again], the Silver Shepherd says that he "once fisted a rhino", which was a claim he made in the video.

One of the more direct Antisepticeye references is in Ch 27 [Sabotage!], where Anti says "I've been here the whole time. I told them I was watching.", which is a reference to him saying "I've been here this entire time." from his Pax appearance in 2017, which can be seen in the middle of Jack's [I'm Sick!!] vlog, or in the unlisted video, [ALWAYS WATCHING].

Since I created a Dark vs Anti 2 video in the story, I just had to put in a couple of [DARKIPLIER vs ANTISEPTICEYE] references. In Ch 20 [Ten, Nine, Eight...], Anti says "Last time, your dog interrupted!" which kicks off a few lines about Dark Chica and how Dark's forgotten to feed her again. The conversation picks up again in Ch 31 [Missing it Already], when Anti complains about Dark not being able to feed his dog, prompting him to say "I was BUSY!".

Now, would any story really be complete without some Who Killed Markiplier references? There's a few, so here they are rapid fire.
In Ch 15 [Two For the Price of One], there's talk of Wilford knowing the jungles of Jumanji, as a reference to Chapter 3 of Who Killed Markiplier, when William says he spent some time in the board game.
Wilford's line, "If I'm honest I'm not even sure I was always called Wilford" in Ch 17 [Freedom or Food], is a callback to his name being William, as well as possibly the list of names from [Wilford MOTHERLOVING Warfstache].
In Ch 21 [World's Worst Easter Egg Hunt], Mark says "I'm nothing like him! He's the evil one!" to which Dark responds "You still have that backwards.", which is a reference to Mark being more of the villain in Who Killed Markiplier, as well as perhaps a call back to the scene in [A Date With Markiplier] where you had to choose between Markiplier and Darkiplier as they bickered over who was good and who was evil.
In Ch 24 [Been Here Before] Wilford is confused after his fall, and claims, "He... he fell! I didn't push him! It was... an accident!", perhaps a little more phased by the incident than he should be, considering Anti is fine, until you consider a certain scene in The Final Chapter of Who Killed Markiplier. Perhaps the incident reminded him of something. But it was an accident.
Google plays a bit of a nasty trick in Ch 25 [Still Small], by playing thunder sounds in response to the word, "murder".
In Ch 28 [Less Than Peaceful Day Off], Wilford cries out "Do a keg stand!" to Darkiplier after getting drunk himself, referencing the party montage in Chapter 1 of Who Killed Markiplier, where Damien appears doing a keg stand.

There's probably a lot of other very loose references to the videos, since all of the characters are based on those videos, but these were the more direct and intentional ones.

The last reference I wanted to mention here was in Ch 27 [Sabotage] when they're looking at images online and Anti asks, "Why do I have a turtle shell in that picture?" and leading to Mark saying, "I personally enjoyed the time they all drew you with butterfly wings, Dark".
These are references to a few... community events? The first one being when everyone realized that Anti saying "I am eternal" sounds like him declaring, "I am a turtle" and some glorious art work of Anti as a turtle emerged (along with a lot of ridicule and memes). The second was an interesting phase where there was copious amounts of Dark with butterfly wings, which I never understood why... but, looking back and trying to see the old pics, it seems that those may have come after the release of the Schmoyoho remix [Fly Like a Butterfly]. In any case, Dark with butterfly wings was one of my favourite pop up fads, and I forced that opinion out through Mark. I'm sorry Mark (not really, and he doesn't know anyway).

That's it for the ego related references that I care to mention. There were a lot of other references though... and we'll get to those.

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