Land of the Giants

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(( Author's Note:
This is another shrinking story, and would have taken place alongside all of the other shrinking stories, ending about half way through Ch 16 [And Back to You...].
This is the shrinking story of the Jims, as well as King, and how they came to be in Mark's front yard.))

"What a betrayal!" Reporter Jim cried out, turning to stare into the camera. "If you have any teenie tiny baby people at home, cover their eyes!" Then he placed a finger to his lips. "Shh Jim. Let's try and go in for a closer look. Be very careful. We wouldn't want to be their next victim!" He motioned the camera man closer, leaning down to the ground.

Camera Jim hesitantly crawled closer, leaning in and slowly zoomed down on the ant hill, where a small army of black ants were dragging the body of a red ant they had just killed.

When they had finished filming their segment, they took a few steps away, to get out of the kill zone. "I think we're safe now Jim." Reporter Jim smiled.

Nodding his head, Camera Jim held his camera close. "Jim? I feel... tingly."

Reporter Jim gasped. "I do too!" He dropped his microphone to pat his hands over his body. "Did the Jims fly too close to the sun?!" As he began to panic, Camera Jim quickly lifted the camera to get him in focus and begin filming again. Reporter Jim looked up at the camera, repeating himself for the viewers at home. "Have the Jims flown to close to the sun?! We risked our very lives to bring you the details of the harrowing ant on ant violence, but now... now they've come for us! Stay safe Jims at home!"

"It's... not an ant tingly, Jim." Camera Jim explained when he thought his brother was done. "I don't feel any tippy tappy steps, or stingy ouchy bites. Just..." He furrowed his brow, lowering the camera again. "Electric skin."

Reporter Jim lifted his shirt out with a hand, looking down at his chest. "Well... I don't see any ants." He sighed, looking back up at Camera Jim. "I do feel the electric skin though." He gasped then. "This just in Jim!" Camera Jim was quick to point the camera at him again. "The Jims have become electrified!" Camera Jims eyes widened. "Story at eleven!"

"What... what is the story, Jim? How did we become electric?!" Camera Jim nervously fidgeted with settings on the camera.

"The zippy zappy!" Reporter Jim gasped. "We have to get to the bottom of this. The dead man brought us to the zippy zappy! We'll start there!" He grabbed his microphone off the ground and began to walk. Somehow, neither of the Jims really noticed the shrinking, until Camera Jim began to struggle with holding onto his camera.

"Jiiiiim?" He whined. "Have we been walking for days?"

Reporter Jim shook his head. "No... but I think we're walking in slow motion."

"The Jim shooty is getting so heavy. Can we take a sit down?" Camera Jim sighed.

Reporter Jim stopped and turned to look at him. "The story never rests!" He frowned then. "Jim, didn't your clothes fit you this morning?"

Camera Jim looked down at himself, then nodded. "Yeah. What about yours?"

"Of course." Reporter Jim glanced at himself. "The electric skin is making our clothes biggier?"

"I don't know Jim. I'm tired." Camera Jim sighed, setting his camera on the ground carefully and sat down beside it.

"Oh... alright Jim." Reporter Jim sat down beside him, shaking his head. "One little sit down, just this once." Soon, the shrinking would really begin to speed up. "Jim? Jim what's happening to you?"

Camera Jim looked around wide eyed. "The world is getting awfully big, Jim!"

Reporter Jim turned his head to look around as well, gasping. "The world is GROWING Jim!"

"What do we do Jim? What do we do?!" Camera Jim cried out, placing a protective hand on his now huge camera.

"I don't know Jim! Hold me!" Reporter Jim replied, hugging his brother. Closing their eyes, the Jims just held on for dear life until the shrinking stopped. "Jim?"

"Yes Jim?" Camera Jim whimpered.

Reporter Jim opened his eyes and looked around, then pulled away from his brother and stood up. "It's over Jim."

Camera Jim frowned. "Over?" He looked around. "Does that mean..." He gasped. "Are we dead Jim? Was it MURDER?! Is this heaven? Where's Grandpa Smelly Jim?"

Reporter Jim licked a finger and then held it up. "It's too dry to be heaven."

Camera Jim slowly nodded. "Of course. So where are we?"

"Hm..." Reporter Jim placed his hands on his hips, then pointed out towards the street that ran past the park they were in. "Jim! Giants!"

Camera Jim reached for his camera, then stopped, starring at the mountainous piece of equipment towering over him. "The giants biggified my camera, Jim!"

Reporter Jim gasped. "How dastardly!" He looked around, then pointed to his microphone. "Our sound stick too! And... and our clothes! Jim!" He looked back to his brother. "You're in your birthday suit!"

"No Jim!" Camera Jim looked back at him. "YOU'RE in your birthday suit!"

"Oh Jim..." Reporter Jim sighed. "What would mother Jim say?"

Camera Jim thought a moment, then sighed, looking back to towards the street. "I think mother Jim would tell us not to play in the land of the giants."

Reporter Jim ducked down. "You're right Jim. She doesn't like how dangerous our jobs are. She would hate this. We might have to... keep a secret from mother Jim."

"Jim! No!" Camera Jim cried out.

"There's no evidence Jim! No Jim shooty, no sound stick... just Jims." Hesitating, Reporter Jim looked back to the street. "And maybe the dead man. The land of giants looks a lot like our land, but biggiered... Let's go to the dead man's house and see if he's there." Camera Jim looked nervously at his giant camera and Reporter Jim frowned. "We'll... have to leave it Jim. We're gonna have to do the reporting like in the oldie golden days we've been told about. No Jim shooty... just the eye balls in our eye holes, and the... ear balls in our ear holes."

"Oh... ok Jim." Camera Jim hesitantly agreed. "I'll try."

The Jims had barely reached the edge of the park before Reporter Jim turned to Camera Jim out of habit. "We're going to have to be very sneaky, Jims at home."

Camera Jim frowned, looking down at his empty hands and stopped walking. "I can't go on without the Jim Shooty, Jim!"

Reporter Jim sighed. "You have to Jim! Jims stick together. Uh... here." He leaned down, picking a tiny pebble, which was the size of Jim's head now. "A new Jim Shooty. Stone age technology."

Camera Jim stared down at the pebble in his hands. "But..." He took a deep breath, then nodded. "Jims stick together." He looked up at Reporter Jim. "What about your sound stick?"

"Right." Reporter Jim crept onto the sidewalk and to a flower bed outside of a store. He pulled a small twig from a shrub planted there and turned back to Camera Jim. "Jims at home? Are you with us?"

Camera Jim held the pebble up as if it was a camera, pointing it at Reporter Jim, and gave him up a thumbs up. "Good." Reporter Jim nodded, then looked around them. "Alright Jim, stay low." He crouched down, skittering along beside the buildings as he walked down the street, Camera Jim scampering after him.

Meanwhile, King had been trying to coax the squirrels in Mark's backyard out of the tree, to lick the peanut butter off his face, when he started to shrink. At first, he didn't understand what was happening, but when he realized, he tried to get to the back door for help. Rushing forward a few steps, he tripped on his now huge royal cloak and stumbled, rolling against the back wall of the house. He took a few moment to recover and when he tried to get up, he realized that he was already drowning in the material of his clothing. By the time he was finally able to escape, it was too late. He was five inches tall.

The first order of business was covering his royal bits. It wasn't very becoming of a king, to be running around nude... even if his subjects usually were. Walking back across the yard, King plucked the largest leaf he could off the ground, and wrapped it around himself, tying it with the stem the best he could. Then the realization hit him. His subjects would have no reason to fear him anymore! They were finally the same size!

King was still standing in the middle of the yard, a leaf tied around his waist, and peanut butter smeared on his body as he jumped up and down waving at the trees and screaming out, "I'm King of the Squirrels!" as loud as he could, trying to get his subjects' attention, when the Jims finally made it to the yard. It had been a long adventure, but somehow, the Jims had made it without getting into too much trouble, or being seen by any of the giants.

"Jim! Look! A non-giant!" Reporter Jim grinned. "Let us be careful. We don't know what he wants." And with that, he laid down and rolled towards King. Camera Jim laid down on his stomach, army crawling forward while he pushed the pebble.

Catching sight of them out of the corner of his eye, King stopped jumping and looked over at them, smiling. "Jims? You shrunk too?" He tilted his head, thinking and then nodded. "I guess... everyone shrunk. I didn't really think about that. Why did we shrink?"

"No, no-" Reporter Jim said. "Strange peanut butter leaf man. We did not shrink. We were teleported to the land of the giants."

"They biggified my Jim Shooty!" Camera Jim cried out.

"The giants are bad." Reporter Jim nodded. "They probably want to grind our bones into bread. Uncle Sneaky Jim gave us the news about giants doing that, at bed time once."

King frowned. "Uhm... but... if everything is the same, and everyone else is still big, and just we're little... doesn't it make more sense if-"

"ANT!" Reporter Jim screamed, pointing to the massive insect which was coming towards them.

King giggled. "Wow. He's a big boy! Do you think he wants to lick the peanut butter off of me?"

"Ants are murderers! We've seen it with our own eyeballs!" Reporter Jim stated.

"The ones in our eye holes!" Camera Jim added.

"Uhm..." King watched as the ant was quickly approaching them. "Well... I AM the King of Squirrels, and not the King of Ants... so... I guess I don't know much about them."

Reporter Jim gasped. "Royalty! We will save you kingly being! Come with us!" He grabbed King's hand and began to run, dragging King along with him, Camera Jim rushing after them, pointing the rock back at the ant.

They didn't stop running until they had reached the front yard. Luckily, the deadly ant had wandered off to find any easier meal, and hadn't been chasing them for quite some time. Reporter Jim fell to the ground, stretching out on his back, Camera Jim dropping down a few inches from him. "There." Reporter Jim panted. "Safety, kingly person. The Jims... save the day again."

"Why do you keep calling me that?" King sighed. "Jim, it's ME. King. You KNOW me."

"No." Reporter Jim sat up. "Our King wears a crown and peanut butter-" He hesitated, staring at the peanut butter smeared on King's face and chest.

King smiled. "Yeah! That's ME. I shrunk out of my crown."

"The heinous giants biggified your crown too?!" Reporter Jim gasped.

"Uhm..." King swallowed hard. "Sure." He sighed, not wanting to cause problems with the Jims.

"This just in Jim." Reporter Jim turned to Camera Jim who pointed the pebble at him. "The giants are going around, stealing our most prized possessions. What do they want? Why do then want it? What will stop them?!"

King scooted away a little, looking up into the tree in the front yard, and grinning as he saw a squirrel. "Well uhm... while you guys find out... I have some subjects to say hello too. The squirrels and I are finally on equal footing." With a large grin on his face, he headed towards the tree.

"Perfect. This is too dangerous for the kingly person. You stay safe! We will collect you once we get to the bottom of this!" Reporter Jim declared and then promptly began to cartwheel towards the front steps that lead up into the house. Camera Jim attempted a cartwheel, failed and then crab walked after his brother. They would save the day and make mother Jim proud, even if they couldn't tell her about any of it!

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