Eliza Schuyler X Martha Jefferson

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Remember that Alexander Hamilton X Thomas Jefferson story I wrote?

Well... Martha finds out about Thomas's "little affair" and... Hooks up Hamilton's wife ;)

Requested by: Anonymous




~Story Starts~

Eliza giggled as she spun around slightly. She looked to her husband, a mischievous grin on her lips. "Darling~!"

"Yes, my dearest Betsy?" 

"You seem to having such a good day! Did something nice happen at work?" She questioned, hugging the man around the neck. The redhead chuckled softly, leaning up enough to kiss under the woman's chin.

"Oh, you could say that, darling. Things flew over smooth, and I finished multiple important essays! And for once, Thomas didn't run his mouth for ages."

"Oh, that's great, sweetheart!" She cheered. "Though, with the mention of Mr. Jefferson, I do have one request."

"What is it, darling?"

Eliza fiddled with a letter, glancing up at Alexander with mainly curiosity. She slid him the letter, a cocky smirk on her lips. Behind her, another woman walked in, wrapping her arms around the brunette woman's waist.

Alexander's heart dropped, and his mouth immediately went dry. The way his wife intimately leaned into the other woman, held her hand, and swayed. The slender figure, auburn hair, and hazel eyes of the second woman gave away that this was Martha... Martha Jefferson.

"Eliza, darling, what is this about?"

"Read the letter, Alexander."

Alexander's eyes traced to the neatly folded letter, and he easily opened it.

'Dearest, Elizabeth Hamilton Schuyler,

It has come to my attention that our husbands may have established a private relationship which they only express in the after hours of their work. It sounds hard to believe, my dear, but think about it. Your husband has been returning more "alive" than he usually is, yes? That's because he's been seeking affection from Thomas Jefferson, my "dearest" husband. 

Do not take this as a rumor, darling, for it is the complete truth. I caught my husband swooning over the man while he was playing the violin in his office... Hamilton sitting half-dressed on his desk. I am not accusing them of sexual affairs, only romantic.

You may be wondering, "oh, why am I being contacted about this?"

Well, my darling, I've considered it. My bed has been awfully cold, and I am in dire need of some company. I invite you to my home. I'm not suggesting we do much, I just find a woman's company so much more fulfilling than a man's. Take it from me dear, we'll get along swell... Thomas doesn't have to know, and neither does your Alexander if you desire. I've just got a perfect satin pillow awaiting you, and I'm sure you'll love it.

Your sincerest, and your dearest,
Martha Jefferson'

Alexander looked back up to Eliza, almost entirely shocked. "You-?"

"I hooked up with Ms. Martha, yes. I couldn't help myself, Alexander. I was pissed finding out about your little affair, but Martha settled that anger very fast~..." Eliza giggled, pressing a kiss to Martha's cheek. "She was kind, eloquent, and for heaven sake, she was attractive as all get out. You get your Thomas, and it's fair I get his wife, isn't it?"

Alexander stood up, backing away, pinching the bridge of his nose. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing followed. He turned around and walked out, shaking his head. 

Eliza laughed softly, looking up to Martha. "I expected that reaction from him. He'll probably go and rant to Thomas... His lover man."

Martha chuckled softly, and nodded. "Yes, and I'm sure my husband will have some issues, but... I'm certain he won't complain for too long. He's never been argumentative... He will probably have Madison complain for him, poor guy."

Eliza pulled the woman away, laughing softly. She smiled warmly, sitting on the couch that rested in the living room. "Well, both our husbands are cheaters. I'm aware of the affairs Alexander has had... And I'm certainly aware that you know about Thomas's... Of course, we have each other now..." She smiled warmly when Martha pressed a kiss to her lips, wrapping her arms around the older woman's shoulders.

"Indubitably, my dear." Martha giggled against the woman's lips. She hugged Eliza close, holding her gently in her arms. Martha glanced around at the odd quiet, humming. "Where's your kids, darling?"

"They're in bed. My father didn't have time to watch them this week, so I had them go to bed early." Eliza explained, reaching for a paper that rested on the coffee table. She settled easily against Martha, her head resting against Martha's shoulder. 

"What's that?"

"The evening paper." Eliza explained, looking up to her lover. She pressed a kiss to the woman's chin, perking a brow at a certain glimmer. "What is it?"

"Your dark eyes are so beautiful. I'm sure Hamilton has told you time and time again... But, I truly mean it."

Eliza flushed lightly, a soft grin on her lips. "When Hamilton spoke of it, it was charming... But, there's something about the way your eyes glimmer that just... Make me feel like you're telling the truth... It makes me feel beautiful."

"Because you are beautiful, my dear. You're so sweet, amiable, and you're such a vivacious girl... I adore that about you. I adore you so, so much my sweet, Eliza."

Eliza's cheeks now burned red as she hid her face in the crook of Martha's neck, placing a mosquito-like kiss there. "Oh, you've got me flushed."

"It suits you. I should make you blush like that more often~..." Martha purred, kissing the other's forehead. She giggled, feeling Eliza's arms around her waist. "So protective over me, so precious! Though, really, I should be the one protecting you... You have a young one on the way, don't you?"

"Oh, yes... And if the little one is a girl, I believe I'll name her after her new mama..." Eliza giggled, pressing her forehead to Martha's, meeting her eyes. Both girls smiled and giggled, holding one another closely.

"Oh, but, Elizabeth, your name is so lovely... I think you should name her after yourself."

"Don't be silly!"

"I'm not being silly!" Martha reasoned, pressing a kiss to the younger woman's lips. "If she's a girl, name her after yourself. And, I'm certain Alexander will find a fitting name if the little one is a little fella."

"He may name the child after Thomas-... But I doubt it." Eliza laughed softly. She sat on Martha's lap, apologizing quietly as she adjusted to be more comfortable. 

Martha only smiled at Eliza, so in love with the woman that was there before her. "Oh, Eliza... I love you so much..."

"I love you too, Martha!" Eliza giggled, laying her head on the woman's chest. She rested her eyes, cuddling closely with the other.

Martha leaned back against the couch, just admiring her dear Eliza. She ran her fingers through the brunette's hair, it almost silky to the touch. She exhaled lovingly, soon allowing herself to rest.

It felt nice to be there with Eliza, comforting, warm. Much better than the time she had ever had with Thomas. Thomas never treated her nice, Thomas never seemed to love her fully. It hurt from times, but... Martha found that Eliza was a much better partner than her own husband.

This was nice, this was peaceful.


Alexander huffed as he sat down with Thomas. "Did you hear about what our wives did?"

Thomas perked a brow. "Practically the same thing we did... Why are you upset."

Alexander rolled his eyes, pouting. "I just... Didn't expect it, you know-?"

"Poor thing..." Thomas teased, ruffling Alexander's hair. "Alexander, I'll be honest... After everything that we've done, you should've expected your wife to finally snap. I've expected it from Martha for years now."

Alexander sighed, looking away from Thomas. "I suppose you're right..."

"Of course I am!"

Alexander snickered softly, slapping Thomas playfully. "Don't rub it in you big dumb ass." 


A confusing chapter, yay!

(Word count: 1333)

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